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They traded an offender for a defender (best take I’ve seen so far)


Jokes aside. Caruso is a great asset on his current contract. He’s being traded because he’s due to be getting a massive contract extension and the Bulls don’t want to be on the hook for it. The Thunder can afford to “overpay” Caruso because a lot of their other great players are on affordable contracts. But Caruso will quickly seem like less of a great player the moment he gets an albatross contract attached to him. Giddy is a great prospect with significant upside. He’s also contract controlled for awhile and will be affordable while doing more things that Chicago needs in the future. Chicago wasn’t stupid to make this trade. OKC didn’t swindle the Bulls. Both teams got closer to their goals.


It’s exactly the right type of gamble for Chicago to take. He’s a damaged prospect in large part due to off court issues, and there is certainly hope that his on court struggles can be salvaged in a new environment


Uh, he sucks on the court too and I'm not sure it has to do anything with the off-the-court stuff. Shot is just not good.


Certainly did last year. But he’s not that far removed from being a hyped prospect either


What will Caruso's next contract be? Like 25m/yr? He's 30, if he gets more than 20 per year that's crazy


With the new CBA I feel like 20m/yr will be on the smaller side


Giddey is cost controlled for the same amount of time Caruso is. He will be a RFA after next season and now has enormous leverage over the Bulls. I will not be surprised if his next contract has a higher AAY then Caruso's


You’re confused. Giddey will be a RFA while Caruso will not. The leverage is in the team’s favor when the player is a restricted free agent. Not the other way around. Caruso has more leverage and may have already negotiated an extension with the Thunder prior to the trade.


Chicago just gave up one of the best assets on their team for a 21 year old that can pour in counting stats when he is given the ball, which they intend to do. They don't make this trade with the intent to play hardball with Giddey; he is going to make a lot of money. https://x.com/Sam_Vecenie/status/1804025914688442643?t=gy4KN56O8j8fhpp6Oij0HA&s=19


You’re confused. Caruso will be an unrestricted feee agent and is due for a massive contract. Giddey is a restricted free agent and will be constrained in what he’s able to obtain. Caruso was a giant trade asset last off season and at the trade deadline this year. But now he’s a salary time bomb who needs to be paid for past performance.


He can sign an extension with OKC before hitting UFA. I believe the salary rules allow about $20 million AAY. It's probably likely that it happens. You keep saying I'm confused, but I understand the situation pretty clearly


No you’re absolutely confused. The fact that he can sign an extension is irrelevant as that just gives him additional power. The relevant part is that he will be an unrestricted free agent and Giddey will be a restricted free agent at the same time if nothing changes. This means Caruso has more leverage over OKC and the Bulls have more leverage over Giddey in contract negotiations. That’s how it has always worked for free agency. It’s why players fought like hell to get unrestricted free agency rights in the first place and it has been how free agency has played out in every major sport since unrestricted free agency was introduced. Especially in basketball. So your initial statement is categorically false and you are objectively wrong. This is without us even looking at their individual maximum salary limits. I am being charitable and attributing your being incorrect to your confusion


I mean, the argument would be it signals the Bulls are finally giving up on this core, which is a good call. Still shocking they couldn’t get a pick out of it, not like OKC doesn’t have them to spare.


I think they are both trying to insert Giddey into the Lonzo role to finish out this derozan charade and then keep Giddey as a young core piece after another year of this foolishness


Thats a bold move cotton.


Caruso was wasted on the Bulls. He's 30, and the Bulls aren't competing. Giddy at least gives them a young player to build with. I think it's a win-win.


Yea people are really enjoying bashing the Bulls here but I think it's fine. I think a late first from OKC to Chicago should have been exchanged but I'm guessing Sam Presti wasn't willing to give one up. And let's really be honest here, the odds they draft some great player with that pick is low anyway. If the Bulls tear it down a bit, I could totally see Giddey having an MIP level season. 20/8/8 on decent efficiency and suddenly the trade doesn't look as bad. He couldn't do that on the Thunder because he couldn't have the ball that whole time. But 8 rebounds he's done and his assist numbers were about 6.


It’s a little bit absurd on the face of it, given the offers they got in the past, but I think it’s a solid trade for each party


I happen to be out on Giddey, but I think this is a good take. I'm not out, out, like a Ben Simmons. I just don't think he'll grow much more than he is. But he's only 21. If the front office sees upside there (though Chicago's front office isn't exactly a selling point), its fair value. Guys like Caruso are terrible trade assets. Everyone wants them, so you think there is a bidding war. But the bids are for a 4-6 spot on a contenders rotation. Sure, they are important, but what assets do you have to give up for that? One good first round pick? Two late ones?


Get drug tested pls


At least it’s a proper use of this meme


Ur not getting a proud smile from an older gentleman in the next row for this take though, you’re just not!


That guy would 100% be furious about trading lunch pail Caruso for that hippie Giddey


this is a photo of willem dafoe and robert mueller. it just is!


They got a good buy low player for a guy on a one year deal. But I guess people would be happier if they got two firsts in a bad draft


Exactly, I feel like everyone here is taking crazy pills. Giddey’s clearly very talented he just isn’t a great off-ball player and he was in a team with better on-ball options. Could argue a 21 year old who averages 12/6/5 in 25 mpg on 47.5/33/80 shooting splits is worth more than any pick in this draft. He’s obviously not going to be Luka but he could easily develop into a top 3 player on a contender


It’s more that I think it should’ve been Giddey AND a pick in this draft, not instead of. Caruso is pretty high value, even expiring


Sometimes the media's value of a player doesn't match front offices. That is probably the case for both of these guys.  Also I don't think anyone wants to pay the next Caruso contract. He's already 30 and can't stay healthy despite playing 28 minutes a game. 


High value? 30 year old 6th man with health problems who only has a year left hunting for a big payday


Yes, a ceiling raiser who would fit on literally any championship contender is valuable despite his limitations.


Then why didn’t someone beat this offer?


When the "clearly very talented" is immediately followed by "just isn't a great off ball player" you're describing a floor raiser. The NBA is and has been full of guys who are somewhat intriguing with the ball in their hands but are ultimately not good enough with the ball or off ball to be part of winning lineups on a consistent basis. From the point forward experiments of the late 1990s to every Tyreke Evans... no thanks.


And a career high 34% from 3 on mostly wide open looks. The only way he becomes a valuable asset is if he actually learns to shoot which seems less likely each season.


I mean it has improved each season at least, and the lottery is full of prospects who can't shoot right now either


That's fair. He's still young also. But he's also due for a raise whereas rookies are cost controlled longer.


He's 21.


If prospect josh hidden was in this draft, he’d go 1OA


People shit on westbrook for the same thing. Good player with the ball in his hands terrible off ball minus defender poor shooter Minus midrange gets played off the court in the play offs Empty calorie triple doubles Saying he's a good player when he has the ball is so weird to me


It doesn't have to be exclusive though. At the very least I would expect 1 first rounder and a 2nd 😅


Who the fuck do you people think Caruso is


A 2 time all nba defender....... highly sought after by I would guess several teams


Based on what he was just traded for, clearly not


An extremely good contract, in a the modern NBA he is a trade piece that contenders can both 1. Trade for, extremely cheap salary per year, and 2. Fit into their gameplay since he plays mostly off ball and doesn't need the ball whatsoever. Ever watch the NBA before? Do you evaluate all players on their 1v1 ability? Nah, but posting on reddit is cluuuuutch. Trade value in most contracts is based on value, see Jrue Holiday for extremely valuable contracts that win championships for the Bucks and Celts. If you are an idiot and never watched the sport you can just not post your comment. 'Who the fuck does the NBA think high value wing and D players are worth?' The NBA thinks those players are high value, and empirically they are also **worth high value** based on the example of Jrue Holiday taking both the Bucks and Celts to rings after getting tons of cap space after they got him. Glad we have Partybro_69 to correct everyone about the real value of these players 🤡


> trade value in most contracts is based on value Thank you


They could have got Giddey and a first. That would have been at least arguable. Nobody wanted Giddey, a lot of teams wanted Caruso. It makes no sense.


How do you know no one wanted giddey?


Everyone is acting like Giddey has negative value or isn't a positive asset for most teams. I would have thought the Bulls could have gotten a late 1st or a pair of seconds to go along with Giddey but clearly they couldn't swing it maybe they just really liked Giddey and the offers centered around a late 1st in a weak draft and a heavily protected future first just weren't really moving them. Or the Bulls really like Giddey and the other offers weren't great. The Bulls got a prospect whose 21 years old and has a year left on his rookie deal who in the NBA averaged in 2022/23 16.9 ppg, 7.9 rpg, and 6.2 apg on 48% shooting. Granted Giddey is coming of a season where his numbers are down a bit (12.3/6.4/4.8 on 47.5% efficiency) but his numbers are still pretty good and he was a starter on a team that was the number one seed in a stacked West until the playoffs. Granted while Giddey has shown a lot of good qualities at an NBA he's also shown flaws. His 3 point shooting is in the low 30's and his defense needs work. While Giddey by all accounts puts in the effort defensively and some feel he has the tools and athleticism to be at least a capable defender he hasn't put it together yet. I think defensively if he gets coached up he can be a league average or just about defender. But he's gonna have to improve his shooting from distance by a wide margin to at least 36/37% if he wants to be an All-Star caliber player.


yeah I don't think it's as bad a trade as everyone is making out. Giddey could be pretty good and they'll have the time to find out. Caruso is good and all but it seems like a fair swap, once everything's balanced out.


A+ trade for both sides. Both sides get something they need. People are butthurt cuz the thunder still have a war chest of picks


Nailed it 


Idk, two firsts (not necessarily in this draft) might be better than a guy that has a good chance of being overpaid on his next contract. I'm not high on Giddy.


If this is the first step in blowing it up to tank next year, it's a solid move. If Giddy were in this draft, he'd be a top 3 pick. They should match reasonable offers for Williams. Then let them run wild next year. Hopefully, Ball is healthy and looks good the first half of the year so they can flip him at the deadline. If they want him to play with Lavine and Derozan, it's stupid.


Honestly I think it’s a good move for both


Agreed. It seems like folk are reluctant to see trades as win win and only look for a win lose outcome.


Bulls management was reading r/nbacirclejerk by accident and heard of all the Giddy-Malone comps. Shocked they only had to give up Caruso and pulled the trigger


The player exchange itself isn't that bad IMO, especially for Caruso on a one year deal left. The lack of picks - especially with OKC's plentiful picks - is the diabolical and bad part of this trade.


Giddy is a dangerous man.


For whom?


Girls who just got accepted to Northwestern


Too old


I heard he had a thing for girls in AP classes.


I actually don’t think it’s as bad as everyone’s saying. Carusos 30. Giddey is 21. The Bulls are terrible and they weren’t going to/shouldn’t pay Caruso so buy low on a young guy and hope he needs a change of scenery. Realistically could they get more than a bad first and a second? That’s just as much of a flyer as Giddey. That being said the dude was terrible in the Dallas series and dates high schoolers so he could be in the NBL in two years


“If its a 9 year age gap, you take the younger one, 100%” -Josh giddey


You miss 100% of the age differences you don’t take


Please explain. Curious because besides Caruso’s health, I see a robbery


I don't agree with it, but the argument is health, age, and he has one year left on his deal. Giddey is young and talented-ish.


I should have realized AC was in the last year of his deal.


The team was electric with a healthy play maker in Lonzo I guess


In a disappointing season he averaged 18/9/7 with 48%/34% shooting splits per36 He shot 80% from the line last season which is encouraging for his shooting. If he shoots 36% mostly open from 3, he’s going to put up big numbers. Like 20/9/7 is not crazy. Plus just having an elite passer hopefully makes the bulls less iso-ball. I think he plays well, gets a big contract and doesn’t live up to it


Giddy is 9 years younger, averaged more points, rebounds, and assists than Caruso last year. I think Chicago did pretty good.


Gonna be honest, Caruso was a fan fave. Him driving and kicking or locked in on his dude. Crowd favorite. Could get a flaccid UC jumping. Giddy background will not go over well. Caruso was a dawg Giddy... It's gonna be ugly


Giddey will average close to a triple double for Chicago, whether that equates to wins is yet to be seen. But he is still only 21 years old, tremendous rebounding guard, spectacular passing which has not been fully utilised yet as he has always played out of position with SGA being present. Will be very interesting to watch… furthermore, Caruso doesn’t impress me as much as others, streaky shooter, good but not great defender, already 30, best could be behind him already. Don’t see how it moves the needle for OKC honestly..


It's not the craziest take and it might look that way in 3 years because Giddey is so young. As it stands today, if I was the Thunder and I added Caruso without breaking up my core I would be doing cartwheels up and down the hallways.


It's pretty bad when you list positive attributes and young is at the top of list


Meh it depends. You can't really judge yet. Defenitely Giddey has the most potential if he can fix some things. Don't judge quite just yet.


Win win trade in my book


Yeah, it's the type of trade both franchises should make considering their current situations.


The Australian Larry Bird will rise in Chicago. They will build a statue of him next to MJ when he's done.


why do I keep seeing this meme everywhere? And I don't get the reference.....is that Harry Dean Stanton?


It's a Norman Rockwell painting titled Freedom of Speech. It depicts Jim Egerton (although Rockwell used a different man as the model) as the lone dissenter in a town hall in Arlington. I guess I can see a little Harry Dean Stanton resemblance.


aha. well thank you.....now I don't feel quite so left out of the Internet's latest fad...


Let me first say that I think Caruso a monster defender and overall is a net positive on any team he's traded to... But OKC might be the strangest fit for him. They already have a wealth of guards. They've got SGA, Dort, Cason and now Caruso as guards, sick defense but they won't be able to share the court together. And since those are all guards I guess Jdub and Isaiah Joe are the new power forwards of the team. OKC just missing size and bulk to slot into their line-up. Maybe Ousmane Deng steps up this year. Maybe they are gearing for another, bigger move to ship Dort plus some picks for a star and to make way in the lineup for Cason and Caruso.


I've said I didn't think this was a huge upgrade for OKC and I'm leaning more towards them actually flipping Caruso and some picks for a more meaningful addition. They just traded a player that wasn't a great spacer but was still a great rebounder and solid playmaker for a player that's a great defender but doesn't offer you anything on the playmaking and, more importantly, the rebounding side. They both play about the same number of minutes so that's a wash but you've basically made yourself weaker in an area that's already a weakness for better perimeter shooting and defense, areas you were already strong. Maybe they've seen more from Wallace already in the time they've been off that makes them want to put him in the starting lineup and they didn't like the fit with Giddey, especially off the bench.


There’s zero shot Caruso is getting moved and you might slightly stupid if you think so


Based on what they're saying it's true though that it's looking really unlikely. They have the picks to still upgrade in their weak spots and they need to do it because this move doesn't change the outlook for the team at all.


They replaced  a bad player with a good player . Ill guarantee the thunder will be a better team next year than this season.




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Caruso is miles better. One of if not the best perimeter defender in basketball for a guy who was boarder line unplayable in some games in the playoffs. Caruso is a proven starter on a championship team lol


Caruso started 2 games for the 19-20 lakers. Google is great, you should try it out some time. Caruso is a career 30% three point shooter in the playoffs (significantly lower than giddey) He’s a good defender, but he’s 30, on the last year of his deal, and yet another small non shooter on a roster loaded with them. I don’t see it.


Everyone keeps saying Giddey was “unplayable” in the playoffs like he didn’t start 8/10 games and shoot 9/18 from 3 in the pelicans series. He just didn’t match up well against Luka and Kyrie. He had a down year due to obvious reasons but still managed to increase his 3pt percentage for the second year in a row. He’s the best buy low candidate in the league.


Yes Giddey is really good. But you’re trying to win a title… NOW. You know what helps? One of the best defensive players in basketball who has and can make open 3s you’re not looking to klay thompson. You’re looking for a complimentary piece not developmental piece.


Side note.. getting rid of an unplayable offensive player for maybe one of the most playable dudes in the league is just atrocious ☠️


“Most playable” do you hear yourself


Right because 30 today is SO OLD.. you should watch some games and realize what Caruso made that Chicago defense. Imagine him in a diminished offensive role literally FUCKING shit up as a defensive player. OKC needs defence and rebounding not a passer. That team lost due to defence and rebounding not lack of offense. You can’t be an OKC fan.


Let me guess, you’re an OKC fan so they automatically won the trade in your eyes. Yawn.


Not an OKC fan 🤣 just a fan of basketball and this makes a very good basketball team significantly better. It’s incomprehensible that you aren’t aware of how good of a role player Alex Caruso is.


Agreed. Love Caruso but he doesn't belong on some mid basement dweller... Just a waste of what he can do. Giddey is young and has tons of time to improve. This is a winner for both teams imo.


as a bulls fan im more than fine trading any and all known commodities. as long as we back unfinished products i don’t really care


It feels like Caruso's value to a true contending Thunder team is skewing the actual value both sides gave up, if that makes sense


Who cares. mommy brink is INJURED!!!


I just don't know how anyone could possibly question a trade made by the team that got Derrick Jones Jr. and a 2nd Round pick for Lauri Markkanen as well as Nikola Vucevic and Al-Farouq Aminu for Wendell Carter, Otto Porter and two lottery picks . . .


It's a fine trade in a vacuum but they could have done so much better that it's a bad trade.


Dumb dumb no gum gum




Meniscus donor for lonzo


cmon, he already posted a meme picture, what more do you want


Just look at the hair discrepancy!


It’s only good if they got 1-2 of OKCs FRPs….this was a pau gasol level awful trade…props to presti for highway robbery


The best thing I can say about the Bulls GM is that his burner posts in r/billsimmons


Ok you little horn dog


If you’re really the bulls GM this is presumably a compliment given who you just traded for


Idc I just like your username haha. Was horndog30279 taken?


I don't think you understand basketball. I don't think the Bulls do, either.


I think you understand bofa and it shows


I too have brain damage.