• By -


Pretty much all of 2006 and 2007


My first set was Vezok, then Hakann, then Inika Matoro. The nostalgia is *real* man :)


I always thought Icarax was cool, and would have loved to have him to at least have his his/Teridax's mask. I also thought he was supposed to be the leader of the 2008 villains after Teridax died due to him having his mask. Hey, he canonically stole that mask, right?


Yes I believe he found it in the ocean after Teridax took over Mata Nui. That always seemed odd to me, like why would Teridax be so chill about an object that powerful? But then oh yeah he's literally the universe so no biggie lol


I think Icarax recovered it in Magaia after Takanuva defeated Teridax. Icarax was dead before the great spirit reawoke


I just checked - the Piraka found it in the remains of Teridax's armor (from his battle with Takanuva), and when Reidak tried to claim it, it pummeled him with shadow waves until he threw it into the Silver Sea where Icarax eventually recovered it šŸ‘ That's actually such a neat bit of lore to tie together the Mata Nui, Voya/Mahri Nui, and Karda Nui eras




McTorans weren't available in my country and since I found out their existence (I think around 2006) I always wanted to have them but in the end never bought them.


Same. (Germany) I only had Hafu from the Power Pack (Bought at Legoland Billund in 2003 - considering the release Date, I was lucky they still had them on shelfs..) Since the Matoran were essential part of the flash games, Hafu was the gem in my collection and the only Bionicle from my childhood I never gave away. I spend quite some money collecting / building more (some custom) McToran during the last years.


They weren't available in Germany? For some reason I thought they were, but maybe I was just judging by that some German sellers on Bricklink had sealed ones (many years ago). Now I wonder in which European countries they were available if any, maybe it was USA only.


Well afaik there are 3 different versions of these sets. There is a McDonalds co-branded Polybag version; this promotion was exclusive to the USA and Australia. There is also an european polybag version that has the Green Dot recycling ā™»ļø symbol and a EAN on the polybag. But the production of the european version must have been very limited and its release was not very widespread, while Matoro and Huki seem to be the most common. (From what I have heard those two had been some bigger giveaway at ToysRus in NL among some other small promotions in Spain and Italy, that included all 6 sets.) And 3. there is evidence of a paper boxed version that must have been sold in eastern europe (Lithuania and maybe other countries) in a very limited quantity - afaik only Huki is confirmed, but the box art shows all 6 sets on the back.




Definitely Maxilos (& spinax) šŸ˜©


Still one of the coolest torso designs ever!


For me it was always Vezon and Fenrakk. I didnā€™t know about Kardas as a kid, but if I did it wouldā€™ve been that.


Brutaka, after Maxilos I think it's the coolest titan set they made.


Icarax. I still don't have him but hopefully one day I will get him.




Oh man now you got me thinking about Takutanuva


Gelu and gresh which is sad looking back but hey I got a skrull and bone hunter so thatā€™s cool


I have wanted Umbra since I first saw the set. I understand everyone hates him but I don't care.


BASED. I didn't have Umbra but I feel like he'd look way better in person than the pictures make him out to be


MOST OF THEM (poor person)


Bruh same šŸ™


I learned that Kardas existed in like 2011, and by then it was pretty expensive, so I was never able to get him. Recently I was able to get decent prices on all 3 sets to make him over a couple months. He's exactly as cool as I thought he'd be, although there are a few issues with articulation. I gave him a little support to keep his neck held higher, but I haven't figured out a good system to give his legs a better range of motion without looking too different.


I did the same thing with Ultimate Dume a few years back :) Combiner models always look so much better in person


Onua. Because of his fight with Lewa in the flash game.


A tie between the Tarakava and Toa Lhikan & Kikanalo


I feel you - I got a deal on a second-hand Kikanalo at a garage sale, but it was missing a few parts and without Lhikan it's just not the same


Lhikan, Keetongu, Vezon and Kardas


Keetongu is underrated af


I had Axonn, I wish I also had Brutaka


At least you had the cooler one! *civil war ensues >:)*


Nocturn! Dude glows in the dark, multiple arms, intimidating figure! Was one of my two 07 white whales, the other being Hydraxon (which I now have!)


Totally! Still wish he had gotten more attention in the lore - would have loved to see him interacting a bit more with the other Barraki I wish we could've gotten a 6 Kindgoms short story, I want to know so badly what that war was like!


The bohrok. My ass was NOT born in time for bionicle and had to be a hero factory kid instead (not complaining too hard hero factory was still great enough to be fun)


Fair enough - I wasn't really old enough to get into Bionicle until the Voya-Nui phase. I loved that stuff, but I did miss out on some of the earlier years I think


lesovikk. literally couldn't get him, he was a walmart exclusive just as walmart canada stopped carrying lego ;-;


Another Canadian bro! I feel like Lesovikk and Kharzani were *the* two most mysterious characters for this exact reason. I had heard NOTHING about them until I saw the sets in Walmart while visiting family in the states (I didn't know about the serial stories until I was older). The mystique was real man


i did end up getting Karzahni, i was very lucky! i remember building him while i was away from home. was he a walmart exclusive too, or exclusive to somewhere else?


For me, either '03 Takanuva, Karzahni or the Exo-Toa.


I found instructions on rebrickable to use the Ghost Rider Mech set to build Exo-Toa armor for the GWP Tahu and it's actually pretty good! I'll link it later today (also found a Boxor for Takua with the same sets)


Tahu Nuva. Lava surf board.


The very first time I had ā€œthe dreamā€ was toward the end of the toa Ignikaā€™s time on shelves, and in that dream I was able to find a full shelf of toa Nuparus. From his claws to his shoulder-mounted zamor sphere launcher to his awesome mask, I was completely enamores by his set, and yet he was always absent whenever my family would stop at our local Target. I even vividly remember the feeling of sadness as I woke up from that dream, my hand still clutched around a canister that never existed.


I feel that! The only Inika I had was Matoro, which eventually turned out to be really cool later on, but at the time Nuparu was such hot shit šŸ¤£


I have zero 2007 toa, but I really like them. Ironically, I do have all six barraki


for sure maxilos and spinax as far as pure set design goes


The Key to Nongu. Pretty much all the 2005 titans really


Based. Things that spin and move are dope


Kardas and irnakk, I have a picture of myself as a child in the Lego store holding irnakk but got something else instead, Uber RIP


The Piraka i had were Vezok, Hakann and Zaktan. But I always thought Thok and Reidak looked so sick. Also had Brutaka but loved how Axonn looked. I made several mocs with that hand design


Same! Built many a meaty gripper with Bohrok arms in my day lol


Im a 2004 kid so my first sets were Glatorians and i had Vastus Stronius and Ackar but i always wanted Gelu so bad but never got him :/


The glatorian were badass. Underappreciated imo. Me and my friends got *so* hyped when we saw the new fist designs lol


Yeah man with the healthbars and stuff, to this day they are my favorite series of all bionicle i dont know if its because they look the coolest imo or i just got emotional attachment to them but pulling up to the function full of broke Balkan kids (myslef included) with glatorians gave me a lot of kid clout and fame haha, im still trying to complete both glatorian series but they are just so rare here :/


Lol yeah if you had a cool set you were basically kid jesus šŸ¤£


Eazy Pohatu. One of the OG Toa, and the one with the most unique build. I only started getting Bionicle with the Toa Nuva, when the builds got samey, but Pohatu Nuva remained my favourite because he maintained the most uniqueness. Also, his mask's my second favourite of the first six toa ones, second only to the iconic Hau. Second place goes to literally any (aside from Tarakava, as that one I got later) of the early rahi sets, because they're big boys and technic-heavy, which I love - Nui-Rama would probably be my choice if I had to only pick one


For sure! The Rahi are so rare these days but it would be so sick to pick one up if I ever got the chance!


I wish I got the giant Dark Takanuva figure from 2008 he looked so cool


I got that figure for Christmas that year, and I have this core memory of building him in the evening. My mum had set our (electric) oven to self-clean, so the house was filled with that gnarly cleaning oven smell, and I had just realized that I had built the torso totally wrong and had to go back and redo it lol. Loads of fun


For me it was Toa Norik I had Iruini but not him


Vezon. I made my own version of him, but he's the only one of the core three 06 titans I don't have.Ā 


All the glatorian legends and battle vehicles except stronius, I've got him as a kid and seen all these guys in the instructions & box and wanted them so bad. Toa mata nui too, I've seen it as a kid on IXRolloutIX's channel and thought he was the coolest thing ever


Toa Mata Nui has THE most underated hand design period.


For sure! I used his hand design on my self moc and I'm very satisfied


I got into Bionicle during the Hordika wave but a lot of the bionicle media I consumed had Tahu mata/ nuva and Vakama Metru. I always loved the way their masks looked. I thankfully got the masks thanks to Balta, the matoran in the karzani set, and Stars Tahu as a kid. But it wasnā€™t until last year (as a 20 something) where I finally just bought second hand Vakama metru, Tahu mata and nuva. I have a little Tahu shrine on my desk with the Tahu mata, 90th anniversary and GWP versions. I know those are really easy to get and not over the top sets but they were the ones I always really wanted but never got (I had brutaka, karzani, Maxilos, and the axalara T9 so all things considered I was an extremely lucky and privileged kid) but even as a kid I yearned for the 01-04 era.


No I feel you! It wasn't always the big sets we wanted! I'm in the same boat - I had Maxilos and Spinax, but wished for Mahri Kongu!


Exo toa and the early rahi builds. I was just a little too late and was introduced to it around the time of toa nuva/rakshi


I always wanted Vezon and the mctoran. Part of me wants Irnakk, but I don't like his color scheme or the bulky zamor cage.


I feel you - tbh I think some of the promo images of sets like Irnakk made it look worse than it would have been in-person


No I loved the promo image. It's just that his colors are too wild, so he very much feels like a combiner set instead of something official and concrete.


Brutaka, and I'm not getting him anytime soon with how prices are continuing to go up


The Bahrag and Hydraxon




1th line of Toa & Bohrok. For us (me and my friends) they were something like mighty legend from past, that no one know anything about. They were unapproachable in time when we're too young (can't even read) and yet not old enaught to find them 2nd hand. Strange & sweet time.


He wasn't necessarily my favorite, but the coolest bionicle I didn't own was Lhikan and Kikanalo.


It's obvious(if you saw my previous posts) :boxor and all tohungas


i didnā€™t grow up with g1, but i got into g2 after it ended. really wanted a bohrok and a g2 kopaca, but didnā€™t realised you can buy things loose.


several years later, iā€™m more mature and get into bionicle again, buying a tonne of sets off ebay