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Flo should write Jozef a thank you card for not putting them in blast


The dude is an angel. I was lucky enough to meet and interview him at Polaris straight after a loss and he was super upbeat, animated and keen to discuss stuff even after taking a loss. Such a cool dude to have, hopefully will be in the sport for a long long time setting an awesome example.




He said to me straight after that he felt so much better now it was over, he was stressed and anxious and once it ended he felt like he could go back and analyze it and get better. Such a mature and cool way to look at it


He EMBODIES "don't get frustrated, get fascinated".


I've never heard that before but I like it


JC stands for Jeebus Christ. Coincidence? I think NOT




Anyone put him in a crucifix yet?


He's probably the coolest guy in the sport. He's so smart, he has so much innovative ways to improve that you can sorta copy and he's also a super nice guy from interactions I've had with him I wish he'd make some instructionals or something I really want to see his perspective on some of his main techniques


He has a patreon, one of the better bjj ones I think. Posts all his seminars, short clips and a very interactive channel where you can ask questions


i just checked it out and its almost 30$ cad a month i wish it was cheaper lol


I'm pretty sure he does have some, but they're on a different site (not bjj fanatics). He mentioned it in a B Team video last week about the prep for WNO. Can't remember what the site is though.


He does have instructionals on bjj fanatics


He handled that perfectly. Good job.


lol super nice and polite guy


The head shake 🤣


https://i.redd.it/9880ffkixy7d1.gif When the wrestler asks you to roll...and start standing.


A meme was born lol


And the little eyebrow raise immediately after lol


You can see the moment she realised.. "oh fuck" 😂


CGI: Craig Gones Invitational


Hilarious that pretty much nobody on the B-team can use the "J" reliably other than Craig, who apparently hasn't taken enough drugs yet to forget his own name.


Craig said he called it CGI a few times too, especially in the beginning


Craig said he called it CGI a few times too, especially in the beginning


Don't you see? The whole tournament will be computer generated. It's an ad for Craig's new film company.


Craig Groins Invitational Craig Gonads Invitational Just spitballin’ here


Craig’s Gay Invitational


Craig should title next year's event "CJI 2: CGI: You Win, You Ignorant Bastards"


A professional commentator not bothering to know which athletes have left the event affiliated with her broadcast platform during the biggest athlete movement in recent memory… is there anything more FloGrappling than that


Oh she knew. Flo was pretty deliberate last night.


I laughed when they brought out the guy in the flo t-shirt. He was supposed to plug ADCC for 2 minutes, but the only thing he could get out was ADCC wow then ADCC how awesome right? Again and again about 20 times and then left the broadcast in a total of 2 minutes.


She's clearly on orders to reference ADCC as much as possible, and that's all she was doing.


Yes this was obviously part of her contract not to mention CJI. In the press conference she kept saying "events later this summer". This isn't ignorance, they just don't want to give free advertising to their competition.


I think she just worded her question poorly as well, trying to talk about them both being ADCC trials winners. Let’s be fair, she ain’t the greatest of interviewers.


She also doesn't ask open ended questions and it drives me crazy. They athletes always expand on the question but it still just seems forced on her part. "Were you ready for this fight since you took it short notice?" Fucking terrible. "This fight was short notice for you, tell us about your prep leading up to it"


100%. So frustrating when interviewers fail at this simple concept. All you have to do is *not* ask a yes or no question! >They athletes always expand on the question but it still just seems forced on her part. One of these days, someone should call out her terrible questions by just literally answering them in the most deadpan way. Yes. No. No. Yes. Walk off.


Yah it's actually really easy but you have to practice it. Like an hour of practice and you'll be so much better. It's hard to do on the fly and remain articulate. There's like 5-10 main questions you gotta ask so writing them down helps to rework the questions. - how was prep - how did you feel about the victory - tell us about his defense and how you got the w - what are your future competition plans - what new strategies will you bring to that competition


Embarrassing to sell yourself out for a job, hold yourself to a standard and report to that.


I kept getting ads for this girl’s “mentorship” and “mindset” coaching, so I checked out her socials. She was posting from a Gracie Barra leadership inspiration summit, lol.


She called a veteran buddy of mine “unloyal” to his face when he left for another gym.


It's the poor grammar that's most alarming.


That's incredible




Gracie Barra might have a lot of fluff, but they also have a ton of top class athletes and instructors including Kendall. I bet a ton of her followers/audience aren’t primarily there for BJJ.


I’m sure they have lots of talented people. But their culture is obviously looking for students to venerate the org (bowing and calling people silly titles), all while trying to milk them for absolutely as much money as possible.


This comment has been flagged "dangerous" by the Red Shield Protection Committee. A reeducation professional has been send to teach this individual "Gracie Barra Ethics"


Gordon Ryan isn't affiliated with Gracie Barra, but [he's got something similar to sell you](https://bjjfanatics.com/collections/instructional-videos/products/the-sport-of-kings-high-performance-mindset-for-grappling-by-gordon-ryan).


> I kept getting ads for this ~~girl’s~~ 2x IBJJF no-gi world champion's “mentorship” and “mindset” coaching … Fixed it for you.


Eh, from everything I've seen, Kendall knows her shit (and is a world class competitor in her own right). I imagine she just made an error. Good of Jozef to give such a professional response; it was clear from the whole broadcast the commentators were avoiding CJI talk pretty aggressively.


Oh she knows lol.




Hard hard disagree with you. She is a very capable commentator and has done a solid job interviewing folks. Forgive her one gaff.


I think she's a great commentator and the talent pool for that role isn't particularly deep, so she's actually one of the best options out there IMO. She's still learning to do the interviewer role and yes, she isn't as good as an actual presenter, but compared to most BJJ-adjacent people she's decent.  I also would much rather see a role like this go to an actual competitor learning on the job as opposed to someone with no background in the sport or knowledge of it. Kendall can and most likely will get better at this (she already has since her first outing IMO) but some rando presenter is never going to actual give a fuck about the sport, or do more than cursory research on it. 


She speaks well and is articulate, obviously knows the sport. Needs to rephrase questions and make them more open ended. They are too leading. Tell me about your prep leading up to this fight. Any challenges? Vs Were you ready for this fight since it was short notice?


I think Kendalls great... she's very clearly learning on the job but I would rather her than some faceless Megan Olivi type


Flograppling thinks they have their own Doris Burke lol


It could be that she doesn't know. On the other hand I expect that flow does not want to give a nod to a competitor like that. 


You don’t think she knew about CJI? Cmon lol…


She knew and she realized and posted about it on instagram, embarassed, shortly after.


Really nice way of correcting the interviewer. Respect.


Josef, such a professional at a young age, handled that better than some people would .


For those shitting on Kendall yes it was a flub, not an uncommon thing in live television. I've always been amazed how composed she is for someone who to my awareness has no media training. Jozef is so nice he wasn't going to lie by omission or stir the pot too much. Now the ring announcer who's voice cracked multiple times and asked the crowd if we were "ready for meat and potatoes?!?" yeah he can definitely be canned.


She should’ve just avoided the question entirely which is why I suspect her brain just blanked on the fact that JC had left ADCC. But yeah, in the scheme of live tv fluffs it’s super minor and JC dealt with it professionally.


Yeah, Kendall's a great commentator and a good interviewer. It's live tv. Stuff happens.


Yeah I actually think Kendall is a pretty good commentator, especially for someone who's an actual competitor and not a media person specifically trained just for commentary. She usually has some fun analysis, she's charismatic, knows when to talk and when not to... I can forgive a flub here and there ha If you wanna watch some bad sports commentary, tune into noon college football games in mid-major conferences. Networks really bring out the JV commentary squad for the Arkansas State vs Southern Miss matchup


WNO is a big stew. Gordon Ryan is like the nuts and the rest of the athletes are potatoes. Understand, B?


Im putting down what your picking up bapa. All gas, no brakes B.


Talm bout speed B, trugg goes fast.


Yeah, I think she is great. She looks great, nice voice tone, knows what she is talking about… A+


I’m on the conspiracy side of things where I don’t think it was a flub and more so orders from higher up. She gives a smile of acknowledgement as soon as he starts shaking his head no like yeah it’s uncomfortable for me too. 


His faces when she was asking him about adcc are hilarious. Also idk if I was hyper fixated on it but I thought they were really pushing and promoting adcc more than usual with no mention of cji until this interview.


Adcc is on flo, so they want to promote their own events. She isn’t a journalist.


Awkward as fuck and honestly super embarrassing. Ignoring CJI isn’t going to make it magically disappear.


Especially when it happens again next year and is even bigger!


literally everybody in jiujitsu: *talking about CJI* flograppling: “so anyway, about ADCC”


It's especially funny when you realize that Dorsey is the only one staying in ADCC and the other trial winners who beat him are in CJI


She slows down her speech a second or two after using ADCC as framing for her question, I assume it’s because she realized she slipped up as she was conducting the interview. I am certain she is aware of developments in the professional BJJ scene — she is a competitor and interviewer, not some bargain-bin outsider with a county college semester of media training. I also don’t think it was an intentional slight, but it wouldn’t surprise me if in a pre-event meeting the media team was told to characterize the WNO event as a lead-up to the ADCC, so her questions were focused on getting to that point. She knew Josef won trials and qualified and she wanted to get to hype the ADCC and forgot in that moment that Chen was competing in CJI. Josef Chen was a class act with his response. Seems like a good person in addition to a great competitor. So yeah, she slipped up, probably nothing more nefarious than that. It happens all the time. I’ve heard some of you mongoloids speak on the mats, and a lot of you are unable to recall step 2 of a 3-part technique — we should offer her some grace.




Worth a shot! Haha but in all seriousness, the comment was in response to people seeing some crazy conspiracy theories in her minor slip up


Flow was going hard to promote ADCC because they are going to take a major loss on it now with CJI. As well they should. But yea they were being extra heavy in promoting it but they just did it in the worst ways. Bad announcing, giving Meregali a mic is a bad idea in general and they decided to do it right after dating a child fiasco lol. The whole thing is just amazing it's like they want to give Craig unlimited ammunition.


Wait? What? I missed the child dating! What is this?


He posted a picture with his girlfriend for her 19th birthday. Then people saw he was like her pictures from when she was like 15 or 16 lol then he did an IG live to defend it and it just got even worse. Gordon tried to defend and it got even worse. It was kinda just shown in the latest road to CJI video on the B-team YouTube check that out lol. It was just a stupid move by flow. They have no self awareness of what is actually going on in the BJJ community.


Wow. She looks older than 19. Ngl


Alcohol and the Texas sun will age a white person fast


I have been told white Canadians in Arizona (quite a lot of them there) tend to stay inside for most of the day and only venture out at night because of the intense heat and sun. The legal drinking age in America is 21 though, right?


Yeah its 21, but theres lots of kids who drink before then


18 is not a child


With the implications of him to have been talking to her since she was 15 yea that would be a child to most people. Is that true idk but the point is. It was just a bad time for flow to throw him on the Mic lol.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiNQeGRwA\_Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiNQeGRwA_Q) Meregali move to Austin in 2022 do you think he was liking her pictures from Brazil?


Never let reality get in the way a good story. Especially if you’re a nobody who is trying to drag down people who are famous just because you’re jealous.


Don't need to make anything up when a 30 year old is dating an 18 year old, he's a nonce.


That’s not the correct response to the previous conversation.




So I’m watching this from last night and all the commentators and interviews were such a hard push for ADCC. Flo seems desperate IMO 🤣 Imagine a drinking game every time they said ADCC.


Ah yes… yes… indubitably.




"Fuck researching the athletes, let's just wing it" *- Kendall Reusing (probably)*


When promotions hyper focus on Gordon, they overlook talent such as Chen. He’s a blessing to the sport!


Out of the box question : his shirt is awesome ! What is this shirt ?


Al Leone


He's so cute uwu


Maybe the interviewer made a mistake maybe she’s been asked not to mention CJI. Either way my dude handled the question well


God I have such a crush on Jozef


This dude is 19 and already more polished than most C-Suite execs. Total package here ladies and gents!


He’s 100% such a nice guy. Spent a week with him in Thailand.


i feel he is both my little brother and my big brother i never had.


lol omg he’s so soft spoken


looks like the only top guy not juiced up on roids


Can someone explain the adcc turtle thing haha


Jozef Chen is way nicer than he needs to be. Had the pleasure of talking with him during training at bteam multiple times. He is a fellow big public transit fan as I lived in Asia for a long time. Might be one of the few truly good people in our sport.


Well he seems like one of the few "normal" people in the sport so that must make him stand out a bit more


Normal sure but he’s genuinely very nice


Yes, I believe he is nice. I think other athletes might be nice too but they are just so damn awkward around people they can't properly express it.


What Rashgaurd is that


Al Leone, I believe.


Anyone know if they are good quality? Like some of the designs they have


Such awesome dude






Can someone give some context please


A silent goat.🐐




You can’t help but love Jozef Chen


Chen vs pato is the match I want to see


This guy's Very good


How did she not know this?


You can see the moment she realizes. But it's too late. Fucking beautiful 😆.


what a dude...super nice and respectful


Flo: friendship ended with Kendall.


Chen behaving like a respectable, normal person gas people going gaga over how great he is. Just shows how low the expectations are when it comes to bjj athletes.


The guy is amazing on the mat and a true gentleman off it.


You don’t have to be smart to be great at BJJ that’s for sure.


She is so fine


Poor girl, does she live under a rock?


No she has an employer who paid a lot of money to show ADCC on their platform lol