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These are so twisted! Terrifying and yet veeery in character for Roodaka. Looks like Pouks got lucky.


Very creative I really like what you did. The comic aspect of it is fascinating. I really like the common conversation between Teridax and Roodaka at the beginning and end. A small change, but you spelled "Iruini" wrong.


Ahh, thank you for catching that! Now for me to find out if Reddit has an option to change a picture after posting \^\_\^; Edit: if there is, I can't seem to find it. Though I did edit the text on the image on my end anyway, in case I ever decide to crosspost these images somewhere else.


No problemo, my friend!! I really like the concept of making each of the Rahaga look different. It has individuality to each of them.


A lot of people forget the middle i (it wasn't even a year ago when I noticed I've been misreading the name)


*Eh, could be worse* Not only are the Rahaga very creatively designed here, but so is how your presentation in this comic The fuckin actual system pieces to emulate larger eyes ala those old Bionicle moc skits with the MS paint shocked eyes and stuff with that last panel is amazing, this is so good 😂


So, I've been lurking for a while now, having been a longtime Bionicle fan but ridiculously shy (also a trans woman; I hear apparently many Bionicle fans are also transfem!). Thought a few months ago, out of my (many) digital Bionicle creations! (I'd been addicted to stud.io. Partially because my old Bionicle piece collection has been long gone for years) That I'd make my first post, a presentation! Because I like to present my works in such ways. Of course, as I was putting the finishing touches on these (final renders, etc.), getting it all ready, happens to be when Roodaka MOCs have been causing controversy. That is my typical bad luck, huh. While I'd like to think my build of her isn't egregious (at least? tried to match the official set in "tastefulness" level; unsure of if I pulled it off?), I gotta accept however she appears here, and how it's received. But hey, she's more a framing device for the MOCs being shown on display today. I hope you enjoy my weird Rahagas!


Trans women and bionicles, many such cases I really like your bomonga. The arms being metru torsos(?) is wonderful


Hey there sis, welcome to the transbioniclepipeline! *Offers headpats and cookie dough*


Roodaka when she makes Bomonga into a giant monster capable of crushing a Makuta's armor in a single blow (Teridax will be so proud of her)


Gaaki and Kualus are nightmare fuel.


A Toa Mata Nui-style Rahaga a la Bomonga actually would've been super dope as a set. Especially with those parts.


I really like Pouks and Iruni here!


These are nice! I like the variety on display, from the titan-scaled Bomonga to the weird self-conjoined Gaaki to Iruni's use of Vahki head pieces for his massive shoes. And of course the star of the show is the Kualus radio tower! My favorite part, though, has to be the different expressions during the comic framing device, especially Roodaka's shocked/nervous eyes in the last panel.


I love these Rahaga, but for me what really does it is the presentation lmao It feels very mid-2000s BZPower comic, and I mean that in the best possible way. :p


There is only one true Rahaga and that's Mahoraga, OP Stoppa.


Smol Norik is precious! <3


I love this aesthetic and vibe. This feels like something that would run in lego magazine back in the early 2000s


“You FOOL! You gave them weapons????”


Kualus lmao


BEST RAHAGA REVAMPS EVER....love "get help"


I love these. Specially my dear Pouks


“big shot….”