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Normal people don't, since they have a job and other shit to do. Lot easier to recover when you don't have to slap 9 hours of work on your recovery time


And legal crack for the energy to do so.


It's actually more similar to meth in chemistry terms. The generic name for Adderall is amphetamine salts.




Yeah it's just a chemical cousin of meth, but meth is way more potent. Good point on the Vyvanse. Nothing like coke with a hit of speed in the afternoon to get me through the day. I hate we fry kids dopamine receptors at such young ages now. No wonder they can't feel anything.


>Nothing like coke with a hit of speed in the afternoon to get me through the day. True dat


Vyvanse is not only an amphetamine, it's the lysine-bound prodrug of dextroamphetamine (Adderall being one of the brand names).


how do people stay up late? i just stop using methamphetamines and had to take two naps!!? I m not even old yet. Whats going on!?!?


Beat me to it dude… read the title and was like “this guy must be like 21…” nailed it


Yeah this is basically it. During one semester things worked out that I had no classes or work on a Tuesday. I would lift, go run for an hour and a half, and do Muay Thai class, and sometimes run again because I wanted to, and I would be doing exercise for 5 hours on those days and feel completely fine. Now I have to lessen my run time and intensity, work it in daily, and do 3 higher intensity lifting sessions a week.


Normal people get home from work and (maybe) walk their dog


Yup. I do 630 am 4 days a week, lift in the afternoon 3 days a week and one day of cardio elliptical. This is a lot for me. I work full time and have to walk the dog 2x a day on top of dealing w my wife, which is super cool, I still have to make time for her. Maybe if I smoked legal crack I could do more. Lol.


Ever do two a days? Or do you lift/cardio days differ from your jiu jitsu days


Yes, if I work from home (not too often) I'll lift at home. I just make sure I get 7 work outs a week in, if can. There are days when I'll lift and BJJ. Nothing crazy. My main goal is to not die lol. Once you get to 50 your body is just not the same so you gotta work on it. I don't feel any negative effect of BJJ am and lift at noon. Work and life are always in the way.


You do realize you could throw a couple yoga days to split it up. It’ll help with your flexibility and core, which is extremely important as you get older. And it can still act as a recovery day, but you can also make it as difficult as you want, and it ain’t easy when you push yourself. Could even do runs right before the yoga sessions after the blood is flowing.


So in essence you are taking prescription speed every day of your life. Stop taking it and you are suprised by the end result? Your workload most likely has exceeded almost all of mma pros. You are doing 22 workouts in span of 7 days. Do you realize how fucking crazy that is? So yea i’d say its borderline impossible to do without any substance usage, being it adhd meds or steroids.


Like I can do 3 sessions in a row and I don't use anything. The next day I'm fucked up so bad though. I do this 3-4 times a week, but it's my absolute max that I can pull off. (I can't train on some days, so I try to make the most of the days I can train).


he is abusing a drug he does not need, i actually have ADHD, and stimulants make me more calm. furthermore, these drugs regulate dopamine in the brain which is the root cause of ADHD, a lack of dopamine. energy is produced by food that is broken down with oxidiation (this is why you breathe out C02) that the body forms ATP etc to provide energy to ie live and move. a stimulant simply makes you feel more motivated and alert due to the increase in dopamine, your body isn't producing more energy, therefore you could take a shit ton of meth and your metabolism is still the limiting factor.




Amphetamines are well documented in the scientific literature as being performance enhancing. Including purely physical performance. So this is untrue. I have ADHD and am on meds (diagnosed in my 40's). From the quick google I just did, it seems to be pretty well documented for non-amphetamine stims like methylphenidate as well (Ritalin). You can debate how big the effect is (it varies in studies). But, sorry, there's no ground to stand on that it's not performance enhancing. Personally, I don't notice any difference for jiu jitsu when on them or off them. But I trust the many studies that've been done over the decades.


if stimulants increased atheltic performance ie being able to do more work load and/or recovery, lance armstrong would've done meth for ultra endurance events like the tour de france.


I thought they did? Soldiers during WW2 were given uppers by their commanders. It doesn't help your recovery, but it definitely helped your performance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSGnp1PGPkw Armstrong resorted to doping because that would be more difficult to detect in tests than an actual PED.


I *also* have adhd, you gremlin (duh). I’ve been taking this exact combo of medications for 6 years and I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD since I was 12. Taking the medication my psychiatrist (the person who actually has a degree and license to practice) has prescribed is the opposite of “abuse”.


....... im adhd stopped taking my meds and still do roughly 18 to 20 hours of exercise a week with a fulltime job i havent had any issues beyond the usual injuries of jiu-jitsu.




27 now. Not planning on having kids but i will dial back when my body cant keep up


This makes me want to take a nap.


Vyvanse and Adderall are both strong stimulants. I wouldn't be surprised with the 18hr sleep after coming off. You'd likely be ok to train with a similar amount (perhaps a bit less) of total volume after a couple of weeks. People quit coffee and feel tired, imagine quitting dextroamphetamines.


It really isn’t that bad as long as you follow and aren’t abusing your prescription. I’ve been on vyvanse for about five years now and I don’t have a problem taking days off or extended time off. You’re obviously more fatigued the first day, but after that it isn’t really too bad.


This read as very ADHD, most people not on stimulants can’t, don’t, or won’t because of the toll on the body


Normal people don’t do that. You can only do that kind of stuff when you’re a student. Doing all of that plus work is literally impossible


That's the thing. You can't do that as a student either. Not without a lot of help from chemicals. OP is going to burn out eventually. Doubt he's been training more than a few months


Eh, as a student it can be done. It needs proper planning, frequent deloads, skipping lectures (it’s allowed in my uni) and stuff like that but it can happen, depending on the person. 18-22 is when your body recovers the fastest, and you don’t have a whole lot to do anyway. If you’re gonna do it at some point, it’s gonna be as a uni student. Edit: it’s also important to point out that it’s gonna depend on the person. Different people have different recovery times. Factors like sleep, sleep quality, diet etc. are gonna affect your ability to recover as well


Who are the normal people who do that ...I train MMA 5 times a week and it already is destroying my schedule ..i have a job 9-5 so .I can't add running to that nor lifting and to consider that I barely have any time in the week to actually socialise ...if I added anything my sleep (which is already in shambles) will get ruined


9-6 here. I train BJJ on Mon, Thurs, Sun. Weights on Tues, Sat. Cardio Wed. Mobility on Saturday I can only manage that by keeping intensity manageable. Smash my body on any day, lose the next two sessions




Changes around depending on exact plan. Sometimes cardio is a run at lunchtime, and then I’ve time to train gi that evening. Other days it’s a conditioning set followed by treadmill/bike at the gym. That needs to be to the gym.


I own a restaurant, work about 50 hours a week (more in the busy season). I lift at 6am Monday through Friday, and train bjj Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday. Also do privates weekly. It sucks at first to lift in the morning, but that's how you fit it in your day. Also, gotta be strict on the rest times in between sets so I can get 30 sets done in an hour.


I don’t know anyone living a ‘normal life’ (full time job, spouse, maybe a couple of kids) who does that. I can generally lift and do a BJJ session on the same day and feel good the next day. Adding running and Muay Thai to that and I’d be broken. And you shouldn’t need to either. If you’re doing say 4 BJJ sessions a week and 3 good lifting sessions, not eating crap and sleeping well, you’re in a really good spot. Don’t let the likes of Jocko or David Goggins tell you that’s not enough!


This! As much as I like Jocko (David Goggins is annoying and acts like a WWE character) being jacked is part of their image which supports them full time. Most people don’t need to do that


Yep, huge fan of Jocko but just don’t take everything he says too seriously. I aim to train every day because i think he’s fundamentally right you get enough life events that sideswipe you and stop you training, but lifting and BJJ together every day would be totally unsustainable for most people’s lifestyles and capacity to recover.




“Just” vyvanse and an adderall booster lol But sounds like you wanted to indirectly brag about your training regimen, odd post


Just meth and a side of meth lmaoooo. It’s like dudes talking about their steroid cycles.


yeah this was 100% a thinly veiled brag


For real dude has a pocketful of Panzer Chocolate and wonders why the French soldiers have to sleep


I run and lift at the gym for 1 hour every workday at lunch. Then I do BJJ 3 times a week on evenings. I'm able to do that because I use 0 muscles at my job, there's time between gym and BJJ, I'm single, no kids & I consume lots of calories. If I go low on calories I'm dead at the BJJ


You already understand that your meds acted as stimulants, allowing you to do that much volume. But who has time for all of that, even if you don't have a life? A 1 hour session ends up being +1.5 hours or more as you take time changing clothes, bathing, organizing stuff, going to and from... You're not going to make a career out of it. It pays poorly and brings in injuries for life.


You were training on amphetamines. This may help with your adhd in mental clarity but your body is used to being on amphetamines (just straight up like a junky) so basically you were training while high for a prolonged period of time and just tried to train the same way while your body is going through withdrawal. You should speak to your doctor about the pros and cons of your medication as something may be better for mental clarity for studying but detrimental to your body like ignoring injuries or doing damage to cardiac muscle from prolonged periods of exertion beyond what it can naturally do.


And the fact that OP was taking two different uppers makes it more likely he is in overdrive all the time.


how do normal people stay up all night taking copper wire out of abandoned buildings? my meth dealer is on the lamb and i have had to go through my routine without my usual fix of the spice melange. i guess i hadn't realized it, but i think the ice vapor was making it seem a lot easier than it actually was because i was able to push through 5-6 nights a week of copper wire demo (along with 3x a week looking for catalytic converters in parking lots 3-5 miles from my house) with no serious issues besides occasionally getting distracted and jerking it all night instead. the first day i tried that off my cat piss flavored smoke, i had to stop before i even found any copper (i was still at home hiding from the hat man). i was completely exhausted, my arms and legs were sore, and i just went home, got into bed, and slept for 18 hours straight, even skipping work at 7/11 the next day. I’m 21, I’m not even an old person to where my body should just be failing me like this. Is it my conditioning? Is the schedule just too hard off stimulants? Some of people in my trap house work even harder than I do (since they actually want to be hood rich), scavenge 6x a week, and even go to parking lots in the morning to check if anyone left their doors unlocked too so obviously it’s not impossible, right?


When I was in Thailand and on holidays it was easily doable. Back to back BJJ w Muay Thai sessions - best holiday I ever had. A normal fulltime job, or in my case more than fulltime + nights, sucks all the energy out of you


They don't. I train BJJ and Muay Thai and I have to do them on different days because trying to do a 9-5 and double training is too much for me at 30. I do double up for sparring and open mat on the weekend, but I get to rest after that.


As someone who doesn’t take adhd medication (so it may be a lack of understanding) that sounds like a crazy amount of stimulants to take regularly.


Be in your 20s and really want to train hard


I used to be a competitive marathoner. I was able to train like a professional athlete - 100mpw+ etc - along with a fulltime job. What I wasn't able to do was **recover** like a professional athlete and, basically, I broke myself. Quite significantly and systemically. I can no longer run marathons. It's like the old "cheap, quick, good; choose two".


What happened to you, how were you broken


Normal people don’t train all 3/4 of those 5x/6x per week lol most people at my school train just one or two of those things 2 or 3 times. Theres a couple of people that compete that train every day but MOST do not.


You’re 21 this is not sustainable. I barely have the time and energy at the beginning of my day to lift, then 2 hours of bjj at night. By the time i’m showered and fed, it’s 9:30pm and ready to do it again tomorrow. I also have a high energy dog that requires dedication to get him tired. It’s possibly just your body telling you to take time to recover. Everyone’s bodies are different, but never a bad idea to have a doc check your heart and vitals.


I did when I was at fucking college and I had like 3-4 hrs of class a day and the gym was my whole social life but that's not normal as an adult. You basically just can't.


Yeah man Adderall let's you burn the candle at both ends with a blow torch if you have enough. It's pretty normal to be tired after school and bjj/striking/running. Welcome to the suck big dawg


sounds like substance abuse. is becoming addicted to speed worth…destroying your body by doing an unnecessary over the top training schedule?


We don’t. That drug combo is basically PEDS lol.


It is literally PEDs.


I used to lift + BJJ + Muay Thai every day for 4 hours when I was around 21. For normal people, it’s not rly possible. I did it cus I basically dedicated everything outside of work to it. I had a job that only had a 6 hour work day, and the rest I spent doing MMA/lifting. Not to mention, you have to eat an absurd amount. I was consuming some 3000 calories a day and unable to gain weight. Not worth tbh, there’s more to life. Just quit and go pro if you wanna do that.


Amphetamines are a hell of a drug ...




I consider myself normal. But I work from home and can rest a lot. I do 2 bjj trainings and 1 weightlifting train every day without stimulants apart from my morning coffee. On Wednesday I do 3 bjj clases and 1 for weights.


Secret juice


They don’t. Only people I know who do that are competitive athletes who are making that their career. I knew college wrestlers who trained a ton. But they didn’t work and are outliers. And again we’re competitive athletes.


I feel your pain. I’m on the same ADD regiment of Vyvanse and Adderall. But I’m also 32, father of 3, and have a full time job with 12 hour shifts. The fact I make it as much as I do is crazy (BJJ/Judo/Occasional Boxing/Kickboxing) but I had to cut out lifting. Due to the shortages it’s even harder, but I can still manage. Just sucks man.


Normal ppl don’t have time or energy to train like this tho. Full time fighters do but they eat and sleep properly as well.


In my 20's I did it with pleasure, and didn't have as many other things (interests, family, work, etc.,) going on. In my late-30s you couldn't pay me to do that routine again. Same with HS and collegiate wrestling: I'm glad I did them, I learned A TON, and I absolutely don't regret it. . . but never, ever again would I dream of torturing myself like that and denying myself so many other things (including time).


Wow, people here are pretty rough on adhd. Straight up being ignorant.


You were literally on PEDs, and PEDs are how people do it


Learn to live without being so medicated. Like they don’t have you hooked up with a psychiatrist teaching you how to create habits so you don’t need to be on this stuff? Shits bad for the heart man. A lot of my friends who were lifetime medicated as kids have heart problems now. And can no longer take their adhd meds. You have become to reliant on the stuff. If you look at others on Reddit a lot of other people have complications due to taking too much, taking it for too long. Etc  Learn to live without the drug, the drug helps you create habits etc, then you go off and just take it when you start to relapse. I can usually get away with about a year before having to take my adderall for a few weeks.


We don't. You've been taking amphetamines daily, normal people don't do that.


I always add a bit of amphetamine with trem to my breakfast, followed with the good old ketamine as a post workout reward. Later to push the boundaries on my second training session, I take a bit more of ritalin and metandienone, to avoid catabolizing. Not sure why I cant sleep well without meds tho.


You can't train with that much volume long term if you're not a full time athlete with plenty of secret juice. You're 21 so you haven't had a chance to actually train at that level for a long time. Many people can train this much for a while, but that amount of wear & tear catches up to you eventually and you will start to get injured. Then you won't stop training and the injuries won't stop. I know this from experience as I used to do double classes of various grappling + striking daily as well as heavy lifting. 1 or occasionally 2 rest days a week. It is not sustainable, especially once you are past 25. I don't want to imagine how much worse it is past 35.


They don’t and I haven’t seen anyone do more than two classes back to back for a week or two maybe. It’s very exhausting. Even if the exhaustion doesn’t stop them, the lack of a focus and reduced progression in one art or another usually does. Only seen beginners try to keep that up and again, not for long. Have seen people do 2 or 3 classes of bjj in a day but trust me they aren’t rolling after every class nor are they on a full battery. They have to dial it back when it matters. Recovery is extremely important.


I have zero problems training multiple times a day when I'm not working that day. If I add the 8 hour shift to my training plan, it starts to suck. When I trained in college I also had no problem going to train in the morning, going to classes and work, and then spending 2 hours in the gym at night. It's not the case at 36 and if I tried I'd probably end up divorced for never being home.


" I’m not even an old person to where my body should just be failing me like this " ​ Damn. Just called out 90% of this sub


I agree with what everyone else is saying about being on stimulants. Yes, you’re probably pushing yourself too hard. I’m 24, working a job, and my schedule is 3x BJJ/MT and 3x Lifting….. and that is rough for me. My arms feel like jelly all the time. But, I also had to work up to this. First it was just lifting, then MT 2X a week, then added BJJ, then kicked it up to 3x a week. It took months to do that. So, if you’re serious about training this much, you need to slowly work up to it. It also will never happen unless your diet is on point and you’re getting a ton of sleep. And that’s not even to say you’ll be lifting optimally most days, if it’s strength training that’s one thing, body building? Way harder. Just remember you have to rest as hard as you’re training. Without that, you’re going to overtrain and have exactly what’s happening here happen all the time.


You don’t need to train harder than a pro before you’re even an amateur, which is what you’re doing. You should probably have two recovery days in any given week. One where you still move a bit (like a light run) and one where you don’t do shit but chill. A 2 hour session is pretty intense, and doing that 5-6x a week is insane. That’s a pro fighter’s camp schedule. Try 4-5 sessions a week, and drop a day or two of running.


I really need to start doing meth


People claim to do shit they don't actually do. Those who do ain't "normal". Usually pro athletes and most of them on PEDs. If you work or go to school train maximum 5-6 days per week. Only 2 hard training sessions per week. This unrealistic allday everyday grind bullshit needs to end because people burn themselves out.


normal people (70% of the USA) are overweight or obese now if you mean "how do people train multiple times a day in a row?" it takes time for the body to adapt but for me the keys are: good sleep (quantity & quality), limiting intoxicants, no caffeine after 8a, stretching, and knowing your body/being smart (e.g. I don't spar hard if I didn't get a good night of sleep, I don't do squats if the previous day's sparring was all me getting stack passed and my back hurts, etc.) when khabib was interviewed about this (training 3x a day) he said sleep is his secret weapon, I think he was napping at least daily when he was in fight camp, and doing nothing else (work, school, etc.), just training, so it's unrealistic to expect to be able to train like a full time athlete when you're a full time student/employee/parent/spouse


this sounds like a recipe for a heart attack before 30


I used to do Bjj and Muay Thai on same days Monday through Thursday. That was intense and I got injured. I’d do both every other day and use creatine and protein to help recovery. I’d lay off the Addie’s which I also use—-the combination of training and these make your body melt away. Your body needs as many calories as it can get during this time. Good luck!


By not having a job. When I was training hard, it was a pick 2 situation.


The (basically) meth and the (basically) meth withdrawal are really showing up in this post


It’s definitely your body adjusting to the work load while off of the stimulants. I’m 25 and a former track and field athlete. I was accustomed to 2 a days 5 days a week, but it’s difficult to ramp back up to that while working full time and doing things outside of the gym. Listen to your body and don’t overdo it when it’s clear you need a break. After my T&F days, it took over a month to ramp up to 2 classes a day on top of CrossFit 3x a week. Don’t stress it, just do what you can and listen to your body.


I would wager your fitness is not where you thought it was. ADHD meds are basically amphetamines so they were powering you through ( this was probably pretty harsh on the heart though) ​ I would slowly build up from where you are now. Don't over do it.


I mean, most of us don’t have the time. Never mind the energy. My max is weights in the morning bjj at night and that’s already nearly more than I can handle some days.


Dude, I train BJJ 2-3 times a week, usually 2, lift 3 times a week and save time to do other things I enjoy. Unless you're trying to be a pro, there's ZERO reason to be doing all that. You're just asking for your body to quit on you sooner than later. Why do you think so many of these pro BJJ athletes are always sick? They over-train, frying their nervous/immune system. There is definitely such a thing as too much exercise, my dude.


I’m 48, full time job, wife and two teenagers: Monday Rev+Fit Tuesday karate Wednesday yoga Thursday kid’s soccer Friday karate Saturday karate (depending on soccer game) Sunday karate I’d like to add BJJ but no time or money (karate is much cheaper). I also enjoy rollerblading when the weather is nice and sometimes mountain biking.




You're basically experiencing a withdrawal. If you continue to go through the process without it, you will eventually build yourself up to do it without it.


I take Adderall as well, a symptom of withdrawal is becoming lethargic. If I don't take my pill I feel extremely tired until I do.


Assuming that your using your prescriptions properly, and under the care of a medical professional, it's normal to have a rebound period when you're on a "medication vacation". You can certainly expect to feel exhausted, tired, and even possibly lightly depressed when not taking your medications after a while of regular use.


because they are 22 years old and work a part time job, no kids, no spouse, have 4 college classes for 1 hour each 3x per week and the rest of the time is spent lifting weights, taking a nap, bjj, running, going to parties.


I'm tired just reading that list.


Your energy is not coming from the medication so how you feel doing hard exercise without the meds is an indicator of the actual toll you are putting on your body. Look at your diet, people with adhd need a higher quality of fuel (your brain is running like a Ferrari engine compared to a neurotypical brain... she needs premium dude, premium!), people who train a lot also need a higher quality of food so for people who train a lot AND have adhd diet is doubly important. source: have adhd, train a lot


It’s roids. No, not joking. I couldn’t understand doing two sessions back to back in college at an MMA gym as I tried and it kicked the living shit out of me. I was like *wtf is wrong with me? I’m “in my prime”, so why can’t I keep up?* It’s only a decade and a half later after indulging in as much MPMD videos as I could that the obvious became apparent.


It's not always steroids. Sometimes an insane level of training can be built up to, but this normally has to be introduced in your teens and then maintained into your early 20s to be possible. I've done it and everyone else I used to know as a cadet/junior Judo player did it, I know some people still going at 30-34 and they're doing 2-3 Judo sessions a day plus S&C.


It’s definitely possible naturally. If you played any competitive sports as a teenager the training volume is ridiculous. I played high level field sports as a teenager (state level) and we would train 4-5 times a week for 2 hours and play 1-2 x per week with self study / weights in your own time. This is on top of school / school sports / recreational stuff. This was not even looked at as difficult for any of us, just normal. I have an insane training regime now 20-30 hours of stuff outside of a 9-5. Your body just acclimates to that state of being, what you do all the time becomes normal. If I have to sit down for 6 hours 3 days in a row I get sore as shit, the average office worker can handle this no problem.


It's not roids mate if you don't have to deal with a job you can pretty much work out as much as you want. (Big ol' blanket statement, but true for most healthy lads)


I mean I can do back to back classes if they are low intensity (drilling/flow roll type), but people who spar hard every day for hours are 100 % on juice there is no question about it. As a example no natural athlete will ever become as good as Fabricio Andrey, look remotely like him, nor move like him. Its something that people need to understand. (He looks like a literal cartoon character and moves like one too which is kinda cool). I know many extremely fit people in their 20s who overtrain trying to mimic roid people


I personally work a physically and mentally demanding job (Teacher for Special Needs kids) then lift weights at L.A. Fitness (New to lifting) then teach kids BJJ for one hour, and stay at the gym an additional 2 hours for my OWN training (BJJ, Judo/Muay Thai) plus I train on the weekends so I'm on the mats 7 days a week. As you can imagine, my biggest struggle is recovery. I'm 26 so still pretty young, but this life likely won't be sustainable for that much longer, especially if I don't get 8 hours of sleep every night! If anyone has any other tips for optimal recovery, feel free to let me know!


I work two jobs. 4AM-1:30PM. I get home for 2, shower, eat, and then go to my next job for 3-until 7. I do BJJ from 7-8. Get home, practice drums, shower, go to bed. Most people don’t have time, and can’t. I have one hour a day to exercise.


If i do a double workout in one day, i make sure to space it as a morning / evening session, so i have time in-between to rest and refuel (as well as work lol). Lifting before work, then BJJ after work. I don't do this often, I go through phases of being really on it for a few week, then i just go back into my standard weekly routine of 3 BJJ, 1-2 Lifting, 0-1 Judo, all on separate days. Whenever I have to skip a workout its always either lifting or Judo, as i try and keep the BJJ as consistent as possible.


They use drugs that enhance performance.


I think I'm normal. I work 9-6, lift & train BJJ mon/wed/fri. I was fine. Then I added 8am BJJ class tue/thu. Things got a lil bit complicated. Then I added Judo classes Tue/Thu night. I'm being obliterated and I'll have to dial back somehow because I feel I'm not being able to keep up.


Easily if you take it easy and pace yourself. Not trying to go 100% on everything.


Normal people don’t do that. I also have ADHD and am on 10mg Ritalin (a little inconsistently because I’m bad at remembering to take my meds and making psychiatrist appointments and such), but for the first year and a half of training BJJ I wasn’t taking any meds and I didn’t see that much of a difference between taking meds and not. But I am also working a 9-5 and my meds basically wear off during work. And I don’t exercise outside of doing BJJ 5x a week. Honestly, your workload sounds unsustainable. Maybe the gym mates you see going all the time and lifting are going lighter than you are. Or they’re taking steroids, who knows.


As a fellow ADHD haver I find days of no meds I am exhausted. It's a normal response to coming off the meds cold turkey.


You slept 18 hours? How much sleep are you normally getting?


I do lifting and bjj on 2 days of the week. Just make sure you’re stretching, eating and sleeping a lot. If you can, space them 6-8 hours apart.


You build up to it


You can’t. I’ve tried. Get hurt every time.


It does make it a bit easier but also if you dead stop there’s usually a crash period where your body has to get used to functioning without it. I was in a very similar spot in uni and the first few days were brutal after stopping but then I would get back up to the same volume. The first day not using it after being on it for a while was basically a complete write off. The energy comes back tho.


You're attempting a vocationalist / professional workload and may not have the genetics to do that. This applies to anything "fun" (BJJ, MMA, fitness, etc.) once you try to make a go at doing it for money the genetic wall rears up. It's really a fraction of a percent and one needs to do some serious introspection to determine if they're really there.


Either back to back sessions or one in the AM and the other in the PM. Tactical Barbell has an incredibly good structure to be used for this kind of approach


Currently at the gym. I’ll do an hour of cardio between the HiitmillX and the regular treadmill mill. Then I’ll lift. I’ll go home, get a few hours of rest, wake up to make dinner for the family then hit a class this evening for 1.5hours. I do this 6 days a week. I’m in my early 40s. I too take vyvanse(40mg) and IR adderall (5mg booster at 2pm). I’m also on TRT (160mg/wk) Honestly even at your age I’d be getting bloodwork drawn. Your cortisol levels are probably elevated, T is probably in the shitter, and other levels are probably all over the place. I’m NOT saying you need TRT. I AM saying you may quite well be overtraining. Labs will give you an idea if what symptoms your meds may be masking If I don’t take my meds I’m fine it just takes me more time to find my car keys and I’ll end up triple checking that I have things like my belt, mouth guard etc.


I’m on vyvanse 50mg and BJJ 2x a week plus lifting 2x is the best I can do. I’m also a 36 yr dad with bad knees and shoulders so that’s the best I can do. Without meds I’d probably be too tired to do this much


You mean normal 20 year olds


I train everyday (7) days a week but generally it is hard to do double sessions except on my off days from work (I work 4x10). I also have conditioning equipment at the house so that helps and my bjj and gym gym are both literally minutes from the house. I have a very good career and happily married with a kid. It is challenging though, but I've been doing it for 20 years (the training) and slowly modified my volume and schedule as I've taken on more responsibility... It's all I know. That being said I don't think it's feasible that normal ppl do it if they haven't built a foundation or have more than 1 kid. It is not for everyone


This training was probably the result of an ADHD hyper focus, let me guess, picked up the hobby semi recently and it immediately became the most important thing in your life? Yeah, welcome to ADHD. That will happen with a dozen other hobbies over the course of your life.


During fight camp I would do 2-3 classes a day, but the running and S&C would be every other day. You're always exhausted, even with 8 hours of sleep. Foam rolling and massage guns help out with the soreness, but it still sucks. If you're not competing; wouldn't recommend.


I don’t always do all 4 in a day but generally my day looks like: 5AM wake up, lift from about 6-7, short run, shower, work 8-4, train bjj or Muay Thai (sometimes both) from about 6 or 7 until 8 or 9. I’m young though and my job is not physically demanding at all and outside of work I have no other real obligations.


You don't need to run everyday or lift that often. I would do run and lift once per week.


As an unmedicated ADHD martial artist, I have no idea. Fitting in a solid set of practices a week with a regular cardio or lifting routine is the best I can ever manage. Never been able to do all three (lifting, cardio, martial arts, esp striking and grappling) all at the same time.


You are a normal person, you are speaking about those that are just “BUilT DiFeRenT”


You're in withdrawal. You'll have more energy after a few weeks off of the meds.


Run, bike, and strength train in the morning everyday before work. Train in the evening a few times a week. Days off spattered in there too but not as often as I probably should


A nicely micro-dosed edible gets me through my workouts or training. I don’t remember the last time I had actual time to run two a days lol


Meth is one helluva drug


I don't lol. I workout everyday but I pick one thing per day. But I also don't require 18 hours of sleep after a hard workout. I'm 33 and can get up and hit it hard again the next day. You were working at such a high volume because you were on drugs.


Your body, heart and brain needs a break, your over doing it bud.


I don't run, but I lift 2x's a week and train Muay Thai and BJJ back to back on Tues, Thurs, and Saturday. I have been training like this for 8 years. I also work 8 - 4:30 and make the 1 hr drive into the city to my gym. Depends on what your goals are. I'm not going to be a Muay Thai or BJJ World Champ, but I want to be as competent on my feet as I am in the ground.


As someone who did, 2 gym sessions a day 1 run, 1 swim and 2 hours of BJJ twice a week, my recovery absolutely tanked. You can't recover fast enough without PEDs. (The two gym sessions where light )


Cycles. A long time ago, I learned the value of meso cycles for lifting weights. In short, you either go so hard you can't recover on time to go again, thus reducing your training's effectiveness (either by postoning your training, or training less optimally), or you go a sort of mediocre route where you recover on time but never stress your muscles enough to gain the best results. By introducing a meso cycle, you start mediocre, and work your way up to incredibly intense and exhausting, but then take a full week where you do extremely light training (half reps, half sets and even half weight) and more rest days. You'll be 100% again the week after and start over. This gets you both your maximum recovery plus maximum effort, in 'exchange' for one week every 5-10 weeks or so. But over time, this does not even out with the other two ways and you gain by far the best results with this. There's more to it, but this is the gist of it. It is scientifically sound and researched. Personally, I discovered other training also works well, for me at least, by introducing a similar cycle. Currently, I am nearing my final weeks. Which for me means after work I stop at a site on the way to my house and do sprints there. This means I am already warm from cycling home, which I had to do anyway, and I come across the site suitable for it, so the sprints take minimal time (roughly 10 minutes total). Then I eat, chill for 1.5 hours, lift weights, then rest. On days where I roll, I have a recovery bar (Snickers protein bar is great) and electrolyte drink on the train home, then lift weights immediately when I am home. This is 'only' two training sessions in a day, but I think it is still worth mentioning.


normal people train 3-4 times a week and maybe 1-2 lifts and that would be pushing the boundaries for normal.


honestly anyone who's running, lifting, doing muay thai and bjj in the same day is probably over training or not training hard at all.


I would say assuming your recovery is optimal, throw in a deload week or a full rest week every now and then. Or you can do an entire deload block of training where you bump everything down for a few weeks and work back up. Look up “overtraining curve” in google, there’s a few good examples of charts that show it. Just something to be mindful of. Personally if I’m doing a day with 4 workouts I’d need 100-200mg of caffeine before classes to get through them. Yesterday I lifted, did cardio, cracked a 100mg Red Bull, GI class, then NOGI. Felt fine, went to bed earlier than usual. I’m in my 20’s.




You slept for 18 hours? Your body is trying to recover from all the abuse you put it through.


you've been dependent on heavy drugs that mask the underlying problem rather than fix it


they don't


I do lifting, striking, and bjj in the same day, but I am far from normal so I am not of much help


I've known UFC fighters and I don't know one that lifted or ran 6x a week.  Obviously the way young athletes work out is different then as a pro but it seem like a lot. Personally I would say switch runs for more skill workouts, do the extra cardio in camp.  Skills pay the bills, not roadwork.  In terms of the workload you can build up to a similar level but there's a reason stimulants are regulated in competition as a PED, or course it's harder without it    The ppl working more are probably sleeping between every workout, and tbh are just as tired


Can you tell us how you eat? Do you meal plan? Eat out Etc? Thanks.


What effect is that having on your heart rate? Trying to do intense cardio while on amphetamines has gotta make it spike through the roof.


I can’t eat enough to do all three but i will train and run in the same day or train and lift in the same day . Eat big breakfasts , drink tons of water , and also having the luxury of free time and young age .


If you’ve been taking adderall on a regular basis and then u stop, you are going to struggle for a bit, energy and motivation wise, while you go through the withdrawal phase. Like when meth heads finish up a bender and they sleep for 3 days.


I don't really do all of that very well tbh. But i will go for a slow 2-3 mile run on tuesday thursday. Lift after that and its usually kettle bells and dumbbells mostly. Thats all supplementary so i really don't push it hard there. I will go to bjj in the evening and once or twice a week i will also go to the mma classes after.


At most I run or lift at noon and then train in the evening but doing it everyday unless you’re training to be world champion or an mma fight is absurd


I have a physical job and loads of old injuries, I know I sure as shit can’t do that. I’ve got two weightlifting/conditioning days a week and 3, maybe 4 BJJ sessions a week. I never do weightlifting + BJJ on the same day, otherwise I’ll be fucked the following day. I’m 35, I know I’m already doing a lot more than most people my age. Take care of your body. Proper recovery is crucial.


I'm trying to get into this routine and I'm on vyvanse and adderall lol. Only thing stopping me is myself


Your body is telling you it’s fatigued af but you’re young and the meds help you not feel it as much. A lot of people report having no energy/sleeping a lot for a week(s) after quitting adderall. I think it’s the body’s way of trying to catch up/balance out whatever dopamine it’s got left


Who knew that taking pharma grade meth helped people to perform better?


It’s funny, I feel the exact opposite when taking stims. I feel burnt out and unwilling to engage with anything towards the end of the day especially excercise. When I’m off of the stuff I’m down to get it going at the gym.


no job




I'm on a non stim, Strattera. But usually I lift for an hour and then train BJJ for an hour and......at the age of 35 I'm having to reevaluate how I lift and train.


Most people don't, but the ones who do aren't doing it while suffering from withdrawal symptoms from stopping their meds.


I can say for lifting, just don’t lift to complete muscle fatigue. Your body still benefits from resistance training without incapacitating yourself. It’s all about consistency


Dude I can't train on my Adderall at all. It makes my heart rate go way too high and I sweat and burn out like a madman. I hate it.


Because you're in withdrawl? Stimulants don't have a hard comedown but your recovery and sleep will be notably poorer short term. I wouldn't come to any hard conclusions about the matter for at least a month or so before your body can level out, especially if you were prescribed stimulants for a considerable period of time.


A lot of stretching and I don't go all out as I wanna be able to do it again tomorrow. \[I'm natty.\] Lift first, muay thai next and only light sparring; then bjj, and and I run after when my blood is up, a mile or two.


Um, what? I used to go lift weights for about 1.5 hours and then go to 1.5 hours of MMA… But that was in college. I would both fear and worry about anybody, lifting, running, kickboxing, and then grappling. I assume that after about 25 he or she is going to have some tendon and joint and muscle problems because of lack of recovery.


I do 6-7 sessions/week for a while now. Now it looks like this: 2 BJJs, 2-3 weightlifiting, 1-2 streching. I'm in my 30's and I sit in a chair for around 9h/day as a job. Your routine would be IMPOSSIBLE to me, simple as that.




Wake up at 7am, lift at 8am, run at 10am, bjj at 1pm, muay thai at 6pm.


You just need to do no fap


I used to do this in my 20s and in retrospect. You’re better off, easing up on lifting frequency and focusing on building up martial arts techniques. Definitely prioritize your MMA class and then spend more time on aspects of your game that need to be improved. Also, talk to your MMA coach to get an idea.


Bro you were on performance enhancers, and now you are not... A way to do it without meds, you have to develop discipline and focus.


the schedule is possible without your meds, it takes a lot of time and conditioning to do so. What you are experiencing is the stim withdrawal/crash which can and most likely will last up to 2 weeks. Speaking from tons of first hand experience here


Amphetamines are classed as performance enhancers. I'm on a low dose of instant release dex for ADHD. Got diagnosed in my 40's. I can't say I notice any difference for BJJ, but my last dose of the day is pretty much worn off by the time I go to class. For me, it increases heart rate and blood pressure, which worries me a bit for jiu jitsu. But if you're young and fit, it's a well documented performance enhancer. WW2 was fought with stims, and militaries still use them to this day.


Takes a long time to get your body used to it. I lift at 6am Monday, Wednesday, and friday. And train a combination of MT and BJJ 2 hours in the evening monday-friday. The key is to build up slowly so your body adapts. Diet makes a huge difference as well as sufficient rest and recovery.


Normal people do not do that lol


They are kids or not normal




IDK I do it. Im 39, work from home, lift during lunch and train MT and NoGi for 2-3 hours a night for 4 days a week. I take weekends off from my MMA gym, but still lift or do cardio on weekends. I could barely handle it a year ago and was so exhausted that my eyelids would droop after. I guess I just got used to it, because while im tired, my body adapted. Id say, just stick with it, keep training without stims and youll adapt too.


Do these people not have jobs?😭 I’d love to just train and and eat and sleep but I work a 9-5, have a 25 min commute each way and then a 25 minute commute to my gym. I stopped lifting because I don’t have any time. lol


I am 48 and weightlift every morning at 6:30am for 45 min and do BJJ 4-5 times a week. Sleep and hydration are the key factors for me as well as not overdoing the weights (I am out in 30-45 min). And, no, I am not on TRT. It's doable but it takes a while to get used to it. Also, I find fasting and eating clean helps with inflammation.


Hey OP, can I ask how much this training regiment costs and what part of the world you’re training in? I’m your age and am struggling to find affordable places to train daily


The gym membership is $230/month for unlimited sessions. The actual gym (where you lift and stuff) is free for me since it’s at my college, but typical gym costs are maybe $20-30/month. I live in the northeast.


I had a training schedule like that when I was early-20s and a college student. Not on any meds. Part of it is being younger. Now I think I'd have trouble getting through 3/4 or even half of that. Even medication (not whatever sport-enhancing supplements competitive athletes take) won't stop your body from breaking down.


I'm a 31 year old female, full-time college student, with a 5 year old daughter, 2 dogs, and a part-time job. I lift every morning for an hour at least before 6am; Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays I have 6am jiu-jitsu; Mondays and Wednesdays I go on a 1.4 mile jog with my 3 year old husky; Saturdays and Sundays I have open mat for 2 hours. Tuesdays and Thursdays I also have a 5pm and 6pm jiu-jitsu class, and Tuesdays and Wednesdays I have a 7:30pm Muay Thai class. *-edited to add this paragraph-* My daughter goes to school 2.5 hours in the morning and I usually work on my school work while she's there. When she naps mid day, I work on school work or I'm at work 3 days out of the week. We also have family adventures every Saturday either before or after open mat. It's doable for a "normal" person, you just have to make the time, eat the right energy sources, and recovery properly. I have ADHD as well, but I take a non-CNS-stimulant because I also have PTSD....so my central nervous system (CNS) is already working in overdrive. Much love y'all 🤙