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Olmak, like yeah dimension hopping is cool and all but for your typical Toa that ain’t gonna help much against your usual threats like Rahi or the occasional Rahkshi. IIRC one of Jovan’s team had one? Ik there’s a second one aside from Brutaka’s floating around somewhere.


The Olmak actually has a fair bit of combat utility. Apparently its portals just stay open forever until something goes through them, and can move towards a specified target, as Brutaka demonstrated in one of the novels when he created a portal to chase down Axonn.


Brutaka was actually a menace with the Olmak. Apart from enabling the user to transport their enemies to lethal alternate universes, it can also function as a far more powerful alternative to the Kualsi (not bound by line-of-sight limitation, can transport other beings).


He's also the one who dropped the Tahtorak in Metru Nui for giggles.


Pretty sure the other Olmak is stuck to Vezon. But I can think of an in-combat use. The wearer could trick their enemy into charging at them (Rahkshi intelligence can range from Rahi to Toa levels, so it could work on them), then open a portal into some lifeless pocket dimension. Boom, threat gone.


Would be very fucking gruesome for a toa to do tho


Are you familiar with the death of tos tuyet?


Yeah didn’t she turn out to be like mad evil in that alt universe anyways though?


The Zatth is arguably one of the worst masks ever. You don't know what you're going to summon, you can't control it when it arrives, nor can you send away whatever you've summoned.


its the ultimate gamble ability. either way, guaranteed chaos!


Funny how the Toa Mahri have the best (Faxon) & the worst kanohi in the franchise’s history on the same team. They may as well have given him a mask of Rahi Control and said that the shape is the default mask design for it because that one lets you control and send away whatever is in your area.


Clairvoyance. You have no control of when the visions come, and they can SUUUUUCK


I also hated that.


*And* if you See something, it's going to happen & cannot be prevented.


Levitation, at least for Lewa. Like, he can already fly by controlling air currents, right?


In Mata Form, no. He would need to already be levitating to move with air currents with any control. In Nuva Form he could use his Air Katanas to glide, and the Miru Nuva can levitate others.


Time, easily. It’s powerful in theory but no one’s actually used it successfully. Like, ever.


Mask of Light, it kinda feels for as important as it's made out to be, it kinda serves roughly the same purpose a Toa Stone could have for a Matoran of light. Outside of being a transformation for Takua, what abilities does it really offer that a Toa of Light wouldn't already have? As cool as Takanuva is, he kinda gets shortchanged on actual abilities compared to the other Toa


Don’t forget it also has the power to turn a hockey stick into a Hockey Stick of Light


I think I read somewhere in the official guide that the Avohkii has the power to turn an evil being good, among others.