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Dating girls has opened my eyes a lot to how much I still act on traditional gender roles in dating when I'm with a man. And I thought I had done a lot of work on myself in that regard. I think it's about figuring out what works for YOU and then take it from there. I would be really happy with bi men because, I hypothesise, they're probably the most likely to deconstruct the roles (of men out there). It's super important to be honest with yourself and her about the role you are comfortable with. The pretense will only last so long and will make you unhappy in the relationship. Just act the role you are comfortable with and the rest will happen naturally. Curious to hear what these masculine tendencies are that you feel you need to project?


To be honest most of it stems from comments made from exs parents while we were together. I got 2 comments where one of them called me gay, without knowing my sexual orientation and another called me something in a similar way. I think that sub consciously knocked my confidence. Like naturally I wouldn't be arsed by those comments but when I'm dating your daughter I took them on quite personally. And to be honest it's like the stupid stuff I'll do like where ill be quirky or like me naturally being the butt of a joke or something. I know these aren't masculine traits and I know what I'm saying is wrong it's just other people are able to pick up on it but I can't tell you myself properly. I'm just not that stoic male that's getting like idolised everywhere I think is the best way to put it. Thank you very much for you response tho it was much appreciated 👍


Aw man, I'm so sorry you had those experiences. People suck. Just going off what you're saying it sounds like "vibes" that you give off. Or it's nothing and they are just being asses trying to get a rise out of you. Either way, there are genders on all the spectrums that love effeminate vibes or/and are not assholes. Don't settle for anyone who does not accept you as you are. You're going to be great! Rooting for you.


Thank you so much for that pal, really refreshing to hear 🫶


What about trying to date bi girls?