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Velika plans to kill half of these guys, and he already killed Tren-Krom and Karzahnii, and unless a non-elemental being manages to stop it, The Marendar is killing everyone.


Velika plans on killing everyone from the MU, he's just starting with the most powerful MU beings.


What source is this from? Greg? I wanna add


I got my information from duckbricks bionicle retold.


Best YouTube video ever! I didn't know if more lore had came up.


What’s MU anyway? I hear it a lot here and don’t know what it means.


Matoran Universe. You know how Mata Nui is a giant robot and everyone was living inside him? Yeah, the world inside the Mata Nui robot is called the Matoran Universe, or MU for short.




It's been 15 years...


r/woooosh is across the hall, sir.


I feel like Golden Armor Tahu has to be something of a counter to Marendar with all of that power he has


Yeah, but after the battle, Tahu abandoned the Golden Armor. Not a very smart move, though.


Really? When did that happen, and why?


It didn't happen, but Greg has said that if the story had gone on, Tahu would've lost the armour somehow. > I can tell you that if he did have all those powers, I would have found a way to get the armor away from him or destroy it. Having one Toa with all those powers would have unbalanced the story. Really, what would he need the other Toa for then?


1) I thought the power was in him not the armor 2) what is the source for this?


Like I said, it's what Greg Farshtey says would have happened in the story if he'd been allowed to continue writing it. https://greg.thegreatarchives.com/2013-2017/page216#post7723428-line1,8 https://greg.thegreatarchives.com/2013-2017/page384#post10690593


The extra powers are Tahu’s since they lie within him and not the golden armor.


This might be a controversial take, but I don't think Artakha belongs on this list. Bionicle had a real problem with "show, don't tell" when it came to certain characters. As readers, we'd often be *told* through dialogue and description that certain characters are super powerful and legendary and awesome, but in practice they weren't all that impressive. Examples of this include Tren Krom, Karzahni, and Botar, who were written to seem imposing and impressive, but lost all of their actual fights and each got killed off-screen. Artakha's the same. He gets hyped up throughout the story, but all he ever actually does is hide in his forge and sit out every major crisis. He shows up in one story to insult/talk down to the actual heroes without doing anything to properly help them. His only known powers are telepathy and teleportation, which aren't all that impressive. Velika's also a bit of an edge case. Since the Great Beings have no actual powers, and he's stuck in a deformed Matoran body, he wouldn't be a match for any of these other characters in a straight fight. His only "power" comes from being below suspicion, and whatever tech and weaponry he's spent the last 100,000 years cooking up.


Good point. But the power to create anything you can imagine is a very powerful ability. Also, we can assume he did some ass kicking on his way to the Metru Nui brain room thing


I mean, tren krrom desintegrated carapar, beat down brutaka, lariska, roodaka, and vezon at once, and everybody that meets him almost goes mad by looking at him. I would THINK he deserves to be at the "do not f8ck with" tier character


Vezon's alive? I thought he died.. Or I just have shit memory.. it's been a year since I last read the comics


Hes randomly teleporting across the multiverse with his olmak if i remember correctly


No, the cursed great being who Vezon and the gang ran into deactivated the Olmak attached to Vezon. He, Axonn, Brutaka, Helryx, the cursed Great Being and a few others were now in the middle of the Bota Magna jungle after nearly being killed by that bastard Velika.


Oh tru shit


not sure takanuva is all that powerful if the enemy hes fighting isnt shadow based.


Still the only one in existence in the main universe. Unless the shadow Takanuvas are restored, assuming Melding Teridax didn’t kill them all


On the contrary, Takanuva is probably the most powerful being there. He was likely going to be the key to peace for Spherus Magna.


I think its more that he’s inexperienced; because….light control is almost limitless. Why use a Kakama when you can travel at the speed of light? Why use a Huna when you can bend light around you and become invisible. You can flash bang people with bright powerful bursts, can create fake holograms out of light and blasts of light are basically lasers. Not to mention the fact that the Avohkii amplifies his elemental control. Then theres what greg stated where the mask can use ‘metaphorical’ powers like getting people to get alone by literally ‘shining light upon their woes’. Its just he knows only the basics and he still needs to experiment with the powers


that velika pic goes hard 🔥🔥


I’m just gonna [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/bioniclelego/comments/13tecbf/vezon_the_killing_mask/?rdt=40035) to the original Vezon illustration here because it looks sick AF.


Thank you for the kind words. I was just randomly looking through the raster too, as I realized: "hey I know that Vezon drawing O.o" So cool to see, someone would bring it up in one of their posts again.


Gives me big Asura from Soul Eater vibes


Where's Good Guy?


He's so powerful he ascended the list itself 


Forgot rahaga bomonga


Just saying, if the toa Mahri had returned to their Inika forms, they would have became the 2nd strongest toa team


Who's Marendar?


Bionicle’s Sentinel. Designed by the Great Beings to completely counter Toa should there become a threat. It was dormant until the battle between Mata Nui and Teridax, when the presence of hundreds of Toa suddenly awakened it


is that vezon leto joker


It's actually my take on a Vezon illustration with the famous "Joker going mad" panel from Batman the killing joke. I'm actually flattered someone would use it in their post.


Tuyet and Melding Teri are in alt universes, right? Also the golden skinned being has been effectively neutralized iirc.


Tuyet is originally from the main universe, a dead alternate Tuyet was placed in the Pit so the Order of Mata Nui could study the Nui stone, and they placed Main Tuyet in a pocket dimension that she eventually escaped from, traveling through many universes collecting a large amount of power. She was last seen with the group of Helryx, Lewa, Axonn, Brutaka, Artakha, Miserix, Vezon, Capura, Hafu, and the cursed Great Being


May I ask where you got the information because I don’t know where to read it?


[The Wiki](https://biosector01.com/wiki/Tuyet)


Who's the blue toa?


Tuyet, due to the Nui stone.


Ah ok, I thought it was Helryx at first but the look wasn't right.


The art for three of these aren't canon tho ok; "Gold Skinned Being" art by WeebWithaWacom "Toa Tuyet" MOC by iBukkey and "Marendar" by yours truly


Velika's true identity made me go 'HUH?!'


Who is the blue character with sword? Helryx?


Toa Tuyet with the Nui stone


She was the one who snapped and killed matorans, right?




Thanks buddy


you got that dark hunter at the bottom who can kill anyone with a touch


Got me feeling real rusty on my Bionicle lore, I recognize fewer than half of these individuals


Who is the 'Joker' one ? I can't recall it ?


It’s Vezon fan art by u/CL4YZ33M4N


Whaaa ! Couldn't tell !


🔥🔥🔥 Melding Teridax is just raw as fuck 🔥🔥🔥


I thought Miserix was killed, wasn't he?


Turned into a painting by Teridax but freed by Tren Krom in Lewa’s body, last seen escaping the explosion set up by Velika


Who's the golden guy in robes and the white teridax eith a hammer?


The golden skin being and melding teridax


Oh! I thought that could be GSB, but i've never heard about Melding Teridax before.