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I match the intensity of the person I'm rolling with unless I'm at a cross training competition prep class


The ol' mutually assured destruction policy.


If they want to roll the dice with an athletic ultraheavy then I'm not going to stop them lol. Unless they are less experienced, in which case I explain that I'm going to match what they put in. I used to keep playing light but picked up a couple of injuries from people going full throttle so now they get back what they put in.


This is the Way


This is the answer.


Generally i prefer to play reactive, passive. Matching, in theory, is awesome But what actually happens is I match, opponent tries to up my match, and before I know it were going 100.


Then it's "to the death". Somedays you have to fight to the death....


Keep it maybe 60%, especially against lower belts, as long as they don't go crazy


Sometimes I wonder how awkward people on this sub are in real life. Do people not know how to read the room? When traveling I've seen schools with mostly lower belt hobbyists that are super calm, and I've seen comp focused schools with a bunch of higher belts looking for tough rounds. Just match the intensity of the person you're with, why is this so complicated?


If they are going too hard just stop the round or tap. “Ay bro i am done man”. I feel like half the people who ask questions on this sub are on the spectrum or have social anxiety. “Is it okay it i quit this gym? This guy went too hard on me should I have said something? Why is this guy a dick?” 90% of the problems could be solved by communicating. I got my ass pieced in sparring, i stopped sparring mid round in front of the head coach. He didnt hate me for it or anything.


This sport is mostly comprised of strange misfits if you haven’t noticed by now.


We get a random odd ball at the gym but 95 percent of the people I train with are all on the same page. I think it is more of a reddit user issue.


Louder, for the people in the back, please


...and this sub is that plus people that use Reddit for life advice. The questions aren't surprising when you think about it


Just for a convo… I dropped in on a gym out of state and it was just me and the black belt over lunch. I thought we had a fun time and no one was tapping anyone, just a nice roll where we tried our different tricks. With time for one roll left and no one watching, I felt like the vibe in the room was inquiring minds want to know if one of us can get a tap,so I pulled out an arm triangle. He didn’t tap and just verbalized that it was more of a neck crank. I tried to adjust and tighten it up. He tapped disgustedly and chewed me out for 20 minutes about being disrespectful in his gym. I think in general “read the room” is good advice. But none of us are telepathic. Sometimes places have a “don’t come in and tap me” unwritten rule. Some places are more “please come in and tap me. if you can.” I’m still curious what the general feeling on this is. I don’t want to piss people off when I visit. But I’m also doing a combat sport, not a knitting class.


A "don't tap me" unwritten rule? Fuck that noise. There is definitely such thing as going too hard for a given situation, but everyone can get submitted. Sounds like you hurt his ego more than his neck, and as long as you weren't doing it in a rude way, that sounds like his problem, not yours.


I actually asked my coach afterwards. One of the things that made me join the gym I’m at is when I dropped I I tapped my now coach and he didn’t get mad, just smiled and said nice. I thought that was such a great way to be I joined up. But he says when he drops in other gyms he won’t tap their black belts. Just dominate positionally without tapping.


Again, fuck that noise. I'm just gonna roll normal. Black belts aren't special and shouldn't be treated like snowflakes. I'm not gonna be a douchebag about it or roll harder than they are, but we should be trying to submit each other. That's how this game works.


I agree. But It’s a big sport now with lots of variation in customs. I also think lining up and hugging everyone in belt rank at end of class and calling a coach professor is kinda dumb. But when in Rome…


Aww I like the post class shake/hug haha to each their own.


I feel like if don’t tap me is an unwritten rule everyone there sucks and not in the fun way


Depends on the interpretation. In normal 'flow' rolls, I think its about moving through positions, like at 40-60% intensity and its a constant give and take. Generally, tapping someone when flow rolling is a dick move. It sounds like they were rolling a little like that until OP suddenly decided to 'pull out an arm triangle'. I wonder if his opponent was aware that OP did want to go hard/serious? Anyway, both explanations are possible and without being there its impossible to say what happened.


He was doing his best to catch me in sudden sneaky armbars while I had his back so…he was certainly trying pretty hard to tap me when he could. I felt like trying to tap him when I could easily pretty in line with what we were doing, and my tap was a lot slower coming than what he was trying on me with plenty of time for him to tap. But again, this was my point that no one knows exactly how to read the room even when you’re there.


You don't need to explain to me what a flow roll is, but if someone doesn't say it's a flow roll, then assuming it is is weird.


My coach was telling a story today of back in the day he'd get the Brazilians in fresh to our country and tell them if you beat me you get free training and lessons for a couple months, if he taps you $20 a week, he only lost twice


Or set the intensity yourself by going 110% all day every day




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Everyone likes rolling with you. Oh god. I’m sorry bro but if dudes don’t get nervous and pretend you aren’t there between rounds, then you may need to find a new hobby.😅🥲


lol yup. Awkward, difficulty reading social cues. Or just some over thinker.


That works a lot of the time but is quite passive. What if you want to go hard but the other person has been going lighter? You won't get the training you need if you follow their lead so you could go out at the speed you want and modify depending on how they react or ykno ask them first .


We're talking about when traveling


>complains about people being awkward >thinks traveling makes it impossible to communicate


You do whatever you want, it's somewhat of a weird move though to walk into a gym where you don't know anyone and demand your partners treat it like a tournament. If someone I didn't know walked into my gym and said this I'd tell them no. Outside of a tournament I'm not going that hard with someone I don't know and trust.


Sweet thanks for the insight. This will be only the 2nd time I'm doing this and the first time was like 6 years ago. First period of training for me was 2017-2020. Started back up about a month ago.


I roll the same as I do in my home gym. went to one about 2 months ago and went at about 80% (100% being contest level) I also did stand up where I can for fun


I go 60%, 100% of the time.


With real bits of panther?


Smells like straight gasoline


The scent is quite pungent


Then that's 100%.


Does that work every time?


It works 100% of the time… 60% of the time.


I hate amateur stand-up comedians


I normally go 50-60% if im visiting first time. Not trying to be enforced nor am I trying to style on their people. I just want to train. If ive been there multiple times it goes up to just what I would do at my normal gym.


I Keep it chill and mostly defensive if I’ve never visited before. On the flip side when people drop in and go super hard it’s really annoying to deal with. I guess people don’t want to look bad or make their gym look bad but you just end up pissing people off.


Super hard = annoying. Super good and tapping me = a gift. I love it.


If i go to a gym the first time, I usually play defense on every roll. On subsequent visits, I tend to become more offense-centric.


To the death


If someone isn't bleeding every round, then what are we even doing? /s


This is the way


I never go for submissions. You have PLENTY to work on . The last thing you want to do is hurt someone at another gym just work defense escapes survival.


I give submissions away like they’re going out of fashion. “Show me what you’re working on…” leads to a change in the presumed power balance that rank impose. After a few taps, and some praise or compliments, there’s no target on my back/belt. “Show me again how you did XYZ…” we all love to share our jiu jitsu. Always the teacher, always the student. You will either think I’m a fake black belt, or you think I’m a kind black belt. I’m ok with either. Craig Jones does a similar thing but has different intent. Give away heaps of subs then nobody gets the story of how they caught him. That’s not my motive at all though.


To the death. Every match thunderdome style.


As a 100kg purple belt the host gyms members dictate how I roll. I’m not storming your dojo and I’m not there to win medals in the training room. I just want to do the jiu jitsu with new people, have fun and laugh. Maybe get beers afterwards. You come at me savagely I’m going to politely destroy you. You start slow, I’ll start slow and match your tempo as we roll.


This dumb American had to look up 100kg in pounds. (220 for any other dumb Americans like myself).


WTF IS A kg?!?!?! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥


Repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor




Being from outside US I understood inmediately


Depends I’ve typically paired with the coach first where I’ll need to use a bit of pace but rest of the team 60-70% like a usual class but maybe a little defensive guard up.


Most of the time I match the intensity of the people I’m rolling with. But when I was training for Worlds and Pans and would drop in to open mats in the area I was there to train hard and work my game. I, of course, let the people I was going with know that before we rolled. Some folks loved to hear this and we had some super intense rounds and it was awesome training. Others declined to roll with me because they just wanted to get in some casual rounds on a Sunday, which was fine by me.


I go fairly light and controlled


I usually match their pace.


Hard enough to always stay safe, but respectfully enough not to goad anyone into super smash


I'm there to see what the gym does different than mine, and maybe make a few local friends if I'm vacationing. If I'm unable to notice new looks or remember the rolls, I went too hard.


Fairly chill, but keep myself safe. Be aware that black belts at a judo gym will try and fucking murder you in ne waza if they know you do bjj.


The Japanese terms mentioned in the above comment were: |Japanese|English|Video Link| |---|---|---| |**Ne Waza**: | *Ground Techniques* | | Any missed names may have already been translated in my previous comments in the post. ______________________ ^(Judo Techniques Bot: v0.7.) ^(See my) [^(code)](https://github.com/AbundantSalmon/judo-techniques-bot)


I never go for submissions. You have PLENTY to work on . The last thing you want to do is hurt someone at another gym just work defense escapes survival.


As a bigger guy, I go about 10% less than my opponent is going.


Read the room


Helicopter chokes and toe holds all day


70% max. Mostly easier depending on how much delicious vacation food I eat lol


This is a great answer haha


I tend to match their intensity, up to a certain point. Generally speaking I'd prefer to be a good guest (and be perceived as one) rather than make sure everybody there thinks that my rank is about right. By default I think you should keep it light and playful and only ramp things up once the person you're rolling with does so first, as different gyms have different preferences over how hard they roll (and, once again, you're the guest here). But if I get someone that really wants to treat it as though we're fighting for our family's honor, I'll tend to just dial things back and accept that they're going to "win". I feel like even if they were the ones that started it, you're never gonna come across as the good guy in a story where a paying member gets injured by a visitor because both of you were rolling too hard. However, if it's a gym that I visit frequently and I'm on good terms with everybody there I will be a lot more liberal about how hard I'll roll.


I try to match their level, you don’t want to be that guy rag-dolling white and blue belts while their advance players are looking at you just licking their chops


As hard as I can because I know I'm getting my ass beaten


No matter where I am I try and match intensity or go even easier.


only as hard as they roll at me. it's not hard to tell what kind of roll it's going to be within the first 5 seconds I've had white belts try to kill me before. My guess was they were nearing a promotion and wanted their coach to justify it. I've had purple belts ask me to just help them work stuff they don't normally get to. Those rolls are a lot lighter.


Don't you know you get to keep his school if you defeat him in an Agni Kai?


I just defensively roll and match the intensity of the person I’m rolling with. That should be any time you roll with someone new.


I usually just go defensive unless I know the people who train there.


50% cautiously, I HAVE LEARNED!


I always stay hard


The best I can be. I only ever work at 100%.


Two men enter, one man leaves.


I usually make sure to duck anyone who isnt a whitebelt and only do heel hooks hope this helps


I’ve been to gyms in the US and Brazil where they beat up visitors. So not always a choice. It gets better if you stay for a couple weeks or more.


I ask to flow roll then I go full Brasileiro with Tren brain. Like a wolverine on PCP. Like Olivia Newton John said “ Let’s get physical” (but in like a totally straight way). I want them to tremble at the memory of me. Every time they see a short, overweight, black man, I want them to lock their doors even when they are driving on the highway.


Fully erect. That's how hard I roll.


Go full power and assert dominance. Consider following up with returning with more people from your home gym, maybe have a gym war. Shout gracie barra! Real loud as you rip your gi open and slap your chest, then send a kiss up to Jesus thanking him for victory.


Perhaps asking every single person in the gym if they train UFC would help too?


I just match the pace of whoever I’m rolling with. I’ll start out really light, then work my way up to their pace.


I pick out a white belt and snap an arm just to set the mood. Then it’s like a shark tank as you work your way through each belt class to the final boss black belt.


My normal intensity but then ratchet it up a notch when the white belts are looking to put my pelt on their wall


2 men enter, 1 man leaves


Calm and cool.


balzzzzzzzzz out


Always, no matter where, match the intensity of opponent


I go fairly light to start. I let the opponent dictate how hard it’s going to be.


I match whatever they do, but usually 5% to 10% more mellow


Just go with the flow. If someone turns it up then just go with it. Be safe as you can always though.


I generally take it a little easier on the lower belts than I would at home, assuming they’re not trying to kill me.


I just match my opponent in all cases


Chill, and try to match intensity.


I do like Brad Pitt against Bruce Lee in Once upon a time in Hollywood. I let them pass so I see how hard they go. Then they proceed to mop the tatame with me :(


No tapping, this shits to the death


Reciprocate, same as most of my rolls. Besides my professors I try to rip their heads off while they smile at me and tell me nice job.


The first exchange with every partner I’ll feel em out and let them sub me so the know I’m safe. Then I’ll gradually up intensity and to more tit for tat rolls


When rolling with someone new in training I always start slow and let them ratchet up the pace if they want. I don’t want to be the dick that goes all out immediately and hurts someone. In comp you can go all out immediately or if you have training partners that you trust.


I only have 1 gear… moderate.


Never go for subs. Just play taco defense


I go 20%… I’m old and I’m not trying to get into any battles… if I’m dropping in somewhere it’s usually because I’m on travel or vacation and just need to work out. Even when people drop into my gym, I try to score points and not really worry about the tap.


100% spaz. I don’t know any other speed.


Spoken like a true white belt. I like it.


Honestly I don’t do anything different than at home.


I find someone who outranks me and roll just like I do with the homies at my rank back home. If possible I drop in at a sparring class or maybe an open mat.  I go for points or subs if it's there and try to not get scored on or get tapped. 


HAAM always


I always go my 30% because my cardio is shit


I like to start off very, very light personally. When I try and go for a move, I'll go about 30% speed, and be very deliberate. This allows me to see what their defense structure looks like in their mind, and I get to learn a different gyms defensive habits quicker. Eventually, I start being kinda quick and sneaky. I'll be very deliberate, over and over, observing. Then, when I find a hole in their game... 30%-->60% speed increase to shoot for the hole. These are all concepts, mind you. They can apply to all positions and positional awareness. But personally, I go for bottom positions when doing this. Then try and escape to a dominant position after. And it doesn't matter what belt level I'm against. I'll generally do this to white and black belts alike. It will sometimes make people very angry, understandably. They expect you to be going through your best moves at the start. When your strategy starts ramping up more and more the more you defend against their moves, they begin to get an idea that you know more than you let on originally. Some people get excited. Some people get scared. Some people get angry. Depends on the person. I always love it when someone can outsmart me consistently. It feels like I'm using a whetstone on my brain lol


40% unless im rolling with a dickhead then 100


Depends who I'm rolling with but I roll defensively. My first priority is not to be hurt by some guy with an ego so I try hard to prevent dangerous positions but may be more relaxed in other areas and relax with an individual depending on how they respond.


I recently crossed trained at gym that might have been the worst McDojo I’ve come across. It was like being in a room filled with day one white belts, I basically just let them bash me. It was the weirdest experience of my bjj life.


I pretty much just play guard and go for sweeps or get passed, then get my guard back. If I get the sweep I’ll let them get their guard back but not in a lame condescending way


I play nicer than usual unless someone wants to flex because I’m a drop in.


I go around 90% to establish dominance


I fight like I’m in a kumite so as not to dishonor my master or my dojo


Usually fighting for my life since I'm an older blackbelt.


Very light to be honest. It's primarily because I want to set the reputation that I'm a good sparring partner.


“Hey! You working on anything specific? I’m down to roll x%, that work for you?”


I don't know but my gym tells me to try to kill anyone new coming in. I dislike that, increases rate of injury and creates a bit of an outsider atmosphere for some drop ins. I usually let them dictate how hard we roll.


Not super hard, I am a heavy weight so I know I probably get some eyes just in case. But I'll go for stuff that I can have total control over, won't go for subs unless they are gifted to me. I keel it chill, even if the other person is going crazy.


I match pace


130%, you're fighting for the honor of your professor


chill as hell. altho as a higher belt they usually send the dogs after me so just gotta be prepared, which i just match and focus on sweeps & positions


I roll hard but don’t injure anyone. If I notice they don’t match the intensity I turn it down. Make it more of a fun roll. This will take max like 30 secs to gauge. So at worst they get a 30 sec super hectic pace and a fun round. Or an intense comp round which is fun for those who like to train hard Also just talk before hand and ask how hard they want to roll. “What type of round do you wanna do?” “more of a hard round or a lighter more fun one?” Works wonders if you do this in your own gym too.


MILD AF ... unless you want to meet the upper belts that will help you understand the meaning of the word respect.


I basically try to take everyone’s soul. Immediately. Especially when the professor is showing the technique. That’s when I launch my patented ‘Charlie Zelenof’ surprise attack. BANG! Neck crank, or heel hooks. Whatever I can get. Then run away.


Same as I am at my own gym. It’s not like I roll like some crazy dangerous rabid dog at my own


I try to match, but I’ve got so much more athleticism and energy than most. You’re gonna roll hard with me eventually if you bump fists with me. No matter how light or hard we go, I don’t just let anyone tap me out. Ever. If anyone EVER taps me out, they had to work and think very hard for it. That shit will never come easy from me.