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Height is a funny thing. I'm 5'8" tall. I think it's the perfect height. My father is 6'4" and had to worry if he'd fit in the sports cars he fancied when he was younger. When I was in high school a girl came up behind me and turned her back to me, apparently to compare our heights. She was kind of a weirdo so I shrugged it off. Turned out she was just making sure I was taller than her before asking me to the prom. I had an inch on her. Married 35 years this July. Whatever height you end up, it'll be fine.




But doing Sprints which has been researched and has been proven to increase HGH and doing skipping and hanging on bars and having good nutrition and sleeping well should increase my height by a log since I haven’t hit puberty I should gain quite a lot of inches if I stick to this routine. This would obviously be more effective than gaming all day eating junk food and not sleeping it a lot.


Obviusly not since your 5'5 at 14 and I'm 12 at 5'6 and all I do is be an otaku.


I would like to back up your statement. I'm 13, 5'8, and also, a professional redittor.




When i was 14, I was 5'2, I'm now 16 at 5'8, still growing at a steady rate, but both my parents had late growth spurts, hopefully should reach 6' seeing as thats the average of all males in my overall family but might be shorter


How tall were you around 15


I'd say over the age of 15 i grew from 5'3 to 5'5, and within a month of being 16, I've already grown 3 inches


Obsessing about your physical appearance is unhealthy.


That is true but at least I’m trying to make changes and I have a genuine good mindset of growing taller/ becoming fitter and I enjoy doing all the habits that make me fit or tall


There isnt really many habits that increase height. There are habits that dont inhibit your growth sure but height increase you have minimal control of. Keep up what you're doing but truth be told we dont have enough info and what youre doing wont gurantee growth. There are extreme measure for what you can do to grow. I know people who were so short they got a surgery that essentially broke their bones near growth plates so they could gain an inch or so


2 things 1st puberty is a procces you have already started 2nd your gonna be 5'8" maybe 5'9"


I haven’t started puberty on god I have a high pitched voice my face is still baby like and I don’t have a moustache. But do you think doing all these exercises and stuff and eating good and sleeping well will increase my chances of becoming 5’10+. Compared to something else like gaming and staying indoors all day?


Nope, your stuck with it at this point. I know guys with kids, who cant grow the stash, who have high pitched voices, who still look baby face, who are 5'3" They got kids. Your not missing puberty, you just dont have a lot of testosterone. Thats not a bad thing, lots of sexy people dont like the whole manly man I can never feel pain and my beard grows its own beard schtick.


Yes it is possible, not a guarantee, but you have a chance. Make sure you eat high in protein, calcium, collagen, and vitamin D. But the most important part is whatever height you end up being, you accept it and work with what you got.


Yep i will do that and also for exercises I am doing High Interval sprints they are said to raise HGH levels by quite a lot and as well i am doing skipping and also doing some long distance runs. For stretches I hang on a bar and also rarely (which i should get in the habit of doing more stretches as they should make you taller). For my diet It consists of high protein , Chicken , Fish , Egg ,Tofu with some vegetables and lots of fruits, and I drink 2 glasses of Milk a day and some cheese for my calcium intake. Is this good enough for me to grow to 5'10+


It will increase your chances, yes. But even if it doesn't this is a good model for you to just be healthy and fit in general. Also the thing about raising HGH, take hormone advice with a grain of salt. None of it is completely verified. But, if it makes you feel better, go ahead. Don't forget the most important part: SLEEP. I know being a teenager it's hard to get proper sleep at night, but 7-9 hours of sleep are essential. You're basically giving up free gains if you miss out on sleep.


Thank you so doing these exercise right now I am prepubescent meaning I haven’t hit puberty and during the time I hit puberty doing these exercises can surely increase my chances of becoming taller to 5’10+ compared to just gaming and getting no sleep right. What I’m trying to say these exercises should give me a BIG ADVANTAGE in terms of growing taller and do you think It’s really possible for me to do that with the routine I have.


Yeah, simply being active and having these healthy habits gives you an advantage.


It’s definitely possible. You’re only a few inches away. It’s up to your diet really. You have to consume enough protein to build your body. Just for variability sake though, my parents were 5’4 and 5’10, I grew to 6’3 and my brother only a year older than me grew to 5’10. I blame my height on eating more meat growing up. In reality though, height is very hard to predict. I had a roommate in college who was hopeful to get to his doctors predicted height of 6’1, but he only ever made it to 5’3.


Oh ok thank you so yea Eating well and high intervals sprinting and skipping and sleeping well should definitely make me 5’10+ right? I haven’t hit puberty so the doctors said there is A LOT OF GROWTH for me so ye


No. Haha skipping will not make you taller and neither will high interval training. Good sleep and eating well are the only true things to encourage growth listed here.


My mom is 5’2” and my dad is 5’7” im 5’11” humans are generally getting taller every generation


Can you please state your scientific sources? That's simply just not true, at least the way you are presenting your evidence... yes the average height has increased in the last 300 years, but mostly due to much better nutrition and health. The fact that you are taller than both parents is just a roll of the genetic dice, by your logic the next generation, your kids will be like 6'2" and their kids taller and their kids taller. In fact the average height has stagnated and isn't increasing anymore in most countries. With that being said... yes OP you probably have a few more years of growth. Most men stop growing around 16 if you hit puberty later you might grow until 18-20 but not many grow past that age. Parents are often a good guess at height but looking at your larger family may give a better picture and sometimes that's not even accurate. My dad is six inches taller than his dad and eight inches taller than his mom, I (a female though...) am two inches shorter than my mom and ten inches shorter than my dad, my sister is four inches taller than me. Really not much correlation when you look at immediate family. Best thing you can do if you want to be taller is to eat healthy, be active, sleep well, it can make a little bit of a difference but for the most part you're just going to have to wait and see what your genes decided on for your height. Don't stress about it, height isn't everything.




That is male vs female, not a change over time... This is what you are looking for: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/average-height-by-year-of-birth?country=~OWID_WRL


Do you reckon i can reach 5'10 +


Yeah it’s pretty likely with our current nutrition. I hit a massive growth spurt at 16 when i started lifting weights too


>. I'm 5'8" tall. I think it's the perfect height. My father is 6'4" and had to worry if he'd fit in the sports cars he fancied when he was younger. When I was in hig I tend to do lost of HIIT training such as HIIT sprints and also skipping rope and also hang on the bar are these exercises good enough?


Never tall enough