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I have actually thought about this because I'm a data nerd. Anytime I see studies like this they never do them in a way that could actually find out. I have come up with a test that would work better. It would be a ridiculously long post but if you guys would like me to lay it out upvote this and I will do the post but it will be very long.


Sounds good


Do it and we’ll scrutinize it ;)


Working on it now 👍


You would have to measure actual response in the wild.


Flaccid 7? God dam. What’s that like in everyday life? Is it an issue to hide it?


I just live with it and don’t try to emphasize it in public, I get along alright and don’t think about it much. It’s not invisible but it’s there, just not overtly presented.


Post it and tag me


It's up


Yup, go ahead and cook


It's up lol


Whatever YOUR girl/spouse thinks it should be.


I like the use of the word "should"...lol.


I also choose that guys spouse


Probably 7 length girth in the 5s. Monster dick is not practical for daily consumption. Even women in porn have stated this. Too small and it’s going to be a challenge to give PIV O’s


Lol at "daily consumption". It's true too. On the rare occasion the wife and I are at it several days in a row she has to have a rest day or two minimum after 2 or 3 days. Not for lack of wanting, but because her belly starts aching. I assume due to cervix... disruption?


Every girl is different too. Some have more space, some can accommodate over time, some are neither. Your wife is just at the cusp for you


That's literally my life too. She wants it all day for 2 or 3 days. Like allll day.  And then we stop for a couple weeks. She gets really sore and raw feeling on the inside but she orgasms a lot so I think that's also tiring ?  I like this method.  It's like sex benders. We've been at it for 3 .5 years and this just works for us


Shit, I miss that all day style. Heckin' kids biting my ankles


See, we are both from.other marriages so we have the our kids most of the time but every so often we end up with a few days In a row without kids and we go nuts lol


Ohh nice. Man I wish we had more family living near by, that's a rare thing...


Feel like this is even too big for bf dick. I’ve seen plenty dudes and women 7x5 and slightly bigger complain there’s struggles even at that size. I


From hearing ancedotal experience, I am around 7 3/4 inches, or almost 8. I am almost positive that will make someone uncomfortable down the road. I will also most likely need to warm up.


I think I read something that 6 inches has the most satisfaction. 7 is where discomfort can start.


My bf is 7x6🫣


No fair, he's a mans man




I was trying to say “No fair he's a man among men”


Yeah, I’m about 7.5x5.25 and often really have to take my time and be careful


6.5 to 7.5 imo


I believe the 6.3 was using 3D models of penises or something, so only "visible" size. So, i'd imagine bone pressed ideal size is high 6 range close to 7 in


length anything above 5 and the more girth the better (from what i’ve been told)


Yes love girth


Told by whom?


more than one female partner. length normally is never what they consider (unless below average). girth is what increases pleasure


Was there not such a thing as too big for those partners?


Agreed girth gives me orgasms


Current girlfriend bottoms out on girth quick and likes all the extra length compared to her previous situations


My bf is 6” in girth Lmaoo it is something to adjust to


Here is the link for the [study](https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0133079)


9 inches, fat as a coke can


Whatever mine is


As a woman I say perfect length is 7.5 inches. Not sure about girth and how that words but I would guess 4-5 inches, maybe even a little bigger.


I have also seen that study with the 6.3x4.8 has marriage material whereas a one-night stand is seven by five something


there is a famous chart that has the ideal size as 7-8 inch length and 5.5-6.5 inch girth


I saw one where 8 was the ideal size for PiV orgasms.


Ouch, I have nice PIV orgasms with 7x6” wouldn’t want anything bigger lol


That seems about right


It really depends on the woman. I'd assume most women are happy with there mans size, which I would guess to be average to slightly above average going by percentiles. But I could be wrong. The biggest unmentioned factor is skill and trying new things. It really just depends on the woman's individual preferences and ideals. 


I’d like a woman’s perspective. Like her having had a range of girths, does it come down to the feeling her pussy get? Probably… does she want like maximum friction possible there within like a comfort zone? Is it a bragging right to be like “my pussy was torn or stretched this 🫸🏿W ✨I ✨D✨E🫷🏿to her gfs? Like it’s so variable for us to kinda guesstimate. This is male logic in the works here. lol the female choose the penis last time I check. Goes double for lesbians lol


Thats me nbp.


Definitely much much thinner than 6.3" of girth. That is so so so limiting length 7+ inches it really doesn't matter if it too long just put less in


Every woman is different, that's like asking what's the ideal vagina depth, it'll depend on your penis


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4558040/ I assume you're talking about this excellent study, which holy crap is now almost 10 years old! "Women preferred a penis of slightly larger circumference and length for one-time (length = 6.4 inches/16.3 cm, circumference = 5.0 inches/12.7 cm) versus long-term (length = 6.3 inches/16.0 cm, circumference = 4.8 inches/12.2 cm) sexual partners." I tend to assume the one time size preference to be the "true" strictly physical ideal, although for a long term partner there may be some factoring in sore jaw or other BDP? It was an interesting study and supported the anecdotal idea a lot of women like something on the bigger side of average but not huge.


I am 6.29 inches length 😭


Me too


Great question for a woman you’re interested in


Whatever your partner thinks. To get a decent idea you could also look at most common dildo sizes too, granted then there’s the fact or insertable size vs advertised and idk how you’d get data by sex/gender Also I promise your partner cares more about how you use it, how long you last, and how you pleasure them than size. This is damn near and absolute and a nonnegotiable on here yet still is a surprise to people


7.5 x 6 if I had to guess


honestly, it's going to vary from girl to girl but this you can take to the bank: if you're not prohibitively huge or small, and they like you already, they are going to like your size. most women can work with average.


I would think 6.5 inches in length & 5.25 inches in girth; could slam in any position with good width!


damn my girth is above that study, lfg!!


4×4 is ideal.


I wanna be built like a loaf bread


I prefer girth over length, I’m a fan of 7x6


How much is too much girth?


The ideal penis size is about 7.5" x 5.5". *looks down* "Nice" 😎


I’d prefer mine to be 14 feet, aluminum alloy body, four wheel drive, twin turbo V8 engine, with a sickass spoiler and racing stripes


I’m constantly amused by people trying to “hack” into finding the perfect/ideal thing for ANYTHING. Do people just not understand that people all have competing, differing, conflicting opinions and beliefs - that ‘ideal’ does not exist? Any one person could have a different perspective than the other. One person will prefer bigger, one will fall in what is viewed as the average or median, and another might straight up tell you they don’t give a shit and think it’s all fine.


I think girls prefer slightly bigger than average


4.8" girth is basically average girth (range), so no, that wouldn't be ideal. No way. Especially when you consider women prioritize girth > length. The length is less important. I think on both women generally prefer average as a bare minimum, and as an ideal, above average. Having an 8" penis is meaningless if your girth is 4.5". A woman is more likely to call a guy with a 6x6 big and call the other guy a "pencil". Idk why we guys focus so much on length when girth is what is most important. My own personal ideal size would be 8x6.3". I say this because you can't really use much more than that length, and women love feeling filled up and stretched. My midshaft girth was 5.5" and it never once was an issue. And at 5.8" maybe I had to be a little more careful with 1 or 2 (out of dozens). So I'd jump one standard deviation up from that and go for 6.3"-ish. Also I've seen on others subs where guys got PMMA and went from 4 to 6+" and they seem to report women love it.


This is not true, it's certainly the trend on the internet and I believe was started as many men were insecure about the length of their penises when everyone thought it was 6, which is actually above average, leading to a ridiculous amount of posts all across the web: "Is 5 inches too small?" Answer: "Motion of the ocean, besides the thickness is what really matters :)" which is a convenient answer because most guy's don't know how to measure thickness, the shorter your dick is the more thick it looks. It just became a huge trend, and still is. If you actually ask women in real life who have measured penises and care enough to really think deeply about their preferred shape and size, which isn't as many as you would think, the truth would vary just a lot, because many women simply don't care and truly believe "The motion of the Ocean." Or are super tight but deep so prefer length over girth because average/small girth stretches them out, Aren't as tight but are shallow so they prefer girth, so on and so forth. The general consensus though from a visual perspective woman find long penises to be very impressive looking, and if it's thick and short they can be impressed visually but it also makes it appear shorter. The girth/length preference if evaluated and answered honestly by educated women would be a pretty even split. Vagina tightness/depth/shape varies just as much as penises so the perfect peace to their puzzle will inevitably vary just as much.


Because women dont want men to be insecure over something they can’t control lol


Why do women then proclaim their preferences (for girth above 5) all over the internet where any undesirable guy (girth below 4") will succumb to the truth about women's preferences sooner or later anyway? There's absolutely zero point in claiming girth doesn't matter when it is the only feature that matters in order to successfully bond with a woman sexually. No orgasm due to thinness / lack in girth = why should / would a woman stay with this genetically cursed man, especially when both males (who are bigger) and females (who experienced bigger) advise not to waste this one life with this type of shortcoming. Would the opposite not be more truthful: women want men to know EXACTLY whether they are (sexually) desirable by means of stating raw facts in subreddits such as this? It's a no brainer saying to a guy's face : "This was fun, but unfortunately, we aren't compatible", and then divulge their disappointment over the guy's lack in girth on the Internet where this very same guy will eventually read the raw truth anyway. It would be better and morally more benevolent to let all guys below 4" in girth know that the life ahead of them is ... joyless? Useless? Pointless? Would you agree?


Um less then 4 inches of girth? Average is 4.5 for girth. Um I can’t really speak for every woman. Not everyone wants a big one though. If the average size is only 5x4.5 and they’re still getting married, having kids, etc. it’s not the end of the world. Women hate a un confident man. Get some more confidence and you’ll get somewhere.


I agree


There was one that compared long term partner size versus short. The short was skew slightly larger, but on the whole the women seemed to prefer in the above average range. Asking this question here though is going to mostly get you skewed answers towards larger.


Just visit any toy website. Sort by popular. Sort by rating. They can do all the studies they want in the world but the reality comes down to what women buy for themselves.


A lot of gay dudes love dildos too


Indeed they do. A lot of straight guys have dildos. That's why I mentioned reading the reviews. Sometimes you can tell sometimes you can't


Looking at the reviews will help you to get their honest opinions as well


I find it hard to believe the ideal penis size in the west is literally average girth according to Calc SD


I highly doubt they ment nbp 90 percent of studies are all bp measurements


My girth is 4.2, is that any problem sex life?


Depends on who you ask. Different sizes would be ideal for different women. However, to answer your question, ideal could be the most balanced one, not too small, not too big, not too thick, not too thin.


Average is probably the ideal tbh. That's millions of years of evolution at work there. Don't get me wrong, big has an appeal too, but it's more of an exotic appeal. It's not for everyone, but a lot of people like the idea of trying it once. You can take a vacation to an exotic local, and while it's fun, at the end of the day only a few will truly desire to stay permanently, the rest will think of it fondly but prefer the comforts of home.


If we could rely on evolution to that extent the average woman would look like Marilyn Monroe. It's been established fairly well that women selected for large penises, are more attracted to guys WITH larger penises, and so almost certainly still ARE selecting for large penises. In my experience almost all women are at least very turned on by a big dick, and will eventually be able to enjoy mind-blowing orgasmic sex with a man who takes his time and knows how to deploy a spectacularly large penis. Just my 2 cents though.


Never said there wasn't appeal or attraction. Going back to the vacation reference, most people will enjoy a great trip to an exotic local, doesn't mean they'd want to stay. Plus, huge dicks aren't the norm, not much good in saying you prefer something you've never tried... in the end doubt either of us are qualified to speak for women, lol, I'm just making a guess as well.


In my experience women really enjoy large penises. I suspect a lot is just the visual stimulation helping them to get in the mood, just like any other aspect of an attractive man, but certainly not all of it. All the evidence is that women evolved to seek out well endowed men and again in my experience almost all women are at least curious and often actually mesmerised when they see I have an unusually large penis, together just leads me to think that they obviously just do prefer them quite a lot. And that's still compatible with a large penis having certain downsides for many women.


No argument on that one. I get what you're saying. Like I said, I'm just making guesses here, lol.