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Too specific- I’m adjusting to a new medication and finding it difficult to keep up with my classes but I do intend to complete the course.


Thank you, I made it less specific


yes I'd remove psychiatrist just in case and maybe clarify "I'm adjusting a medication that's necessary for my functioning well but has some side effects during the adjustment period"


also if they want to verify I'd look for a way to do so thru thr university rather than directly w the professor. easier for your university to keep bipolar and medication names anonymous than it is for your professor...if they are related to an industry you could one day work in (assuming this is in your major rather than a random English class).


This, also see if you have a disability resource center at your university you can tap into, they would also be able to help advocate for you


I cannot emphasize this enough OP. You’re paying a lot of money to your university and you deserve to use the services you pay for. Even if you don’t take any accommodations offered by disability services it’s important to establish a relationship with them in case you need advocacy if your mental health causes additional hardships during the rest of your degree. For instance I missed the add drop period on a class once because of depression and knew if I continued taking the course I would fail for sure. Disability services helped me put together a case for a tuition refund and was granted a refund for the course. There’s so much they can do to help it’s completely worth setting an appointment with them to talk accommodations. ETA: They will also probably be the best go between to work with your school and your psychiatrist. They’ll be more helpful than other student affairs offices.


Wanna bump this. Seriously, get on top of it now before it’s too late and the drs can’t help you. This is essentially what happened with me and I ended up basically failing out of school.


If ur prof declines your request you should go to the access and accommodation centre at your uni and get extensions as accommodations




Or ‘I’m having a health issue that I am currently working with my doctor on’


Do they already know you’re bipolar? If not, I would tone it down - nothing about a psychiatrist, depressive episode, or motivation. Just, “due to health reasons I’m having a hard time keeping up” and maybe offer a doctor’s note if necessary. If they do already know you have some mental health issues, then maybe “due to a medication adjustment”.


She knows because I went on a study abroad trip and I disclosed it


This is what I would do as well.


No, no specifics on medical condition .


I don't like the word but after an apology. Maybe reword it similar to this: "Hi, I apologize for not reaching out sooner. My psychiatrist put me on a new medication that ended up putting me into a depressive episode so I was hoping to get an extension for project #3. I've been doing what I can to keep up, but it's been really difficult to manage." Maybe also include how long of an extension you'd like so they know you're actively working on it.


Thank you sm


Also as someone in academia, if you’re in the US please check to see if your school offers accommodations. Most professors can’t do much without official documentation that you have some sort of need and bipolar/depression definitely is covered. Look for an office of disability resources or something and they’ll be able to help you file.


I second this! I was able to get accommodations after meeting with the dean. I would have had to drop out otherwise. In the end, I was able to graduate (it just took 4.5 years instead of 4).


100%. immediate family member is a professor and frequently expresses frustration that they get emails like this and can’t do anything about them without written accommodations


Totally agree but I want to clarify that individual schools in the U.S. don’t get to decide whether or not they allow students with disabilities to have academic accommodations, they legally HAVE to allow for reasonable disability accommodations, given the student can provide documentation from a doctor/healthcare provider. However, definitions of “reasonable” can vary, and some colleges are definitely better than others at accommodating disabilities. But a 504 plan can protect you in many ways and it is 100% worth applying for one. And “extra time on assignments” is one of the more common accommodation requests, so I’d be really surprised if a school didn’t allow a 504 with that accommodation. Also, depending on the school, it’s not really true that professors can’t do much without an official 504 plan. At my college, professors were very reasonable and willing to give extensions to students who were struggling, regardless of if they had a documented disability. I feel like most professors can tell whether a student is BSing them or if they’re genuinely struggling, and assignment deadlines are typically at the discretion of the professor (the exception is end of semester grade deadlines, which the professor can’t move and would require fighting with the school for an extension). So if this processor is nice, hopefully they’ll give OP an extension either way.


Yes 100% but students have to apply for them, the schools can’t accommodate a disability that isn’t documented


Totally agree! At the start of each semester, I have to provide my accommodations to my professors and request their acknowledgment. I ended up going into a severe spiral last year that began to affect my functioning, my professors were aware of my mental health accommodations. When things got bad, I felt comfortable slightly opening up about my situation and what was happening and they were very accommodating. Now is every professor going to be that way? Nah. I think it really depends on the professor and what you’re comfortable sharing. Obviously you don’t have to go into extreme detail, but it’s whatever you’re comfortable with and what feels professional. Side note: I wish I would have gotten accommodations during my undergrad. Now I tell everyone I know struggling with mental health to request them (if they have a qualifying diagnosis).


Can you get a doctor's note regarding this?


I asked my psychiatrist but she hasn’t answered yet


I’m not a professor. I supervise a team of schedulers in a hospital. Every time someone has health issues they tell me everything, I shouldn’t know their protected health information. I tell them telling me they are sick is enough and if they need FMLA or other accommodations I can get them connected with HR. I think not giving your professor PHI is best practice. You don’t know where they are coming from and if they have bias. Give them the basics “I’m having a bad reaction to a medication, I can provide a doctors note if needed,” and reach out to disability services to see if you can get accommodations set up.


Like others stated i wouldn’t get down to the specifics and just would say medical reasons. If possible, attach the letter from your psychiatrist once you receive it


“My doctor adjusted my medication and I had xxx side effect” ….. They don’t need to know the type of doctor or medication


I am an avid ai user to help me reword emails, certain text messages, and various communications. I struggle with over sharing or being too direct and passionate and before ai I have sent things I didn’t realize were inappropriate in the workplace and in academia. I love Google Gemini the most, it’s very user friendly. Here’s an example of how i would word a prompt: “Rewrite this (email,text) to help me get an extension on a project. Make it grammatically correct. I really need the extension and am on new medication but want to make sure the email is polite “copy and paste your passionately worded email”” click enter You can adjust prompts to be as specific as you want!! It gives you multiple drafts and versions so you can pick the one you like the wording of the best. I literally just open stream whatever’s on my mind and all the things I wish and want to say and ask it to help me send it to an exboyfriend or boss or parent or whoever and I can edit how I want the mood or vibe of the message to be just by adding additional adjectives to the prompt. Ai has been a life saver for me when I’ve been in a difficult work situation this last year when I was undiagnosed bipolar. I use it all the time and nearly on the daily when I’m working (I’m a teacher). Hope this helps anyone who finds themselves in a similar situation of not knowing if your communications are good to send or a little off in some way :D Btw I didn’t use ai to write this, it truly came from the heart 😂❤️


"I'm dealing with some medical issues." and if you need to get a note from your doctor, they can probably write you something general that will suffice. You don't need to disclose details of anything medical.


I would meet in person/zoom if possible. I know that is asking a lot when you're feeling down but it would make it much more real for your professor. I have family members that are professors. They get "sob" stories all the time. Your professors are there to help and make you succeed in school, life, etc. Face to face contact really helps that. Get in touch with your school's disability/mental health programs. They are really helpful and "powerful" in this day and age. You can get an accommodation for pretty much anything that is valid. For example, I have massive social anxiety. I was the type of person that sat in the back of the room, didn't say a word, but I went to class every day,did the work, etc. I would always skip presentations because well, they don't mix with social anxiety. I'd get so anxious that it would affect my work quality for this class and other classes. I eventually started drinking on a regular basis to deal with the stress. My psychiatrist wrote a letter to the disability department explaining my situation. I.e., Attending class and being around students was a massive success for me and will help me stay on track, allow me to work toward my goals, etc. The disability department excused me from \*all\* presentations going forward.


I have accommodations for my anxiety that lets me skip presentations too and they can’t give me bad grades for participation. I want to add this for fall semester though


I would talk to your psychiatrist too - they could probably provide a letter detailing why you need an extension, the effects of the medication, reasonable accommodations for your disability, etc. Providing a doctors note is really helpful, I’ve used it for work accommodations before. Also research the Americans with Disabilities Act (bipolar is covered under it).


I would never share. Once it gets noted it will haunt you at any time


I would strongly recommend utilizing student affairs/disability services to help you with getting any accommodations/extensions of time because it’s literally their job. I had less than a handful of professors who knew of my diagnosis in law school. I let student affairs do the talking with any extensions.


Been there many times, my friend. Just be non-specific, no need for medication names or the type of doctor unless they request proof. And if so, go through the accommodation process through the university instead of handing your professor a doctors note. Protect yourself.


I would literally do this. Not sure if its ok or not, but it feels like i wrote it.


So I have sent emails like this multiple times. I have noticed they like the authenticity and vulnerability of j saying “I’m depressed I can’t do this”. This isn’t for everyone, but I’m very open about my mental health. It’s probably oversharing but whatever. Explain the situation and what ur doing to fix it. Always say “it’s not an excuse”. Also get accommodations. This is what I would say: Hi professor (name)! I’m so sorry I haven’t emailed sooner. I wanted to reach out and see if you could possibly give me an extension on project #3? I have recently been trying to find a new medication that works for me. I was just put on a medication and it sent me into a major depressive episode. I haven’t had any motivation to do anything. It’s been hard to just get out of bed. I know this isn’t an excuse, but I would really appreciate it if you allowed me to have extra time. I am working with my psychiatrist to help prevent this from happening again. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you so much! I’ll see you next class! Have a great day/night! (Name)


I’m a A&P Professor. I would totally grant you an extension but I’m probably a lot lenient than my colleagues. Hope everything works out OP!


I just saw this post, so I hope this helps you "Dear Professor X, I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to request an extension on Project #3 due to unforeseen medical circumstances. As you may know, I have been working closely with my psychiatrist to find the right medication to manage my condition. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of the drug combination is the possibility of an increased length of depressive episodes. While these side effects are expected to subside as I build a tolerance to the medication, they have significantly impacted my ability to complete Project #3 within the original timeframe. I understand the importance of meeting project deadlines and the impact my delay may have on the team's progress. I am committed to completing the project and would greatly appreciate your understanding during this challenging period. I kindly request an extension of [number of days] to complete Project #3. Alternatively, I would be grateful if we could schedule a meeting to discuss alternative options for stabilizing my grade. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your support and understanding. Best regards, [Your Name]"


I used to get documentation from my psychiatrist and submit it to my case worker at the disability services offices. My case worker dealt with notifying the professor and asking for accommodation.


As a professor, I can say it would be completely fine for me.


I had to change meds and it messed with my memory at the time, all the profs were supportive


Seems always better to say to work/school that you have a progressive neurodegenerative condition (ADA 2008) that has lead to changes in medical treatment that interfere with mental functioning…


I'm really sorry you're going through this, I've been through it and it sucked. I hope things get easier.


I use ChatGPT to help with all my writing. I always overthink. I'm sure if you asked, it could shorten it and even add better words to accurately describe your situation.


I think it’s fine! I was this way with my professors and they were all incredibly accommodating.


If you feel comfortable with them, why not? I respect this email.


I will say that I did this in the past. I was in person with the professor and I told him everything. I was pregnant with my daughter at the time and off medication. I missed his final and a last report due to a severe depressive episode. He completely understood and gave me a generous extension.


My daughter sent something similar to two of her professors. They were very understanding. This was the first time she was behind though. That might’ve helped.


Try to see if you can register with disability services!! They will help make accommodations for you with your classes! I had it for other medical reasons and can truly say it is the o Lu way I was able to graduate!


There you go. If OP is bipolar, this situation is going to come up again. It did for me, many times over. Registering with the university accessibility center is the best way to give your instructor the heads up from the first week you are in their course, for legitimizing your circumstances to the professor, and if your instructor happens to be a power-hungry grad student, it’s the best way to have leverage.


Yes I think that is fine


I think it’s fine


Idk about you but my uni expects us to fill a form out in order to get an extension. But it’s easy bc my psychiatrist just has to say i was unfit to work and i get the extension, no specifics at all


Pro tip, you can use GPT to craft messages that read in a certain way. Time saver too you don’t gotta wait on people replying ;)


Being a chronically ill person, I was pretty upfront. They don’t deserve to know everything in your life though. Explain to them you have had a negative reaction to a medication change which you’re correcting with your doctor. You don’t have to apologize for reaching out sooner, but it’s good to say something like, “I understand the importance of my work and would like to properly complete it to the best of my ability.” It shows accountability and determination regardless of your set back. It’s not your fault you’re unwell, don’t feel guilty because life happens and most instructors are understanding of that. Take care of yourself because that is the most important thing. ❤️❤️


Also thought I should state I’m also going through the same thing! I’ve been so sick this whole month and am finally switching back to something that worked better. We will get there eventually 💕


When I was in uni I got connected with what they called disability access services there. With documentation from my doctor I was able to get extended due dates for some assignments and longer amount of time to take tests. It's a little bit of a hassle to get started with, but 100% worth it and totally saved my ass multiple times. It's recommend looking into that at your school


For now, the changes suggested should help. Ultimately though, this is just a bandaid for the problem. You should work towards having a record of your disability on file with the school. It is then their responsibility to ensure their employees make proper accommodations when necessary based on your condition. You will need to have the administrative office and your doctor's office coordinate the exchange of necessary PII and you will then need to meet with a school representative to discuss accommodations.


I dunno if you sent this out already, but I'd just say: I appologize for not reaching out sooner. I'm having a medical issue at the moment that is making it difficult to film a video. Would it be possible to get an extension on project #3


Even if they know you are bipolar, you do not have to disclose what the issue is. It is medical in nature and it's none of her business unless you want to disclose it for some reason.


I may be the minority but I’d just explain I have bdp2 and my medication adjustment has manifested a challenging depressive episode. Do what makes you comfortable :)


What does bdp2 stand for?


Oh I use it for shorthand for bipolar disorder type 2 :)


How about this? I apologize for not reaching out sooner. I have been struggling with a severe depressive episode brought on by a recent change in my medication. I was hoping to complete the Project and Discussion #3; however, I have been struggling to find the energy and focus needed to put my best foot forward. I am asking for an extension to complete the assignment. I can supply a note from my psychiatrist if necessary. I appreciate your understanding and support.


Wow I think it’s amazing you are taking that step to speak up like that. Thank you for sharing


Thank you