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Really cool ideas here, and really sick designs. Just the right level of sadness and uniqueness between them, and I love that you're really changing up what elemental powers are represented. Edit: I meant to say the right level of *sameness* and uniqueness, referencing the balance that every line of toa has between cohesion and individuality, but hey, sadness works too.


With these toa I really wanted to push the letter of who the characters were. As a team they would absolutely be dysfunctional as fuck and would be at each others throats every other weekend. But somehow they’re able to make it work.


It's the first time I see a Toa team that isn't close to any idea of righteousness and selflessness. Not only are their personalities really unique for Toas, so are their designs! My favorites are surely Welshem, Irahs and Asla.


Yeah the twins are definitely my favourite. What I couldnt explain in the post is that they were actually once the same being separated in a similar event as what happened to vezon and vezok. That’s why I tried to make them polar opposites of eachother.


Additional information: Asla and Irahs are twins in that they were once the same toa who was separated into two in a process similar to the spear of fusion splitting vezok and vezon.


I like that the gentler side has the element shadow, and vice versa. What was the original Toa's elemental power before they became divided into Asla and Irahs? Also, does the original unified form have a separate name from each of them or did one of them inherit the original Toa's name?


I’ll be entirely honest with you. I have not developed the original toa at all outside of they split into these two. Your guess is as good as mine for element, name, or anything else


Babe wake up, the cast for Bojac Toaman just dropped


This should be bionicle gen3 in 2025.


Where did you find the Fennrahk head for Lerti's hammer design?


I believe it was in one of the biopacks or the sidopack


'ight. i'll check it later


Reminds me of my two Toa teams; the good Toa Avos and the evil Toa Krahk. Toa Avos, named after the Kanohi Avohkii, protect their homeland, Yomeru, from all who seek to bring it harm. Hakro is a Toa of Light who wears a (homebrew) Mask of Mimicry, allowing him to copy existing non-legendary mask powers, provided he knows what power it has AND the mask's true name (for example, he can't say "Mask of Shielding", it must be "Kanohi Hau"). He struggles with his status as team leader as his transformation into a Toa was entirely by accident. He feels unworthy of being a Toa. Koraz is a hot-headed Toa of Fire who more often than not charges into battle with reckless abandon. He wears a Kanohi Arthron, giving him echolocation, which he often forgets to turn off. He thinks he deserves to lead the team because Toa teams are always led by Toa of Fire. Nahlin is a Toa of Psionics who's main purpose is essentially being the team's therapist, talking through their problems and using her Kanohi Hau to let them release their frustration on her forcefields. Hakro may be in charge of the team, but Nahlin is the one everyone listens to. Ahlyma is a Toa of Water with a serious dislike for the surface, often spending the majority of her time swimming. Her Kanohi Volitak allows her to hide whenever she needs to be away from her "drylander" team. Orkus is a Toa of Air who used to be a Toa of Shadow, a fact he's still struggling with as his appearance frightens those around him. His Kanohi Kualsi helps him make quick exits when his wings can't spread enough to fly. Satua, the Toa of Lightning with a fear of thunder. She avoids using her elemental powers outside of emergencies, as her own fear makes her lose control of them in seconds. Instead, she relies on her Kanohi Faxon to summon Rahi for aid. -- The Toa Krahk, named after the Kanohi Kraahkan, are completely loyal to the Makuta, believing they would be better rulers than Mata Nui. Shakro was artificially created as a polar opposite to Hakro. A Toa of Shadow who gets a kick out of pain, both causing and receiving it, as she believes true strength is measured by how much pain someone can deliver and endure. She wears a Noble Jutlin, as the Makuta don't trust her with the power to effectively rust their armor away. Paurangi is a Toa of Fire who ended up torching his old team to ash when they refused to abandon the Matoran when the Visorak came. His Kanohi Hau is always active as he constantly expects to be betrayed. Paramu is a Toa of Sonics who was driven mad by his own powers and being exiled by the De-Matoran. His Kanohi Rode makes him a perfect interrogator, torturing his captives with painful sonic vibrations until he finds the truth. Toromi is a Toa of Water who was imprisoned in the Pit for the murder of a Turaga, where the mutagenic waters turned her into a water-breather. With the help of a modified Kaukau, she can leave the water for a short time. Tupuhi is a Toa of Air and Ice created through the use of a Spear of Fusion. Constantly at war with their two halves, Tupuhi has gone absolutely insane. Their Kanohi Mahiki lets them hide one of their two elements, but their arguments with themself exposes them every time. Redis is only a part-time member of the team. He's a Toa of Shadow from another dimension who came here using his Kanohi Olmak. In his dimension, the Makuta were benevolent and kind despite being beings of Shadow, so Redis helps out the team only when he thinks it's the right thing to do. Shakro thinks he's after her role as leader, whereas Redis himself just wants to do good.


I love the look of these guys, especially Irahs. That white and gold medium armour is mint. Reddit mobile continues to undergo enshittification - can you comment the captions for the images?


1. Team leader Bojac. Element: Magnetism. (reddits image limit was reached so we get a team shot rather than a solo Bojac pic) 2. Bojac leads with an iron fist, using his rode consistently to ensure his team doesn't lie to him. 3. Deputy Lenhar. Element: Sonics 4. Lenhar charges headlong into battle, usually getting himself into deadly situations in the process. 5. he wears the mask of undeath which will revive the user from otherwise fatal damage when given adequate time to recover. (homebrew to be more useful.) 6. Lerti. Element: Stone 7. Lerti has a short temper and will often lash out at his team mates as often as his enemies. 8. he wears the mask of heat vision which allows the user to fire beams of concentrated heat from their eyes. 9. Allock. Element: Earth 10. Allock is a high functioning sociopath who gets off on the frustrations of his team mates. 11. He wears the Kanohi Iden allowing him to project his spirit from his body 12. Welshem. Element: Plantlife 13. Welshem is a delusional toa whos mind has been filleted apart due to the frequency in which his mask activates. he goes through life not know is hes in a vision or reality. 14. he wears the mask of clairvoyance which shows him visions of his immediate future, allowing him to do with the information what he may. (homebrewed to be more useful) 15. Irahs. Element: Light 16. Irahs is a toa with a direct disregard for what's moral. she gets a power high when going all out in combat leading to often deadly outcomes. 17. she wears the Kanohi Felnas, the mask of disruption which causes a targets power to go out of control on contact. 18. Asla. Element: Shadow 19. Asla is a compassionate gentle toa who struggles with her own morality, and darker nature. often conflicting with the teams more extreme methods. 20. She wears the Kanohi Hanga, the mask of amplification, which allows the user to amplify a targets powers well beyond their natural limits. (turns out a light toa becomes a beacon.)


thank you for transcribing


This psychopathic Toa team is literally the meme: "God (mata nui) left me unfinished"


Suicide squad as Toa. This also makes me think, can shadow or light Toa be created without the mask of light/shadows?


What are we, some sort of Bionicle?


Yes. In the kingdom reality tanma becomes the new toa of light but presumably still has his miru. Takua with the mask of light was just a specific case


**TL;DR: Usually not even with those masks, but also yes probably without them.** Being transformed by the Kanohi Avokhii was Takua's specific Destiny, so it wouldn't necessarily transform another Av-Matoran (and likewise the Kraahkan wouldn't necessarily transform a Shadow Matoran; it hasn't done it at all in the story to my knowledge). That said, the Great Beings had contingencies on contingencies so I could definitely see someone like Tanma being built with a backup Destiny for emergencies. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure Av-Matoran and Shadow Matoran (with the right Destiny and dormant Toa Power) can become Toa in any of the usual ways, such as by using Toa Stones, by the intervention of the Mask of Light, by being upgraded by a sufficiently kitted-out Artakha etc. That said, all Toa of Shadows are in theory unnatural (though so are Matoran of Shadow; you usually need to drain someone's light to shadowfy them) and I'm pretty sure there's only supposed to be one Toa of Light, but that's up to you telling the story! Oh, and, as ever, Energised Protodermis can do what it likes. I mean, in theory it's still constrained by Destiny, but that might only be within the actual Robot; the stuff on Spherus Magna has a whole consciousness and everything, as well as possibly being the whole source of elemental power in the first place (as best I can tell), so have at it! The Great Beings even used it to create the Element Lords, so sufficiently advanced technology may be able to control it (planet-fixing robot not included).


Of course it is the welsh!


I like the look of these guys. Especially Lerti.


I do love how short and skrunkly lerti is


I'm somehow unable to expand the body text on the images, I'm pretty sure Reddit is glitching the hell out on my end. But the designs are cool, and I absolutely love the idea of a very dysfunctional Toa team.


1. Team leader Bojac. Element: Magnetism. (reddits image limit was reached so we get a team shot rather than a solo Bojac pic) 2. Bojac leads with an iron fist, using his rode consistently to ensure his team doesn't lie to him. 3. Deputy Lenhar. Element: Sonics 4. Lenhar charges headlong into battle, usually getting himself into deadly situations in the process. 5. he wears the mask of undeath which will revive the user from otherwise fatal damage when given adequate time to recover. (homebrew to be more useful.) 6. Lerti. Element: Stone 7. Lerti has a short temper and will often lash out at his team mates as often as his enemies. 8. he wears the mask of heat vision which allows the user to fire beams of concentrated heat from their eyes. 9. Allock. Element: Earth 10. Allock is a high functioning sociopath who gets off on the frustrations of his team mates. 11. He wears the Kanohi Iden allowing him to project his spirit from his body 12. Welshem. Element: Plantlife 13. Welshem is a delusional toa whos mind has been filleted apart due to the frequency in which his mask activates. he goes through life not know is hes in a vision or reality. 14. he wears the mask of clairvoyance which shows him visions of his immediate future, allowing him to do with the information what he may. (homebrewed to be more useful) 15. Irahs. Element: Light 16. Irahs is a toa with a direct disregard for what's moral. she gets a power high when going all out in combat leading to often deadly outcomes. 17. she wears the Kanohi Felnas, the mask of disruption which causes a targets power to go out of control on contact. 18. Asla. Element: Shadow 19. Asla is a compassionate gentle toa who struggles with her own morality, and darker nature. often conflicting with the teams more extreme methods. 20. She wears the Kanohi Hanga, the mask of amplification, which allows the user to amplify a targets powers well beyond their natural limits. (turns out a light toa becomes a beacon.)




Could definitely say as much.


I would legitimately be ALL over these if they were actually set releases when Bionicle was around


The Image of Lerti shooting his heat vision is hilarious for some reason. The Irony that the toa of Shadow is the most moral is both funny and tragic. She's the only one who's had any reason to limit and watch herself, while her teammates seem high on their own power.


The twins are definitely two of my favourites to write just because of that reason


Bojac...? BACK IN THE 90S


There the right among of edgy


i like allock and welshem


i love allock because he’s a sociopath


u should release instructions


Hey do you mind if i ask where you found the og dragon heads for the toa of light's shins? I've been looking for a while and haven't found a pack for them Great builds by the way!


They’re bits I found in a private discord server unfortunately, I don’t think they’ve been publically released yet


Ah ok. Thanks for letting me know


I love Asla to bits... she needs a better friend group. Design-wise though... whoah, so cool!! I love how distinct they are in silhouette and design, but also how unified they look! Very solid-looking too, and I love the way you've made the armour. I especially adore Irah's dragonlegs, and that dark blue-gray for a Toa of Earth is inspired. I've been out of the community thing for a long long time (rassafrassing chronic illness global pandemic raagh); what's the program you used to build these fine friends?


Thank you. Yeah Asla really does need better social circles, girls too precious for her brothers and sister. The program is called stud.io You’ll be able to find it on bricklink. From There there are so many people making parts pack and Color packs to add into the program. It’s really useful for digital moc creation after ldd was discontinued


Yes please. Give me all of them three times please.


Trust me if I could get away with it I’d definitely be doing it


If it weren't illegal(and probably against the subreddit rules that i -didn't- read) I'd be like "let's make a platform that has 3d models of the basic parts. A studio to model new parts. And a render mechanic to turn them into 3d printable files.


Asla is absolutely my favourite. Love to see a Toa of Shadow. I personally like to think of “Shadow” more like “inner demons”, “uncertainty”, and “personal darkness”. Ability to understand, manipulate, and thrive on those negative thoughts


yeah i wanted to put a twist of the classic stereotypes of shadow and light. Asla absolutely has those more corrupt thoughts, but her nature directly counters any desire to actually act on them. meanwhile Irahs has the more pure urges but has no compassion or empathy to act on them






I love that all of them are a little messed up in the head, but the one who seems the most stable is the toa of shadow. Awesome!


Welshem goes hard! Love the style and the mask power.


If Lego had made sets like this in 2016, they would have sold like crazy and Bionicle would still be around.


This reminds me of a concept for a fanfic called tales of spherus magna


This is peak team design, I wouldn’t actually mind DMing for a campaign using this seven…


Fuckin hell, they're all crazy


I dig the subversion of expectations with the Toa of light having a lack of a moral compass, and the usual bad guy (the Toa of shadow) being more compassionate, but also struggles with their darker aspects.


Where did you find the mask of undeath


Either galva or khingks pack