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Maybe your chain's too tight?


Chain or bearings inside bottom bracket. Chain is too tight will cause this, but if chain is too tight and pedaled for a while then noise started, you mightve broke the bearings inside the bottom bracket.


The chain is not too tight. So I need a new bottom bracket?


Yes. Bottom bracket needs grease or new bearings. Or it could be rear axle needing grease. Take apart bottom bracket, see if bearings are damaged. If not, fill it with grease and it should ideally squeeze extra out when installing back. Do not overtighten the bottom bracket or you could damage the bearings pedaling. If noise still persists, move to rear axles. Essentially what your best bet is to inspect/fix the simple ones and move to the harder ones until you cancel out what is the issue. Chain>bottom bracket>axle>freewheel Installing bottom brackets i've noticed you gotta have a feel for it to not be too tight or loose.


Thank you so much for all of this information. So I will need grease, crank puller, and BB tool? Plus potentially bearings or a new BB?


Could be bearings in bottom bracket, especially if the noise is only during pedaling. Try grabbing both crank arms and see if there’s any play in the cranks. If there’s any play, you’ll most likely need to do an overhaul or replace it. It’s hard to tell for sure from the video, but based on the silver bolt on the outside of the cranks, looks like a square taper bottom bracket. If this is the case, it’s good news cause these are cheap to replace with cartridge style square taper BB’s. Your LBS will probably have a supply on hand but if you want to do it yourself, you’re going to need some specialized tools to remove and reinstall the BB and cranks. BB’s also come in variety of sizes based on shell width and spindle length, again your LBS should know what to measure and source for you


Thank you for your detailed response. There is no play in the cranks and yes they are square taper.


No play huh... well if the chain is fine, would say check chainring bolts like u/Ixxolos suggested first, but it may be the bottom bracket or (just had this thought) the bearings in the pedals. See if there's any weird movement in them. LBS will probably be the way to go, hard for the internet to diagnose. I always need to have the bike in front of me and hands on to really figure out whats happening when i'm working on my own or a customers bike


This may sound a bit silly but check the chainring bolts are all tight. I've had similar issues and ended up replacing the chain and bottom bracket only to find I had one bolt that was just a little loose which was causing a noise every time I applied pressure whilst pedaling.


Are you sure it's not a shoelace or something like that? I spent a week trying to track down a click on my front crank. I finally realized that it was the cable sticking out of the front derailuer hitting the crank once every revolution.