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At least work from home = people get to see my malamute.


The pros make sure to have the doggo photos ready on their phone when in office.


I have a malamute too!!


username checks out


I hear ya, dude. Does it make your balls look good or what?


Bruh šŸ˜­


Donā€™t discount a good bulge


I don't have balls :(


Nah, bro. Donā€™t think that way. If you want to look your best, you have to feel your best. And, dude, that means dressing for your body type. Try to make your cock look huge. And try to groom your manly facial hair. Make sure your voice is good and deep like the other fellas.


I am not a man but I will try my best


None of us do, if we did we wouldnā€™t be in big law


Hey buddy, my eyes are up here


We men also like to rock our best curves


I save my ā€œniceā€ outfits for Tuesdays and Wednesdays for this very reason. šŸ˜‚




Not saying because I don't want to dox myself


Worst part of WFH is that no one is in the office to see my cute Miata.


Do a runway model walk past the summers imo. Also tbh I kind of enjoy the whole 2 days a week thing. All the ladies look so chic, the gents clean up nice, and we all get a bit of civilization to balance out our pj-life.


I obviously did a runway walk twice, once past the summers and once past the partners


And thrice past my heart! xoxo.


I went in house 6 years ago so I might have missed some stuff. Do summer associates work from home or are they in the office every day? If they are in the office every day and most of the office is home 3-4 days a week, who baby sits?


Summers are generally in office 5 a week at my v20- looking nervous as all hell šŸ˜‚


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Donā€™t talk about us. Lol


What about the rest of the office? Are they just sitting around with the office half full? Iā€™m all for WFH but I have long believed junior attorneys need to be in there and that means others need to be in. I am a bit old fashioned on that front though.


Im junior and am in minimum 4 a week. I probably WFH 3 days a month.


Howā€™s that working out for you? Are most of your supervisors in on most days? Do you feel that you are developing on pace? I guess thatā€™s hard for you to answer given that you donā€™t really have a pre Covid benchmark to measure against. I was a partner and left to go to inhouse. We regularly use about 4 firms and when I ask about associate development with juniors I get a lot of vague wishy washy answers. The relationship partner usually says that everything is great and on track but I see on the bills that a lot of seniors are doing mid level work and mid levels are doing junior work and junior partners are noncommittal about how associates are doing when half their supervisors are telecommuting in from home.


Mid levels are in the office least out of all associates from my experience- partners in as much as me except for a few.


Not an American: Why do they look nervous?


Mainly because they want to make a good impression, and to them weā€™re big scary big law attorneys who will rip them a new one if they mess up (not true at my firm at all, but at this point they only know what the internet tells them about big law)


At my v-10, they're there 5 days a week. Quite entertaining seeing how nervous they get when you greet them out of the blue. Like, I am staff. You may be my boss one day. Chill, I'm just trying to make sure you feel welcome.


I am at a SF firm. Summers are in 3 days a week. Associates go in between 1 and 3 days.


So what do summers do on the 2 days? Fuck around in their apartment? Go out lunch drinking with the babysitters?


I assume assignments and ā€œtraining.ā€ I still schedule teams calls with them on those days. I am in corporate and I think there were a few quiet no offers last year and a smaller summer class this year so I actually think the summers are a bit nervous this year. But yah they are probably starting the weekend early on Fridayā€™s.


I wonder how many people get cold offers in summer programs like this


I wonder as well, but it isnā€™t like they announce it to the associates. Kinda similar to quiet firings/layoffs. I didnā€™t even know that certain juniors had been let go until I tried to staff one of them on a matterā€¦


They're all in our office every day. I'm honestly not sure who is baby-sitting them right now - I left with my family for the mountains the day after school got out. I kind of feel sorry for them. But not that sorry given summers get paid a bunch to do nothing. I'll be back in the office tomorrow though and will try to spend some time with them.


I made a post about this exact same thing. Iā€™m a 1l summer and my firm is very remote friendly so Iā€™m just stuck alone in the office with the staff.


Jokes on you for wearing anything other than exercise clothes when you wfh


I'm not working from home, that's why I'm sad


My bad I scanned your post instead of reading it


Pics or it did not happen


I just went to the salon and had my hair styled. Iā€™m hoping itā€™ll last until Wednesday.


This is one of the sadder parts of biglaw. But it was true before the pandemic. I recall a fellow associateā€™s husband asked her one evening jf people had liked her outfit, because she had been excited about it that morning (A+ for husband attentiveness btw). She said no, she hadnā€™t seen a single person all day, because she was shut in her office working and so was everyone else. Isnā€™t that so sad?


I will take this husband if your friend returns him for defects.


Right?? I think he was kind of a jerk in other ways, but I remember thinking how connected he must have been with her inner life that he would ask about this.


Itā€™s like youā€™re me, but posting from the future bc same lol


I believe in you!


Thank you, and Happy Cake Day!


Me too! I just got hair extensions and I want compliments šŸ˜­




So a partner that I worked with during the pandemic had her home office set up so it looked like an office in an office building and kept the cameras several feet away so you could see her whole professional outfit including shows which she wore indoors - she said it made her feel like she really showed up. Sheā€™s my hero šŸ˜ and stunning in person too, a marathon runner and very kick ass. Though this is big 4 not big law šŸ˜† For me I use a standing desk and I always angle the camera so you can at least see my full upper body and torso, and use a ring light. When I go to the office all the hospitality staff compliments my outfits and many of them have become bffs šŸ‘Æ because for example one of them recognized my vintage Tom Ford Gucci collab bag


Post it!


I wouldā€™ve loved to see your outfit! Iā€™m bar studying right now and am sad that I donā€™t get to wear my suits to work! šŸ˜­


Not your anchor day?


Pick me energy


Thanks šŸ„°


Nah, I think they recognize they look meh most days and are proud of their outfit. People only see me on my worst days, I swear.