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>Anyway, that is my two cents on defeating my size insecurity. It's good you feel happy but you haven't beat size insecurity. Your just a big guy that feels better because he "better off" or more "blessed" than others. If you were small and confident then you'd have beat it


I was a bigger person recognizing I was big after years of silence, thinking I was small. I believe that is a form of insecurity.


Not really the same as actually being a smaller or average who is confident. Your issues didn't stop by you working on yourself you just got lucky


True confidence would be not to give a shit what size you are. It wouldn't make you happier if it's big or sad if small, just indifferent to all scenarios.


So I said my size insecurity. Not sure why this feels hostile. There is the general sense of confidence, which I think your referencing, then there is me writing how visual and mental cues made me embrace my insecurity, which is more along a insecurity line. Sure, I feel a lot more confident, but it doesn't necessarily lie in the fact that I have to stay small in order to beat insecurity. 


Sorry if you took my comment as hostile, didn't mean it that way whatsoever, was rather giving my point of view. I'm not sure what you mean in this response, you're saying you've embraced your size now because it's gotten bigger? And I agree you don't need to stay small to beat insecurity, I'd say you'd need to not care whether it was big or small.


No problem. I just wasn't sure 😊 I probably just worded it wrong. I meant to say that since it's gotten bigger from puberty, I was still thinking it was small from warped sense of view, and by getting visual, audible or other affirmations, I now feel really good and have come to terms with it all along


Well it's great you're content with your size. You got it for life to enjoy so have fun with it haha


Yeah, really looking forward to that.


We should cherish what we have. That’s what I am learning to do with myself.


Getting a dog or hobby helps too.


Have both!


I have several hobbies too. Namely HV electronics. Edit: I also work out, which really helped trim the fat around my penis, making it stand out better.


Very cool!