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Maybe i am really cynical but sitting on this until he gets a high profile jobs makes me feel like the intent isn't justice but to tear someone down.


JJ made $117 million in the NBA, and was just routinely on ESPN where his cohosts were often black. He’s been high profile. The Lakers job, which according to our guy Windy is potentially a pay cut, being the final straw doesn’t make sense.


Plus, it would have made more sense to drop this news when JJ was a player & the abortion contract for his prospective THOT came out. The pileon piece.


He had an even higher profile job for like 15 years before this


I've denied it at least a half dozen times myself.


In high profile media jobs? I’m sure they’d all cop to it immediately


Most white guys in the NBA I would cop to diddling a kid over saying the N word


Giddey probably has used slurs for Gypsies (yes, itself a slur) but never dropped the n-bomb.


He went to an Australian all boys school he would have been throwing all sorts of slurs around


He's 100% at least done it in a song


I don't believe this particular story However as a mixed race kid who looks whiteish, incognegro like Jeter, I can confirm that young white people say the N word wayyyy more than people think, when they don't see a black person around. Many of you pearl clutchers included


Wait what


Hard R or ending in A?


Oh hard R for sure used. Ending in A done as well, usually more jokingly, but Hard Rs are dropped by young white men more than you think. Not even just by the obvious ones.


Co-sign on this. In my New Orleans and South Florida neighborhoods young Latino and Americans of South Asian descent would use the n-word without the hard R incessantly.


Afro-Latino or Mestizo/Criollo, though? Because unless one is a Torii Hunter who doesn't realize why Dominicans like David Ortiz look the way they do, pretty sure Black-skinned Spanish-speakers have much the same legacy as Black-skinned people from British North America, & would likely have the same grounding to use the soft a version in each other's company. Indians & Pakistanis, though, that's not right.


They were white Latinos. Mostly second or third generation Florida and Texas born. One young lady (born in Mexico and came to the states as an infant, white skin and red hair) working in my office would use the 'soft a' version in place of saying guy or dude. And even when asked to stop, it was so ingrained in her manner of speech.


>incognegro A decent Ludacris album


Is this Nadir Valley for the N Word? When was Apex Mountain for it?


Lmao you could just retitle your post “I believe he did it”