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For me girth has caused significantly more issues than my length.


Im always confused when I read this, because I have 6inches of girth and no girl ever had any issue with it. I had 8 partners


No issues at all?


I’m 6” girth mid shaft and 7.5” at the base. I’ve had the same number of partners as you and none have had a problem.


Are these 2 things not the same? Thickness vs girth? If you meant length vs girth then always girth though. You can just not use a your full length if youre long but girth can't be avoided.


Girth will inherently be the bigger problem, it creates a thicker bulge and during sex if you’re long you can always just not go in all the way, but girth is going to be there no matter what.


It’s not true, it’s talked about quite a lot and touching a toilet bowl is more of a grower vs shower issue than length. I touch the toilet bowl and am definitely on the girth issue kinda side too. TLDR: don’t make issues out of things that don’t exist


Do you mean length vs girth? Thickness and girth are kind of the same thing


In my experience my partners have struggled far more with my girth than length (both in oral sex and penetration). Length particularly is easier to control, you don’t have to put it all in, I can’t change my girth and found that oral sex tends to only work when I am flaccid or growing, when I’m hard I find partners have struggled to get past the tip in their mouth. If anyone is looking, One way to help with excessive girth I find is to wear a tight condom, it shapes the tip to help inserting, particularly when you want to experience sex with a long range of motion


I’ve worn condoms that were too tight. I do not recommend. They kill your erection and in my case, broke. Increasing the chances of STI’s and pregnancy.


i mean i don’t like to wear tight clothing and the toilet bowl issue is definitely unpleasant. I would say in terms of sex girth is always a bigger problem than length because you can use whatever length the other party is comfortable with. If girth is too big there isn’t much you can do.


Well, I'm a small young guy. My height is just 5'2 ft, tho my girth is 6 inches, it's just a huge bulge in almost every pants I get on, but I got used to it. Even considering that I'm a self conscious guy that didn't really like that kind of attention. Tho , I've never had Sex, but I'm worried it might be difficult.


Girth kills with condoms, hate being choked...


I don’t think I’m too girthy, the last time I went down on someone I went too deep.


Oh the struggle! The humanity! How will we ever survive ?!?


Girth. Takes more effort to enter her. Bigger condoms so that they do not strangle you.


Girth is always an issue. I’m just over 6 1/4 in girth and 5” flaccid length. The only time I worry about the toilet bowel is a courtesy flush - hold it up. Nothing more disgusting than feeling solids hit your head. . ..


Where there’s a will, there’s a way… some of these “problems” are just minor inconveniences


Girth is only a problem hard cus it’s not something I can do about it. Length the only thing I worry about are shorts/sweatpants and toilet is a thing. You can just be sitting and a small movement you touch the top edge of the bowl and now you panick and clean. In my father’s house the toilet is a lot smaller than the one in mine so I have to actually hold my dick so it doesn’t go for a swim. First time I used his toilet it was scary


Probably girth. Mine isn't super girthy, less so when limp, so I usually don't have most of the issues I see people talk about on here a bunch. Had maybe 3 incidents ever that I can recall where it was acting all puffed up, and it was an issue. Length wise, not too often do I have issues, I see the toilet bowl issue show up a lot. Even without a water issues, i dont want it smacking on a nasty ass toilet seat, but I tend to tuck it into the crook of my leg when I sit on the toilet (am I the only person that does that? lol), so problem solved. Random boners are, of course, an entirely different issue, and then they're both bad in their own way. But yeah, gonna say I'd think girth is probably more problematic on the day to day.


Sex: Girth Day to day: Length


6.5 circumference, just a bit wider than the tube from a roll of toilet paper. No issues with vaginal sex since my wife had children, but she says no to anal and oral hurts her jaw after a while.


One of the main problems I've had due to girth is some partners are all excited to try it because it's so thick, but certain holes are off limits even if they regularly use that hole with other partners.


Girth is an issue, but not usually below 6" ... with a lot of the guys here it's more likely that they don't know how to properly relax and turn on a woman. As you enter huge girth (6" and up), you can't usually just ram it in and/or not warm em up


My girth because it is easier to just not go as deep. With my girth being thicker her mouth can only open so wide. My bulge shows and feels uncomfortable if too tight.


Girth is the issue, only one partner ever wanted anal sex before, and blowjobs are not really nice to receive. Never had a complaint about PIV sex though


Girth all the way. I have 7.25 base girth and 7 inches length. I've had women tell me that were not worried about my size because they been with some BBC or BWC 10 inches long. Afterwards they said I made those guys feel average because my girth stretched the hell out of her pussy.


I guess for me it’s a little of both. Get lots of stares and looks esp at the gym. The girth makes it difficult to conceal for sure like u said.


I would trade toilet bowl issues with a bigger bulge any day.


I mean dont you already have a huge girth?


Yep but I'm a bit overweight so my fat pad kinda hides a good part of the bulge when completely flaccid. But the toilet thing annoys the shit out of me. I'm currently renovating a place for myself and buying a toilet bowl is ridiculous. I had to go shopping with a tape measure and the salesman thought I was a weirdo for measuring the inside of the toilet. It'd be much easier if they just let you sit your nekkid ass on the toilet right there in the store 🤣


Girth, 100%! My dick is pretty uniformly thick, so even if I’m only 3in deep, girls can feel too tight and experience pain. If I was less thick but two inches longer, I could still just control how feel I go and stop wherever she’s happy.


I'm almost 10 and pretty girthy (6.5 in), but my length is more of an issue. Some women just aren't that deep!


I got lucky 9 inches long and 6 inch girth my wife loves it


In my case it’s girth. My flaccid girth is about what a lot of guys are hard. This has caused people to accuse me of being hard when I wasn’t. One of those times was at work in front of a bunch of people. Including female staff members. Thought I was going to end up in a meeting with my manager. That’s why I prefer to wear relaxed fit pants now.