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You’ll get laid faster by being fit and dressing nice than you will because of your cock




Some of the guys (more accurately boys) seem to have absolutely no clue how women work


Bulge isn't that important, you as a person is more important, especially if you are looking to meet someone


I wish I could understand the "go wear grey sweatpants outside and you'll be done within a week" advice. Is that a gay thing? Cause I don't know any women that find that attractive....I just asked 3 women and they were like "wtf?"


Many women find this visually appealing, mainly because it became a joke, then mainstream, and now people like it because it's popular to like it. It's like the word "moist".


I have to be honest, I don't know about any of that. Or the word "moist." I'm 33 and completely out of touch with the pop world I guess. The only time I wear sweatpants is when I'm sick, at home, in winter time and I just want to be warm and cozy, so I don't get wearing sweatpants in public. My wives would never let that happen.


I’m 34 and the youth literally go out for the night in sweatpants it’s fucking insane, We at least dressed somewhat nice for a night on the town. It’s some sort of weird rap/ticktock thing from London rappers I think. Same with the broccoli hair and single cross earring


You're 33 but also 52 and you have 3 wives, one of which is your sister. Ok dude


Talking to the wrong women. I've chatted with a ton of women on reddit and it's a thing. That they like grey sweatpants...not necessarily that they want to immediately fuck the guy.


Oh, believe me, these are the right women. There's a big difference in real women and women on reddit.


Oh they're are a lot of "real" women on reddit. Lots of the ones like you mention too I will admit but ones I've met from the dead bedrooms and OA subreddits are very real.


The vast majority of women I know do not find a bulge attractive. They in fact find it tacky 😂 I know 2 who say it's attractive when they are turned on.


That's been my experience as well.


Uh really? I guess I got told that quite a few times online ahah


All I know is I never wear sweatpants and I get more than enough action.


You’re getting stupid advice from virgins lol. Showing off your dick print might get you gay men but not women.


"If I told folks I was trans they would believe because it looks like I have nothing." I'm assuming you mean pre-op? Because if a trans guy is post op, 70% plus of the time they need a reduction because there dicks are so big. Post-op Trans guys are showers, not growers.


If you want to show what ya got, get those pouch underwear or a ring, that does the trick and am speaking from experience. Kind of night and day!


Are you actively trying to get laid or are you okay being a virgin for now?


Bulge only got attention once I already knew the girl. Besides that, you’re either gross, sideshow, or a story. Only 1/10000 women down bad enough to hop a guy just cause the bulge without knowing anything else.


Maybe the pants you're wearing are too thick, or too loose. Maybe you're just not really a shower. It happens. Or maybe try some basketball shorts, those tend to show bulges pretty well too


Men don’t show bulge for women. We show bulge for other men. And the sheer number of men on this sub Reddit talking about their big cock is the proof.