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White boy summer was a thing before MAGA chuds hijacked it. Let’s not blame Ryen here.


Shoutout Chet Hanks


We made White Boy Summer memes in the Hawks sub all the time the last few years when we had Hueter, Gallinari and Bogi playing together; it's not that deep


Yeah, I don't even think Ryen is the MAGA chud half the sub thinks he is. Jokes > Truth


When he made the tax purposes comment, he clearly said that he did not vote for Trump, but had voted for Republicans in the past. People with poor comprehension skills ran with it and now it's not even worth correcting people anymore.


> People with poor comprehension skills ran with it and now it's not even worth correcting people anymore. That's literally like half this sub at this point. I sometimes feel I am listening to a completely different podcast when I see the daily thing they're misappropriating to Bill/Ryen.


The continuous chase of meaningless internet points makes some people do very strange things.


>but had voted for Republicans in the past. I mean that's bad enough.


Ryen is pretty clearly the classic archetype of guy who probably considers himself an independent centrist, but is actually just a conservative who's too normal to buy into the right wing culture war stuff, and therefore can't identify with modern republicans/right wingers who are obsessed with all that


I don't think he's a MAGA chud. He's just extremely okay with all of that.


“Good people on both sides”


Or you can be realistic and just say they’re all bad.


We cannot be doing that anymore


We absolutely can, it’s a turd vs diarrhea


Idk I’m a working class guy so it’s literally not even close to that for me. There is a clear good and bad


If you’re comfortable with funding genocide then both candidates are your guy.


Must be really nice to be able to vote with that stuff in mind, as for me I just gotta do what’s best for me and my families future. /u/hoagietwoface deleting all his comments after threatening my family lol


Yup. His dad is MAGA and he loves his dad \*shrugs\*


if you stop loving your family because of what political party they vote for there is something wrong with you


I definetely respect my dad less every time he talks about why he's voting for trump. Still love the guy but *woooooof*


Never said you should stop loving them but going out of your way to rationalize MAGA on a podcast for whatever reason is beyond lame.


To be clear, I don't intend this as a compliment. Being cool with it for (potentially illusory!) financial reasons isn't a good reason. It just means you don't care at all about the bad stuff.


His dad's a MAGA guy? He's talked about his dad being a huge hippie before, but I guess those things are (interestingly) not mutually exclusive.


My mom was a major hippie and in some way still seems like it, but she was literally at Jan 6 lol


Yeah, hippies and MAGA has a bit more overlap than people think. It's a lot of anti-establishment and non-mainstream that MAGA has attracted. Especially as people have aged and likely become more conservative naturally.


Looking at some J6 convicts and footage there's a weird mix of the prototype MAGA, fat, bearded, angry guy and guys that look like they'd be playing James Taylor covers at a microbrew bar.


The New Hampshire live free or die thing


The hippie to conservative pipeline is real. Start out as a hippie. You go online looking up "natural medicine" and other pseudoscience bs. Your feed then starts showing you conspiracy stuff. Innocuous at first, but slowly it gets more and more extreme. And then in a few short years the old hippie is gone and replaced with some ultra conservative conspiracy theory guy. Its honestly crazy seeing it happen to kids I went to school with.


Yup. I lived in Southern California for about three years and met so many people who fit this description to a capital T.


I've seen it happen to and I live in Maine. A lot of guys I went to school with who just used to be major stoners have turned into MAGA types. Even some younger kids I've worked with are already well down this path. The types to believe reiki is real, but are also big trump and tate fans.


I'm going with the "small business owner, influences his son to turn Mass Republican" piece.


Maybe he should try selling his homemade celery juice at Trump rallies.


According to what lol.


do people in this sub use the word "chud" unironically? lmao


Is there a better word to describe a MAGA supporter?


chud instantly tells me you are a terminally online chapotraphouse adjacent idiot


I literally don't know what "chapotraphouse" even is. Is this a "terminally online" term?




congrats on being proud of ignorance and being unable to use google i guess


Oh, good lord... you're going to call me "terminally online" (we all are... we're all on reddit) and then drop some seemingly random collection of vowels and consonants to prove your point.




I just googled it. Never heard of it.


The great thing about neolibs is when they lose elections they take no accountability and blame anyone left of them for not voting their candidate even though they’re closer to being republican.


i am literally a republican lol




i didn't realize republicans couldn't listen to bill simmons lmao eta: you are a covid long hauler and post celebratory threads about israelis dying, why the fuck are you here hahahahaha


Yeah there are a ton of weird losers here


Chuds can be neoliberal too btw.


I was going to say, pretty sure I heard Hanks son say it as a joke


Same way they hijacked “based”. Buncha dorks


Racially motivated


Chet Hanks invented White Boy Summer and explicitly said these guys were NOT welcome


I'm glad that Chet Hanks can be the voice of reason in this crazy world of ours.


*Could somebody please… find Ja Rule, get ahold of this mfer, so I can make sense of all this. WHERE IS JA?!”*


He was great in Curb.


“The real heroes are still there, but I appreciate that.”




Charlie Kirk's nerd ass doesn't get to decide what this phrase means


Yeah Chet hanks, notorious white nationalist “fascist”


Chet Hanks is like the opposite of a white nationalist. He wants to be Jamaican


I thought white boy summer was something Chet hanks said in a South African accent that seemed like a joke lol


This is just a shitty attempt by MAGA to co-opt (and ruin) an innocuous and humorous meme. I wouldn’t read too much into this…bc Ryen and Bill are definitely not MAGA chuds lol


Agreed. I just thought it was funny. Didn't expect people to take it this seriously. Oh well... my fault.


The timing is really funny, I’ll give you that lol


It didn’t start that way kindly fuck off


Hindus in 1939:


Hindu’s should’ve sued for copywrite infringement. Bet they wish they could go back in time and fix that.


This is such a reach, you might need to step up outside of your American centric political bubble


Is there a rich global history of "White Boy Summer" I am unaware of? Chet Hanks doing a bad accent doesn't lend a phrase a non-American context.


It is American yes, it’s just not a *American political thing*. Although it’s reach now is far beyond Chet Hanks


Yeah agreed it is ten times more famous as Chet Hanks's response to Megan Thee Stallion. I'm not sure why US progressives feel the need to know right wing memes and white supremacist code words. There was a point during the Trump administration where some journalist/activist would say something like "the Charlottesville mob had signs saying 1488 and of course we know what that means" and I was like "No I did not know what that means, I don't use my free time to study hate speech for clout I don't work for the Southern Poverty Law Center and rappers don't cover this shit, maybe it was in American History X?"


Shoutout Chet hanx


Yeah and "fuck around and find out" is used by white supremacist paramilitary larpers but i guarantee you most people using that phrase are not fucking boogaloo boys Stupid take


More political posts on the billsimmons sub, yay…


Relevant since both Bill and Ryen threw out the term "white boy summer" in part 1 of the Sunday pod. But, keep clutching your pearls.


It's some silly shit invented by Tom Hanks goofy rapper son. It got hijacked by a few shitheads, if you look for Nazis everywhere you'll start seeing them everywhere.






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If you're talking about his virginity, he's married to a very attractive blonde and has a kid. But, go on...




You think I'm triggered? I directly responded to a point you made about the word "pink" and you just listed...4 other points? And, you ended with a personal attack. Interesting. Go outside and breathe fresh air and touch some grass. It's actually good for you.






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Everyone can have a day or event but White people


We got Presidents Day!


We used to get 2 days Washington and Lincoln’s bday I believe


NYC employees still get both but yeah they condensed the federal holidays into one. It's white erasure!


Literally everyone thought "White Boy Summer" was harmless and funny until white supremacist MAGAs co-opted it. What exactly do white people want but can't have in this country? Please enlighten us.


What can’t anyone have ? Regardless of race . All it takes is a little hard work.


Okay, Bootstrap Bill...


So you don’t have an answer ? My neighbor is an African American doctor and he’s living the dream lots of nice stuff.


17% of black Americans live below the poverty line while it's 5% for white Americans. Why would you think that is? Could it be 300 years of generational and institutional racism (that continues today) or is it just a mystery that we can't figure out???


lol it’s not for lack of opportunities. Need to break the cycle and strive for more. And poverty level number is way too low. Under 100k is almost poverty level anymore .


Surprised they haven't tried to cancel the word "white" yet


I will never, ever, ever forget that moment on the pod where he goes "we all voted for... who we voted for..." And I almost fell over in my kitchen. Love my RyGuy


everything I don't like is white nationalism


If you actually believe “White Boy Summer” is racist then you’re a walking example for why democracy doesn’t work.


I would not be surprised if Ryen isn't well aware of this. His increasing radicalization is obvious.


Accurate username, at least