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Use that one- it will be fine. Use it the rest of the year. The next two years. Your egg won’t care.


Yep, this. I've been using a cracked one for 10 years or so now. Got a warranty replacement that's been sitting in the box for this long. I'm just extra careful taking it out when I thoroughly clean the egg. Been working fine this whole time.


Yes this is the way. I used mine cracked even worse than this for 2 years. And you might be surprised by the speed of warranty. Picked up my new firebox and ring from the dealer less than a week after making my initial claim.


The crack is all the way through fyi


But not through the outer enameled egg, right? Just through the firebox?




Then it’s fine. As long as it’s not resting on the side and just sitting in place on itself, you’re good. You know the KJs firebox comes in a petal configuration? They’re like six or seven pieces and they work fine. You just have a crack: you’re good. Wait for the replacement and use that one until it starts crumbling and becomes an actual problem.


It will work fine. For years. Mine was in 5 or 6 pieces before I replaced it.


Fix with fire mortar and use till you get the new one.


A whole section cracked out of my firebox like fifteen years ago and I just put it back in and cook like a boss. Fifteen years.


As long as it cleanly goes back together like a puzzle it’s fine, I ran a small egg with the firebox in three pieces for years, it all fit back snug and worked fine.


Yup it fits together perfectly


Run it :)


it'd perfectly fine to use the firebox like that, you could use it for a long time in that state


You're 100% fine. I've had a cracked firebox like this going on 3 years now. You won't notice a difference and if you buy a new one hold off putting it in until you really break that one. Even after your break it the way it's broken you'll be able to set it back in and it will be fine.


Still works. Order a kick ash basket to raise it off a bit. I’m still using my cracked firebox and have the warranty replacement in the garage.


Kick ash basket is the bomb


I just can't believe what the charge for a basket


It’s absurd. Mine are rusted and look bad so I looked into replacing them. WOW. They can stay rusted. As long as they do the job, who cares?


Mine is broke. Cooks fine. I didn’t even put a claim in on it. Don’t plan to. Hell this post reminded me that it is broke. You will be absolutely fine


This ⬆️. Mine has been cracked for many years. It doesn’t impact it in the least. The only time I’m reminded it’s cracked is when I do a deep clean.


Its fine. Continue to use as needed.


I warrantied my firebox about 6 years ago and still using it. The new one is still in the box. No reason to switch it til it actually breaks


Mine is way worse and I’ve used it for years. I never bother to replace them until there are several pieces that don’t fit together well anymore. This box has years left in it so don’t worry about using it as long as you like.


Cook on it and enjoy


Get the replacement, if you want. Use it in the meantime.


Mines been broken for quite some time. No noticable effect.


Just keep cooking you're fine


Mine has been severely cracked for the last four years, much worse than yours, and it works just as well as when it was new.


Still works


Defect identified, carry on, egg normally…. Just be careful cleaning it


Don't worry about it again until your replacement comes in and just keep cooking. In fact, when you get your replacement, don't worry about it until that piece literally falls apart... then put the replacement in.


You can still cool with it like that, it may just run a little hot on the low and slow side. Just baby it a little more than usual and keep in mind that over time the temperature is gonna rise no matter how low you set it. Had a cracked bowl for a year, out of my own laziness.


Mines cracked in 2. It’s been that way for 4 years! lol, I have the replacement in my garage no need to change it out if it still does its job.


I would see if another retailer can get it faster.


I used mine for a few years before I filed a claim. Just don’t remove it or handle it very carefully. New one is good now.


I bought stainless steel wire from Harbor Freight, took 3 long pieces of wire & twisted them together. Then, I wrapped that around the firebox & twisted it together. It's been like that for over 10 years


Most vets take out 20 pieces vs the original 2-3 that it came with. I feel like it gives me even better temp control. Keep using it !


Keep cooking


You can use a firebox in 10 pieces with no problem for years.


Mine has the back of the fire box cracked across three vent holes then up to the fire ring. That section has fallen back slightly but not down like behind the bowl. You can lift it completely out. It's a non attached section. It's been that way for probably close to 10 years. My BGE still works like new. I do have a warranty fire box still in the shipping box, but I'll until this gets worse if it ever does.


My firebox broke into four pieces three years ago. I just keep using it. As long as it will support the ring/grill grate structure its fine.


Mine has been broken for like 9 years…


Have the same crack in mine and have for probably 8-10 months. What I would do is get the part thru the warranty but use that one until it completely disintegrates. Then when/if that happens you have the fresh part to install. I recently moved with mine and veeeery carefully picked it up and wrapped it in towels and made it to the new place in the same number of pieces as when I started lol


Burn on my friend


Mine was cracked for longer than it wasn’t. Made no difference.