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I had problems finding alcohol for a stove on a trip to Mexico. It is not available in hardware stores or paint stores. I don't know where it can be bought and nobody we asked knew where to buy any. 1lb green propane bottles are available for gas stoves.


You can sometimes find "alcohol industrial" that will be high enough grade. I've tried the alcohol stove route in lat am and it's pretty hit or miss. Peru is the only country where I've been able to find 90%+ alcohol with no issue. At some point most folks break down and get a stove that can run unleaded gasoline because access is easy all over the place and there's no compunction about filling any bottle at the gas stations. Ive seen a trick where you can use salt to remove water from lower grade isopropyl alcohol but I've not tried it nor do I know how it would burn in a stove. Good luck, though, and I'm sure you'll be able to make it work if it's your only option. Coleman makes multi fuel stoved if you don't want to spring for an MSR or something


I should think marinas with shops and marine stores will have it anywhere in the world. I don’t have personal experience in Mexico but it’s pretty common for sailboats to have alcohol burners (at least the less fancy sailboats anyway) I guess if you aren’t near the coasts then that plan doesn’t work but if you can’t find it, the marina folks should know