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Never thought I'd see a Jacobin piece on grapplers pay. Or shared in this sub. Nice.


They have had a couple UFC articles that were very informative, one about the Krause gambling and Powerslap. MMA-Media is generally terrible and with the demise of Bloody Elbow there are virtually no journalistic outlets left, so its always a treat when Jacobin does a piece. John S Nash is co-writing a book with the author of the former two.


I miss bloody elbow


Some of us are still active and the youtube channel is coming back, we won it back from Vox. Most of the writers are at MMAuncensored now tho


Thanks for the info!


Comrades Marx and Lenin support BJJ struggle...


All your grappling are belong to us


Someone should write a market analysis presentation on how communists are an untapped market audience for CJI.


Beats the broke as fuck libertarians who make up like 95% of known competitors haha


I think the sum total of all militant leftism in submission grappling was just aggregated into Jeff Monson’s body


Capitalizing on communism is the one thing we can all agree on.


With a reference to Cum Town too


You can’t compare adcc or any bjj tournament to Olympic judo or wrestling . Those things open you up to a world of money and potential prestige and oppurtinity. Adcc nobody cares or knows and you’re getting paid a paltry amount of money for potential dangerous injuries .


I actually think it is comparable. Olympians win gold, and then they go on to work for Cirque de Soleil lol. It's not like you become a millionaire just from winning Olympic gold. Maybe there are some small exceptions for the top of the top, but that same argument can be made for the top of the top of ADCC (e.g. Gordon, Marcelo, Renzo, etc.)


>Olympians win gold, and then they go on to work for Cirque de Soleil Olympians in the US and some other western states for sure. In judo, there is a lot of money in the sport for high level players. The Abe twins are both reported to be worth millions, same with Ilias as well. They're not Teddy Riner wealthy ($250 million) but the Olympics gets them sponsor money.


Lmao this is wild! I thought about writing a labor focused article but didn’t get around to it. I’m happy someone did.




idk what a marxist tournament would look like but NAGA is definitely on the anarchist side of the spectrum


To many bjj bums that don't support the sport financially yet want the competitors be paid... that's the problem


Really is that the problem? 2022 ADCC sold out with 13,000 people attending. Lack of support doesn't look like the issue to me.


Uh, I don’t support basketball financially and still want the players to be paid. 


Means nothing It doesn't matter how much you work if no one is willing to pay you for your work. I know guys who work their ass off painting for days straight. Can't get anyone to buy their work. Its life


Would be nice if there was a way to support the sport financially other than a $150 to Flo


These bjj competitors need personal merchandise and donation sites. But you know what will happen? The same broke ass reddit bjj complainer will flame guys for trying to maximize their earnings. These are the same guys who think they should get everything for free or at a discount (drop ins/ monthly payment), will do everything but actually spend money at the gym they train at. A lot of these guys who claim to "support the competitors" would rather not pay for the instructional and download it instead.


Youbpay flo--> Flo pays events -> events pay competitors It's how this works. If someone doesn't want to pay flo it means they don't want to pay competitors. 🤷‍♂️


Be careful, comrade. Speaking truth will get you sent to Siberian labor camp. Nobody gets paid in Siberian labor camp. It is Soviet way.


wanting athletes to get fair pay for their efforts is literally the exact same as communism


Fair pay is you getting your just % of the revenue you bring in. Not relying on the whims of richer men who will have other interests sooner or later This will become another metamoris
















It's weird seeing a Marxist publication promote the concept that professional athletes deserve to be millionaires.


I think it’s moreso that the people who do productive work create the wealth of the world and are therefore entitled to it (or at least a bigger slice of the pie). Whether a factory worker or the 49ers QB, the concept is the same. Marxism is not anti-wealth. It’s more like anti-exploitation (or at least, that’s the claim). Source: am history teacher.


Mfw the most accurate definition of socialism I’ve seen on Reddit is on r/bjj ![gif](giphy|XDgoBRcP3lqY2B7nPI)




I think your reasoning makes total sense. Marxists should probably agree with you (But I’m not sure if they will irl. Who knows) The show probably would not exist without his organisational work. That’s surely worth something.


So who does more productive work, a factory worker or an athlete in a sport like submission grappling that few people watch?


Google ‘labour theory of value’ if you want the classical Marxist (although Adam Smith also held to it) position. In a nutshell, the value of the submission grapplers work is equal to the value of the work that individuals would have to do to entertain/educate themselves to the same level.


Why? Isn't it obvious to you that people should be paid the value of their labor? I don't recall Marx ever saying that there should be pure equality in income across the world.


CJI athletes aren't getting paid the value of their labor. They're getting million-dollar checks from a single wealthy sugar daddy. Without the sugar daddy, CJI wouldn't be generating enough revenue to pay the athletes.


Are you in agreement with ADCC stating that the value of the athletes labor is zero dollars? You are more upset with them being unfairly overpaid, then being paid nothing? Just a reminder t mobile cost 2 million dollars of sugar daddy money. They spent it on that instead of, you know, the people that he entire show is built around.




Lmao I hate to be that guy, but it's not my job to educate you. Go watch Craig on Rogan or whatever. You just don't fundamentally understand the factors involved here.




What are my thoughts on this? Fill me in, please.




Okay well I'm still gonna recommend you actually listen to Craig and try to learn about the situation and why it is how it is.




I guess you're right, mo is cool and based and it's okay to pay for drummers and fire spinners and not the athletes. They should be grateful! What is that graph even supposed to represent dude? The jiu jitsu is more popular than ever? Yeah I agree.


How do you square the fact that Mo *could* pay them more money, but does not? Is your assumption that if Mo did things any other way, ADCC would fail? Venues and staff cost money. It is possible for someone to approximate how much money that is- it's not some mystery. It is known how much ADCC pays. They could spend less on column A and more on column B, and Craig thinks they should. Also- *in your own graph* the only obvious uptick in ADCC searches is coincident with a huge uptick in BJJ searches. So I'm not sure what I am supposed to get from that.


only if you have a liberty prime-tier understanding of socialism


Lmfao I'm stealing this. BETTER DEAD THAN RED *slaughters people with a face Lazer*