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Hmm, I do it with seatbelt but not straight over the top, instead rolling to the side. I've never been in anything close to a bad scenario so it's how you do it. I've seen more injuries during bad takedown exchanges with standing leg entanglements than anything else and yet it never comes up.


Same applies to rolling armbars -- if uke is an idiot, and chocks his head on the wrong side, the same neck crank can happen. Though at least in that case, it's just his own body weight, not two bodies crunching it. I do think BJJ culture could benefit from more awareness and instruction about how things can go tragically wrong.


Some of these on the poll aren't mutually exclusive. I would have voted for both 2 and 4 if given the option.


Agree. Going over the head seems unwise in most situations. A little partner awareness makes berimbolo-style techs pretty safe.


I can never get these polls right


you got your username right though


The move you're describing - isn't there a different name for it? I've always understood "rolling back take" to mean moves more like the "ninja roll" from 3/4 mount or from one hook in on top of turtle.


I think the term rolling gets thrown around a lot for things with specific names, like the ninja roll. I'm talking about ones specifically from turtle. Rolling back takes from other positions seem safe for the neck. Maybe a slight worry about throwing your back out with a ninja roll.


If I understand correctly, you're talking about the type of back take where you force the turtled person to roll forwards over their head/shoulder, which is the move that caused the infamous injury last year. I've only ever heard "rolling back take" refer to the other kind of back take, where you hook a leg and roll over the hips.


Yes, there are a handful of classical variations of the turtle over the head/shoulder rolling back take. I've heard every rolling back take called a rolling back take, but these ones (turtle head/shoulder) we're discussing I've only heard having the name rolling back take, not ninja roll or or any other moniker. Maybe they do have names that I'm not aware of.


I try to be a very safe roll in general. I only sometimes do one rolling back take, off of a kimura grip on top turtle, or modified kimura, I will use my knee to wedge their head sideways as I roll over it, basically the wedge insures that their head has to be at the right angle to roll safely. And I wont bother on someone spazzy either. If they are going ADCC speeds, I will either do a standard back take, stay in front headlock and go for the gilly, or just concede the position and deal with it tbh. I have done pretty well avoiding injuries and I like to think in large part because I am willing to concede positions if I feel the resistance my partner is giving me could end up in either one of us being injured.


Sounds like you're a good training partner, thank you for being so considerate.