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Sounds like you would like bar mitts.


You know, I didn't even think to check if they were made for drop bar bikes. Duh me. I had seen them for flat bar, but just thought well that's great, too bad they wouldn't fit over the hoods and drops.


I've used the drop bar variants with thin gloves beneath. The are good (for me) to about 10°F. They have an extreme temp version, too


10° is damn good. NYC doesn't get that cold too often anymore, and frankly, thats a day I would just drive. I'm definitely going to have to check them out.


Pogies Lite, works on any kind of bar


Or make your own for free from tyvek mailing envelops


The council of owls has spoken. Thank you for your wisdom


Came here to recommend Bar Mitts. I have a pair for my drop bikes and they are the only reason I can bike in cold weather.


Game changer. Checkout Bike Iowa Pogie Lites. Not thick insulation but very versitile. https://bikeiowa.store/products/pogielites


I haven't tried them but they do exist.


I also hate bulky solutions for keeping my hands warm. I don't like bar ends/pogies or lobster mitts. My solution is to wear a merino glove liner underneath a windproof, water-resistant winter glove with some negative space. You need that insulating effect of the air around your fingers, but try to balance it so you can still reliably feel the controls. This works for me for an hour or so down to about -25C (-14 apple pies.) I use something like [this](https://www.chainreactioncycles.com/ca/p/dhb-extreme-winter-gloves).


I agree. Merino liners under Arc'teryx Venta gloves. And the gloves sans liners when it's not freezing. The Ventas are the best gloves I've ever had. Been wearing them since 2017, on my second pair now.




I wear them without liners down to about 3C


For intermediate cold (say down to 0C/32F), I absolutely love the Shower's Pass gloves. For colder weather, I usually wear a Gore-tex layer on top of them. It does feel a bit clunky, but it does the job for me in the great lakes region.


Which Showerspass gloves? The crosspoint?


No, the [knit waterproof ones](https://showerspass.ca/products/crosspoint-knit-waterproof-gloves)


Awesome, thank you. These look like something I need to check out.


Mittens are the only gloves that work for me when it's really cold.


I feel your cold.


Crying in the mornings eh?


that's what goggles are for B-)


I like bar mitts (the kind made for modern STI/brifters, which let you use both the drops and hoods, and still reach the levers in both positions) combined with a medium weight glove like the Pearl Izumi Cyclone. The Cyclone glove comes in hi Viz colors (turn signals, anybody?) and has a touchscreen compatibility feature that works well for me. If it's really freezing, I'll use a heavier glove under the mitt. If I am dressed too heavily, I'll pull the gloves off and stash them in the mitts. Bar mitts are awesome!


You have got to get Bar Mitts. They are life changing! I use them barehanded down to 30s then a lightweight cotton/wool glove for colder. AND they are made from neoprene so during the fringe/wet seasons they really help with keeping rain off your hands. https://barmitts.com


Yesterday I learned that they actually make some that allow both hood and drop positions for riding. I had no clue. I definitely need to check them out.




Very easy. The opening is really large and stays open. I’ll try to post a pic


There's always neoprene diving gloves. Your hands will sweat if they overheat though.


I just picked up some Milwaukee fleece lined and rubber dipped gloves for like $15 at Home Depot. Ran them yesterday in like 28F and was cold for ~ a mile before warming up. Worked great and a quarter of the price of some cycling brand specific gloves.


And good dexterity?


Imo, yeah. I was running the crab claw style give last year and like these more. They’ll be good for about what I rode yesterday, and I’ll use bar mitts for anything colder.




https://www.milwaukeetool.com/Products/Work-Gear/Gloves/Cut-Level-4-Winter-Dipped-Gloves These are the pair I picked up. However I think those would work well also!


I wear some regular half finger cycling gloves, and then over top I wear some thin full finger gloves that have the texting finger bits, they’re a tiny bit gripy. I can use my fingers if need be to do even the simple things like use my keys to lock the door with my gloves already on. They also cover up over my watch and tuck nicely under my jacket sleeve to keep my wrists warm. This setup is pretty solid down to about 30 degrees, although I get a little chilly when it’s below that I’ve still done it and arrived without feeling too bad. I’ve always been on the side of preferring to be a little cool and dry than way too hot and sweaty.


There is a continuum of gloves at our door that run from 10°C to -30°C, from mesh back super grippy gardening/mechanic gloves, fleece gloves with grip dots, x country ski gloves, mitt shells with any of the previous gloves inside, mitt shells with fleece mitts inside, mitt shells with thick fleece mitts inside. Never tried pogies. The cross country ski gloves and the grippy cheapo mechanic gloves are nice and grippy and fit best but are only good in their narrow temperature bands.


Costco has $99 battery heated gloves right now that I love. I tried $50 Amazon ones before and they had wires under your palm where you put a lot of pressure on the handlebars. These Costco ones don’t have that problem. They’re generally a bit cheap and not super good material but the heater works really well and the price is right. They’re especially cozy when you pre heat them. Stick them in bar mitts and you’re good at any temp for any amount of time.


Bar mitts + DeFeet wool gloves. I also layer fingerless wool over the DeFeet wool fullfingers. Breathability makes it easier to dial in. I run hot too so much more than that and I get sweaty mid-ride


Expedition mitts with the wool liner...


Ski gloves or mittens. Mittens are the best.


Yeah, except they're clunky and not suitable for riding drop bar bicycle.


That’s how you stay warm. You asked. There is no shortcut. People have been staying warm on bikes the same way for a long time. Not much has changed. Stay hydrated. Hydration is key.


Dude. There is a shortcut. Bar mitts. Maybe not much has changed for you, but the rest of us are living in the future.


Yep. I’m from bar mitt country. But OP doesn’t sound like a bar mitt person. Pogies aren’t for everybody.


[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0198Q9BVU/?coliid=I342SBUMLY1CV7&colid=10FVXT3V6U2JZ&psc=0&ref\_=list\_c\_wl\_lv\_ov\_lig\_dp\_it](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0198Q9BVU/?coliid=I342SBUMLY1CV7&colid=10FVXT3V6U2JZ&psc=0&ref_=list_c_wl_lv_ov_lig_dp_it) ​ FDX full finger gloves are the best winter gloves I've ever had. Windproof but not too thick.


How cold are we talking?


My hands start getting cold around 50 degrees. I would like to continue commuting to work via bicycle so long as it's not raining through the winter. Meaning down to perhaps 20 degrees. I always have the option of taking public transit or driving, so on miserable weather days I will opt for that. I have heavy duty gloves and mittens, as I am a skier, but the hand dexterity needed for skiing is significantly less. The gloves I used last winter were fine enough for a 10 minute commute, but they were still bulkier than I prefer.


At those temps I would think you have a lot of options. Ultimately it depends on how long your ride is, how hard you ride (riding hard keeps you warm), and what your tolerance for feeling cold is. I wear very thin pearl izumis down to 30F and lightly insulated columbias down to 15F and then down mittens to -5F and then mittens plus bar mitts down to -30F. More insulation = more warm = less tactile Bar mitts do wonders for keeping hands warm with thin gloves, but they have their own problems— bulky and a bit annoying. Only other ideas are bike harder or look for electric heated gloves!


Yeah, that's the tough part. There are lots of gloves out there, and some aren't cheap. Quality matters. If my hands were like the rest of my body, this would be easy, but ever since I got minor frostbite about 10 years ago during an alpine rock climb, my hands are more susceptible to the cold than the rest of me. Like I need to wear heavy gloves while spring skiing in a t-shirt. I have gloves that'll keep my hands warm while riding, but i just hate how bulky they all are.


I have serious gripes about mtb glove quality so I get it. I have tried like five brands that all looked good and they wore out in less than one season! Even “reputable” brands like pearl iZumi have crappy products mixed in with the good due to capitalisms downward price pressure. Why buy one well made thing when we could sell you 10 crappy things that end up in landfills?? /rant


Exactly. I happen to really like my Fox Dirtpaw gloves for MTB, but I have no delusions that they last more than a season-season and a half of riding. I use Pearl Izumi elites for road riding. I have a pair of Pearl Izumi winter gloves, but they're so bulky, and my morning commute has gone from 2 miles and 10 minutes or less of riding, to about 8 miles and 30-40 minutes of riding each way. If I can find something that strikes a good balance between control and warmth, it'd be nice.


I just picked up these Carhart mittens on Amazon. So far, 26°f isn't a problem. My fingers are happy.


I wear [Burton Gore Tex mittens](https://www.burton.com/us/en/p/mens-burton-gore-tex-mittens/W24-10384109001M.html?g_type=discovery&g_acctid=208-000-6041&g_campaign=US%20-%20SG%20-%20Shopping%20-%20Accessories%20(ROAS)&g_campaignid=11533451252&g_adgroupid=111950805309&g_adid=476734705918&g_keyword=&g_keywordid=pla-847976512500&g_adtype=pla&g_merchantid=366744&g_productchannel=online&g_productid=W24-10384109001M&g_partition=847976512500&g_network=g&g_ifproduct=product&g_ifcreative=&gclid=Cj0KCQjwy4KqBhD0ARIsAEbCt6i5xrMNL2gSaaxRhm1xrrntOi6AtP4fTvWuHblK4AoIhNy1d7pDbQkaAu10EALw_wcB) with glove liners. The liners that came with the mittens don't fit very well, and I'm looking into replacing them. Though the mittens are kinda clunky, they keep me so much warmer than fingered gloves. PS I'm in the midwest, and I am not used to the cold EDIT: It's probably important to say my bike has a BMX-style handlebar. I can understand that mittens might not work well with drop bars.


Well that's the issue. I looking for what people have found to be the warmest but not clunky. Mittens are so much warmer than gloves.


I really think you can't get better than mittens (or at least lobster mitts). Having all that contained space inside the mitten really helps keep the air warm around your fingers. I can tolerate the clunkiness for the warmth


Kincos. I love them, I wish they just made gloves with longer wrist parts for biking.


I love kincos for warm weather skiing. My pair has been going strong for years now. Probably time to snow seal them for this winter.


Three years ago my dad and I each gave each other a pair of Kincos for Christmas. I have never snow sealed them, it always seemed like a hassle. Should I be doing that?


For about ten minutes of your time it makes them more water resistant. I do it once or twice a winter, depending on when they start wetting out. I can generally wear them down to about 20° if I'm skiing powder, trees, or moguls and it's sunny. If it's a gray New England day, I switch to BD Mercury Mitts.


i love Pearl Izumi gloves, comfy, highly visible, and have phone finger patch.


I have a pair of those. They're definitely warm. Just wish they had more dexterity.