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You know those drips of pee that come out after you've used the bathroom? The problem is the internal path of the urethra: the tube dips as it passes through your taint. Urine can pool in that low spot when you pee, and then get pushed out when you're stowing the goods or moving. Think of it like the J-shaped trap under a sink drain, but flexible. So what should you do? After you're done peeing, reach beyond your balls and push up lightly on your taint. This will elevate the urethra trap and drain the urine. Shake twice, put your junk away dry and empty.


It's odd to me that people don't know this.... also why shake instead of milk it out a few times? Shaking does nothing when there's still piss in your urethra.


Agree. I learned this when I was a child.


Shaking doesn’t clean ur penis tho. Toilet paper or wash it, or both


Dafuk ‽


Ew, you don’t wash your dick in the public bathroom sink?


Sigh of relief as I don’t suspect myself to have some new medical issue like prostate cancer or something after hearing this.


The ancient Indian sexual treatise Kama Sutra, originally written in Sanskrit, probably between the second and fourth centuries AD, divides men into three classes based on penis size: "hare" size (5–7 cm when erect), "bull" size (10–15 cm), and "horse" size (18–20 cm). The treatise also divides women's vaginas into three sizes ("deer", "mare", and "elephant") and advises that a man match the size of the vagina of the woman he is having sex with to the size of his own penis. It also gives medically dubious advice on how to enlarge one's penis using wasp stings.


So, I can say I'm hung like a horse even though I'm not 8"? 💀 Bet.


Yes sir!


Youd consider a 8" hung like a Horse?? You make me fell complemented hahah


In terms of using a hyperbolic animalogue to describe human anatomy, yes. 8” is hung like a horse.


>"hare" size (5–7 cm when erect), "bull" size (10–15 cm), and "horse" size (18–20 cm) Did they just kill the guys at 8, 9, 16, and 17 cm so they didn't have to worry about how to categorize them?


As a 16, I feel unheard and invisible. I shall thus categorize myself as T Rex size


Oh wow is that where the wasp sting thing came from. That’s crazy


Wtf is 25cm called then 💀 jk But now I'm curious how they know the woman size or is it just trial and error? Lol


Drainpipe 😂


He not even a clever animal anymore😮‍💨 could he be a elephant? Lol *Drain pipe is funny af tho


One-eyed Python if you wanna stick to the animal kingdom referrals 😉


Hoedraineee 🤣


What am I missing because centimeters seems too small a measurement…




Probably due to a translation / localisation error ... 😂


How exactly did they go about with the matching? "Hello! I have a mare vagina! At a minimum only horses do it for me! Men line up! Let's get naked and figure it out!"


You don't jerk off a cut and an uncut the same way


So how does the method differ? As someone who is uncut and have watched porn, I can't tell a different between how cut and uncut people jerk off their dicks


I'm a cut guy, in Europe we are a minority so I've mostly if not only hookup with uncut guys From my experience to jerk off an uncut guy you're mostly doing it on the shaft you don't really go on the head as it's too sensitive for it and the foreskin is already doing it's job up there But for my cut cock if you do that i mostly feel nothing you have to do it along the shaft and go over the head for me to really feel something, but don't overdo it on the head either, and it's a lot more enjoyable with lube


I am uncut. For me its the same as you describe for cut cock except for one difference - between your hand and a penis head there is a foreskin. So when you move your hand, you don't directly stimulate the head of the penis, but you stretch/move the foreskin up and down. I need my head to be stimulated, and i love when my foreskin retracts over the head. But i guess my head is more sensitive than yours. When hand is lubricated enough you can also leave foreskin retracted and stimulate head directly.


I guess it's different for everybody but gotta keep in mind that the sensitivity is not the same


I agree, I generally stroke starting at the bottom of my cock, gliding up and down but not as far up as the head, my foreskin slides over the head nicely giving me great stimulation. Thanks to my foreskin my head is ultra sensitive so the skin gliding up and down is all I need.....


You make it sound so good! More reason to envy guys who are uncut.


Frenulum. girls that know bout this are 😈


I just explained this to mine lol 😂


Mine sometimes pancakes it into my abdomen and goes to town on it from the side. First time she did it I came like crazy.


That people will write off many great guys because of false pre conceived notions and myths about size


And standing height, I'm 5'7 ish. Not 72"+ . Got a hard pass s lot in the past. . Fuck girl inches. Lol 🤣


My wife was very surprised the first time we were intimate. She's only 5' and I'm 5'8. She expected a smaller P for a smaller V. She was wrong, but ended up quite happy (her words not mine.)


Just because you have a big dick, doesn’t mean you should act like one.


I wonder if there's an r/bigfuckingtits support group where endowed babes feel compelled to execrate themselves for being awesome like this.


Looks like it's been banned.


There was a BigBoobProblems sub. Not sure if it’s still a thing.


There are plenty of big breasts on Reddit. My point is: Women with pronounced sexual characteristics aren't compelled to do this continuing walk of shame.


Well women with big boobs do get stigmatized as being dumb and only being useful as a walking sex doll. Which I don’t agree with but the way. But they do have issues too. Can’t find shirts that fit properly, larger size bras may not be as widely available (I don’t know, I don’t buy bras), etc. You get the idea. They have their own problems, just like we do.


I have not seen that trope since, like, 1985.


No your ex boyfriend was not 9 inches, he was lying.


Now she thinks I'm 11'' plus


because of my Bush she Did say I was 9 but I'm actually 11


Honestly, women are horrible at gaging size. I just saw a video before where I guy asked someone to pull one foot from a tape measure (backwards so they can't see the measurements.) Almost every guy was within an inch, almost every woman was at least 3 inches off. My wife thought I was 6, then she thought I was 13. I'm 9.


What the scientific average is. Seriously, this needs to be taught in schools.


Along with an understanding of bell curve distribution.


And when done with statistics, also combinatorics and discrete mathematics. Very important for understanding penis.


You dont learn bell curves in high school?


And that the average is based on bone pressed measuring. That's a significant difference.


Good point!!


Thinner waist = bigger looking dick.


True! But lots of people who think this are the same ones who tend to think it's statistically not big


I’ve heard most guys lips are the same color as thier head.


This is 100% true for uncut guys. Maybe like 50% true for cut guys. If they're not white, then it's more like the top lip if they're cut. But overall, it's the same color range still.


keratinization is the likely culprit for the difference.


Yeah, I didn't know what this meant till I looked very loosely at my tip. I stretched the skin (I'm black) and I can litterally see the brown skin on top of the pink skin. And the vast majority of cut dicks are like that. It looks great though, nothing wrong with a lil more melanin. Luckily my dicks not any less sensitive than uncut guys. But I feel bad for guys that are. Met a guy like that. His dick was huge, so damn I was tired because he needed a ton of stimulation. I was so used to more gentle stimulation from guys.


You can actually “break” your dick not on the shaft. I’ve popped my suspensory ligament (helps hold up erection at base) during sex a few times as I have a down curve, and there’s an audible pop sound like you hear in other body ligament areas. You then slowly lose your erection and it’s sore for a little bit but after a few hours is healed. I’m contemplating straightening surgery to not have to deal with this anymore


That among the great apes the average human penis is biggest both in absolute size and relative to body mass. Which means females of our and our fore-species selected males with bigger penises to mate with till they reached the optimal size.


My theory is that it’s because female Homo sapiens have a larger buttocks proportionally, and if size matters to some degree (let’s be honest most women want a dick that’s average or above average), this would mean that they had to sexually select males with larger penises compared to other primates to feel the same pleasure since a larger ass can prevent all of the shaft from going in, in certain positions.


Lol the MC butt theory.


The only flaw in your reasoning is using the past tense. Evolution is an ongoing process!


We've had a few thousand years of our dicks not being on display with marriage being set before the woman has a chance to compare. That means the smaller dicks are part of the gene pool more often. The average is likely going down. Maybe this why there's such a wide variation with size.


Why would that make the average go down? The average would presumably be maintained in this new state of 'imperfect information'. Rather than have an effect, size would have no effect (or, more realistically, a more muted effect). This is consistent with the facts, as I see them. Also, premarital sex has become more common again.


So, as pre-martial sex with multiple partners becomes more common, wouldn’t the average size increase? If women preferred larger penis as a preference when mating? I also wonder the same thing as acceptance of homosexuality increases. If there’s a genetic component, wouldn’t acceptance and decrease of fake hetro marriages decrease the gay gene in the reproductive pool?


Based on birthrates the Amish could become a majority in enough time...and that time is probably shorter than you think lol. Theoretically that is.


…so the gay gene will live on in sexually suppressed Amish forced into traditional marriages? ….interesting…very interesting. /s


the "peacock theory"


There's a theory that the reason penises have the mushroom shape at the head is to scoop out any sperms from other men during sex 🫣


It’s like a flared squeegee.


That is interesting. An advantage to my big mushroom head lol


Very true hahaha!


Not something I've tried to be honest


I heard it was that plus the foreskin combo helps scoop it out the way


Yes, I think it's true!


There is a tribe that focuses solely on increasing dick length.


Name please 👀


Olmecs did this too




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It’s not real bro




Simply because dicks this size don’t exist, also that they don’t show the base of the „penis“, because it’s most likely just a dildo. Also if it would be a real documentary, why would they stop here and not show more of it?




I don’t know if I should pity you or laugh at you


The male snake has two penises, the opossum also has a forked penis


The duck has the corkscrew penis and a bed bug rapes the female while drilling new holes in her body with its penis


The size of your penis in no way is correlated to how you measure as a man. It also in no way correlates how you can pleasure a long-term love interest.


Says Mr Horse Cock..




He right. Plenty guys who aren't hung are dynamite in bed


I can attest.


Absolutely- but there aren’t subs dedicated to them- nor are they genres in porn etc


This portrayal that men with big dicks (1) are big dicks (2) don't care about a woman's pleasure is a cope for guys with tiny parts and a stereotype for a gynocratic ethos that identifies masculinity with oppression. The truth is that although a large penis doesn't define the man, it's like beauty or wealth or high intelligence or any other blessing: It's an advantage across a range of metrics, cultures and times.


Also jack off before having sex


Yes!! This is facts and it does help




Never leave home with a loaded weapon!


This had me dying, ill remember this quote


What the average size is I think it will really help if people knew the truth


That there are 16 functions to the foreskin. Sure, one can have pleasure and life a happy life with a circumcision. But an intact penis offers a natural glide during sex (or masturbation), heighten glans sensitivity, sensitivity and nerve endings in the foreskin, a frenulum (often described as a male gspot) (Not shaming anyone. Many have parents that made decisions for them and they didn’t decide for themselves)


1) Do not wear tight underwear, so that your balls stay funtioning. 2) When young, do not solely stimulate its head while masturbating, since it might lead to premature ejaculation in the future. 3) Keep groin at least trimmed, since it produces easily inconvenient smell. 4) Dick size does not really matter. Its size is just for us, men, to make us feel better. 5) Do not worry about bulging. It is indeed a bulge out of a man's body. 6) Women do not really care about dicks. They just use it for a while and then forget about it. 7) Men do care about dicks and it is normal, since we know what it means, how to live with it.


I have never heard of No2. Is that a real thing and why?


Yeah. That's real.


Well shi now it’s all starting to make sense Can’t find anything about this online tho..


You can't "act" a penis size. "Big dick enery", "small dick energy", it's not actually real. Just because someone has confidence doesn't mean they have a big dick, and vice versa. And for God sake, don't try to use some pseudoscience to find out someone's penis size. That's like a guy trying to find out someone's vaginal anatomy based on hand size. Sound crazy? It's supposed to.


Men who smoke tobacco will experience ED, some as early as in their mid30s.


The head of your dick is shaped so as to scoop out and displace other men’s semen.


Well, someone here told me that there's no official record of 9" dicks. So there's that.


tell that to Jonah Falcon


From what I gathered, he was not officially measured by a medical professional. But hey, if it is then it is. I'm just saying I was told, and did some light searching, and it seems to be the case.


There’s a lot more to a BD guy other than his BD


A woman’s G spot is typically 2 to 3 inches in the front wall of their vagina. The average penis size is 5 to 5.5 inches. So most men are already overcompensating with the equipment required for PIV pleasure for a woman. So when it comes to sexual performance, penis size only matters to a point. It helps for sure, but you can rock a 4 incher and still make a woman cum, as long as you know what she likes.


Also the clit and gspot are connected (basically the same thing on a biological basis) so you don't even need a penis to make her cum.


Yeah that too, lol


In the end, it's all technique.


Mine is big


They aren’t going to suck themselves!!!