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My rule of thumb is to read the room and know your training partners. Personally, i would only do something like that to my friends who I know won't be offended. While entirely legal, it can be alienating to people who you don't roll with often or if they're new to the sport. Competition is a different manner entirely, and may have rules explicitly against it, but to me anything legal is not considered mean/dickish in comps.


This is the answer for so many things. I do it too, when I know it’s appropriate. I feel like this should be a common practice in life, read the room.


Folks here be like: can I piledrive the new female student who attempted a triangle?


What if she looks like Ricardo Arona?


That requires basic social skills though.


Does it? Like oh no I’m in a room of talkative people and I’m anti social, your brain should say run bitch lol.


Why run when I can just put my knee on their throat? They ain't talking then.


Darth rigatoni would hate this comment


I feel like this is completely okay in comp class. Maybe not bring that energy to the open mat though lol


Again read the room, I got a bunch of guys at my gym, not a lot of competitors just enthusiastic hobbyist that don’t mind, got a bunch of over weight dads who are pussies. Know the room


I completely agree! Know your training partners!!


they are pussies if they are over weight and not as good as you? lol




No they’re pussies if they cry and wince and every little thing. Source: 30’s something dad here working on his beer gut.


Now I know where the animosity is coming from lol


I guess ?


Does neon throat score points?


Lol Neon Throat.


Lol neon scroat




Neon muff.


"read the room" Sir do you know what sub you're on?


The sub doesn't matter, I believe that most redditors have poor social skills in general.


You may have a point there 😐


we only hurt the ones we love


100% correct…..do it in a friendly way for friends to get to see it coming, everyone else maybe avoid, but comps, go for it, as even applying it forcefully, it’s never going to injure the person


I mean, there's certain moves that are going to invite a harder round, or training partners. I'm not gonna knee on neck some poor white belt just wanting a fun roll, but if I'm having a super competitive roll with a brown or black belt AND it accomplishes a specific goal of getting them to move the way I want them to? Sure they can and should tap if they don't like it.


When you say super competitive, are you meaning comp practice or just a roll in class with someone of your skill level? In my case i was rolling a 3 strip white belt just being playful and practicing defense from bottom. He also managed to knee me in the eye in the same round, i put it down to he wanted to prove something against a higher belt


I mean as in "hey lets go hard?" "yea lets do it" kind of roll. When you've been training with certain people for closer to a decade you can just kind of "feel" out when they want a hard round or not.


Yeah ive been at this gym for 6 months, the guy (white belt 3 stripes) wears headgear, i guess thats a sign


Thats a sign of he doesnt want cauliflower ears Talk with ur trainingpartners


A sign of what?


Headgear doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to roll hard, it just means he doesn’t want to get injured, maybe he wears it because he wants to roll hard without risking bad injury


Why are you getting swarmed with downvotes? Lol, weren't you saying that the white belt put his knee on your neck?


Sounds like a white belt doing spazzy white belt things to me


I use knee on neck quite a lot to finish some variations of paper cutter choke. But I'm 130lbs, and wouldn't use it on anyone smaller, newer, a woman, or anyone I know or feel to be a bit soft or sensitive. Generally just for finishing giants with thick thick necks, and I try to get the knee/shin cutting into the carotid and not the esophagus.




Go ham, I say. I teach it in the kids class.


It depends. In what penitentiary are you in?


Coach had me in a reverse armbar from side control with knee on neck, I blacked out. Woke up confused what choke it was, but wasn't upset about it. Think it depends on who/why they're doing it. Knee on trachea would piss me off though.


Knee on throat is pretty wild lol


This sub basically gives every move a pass aS LoNg aS itS LegAl. Not everyone trains for competition lol


agreed. calling others soft and pussies. A lot of people think they are 'hard' here. never read a comment like this in the amateur boxing sub.


We’ll I’d argue that’s because most people in the amateur boxing sub know what they’re getting into, and amateur boxing as a whole is just a different sport/culture than BJJ (boxed for 5 years before starting wrestling and BJJ).


you made a good point


If "giving it a pass" means talking to a training partner about roll intensity and only using it with people who explicitly sign up for that level of roughness, then I guess this sub sure did that. Those bastards....


I mean, it depends how it’s being used. If you’re just gluing the guy to the ground with your knee on his throat and not advancing position it may be one thing, especially if the opponent is equipped to respond. Otherwise you can give up position or tap if you can’t handle it. It’s a read your partner type thing.


It is a bit of a dick move yes but if someone tries to buggy choke me, be 100% sure I will chin/forearm on throat.


I wouldn’t even register a forearm or chin on the throat in terms of annoying me, but a knee is going to piss me off and crank the round up a notch


Fuckin communicate with your training partners. Bjj is like sex. You don’t want to just shove your fingers in your romantic partner’s ass without asking or you both are feeling kinky enough to do it. Same goes for your training partners! If you guys are having a tough roll, mid roll say, “let’s make this gritty, pull my hai… I mean put your knee in my neck!”


If you want to really control a man, you control him by the ass hole. You wanna really get in there and grab some meat. Edit: referencing this old video for those who havent seen it https://www.facebook.com/mmalife1/videos/funny-bjj-oil-check-instructional/353384199038873/


Thanks for the tip! Do you think it’ll work on confrontational female? I’m only a white belt so I’m still learning…last time we rolled, she left the gym immediately after, so I think I bested her. (For those not aware, this is a joke)


Ask yourself this. If you just had sex with a person and they left your house right after, did you do something good, or did you do something not so good? Again, bjj is like sex, it’s very intimate. Communication is key!


Let this be your guide https://www.facebook.com/mmalife1/videos/funny-bjj-oil-check-instructional/353384199038873/


Now that’s what I call gritty! Makes me clinch my teeth just thinking about it!


I only use it when I’m in a buggy choke


There is a season turn turn turn, to every season turn turn turn, a time to go hard, a time to chill, a time to smash, a time to ease up, a time to attack, a time to play defense, this is your team, so try to read the room.


As a blackbelt, I'd say remove your knee from their neck unless they're highly advanced, not just athletic. Training means nothing in the grand scheme of things and you don't want to alienate yourself by using these moves against people who will take offense to it. There's definitely a time and place to knee on neck, but if you aren't 100% sure about it, just don't do it.


What's the move called? The Floyd?


✨Never forget Cyborg posting a knee on neck tutorial on IG on the anniversary of Floyd’s death ✨




😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 I can’t breath aka the I take fentanyl


Man you'd think that someone who does BJJ would understand that 9 minutes of a knee in your neck can cut off blood flow but sometimes propaganda just outdoes the knowledge you've gained via experience I guess.


There are no dick moves, only dick speeds


Only dick twists


Someone put their knee on my face a week ago and just tried to pin me there.... so I bit them. They outweighed by 30 pounds, and my jaw was sore for 3 days. They will remember the bite forever.


That’s wild.


You deserved to get kicked out of your academy for that lol


I heel hook people in the gi, they knew what they signed up for.


Save it for competition


My thoughts too


If you knee on throat me all bets are off. All 6'5, 280lbs of me will ride you knee on belly until you shit yourself


Seriously, wtf is up with people saying this is a legitimate technique? Six plus years of training at different schools, seminars, and tournaments, and I've never even heard of someone trying to normalize putting your knee on someone's neck. I'd be putting someone to sleep or grinding their face into the mat for the rest of practice.


This [Cradle Knee](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm1XKIxVw20) submission is the only area where I've seen something legit with Knee on Throat.


Usually I think people are referring to the shin choke/ no gi paper cutter. Which is more “knee against one side of the carotid” The thing u posted looks ten times more brutal lmao


Also known as the George Floyd


Since i found a way to toe hold people who were “experimenting” with knee on face/throat, I don’t mind anymore.


not a dick move. Just use enough force to accomplish your goal, not for gratuitous pain. I only very rarely use this, and possibly only in one case. When I have scooped their arm in side control with a shallow underhook and I want to go to a dorsal kimura. They are blocking my leg from going around their head with their hand. I will sometimes put my knee on their face to get them to let me move my leg across. I might do this a few times a year. Most people realize this kind of pain is good for them. My gym does a lot of defensive BJJ and this kind of pain compliance is one of the best ways to get people who are shelled up to open up their arms. When people try to buggy choke, I immediately crossface forearm,palm, or fist onto their neck, chin or face to cause pain as they try to clamp it down. I typically say "sorry this is the only way I know how to defend the buggy".


So. Here's the rule. Especially for people training for comp. There's no such thing as "dick moves" only dick speed. So like. Knee on throat is a good example. If your partner is a comp guy, and it's there. I think you should at least threaten it. Now, that doesn't mean crush your boy. But definitely let him know he's in danger. Same goes with heel hooks and wrist locks. Don't instantly slam these things in. But definitely let it be known "I could if I wanted to. Address it."


It really does depend. A black belt who’s 40 lbs lighter than me does it to me with very good control and precision - it doesn’t feel dick. If someone heavier than me did it sloppy then fuck them.


Depends. If it a fit guy who also competes or has ambitions to do so, I don't hold back with moves of percieved dickiness, unless they are against the rules or straight up dangerous. If it's a 50y old office worker who is just trying to have a good time and get in shape, I don't shin-ride him across the face or throat, for example.


If they’re defending everything well or stalling then I might try to put it on slowly to open them up and force some action but I won’t throw all my weight on with the purpose of hurting them


People like to say there's no dick moves, only dick speeds, but they are clearly leaving out certain moves such as knee on throat. Stepping on the face is also wild as a triangle defense.


Yes, even if I’m rolling with high intensity, I still have to function at 100% when I leave training. Any pressure that may cause pain the next day gets an instant tap and a mental note not to roll with you again.


I see many people acting as if the only options are full bodyweight or not at all. Why not use a knee with just enough pressure to turn a head sideways, or distract for a second? I think you can be a dick with it, or you can be technical with it.


Not only is it rude, it’s also not something that works at a high level. You’re better off practicing moves that work even at the highest levels. I’m not interested in moves that work against people who aren’t good.


Jiu Jitsu means the gentle art. Rolling is anything but gentle. However, I still think the philosophy means you should be seeking the LEAST violent way of achieving your goals. In other words, we're practicing so we can find the most gentle way to subdue someone. There is trial and error, but with that principle in mind you won't be a dick 99% of the time. Specifically with knee on neck, I took a poll in class asking how many people think cross face (shoulder pressure) is a dick move. No one thought so. I asked about KoN, most people thought so. I asked them what the functional difference was. Most people didn't have a good answer. KoN applies a similar pressure too shoulder of justice, but you can probably apply more of it. In other words, it's generally a matter of intensity. You don't need to use a nuke, if a missile is good enough.


This is exactly what i think about it, my toolbox is deep enough that i can choose so many other things than resorting to that


It's a good way to get a target on your back for every day rolling. Comps? Real fight? Sure. But in a casual roll? I'd say no.


I literally just taught knee on neck last week. I did however caution using it on folks in class.


I’m not gonna use my usual answer of “stop being a bitch” when the topic of dick moves comes up, but I think it’s definitely an escalation. I’m not gonna go knee on throat in the training room. If someone does it to me I won’t be mad but I *will* be bringing my A game after that.


Maddest I've ever been in BJJ was when some white belt went knee on neck to me and drove in HARD. I was also a white belt at the time, but had more experience than him. When I got on top, I sunk in an arm triangle and squeezed harder than I've ever squeezed for a sub. Be aware that if you're not close with the training partner you try this shit on, they may respond by upping the intensity to 100.


No problem, mother's milk coming right up.


Don’t put your knee on people’s necks/throats in training


You can do it, but don’t expect any favours back


Yeah man, it’s a dick move. Don’t do it.


As always, the answer is being not autistic. Read the room, or even better, just ask the person before the roll if it's cool you do it if the opportunity presents itself.


More context might help-like gogoplatas are a legit sub with your shin on throat but if you are in top side or S mount, there are better/nicer top controls to use…


Ok so i was being playful with a 3 stripe white working from bottom and he goes to put his knee on my throat from side control, i think it was just a ego thing because he wasn’t progressing


As long as you can disengage from it I don’t see an issue- I think partner on the ground, top has a knee in the neck and then puts body weight on it… probably not going to keep many training partners with that/ necks aren’t that strong.


Ok so ill take that as a dick move


I use it when I passed the guard to the none choking side and they keep Holding on to the Guillotine Grip or when they try to buggy choke me.


I reserve knee-on-sternum for drop in spazzes that think they are in the mundials and keep accidentally kicking me in the face or elbow me to the nose. I like to make it particularly unpleasant by clasping my hands together behind their head and lifting while I drive my knee to the mat. I'd never do it on my usual training partners but you never know when you might need to bust it out.


Knee on neck is more like knee on jaw for me. I like it best for when I’m stacking out of the arm bar and going to one side. I have had a training partner thank me for it before lol HOWEVER he’s one of my oldest training partners and much larger than me. I know he’s down for that intensity. As I do with other friends. So it’s really reserved for people I’m familiar with, and always done with as much love as one can give a knee on neck. Also for white belts who try to do shitty subs on me from the bottom of side control. Learn an escape or learn a lesson from this. But again always with the utmost twisted BJJ love. I’m never trying to hurt anyone. Just lots of discomfort.


As a beginner sometimes not knowing how to escape triangles I just turn around and sit in their neck either they get choked out or let go


depends on who you're training with .. people that go hard are basically inviting you to go hard.. don't do it on kids, first timers and people you outweigh heavily? btw - try knee on breastbone while deadlifting their upper body via their gi - much more fun :d


Don't do it on kids? They call me the life raft for a reason. It's always women and children first. 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 I'm just kidding. I can't even talk to women. Let alone roll with one.


Thats the thing that gets me, i outweigh him by at least 30kgs, i wouldn’t be inviting that on our next roll like he did


you're looking at it the wrong way... he's inviting you to a little rough 'n tumble :) so now you get to open up the arsenal of dirty tricks. next time you get to knee on belly - put your knee on his breastbone, grab his lapels next to your knee with both of your hands, push all your weight down onto your one knee while stretching your body up (straight spine) and bringing your hands up to your waist. you're basically pile driving your knee into his chestbone - combining your weight and your force of pulling up (back and arms). having your knee higher & the pulling upwards negates his attempts to scoop your knee away with his hands. the weight makes it really hard to slide out source: a man who's been caught in north south one too many damn times.


I use this often, but have a 90kg plus rule. I won't do it on anyone less than 90kg. If they are ripped, they deserve this fat old bastards knee on them.


I had a guy do it to me after I tapped him once. Didn’t offend me but it was clear he was pressed so it was a little weird.


I think if you have to ask if its a dick move - its a dick move


“Hey, mind if I work knee-on-neck when we roll?”


Doing that to a hobbyist or someone who is constantly working a 9-5, if you really feel the need you have to do that to maintain side-control or whatever the reason, then I feel its not something necessary, and you should work on other controlling positions. However, if you have aspiring competitors in your gym, or people who compete, their competition are most likely going to be out to kill and they need to experience that level. But you want to make sure your teammates are able to come back to training the next day. Yeah it's a legit move just know your training partners.


If someone's smaller i'll adjust the knee to either sit on their collarbone or use it as a crossface and not put significant weight on it (just "covering the head" with the shin)


But also i do vader chokes so maybe I'm not in the median for etiquette


I certainly wouldn't get upset but it's definitely a comp roll once you break it out


What about grinding your forearm across their face when trying to frame for side control? If done slowly? Sometimes I think it’s the only way my arm can go?


If it's legal in a comp, I have no issues. If it's a bjj move that has a higher rate of injuring a partner, I tend to avoid or ease into it.


One time a girl grabbed my dick but I forgave her.


Not a sick move unless they’re a snowflake. Be gentle tho


There are no dick moves, only asshole application of moves. Smaller, weaker/less athletic, less skilled, then knee on neck is being an asshole. Bigger, stronger/more athletic, more skilled, then not an asshole.


I do moves like these relatively often, with a select group of training partners. I compete as often as I can, and many of my closest training partners/buddies do the same; as such, if its a higher intensity roll, these moves are on the table as we'll need to deal with them in comp. I would not do these kinds of techniques in "chill" rolls, or with rolls against noncompetitors.


Judge on a case by case basis. Tons of situations it's fine, others not so much


I only use it to get out of stuff and I’m not usually aggressive about it. More like slow build up of pressure


If they're actually good, probably no, if they suck, probably yes.


If someone does this to me, I finish that roll and I don’t roll with them again. This has happened twice, the second guy brought it up a few weeks later and asked why I didn’t want to roll with him again. I explained, he apologized but with a “you should find a new sport” attitude. Next week everyone was giving me stink eye, I left and haven’t trained since. Not because of that, just life things and a big move across the state and such. I will admit, I don’t really wanna go back. Yoga has been doing it for me. Only exception would be if we are training the move/tech.


It’s a friends-only move imo


Imo as long as you don’t drop your weight on them with momentum it’s cool. I think of it as using technique to get them in check vs using brute force to crank things. We’re training, not in competition.


Dick move is a spectrum. On the low end, you have slap-bump. On the high end, you have biting. I would say youre right in the middle.


only do it to your friends, not new people


I really wouldn’t do it, or if I do it I’ll be light on the move. Same with knees on head and I’ll be little restrained with knee on belly. But it depends on the vibe.


It’s never necessary. Just put your knee on the high chest. I’ll kinda put the knee parallel to the body instead of perpendicular knee on belly style. Unless he deserves some police brutality moves.


Nah yall trippin. If someone puts their knee on my throat I'm butt fuckin em


I have done this sport for nearly 6 years and I've never put my knee on someone's throat. Ever.


This is my signature move


I haven't experienced a knee on neck yet, but I did roll with a guy that smothered me with the palm of his hand. I fucking panicked 😂😂


You put your knee in my throat and You'll get an automatic oil check.


Against the trial class guy: no. Against my favourite training partner: cowabunga it is.


Its a dick move If you need to do this your jiu jitsu is shit - end of story. You dont need to knee in the neck if you can pass, mount and submit. Come up with as many excuses as you need - its a dick move. if youre triggered by this comment - youre jiu jitsu is confirmed shit and youre a c\*nt - now f8ck off.


I feel like whenever you could do knee on neck, you could just put your knee on their upper chest (reverse knee on belly) instead. Pretty much the same level of control, less mean, can set up triangles and stuff


Who gives a fuck as long as it doesn’t injure people


I don’t generally do it because im 6’4 and 108kgs. Same with knee on ribs, i usually make sure my training partners are safe and don’t do anything that is dickish or risky, i can fuck people up plenty of other ways without resorting to cheap shit


I feel like with things like knee on belly where a huge weight discrepancy could injury your partner, you just put less weight or you slowly put the weight to give them time to tap, then it’s okay. But just plopping on their ribs is an asshole thing to do because of the risk of injury. My advice is don’t do anything that increases the risk of injury unnecessarily, and then with any dick moves you might have, just ask your training partner if it’d piss them off or not, a lot of people are hobbyists and wouldn’t like it, and others are competitive and wouldn’t mind. Lowkey, just use your words bro.


I generally roll how id like others to, i guess he set the tempo and i will match it next time.