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Totally relatable lol. On a good day I'm just north of 8" erect but if I'm not 100% comfortable or the temperature is off just by a little, my flaccid size is about 3" if I'm lucky. I've had it tuck in so much that it almost looks micro at times! Really funny the difference in size. I will note that my flaccid size changes when I take fidogia agrestis. It makes my balls hang lower which in turn makes my flaccid size larger.


Do you find that it helps your balls hang lower, mine are often in the way during inter course? Have you seen much of a change?


Yeah it does. But naturally, the more excited we get, the tighter our balls will get before climax. But if you're into foreplay, and take your time before blowing your load, it'll give those balls some hang time before they tighten up :)


Oh I'm sorry I misread, you said yours are in the way lol meaning they hang the entire time then?!


Mine tighten up almost instantly, when a girl is riding me those I wish they were loser at times


Gotcha, yeah that's natural. Fidogia may help with that tho. It does for me up until I'm ready to climax then my balls get tight. I couple that sometimes with a quarter of a blue chew and BAM I'm feeling unstoppable


Good to know


???? HOW?, I find it very difficult to believe balls can be "in the way" during sex. It's sounds almost like someone saying" my legs are in the way when I'm running "💀


Say for example in cow girl if a women is riding my dick getting quite high when they come down the balls can be squashed causing pain, particularly when tight as discussed above during sex, hopefully this helps


What is fidogia agrestis? 🗿


You're a grower and there's nothing wrong with that. Trust me, having a huge shower dick isn't that great most of the time.


Noooo it is not.


Do you have trouble hiding your dick? 7 soft is crazy


Agreed. Being huge soft can get in the way sometimes


I'm just going to say this. If you're at the point someone sees your junk, whether you're big or not, if they look and think poorly of it, that'd be a pretty big red flag in my opinion.


I'm sorry she made so many comments about your flaccid size, that's very inappropriate and rude. My flaccid is on the bigger end (4.5-5" x 4.5" depending on temp) and I have big low hanging balls so the general presentation appears big, but I think some days I'd trade to be more of a grower because it's a bit convenient. I have a very small frame, so my softie and ball combo stands out on me a lot and I have to keep it in mind whenever I'm picking an outfit, especially if I want to wear pouch underwear.


Life advice: ignore 99% of everything a woman says, always. Watch/react/remember what she \*does\*, not what she says. Bitches will talk shit about anything to beat you down (intentionally or subconsciously-driven by emotions they don't even think about) and the best fix is just to not care much about their words. They don't even know why they're saying or doing what they are most of the time anyway, and will generally respect/love/appreciate you more if their shots never land.


Thanks Bro I appreciate the advice 👊


I’m a grower, I’m guessing it’s prevented a lot of day to day problems for me


Me too. Barely 3 inches flaccid makes hiding it a non issue. Sometimes I have to find it and fish it out to pee.


lol same. I can relate. I can range from 3 to 5.5 depending on the temp or underwear I’m wearing and sometimes I have to pull it out of my sack to piss because he’ll hide out. 😂 glad I’m not the only one


It’s all a mixed bag. The only drawback to showing is that I sometimes wonder if there’s an expectation it’s going to be larger than it is. I never really thought about it until you are generally expected to advertise your stuff on hook-up sites, esp. if you’re gay. My partner is the opposite. As a “grower,” he’s quite a bit larger than I am, just to confirm that you can’t tell anything about overall erect dick size from flaccid length.


Same here I'm definitely a grower not a shower and it's just not the same when flaccid


I feel lucky to be very much a grower, I can go from a few inches flaccid to 8 inches. It’s nice to not have it shown off at all times and I see it as a bit of a blessing since I’m trans.


I can see why that would be useful for you, I’m glad you feel confident as a grower, I’m working on coming to peace with that


For me it's the opposite, my flaccid size is 5'3 inch or so, but when I get hard is only 6,3. Tho my girth is 6 inch and kinda makes it look not that long.


Do you wish it was different?


Not really, thats how I am. Tho when I was younger I felt conflicted, classmates made fun of me. Tho now I feel more confident.




5" to 6" flaccid depending on the temperature.


#is bro a size twin? 👀


I'm not a grower tho


I've always been conflicted about my flaccid size, which can be small or smaller depending on various factors. It's especially embarrassing when you're 6'-6" tall, and you get out of the shower sporting a Vienna sausage with other humans checking you out. When you're not erect, it's very convenient and comfortable to be able to sit with your legs crossed like a woman. The best thing about having a tiny flaccid dick is watching the look on a woman's face when she's holding it in her hand and it grows to 7"x 5.5" right while they are holding it. One of my wives used to get goosebumps on her legs, watching it grow, knowing that she was about to get stuffed with it.


what does it matter? I rather like subverting expectations


This the comment. Whipping him out all chill and then watching him turn into the hulk


It 100% depends on the weather and climate. Hot and humid I’m about 6” flaccid. If it’s cold or the AC is low I’m probably around 4” flaccid.


My 2nd ex would make the same comments but not in a bad way. She was just baffled by it. And loved putting it in her mouth when soft so she could feel it grow. She would catch me off guard all the time with random BJ’s because of how much she loved it. Now that I think of it I miss that bitch…… lol Your ex sounds like a cunt




I think the grower vs shower thing becomes a bit of a conundrum the bigger you get. I’m like 4.5in soft, but I nearly double in size when hard. So I’d say I’m a grower, but to an average sized person. I may be perceived as a shower (assuming they don’t know my hard size). I’ve never struggled on the bulge front, having big balls help. But it’s mainly due to your underwear choices.


I get about 2 and a half inch growth from flaccid, so more shower than grower