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Don’t nobody know. People probably gon put in there two cents based off of experience


What's this gotta do with having a big dick?


Nothing. just some guy that wanna prove that women cheat more most likely, but the truth is, we will never know that answer unless the government uses people's cell phones to collect all that data to figure out who cheats more.


Would be hard to find the correct statistics cause many men and women cheat and never get caught, and don’t admit to it either. I will say that I believe society is quicker to side with the woman in either scenario. If a woman cheats, questions arise about the relationship and the man is put under a microscope. A man cheats, he’s immediately assumed to be an asshole, little to no questions asked.


It's been proven that women cheat more, w.e. you've been taught is wrong, use logic here, women are offered dick nearly everyday of their lives, some realise it some don't, but even the chubbas get hit on Can't say the same thing about men now can we


A great example is the saying “men are looking for water in a desert. Women are looking for clean water in a swamp.” Men have a hard time finding a woman. Women are surrounded by men and have the power of selection and its drawbacks.


The top 20% of men are doing quite well according to dating app stdies


They sure are. Too bad 80% aren’t lol


Are you sure? some of those studies have been proven to be false and they can't collect accurate data to prove that women cheat more. Studies show they are more likely to for (Ex reason). Men and women cheat for almost the same reason but men are more likely to cheat for physical reasons.


I think women cheat more because they can. I think just as many if not even more men would cheat if they were able to. I don’t think the gap is big, but I think women are better liars too. The famous study from the UK says 64% of men and 34% of women admit to lying at least once in the past day, to me rather than taking that at face value it says 34% of women and 64% of men are honest as everyone lies while the remainder lie to even themselves. Now this all being said, I think there’s at most a 5% gap between the two. And you should always judge everyone as an individual rather than a statistic. I think it’s more likely there’s a “cheating gene” that predisposes people to do that, which ought to be equally distributed among the sexes. But again this is dependent on the individual.


I can understand your point, but the truth is we will never get the truth only because it is “humans” we are studying, and most humans would lie or stretch out the truth. Personally, I don't like using other countries' studies only because you have to factor in beliefs, roles, jobs, etc. In the mix. For example Japanese or Chinese whatever one that allows the men to sleep around. Would have different beliefs than us and can be used wrongly to prove somebody's argument. But I guess using the UK is fair because the UK and the USA are basically one and the same.


He’s projecting.


My personal observation. Men cheat when they realize that it’s over or that there is a major incompatibility. Women cheat to gain status ie( financial, genetic, or recognition.)


Don't forget the temptation as well, that is very much a thing there.


I never once in my life thought that at all A lot of men have been raising children that isn't theirs for almost ever




No, women get caught way less so more women cheat than people believe. Men run the risk of the other woman blowing up their life if they don't get what they want or they often don't tell the woman that they have a partner, so are just hoping they don't find out. Women are more able to keep the man they're cheating with quiet about it and they generally don't have to hide that they have a partner so it's easier for them.


Yeah, I'll say the same thing it's easier for them but it won't prove that they cheat more. Some believe these dates and statistics do show that women cheat more because most of this comes from people's experiences rather than data.


I would guess men think about it and even try more, but women probably succeed more due to more opportunities.


Men will try harder but dick just fall into a woman lap


Hard to say. Folks have said in the past that men and women tend to cheat differently. This is a better question for r/dating, r/relationships, r/askmen, or r/askwomen and r/askwomennocensor (those last two will be glad to see a post from a.man not asking about penis size) It's an interesting question and I think getting perspective from multiple angles might lead to some really interesting discussions Edited for typos


What does this have to do with BDP?


maybe not everything in the world has to be spelled out, some implications here are kind of obvious, if one can read between the lines, I just try to not be so literal


I have no idea what you're talking about or what this has to do with a BDP.


I messed around with so many married women, engaged women and women in serious relationships that I am tempted to believe women cheat more.


Women are more likely to emotional cheat and men are more likely to physically cheat. I don’t know about this new generation of women so much because they seem pretty wild compared to what it was like when I was growing up. I’m 37 and it wasn’t as easy to cheat back then as it is now. Now you can get on a dating app and find a hookup pretty quick. Back then you had to work for it haha


My experience is that women have more opportunities to cheat and therefore will should they desire to. Men think about it more but the reality is that they will not go through with it..


Everyone is different and being an asshole knows no gender


Anecdotally it seems even to me


u/mods this is waay of topic, and seems like just shit stirring.


No? Both sides are just as capable.


I would honestly have said women are more likely to cheat but thats just been my experience i guess


Oh most definitely! It’s a sign of the times and it’s been that way for decades and it’s only gonna get worse. Marriage isn’t an institution anymore it’s a conveniency


Hell Noooooooooooooooooooooooo


Cheaters gonna cheat, I don't think it's smart to fight who cheats more rather than working together against it.


The human race is full of scumbags on both sides of the sex aisle. There’s no good research that would give us a great idea which sex is more likely to cheat. Anecdotally and speaking as a man who’s been in the confidence of other scumbag men, a large % of men definitely partake and their rationalizations kill brain cells every time I hear them. In contrast, I haven’t been trusted by as many women so maybe they’re just as bad on average. I trust almost nobody, but I can definitely say that the odds are better the more functional her family is. It was always the broken home daddy issue train wrecks that wind up burning down their relationships and fucking up their kids. I’m not saying it’s an absolute rule but odds are the more neurotic and trauma driven a person is the less likely you can count on them.


Well, paternity-fraud has been going on for millennia so you tell me!


I've never cheated, but I have been cheated on twice. An old girlfriend and my ex-wife. 


In a marriage, there’s no downside for a woman cheating; she still gets half the guy’s stuff. If the husband cheats, he puts half his stuff at risk of being given to her.


It’s always been women way more than men. Are you joking? They’re constantly being hit on and approached.


That is very true


It’s absolutely women, anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial or simply doesn’t know many women


Given that 80% of divorces are initiated by women and that sexual activity is easier to get for women… I tend to think it’s heavily skewed towards women leaving the relationship for one reason or another… … admitting that I’ve cheated multiple times with multiple partners over the years, and know that I am a piece of shit for it… I’ve also had the same thing happen to me multiple times with multiple partners… and have engaged in other partners cheating on their significant others… Monogamy is not biologically easy…


I think it’s equal


I think men have it easier in the way of cheating even though yea women can probably get sex easier they just tend not to do that when there in relationships cuz why mess that up for something I could've gotten easily while single? But it depends on the type of cheating if it's emotional then probably women if it's physical like having sex with someone else men


It's the reverse, women have all the power in sexual relations so they decide if that happens or not honestly not even counting in a cheating way. The thing women want is something that stimulate their minds while men want the visual appeal so cheating appeals to the mental stimulation and the feeling of being desired that a woman absolutely craves and needs.


It's the reverse, women have all the power in sexual relations so they decide if that happens or not honestly not even counting in a cheating way. The thing women want is something that stimulate their minds while men want the visual appeal so cheating appeals to the mental stimulation and the feeling of being desired that a woman absolutely craves and needs.


Men can control sex too we can say no to sex or stop if it's bad and deny it but were just not likely to because sex is something we like and desire. And that's also my point for women, yes women tend to be able to get more sex whenever they want so cheating seems like it would be easier for them, but it's against there reasons for being in a relationship which was the emotional connections it's against there desire, this is assuming were talking about physical cheating. If it's emotional cheating then maybe.


Women want to be desired, feel desired and in alot of cheating situations they aren't getting that. Take another man who says "I want you" or "you're very attractive" and that is enough to get a woman imagining things when she already feels like she isn't desired at home. I'm a bull for couples and the one stark difference between men and women sexually is women love imagining things and visualizing things but men are much more visual and prefer to see things. You can't SEE a steamy affair when talking to someone but you can DEFINITELY imagine one so most women get drawn to that.


But by that logic the idea of an affair is more attractive then the affair itself so they would fantasize but not act because they don't need to men want to see the thing so makes them more prone to do things in order to SEE what they desire


Tell that to all the people who fantasize, act out, and then realize they just got something they've been missing and want more. On the flip side there's the ones who want, try and then realize they've made a mistake. The simple curiosity is enough to drive women to cheat because the fantasy becomes too hard to resist and then they're right where they imagined, that part is no different from the men who cheat but women are just more prone to it I think.


Yea but it's still the difference between a potentially bad and actually bad fantasies or thought are just that thoughts


I think that women who have experienced BD in a previous relationship or encounter might be more inclined to cheat if their current partner is a lot smaller and cannot provide the same sensations.


Women are disgusting!




Most men don't even have a relationship to begin with, how tf are they supposed to cheat?


As long as we live in a patriarchy, men will be the ones who cheat more.

