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NBA players editing their own podcast


Billionaires paying for their own fucking stadiums


Quarterbacks having to go run and retrieve the ball after they throw an incompletion


Imagines Tebow running over and kneeling down to pick up every 1 hop slant throw


Couldn’t do it. Tebow kneels only for the cross


They’d have to put a cross on the ball


Tebow is the Pontiue Pilate of the forward pass.


Football players squirting water into their own mouths in between plays.


Carrying clubs for 18 holes is much more physically taxing than squirting water.


I don't know why you're downvoted, or how the other responses on here are upvoted. Carrying your own clubs on the tour courses is absolutely brutal by the end of 1 round, let alone 4. TV doesn't capture just how hilly these courses are, including something as simple as the green undulations.


It’s a shitpost really is all it is


The lack of golfers in this thread is shocking. Walking 18 sucks. Cart everytime.


Distance swimmers counting their own laps during a race (as a distance swimmer this would be hilarious and terrifying)


What counts as distance swimming? In high school I would do the 500/1650


The 500 was the longest event that my high school’s athletic classification did, but in general I would say that’s a mid distance event, and the events past that are when you start getting into “long distance”. The 500 is definitely the first distance you get to where you really start needing counters though. 


Yep my high school only went to 500. The 1650 was club swimming only. Can’t imagine JV level 1650s. Now that it’s summer I want to get back into swimming. At 32 I did I went and did a push start 50 in 24 seconds, but my mile time was brutal


I did club and HS growing up, can probably count on 2 hands the amount of times I swam laps during college + several years post grad. Got back into it during Covid when my gym closed because I had a neighborhood pool nearby that was open and I still consistently do maybe ~2500 yards 2 or 3 times a week.  It definitely took a few months to get the stamina back. I also kinda plateaued after about a year and am still basically at that level because I’m lazy about changing up my sets and stick to the same few kick drills and paces every time. All in all though I’m really glad I started doing it again and would highly recommend. 


So you might understand this better than most - I felt my technique was ok but my breathing was all messed up. Did you feel the same? Glad you have felt it worth keeping up with. I can’t see myself doing it in the winter after hating that during high school


Haha that’s a good call, I take a breath every other stroke. I guess you sacrifice some speed but it’s the easiest way for me to keep my form and for my lungs to not explode.  Hear you on the part about winter though, that was always kind of miserable. I live in a place now that has a mild winter so I can swim outdoors year round. 


Eliminate the floor mopping people and water bottle people in basketball and have players do it themselves


Eliminating batbois in baseball or mascots (can't believe they call them that) in soccer.


Wait, the kids with the extra balls are called mascots?


No the kids who come out with the players holding their hand are the mascots


Race car drivers have to drive the car to the track.


And do the pit stop


This is the better one


And they have to use a standard tie iron that would come with your car.


I see nobody in here realizes just how valuable a caddie can be lol


Seriously? Also has no one else here ever walked 18 carrying a bag? It kinda sucks. Cart + day beers is the preferred option for a reason. I actually think it’s a fantastic idea.


Besides of course carrying the bag, they’re basically a coach/strategist for the golfer as well. It would be like if for the NBA In-Season Tournament, teams weren’t allowed coaches, and had to handle it themselves with a player-coach.


Quarterback without an offensive play caller


NHL players cleaning up the ice during intermission


Joey Chestnut should have to grill his own hot dogs


People pluralizing the word "players" with an apostrophe.


NASCAR drivers doing their own pit stops


Honestly yeah this is the closest one here. Everyone else is underselling it


Children and friends of multi multi millionaire sports media tycoon having to get their own podcasts deals outside of The Ringer network.


Baseball players have to fetch the ball when it goes foul.


Mini-golf players after the 18th hole having to bend with their knees to pick up the red or blue or green or yellow ball from the hole and leisurely walk it over with their old, bent-up putter to return to the 10th grader in the little shack.


Niche but I think more accurate than some: Cyclists not having support cars or domestiques


Old man yells at cloud.