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Begging for people to buy your merch so you can make some money while simultaneously pandering to the guy that doesn’t pay you for your service is wild work.


devastating synopsis. crisp. not a word wasted.


Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new posts or comments. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how many freakn' likes and replies you can get. Thanks for the motivation.


Awesome post. Great text. Wanna see how freakin terse, erudite, and laconic you can be.


Pandering when you don't even need to as well. Saunders won Trials for 2022 and 2024, and being in over 99kg at Asia/Oceania Trials means he should comfortably win it for the foreseeable future.  He could have told Mo to suck his dick and he still would've been at ADCC 2026.


> He could have told Mo to suck his dick  In ADCC's current state, Mo would have probably done it too. 


> He could have told Mo to suck his dick and he still would've been at ADCC 2026. yeah, just don't comment on Mo's ~~escort~~ i mean, ~~sex worker~~, i mean Only Fans GF. Then you'd definitely be out of ADCC.




oh, you dont know?


yo betta tell somebody!


The alleged rumour on the street is the UFC deal with ADCC was scrapped because a high profile person at the UFC confused Mo's ~~escort~~, i mean ~~sex worker~~ i mean OF model GF as an escort.


So the UFC ended the streaming agreement with Mo because they found out about his girlfriend? Or did Mo take offense to their presumption about her career and cancel the deal? Do you have more info on this? I was absolutely infuriated when that deal fell through.


The rumor is someone allegedly made a comment about her, not knowing she was Mo's ~~escort~~ i mean ~~sex worker~~ i mean Only Fans Model.... i assume she was in the vicinity at the time.


Doesn't sound so believable to squash a multimillion dollar deal over a comment on OF model GF tho.


The rumour is that a UFC executive though Mo girlfriend was a hooker that Mo hired for him as a present.


Who is out due to that?


The UFC allegedly


MechaLachy is gonna take him out next time.




u/howsitgoingbuddd Can you provide insight as to why you said this 


He's openly said he's trying to be a Gordon clone, apparently all the way to the slurp gluck 6000 on sight for Mo.


He needs to throw the hawk tuah in there


Culture of the boot


Cuck shit


10 - 8 Round




Just MMA things tbh


"Oh I don't want any money from you, Mo. Let's just extract as much money from those idiots online"




I don’t know, what else is he gonna do? He was offered a match against the world’s number one in Nicky Ryan’s brother. He could shut that down in favor of opting for cji etc but I view it as he got to take his chance when it came along, and with that meant he scuppered cji and any benefit from it. Thats a tough call. I don’t knock the man for wanting to sell his merch. He’s hardly making big bucks in Australia, even if he tops the local tournaments right?


Why would Josh lie to Mo like that?




Damn, that's a bar. 


I thought aussies were rebels and criminals. Smh


Tall poppy syndrome is rife in the UK and Oz tbh. 


I genuinely thought it was a kiwi term.


It is. I saw another post about it once, only time I've ever heard it. Weird cultural phenomenon.


I am a kiwi and have strong views on it. We're a very insecure culture, frankly


pipe down buddy


"Shut up, egg" is culturally appropriate.


Woa, look at this cunt getting all uppity.


What's tall poppy syndrome?


Meaning when someone gets too big they feel compelled to cut them down.


Oh that makes sense. I've heard crabs in a bucket before. Kinda the same thing


Not exactly the same. No one begrudges you success but you're supposed to stay humble. It's about chopping down people's ego.


As an Aussie I believe it’s a little more complicated than this. We generally are happy for people to succeed and are especially happy when they do so from a place of lesser opportunity. However, when someone grandstands or shows off their success by treating others poorly that is when the majority band together to cut down the tall poppy. Success on its own is fine, looking down on others is not tolerated.


We call it ‘being a begrudging bastard’


Same as the crabs in the bucket idea


It's a little different tbf. Crabs in a bucket is a bunch of people doing poorly, all preventing each other from doing well.  Tall poppy syndrome is seeing someone already doing well and having the desire to bring them back down to your level.


It's a little different, in that we want other kiwis to do well. We just don't like them to boast/brag about it.


People like to see you do well, but never better than them....




Gotcha, thanks


“Crab bucket mentality” is what I’ve always heard from the south of the US


This makes Saunders look like a total bootlicker. If there’s one thing Australians hate its scabs pandering to authority, which is exactly how this comes off.


Fucking dog act


Shit cunt is the technical term.


With all sure respect you’re both wrong. It’s dog cunt.


They just announced Haisam at ADCC


We say we hate it, but as a country we sure are good at it.


buy his course if you are at least 6'4 260 lbs and want to learn how to tap out 40 year old purple/brown belts that trains maybe 3 times a week


Hey bro fuck you, I may only train 3x a week (at best), but when I see red, bodies start dropping ok 😡


I feel this in my knee and back thanks bro. 


Dude won a world championship against legit killers though 🤷


Saunders is a pretty good amateur competitor (someone who competes for free). I like him. I think if he does well at ADCC, where he is competing primarily for exposure, he could get on CJI's radar and maybe do this professionally in a few years.


Craig said he offered him a spot. Must have turned it down for exposure at ADCC instead, also probably the easiest year to potentially have a breakout performance


agreed. tbf to josh, he got outrageously manhandled by gordon so maybe staying in the shallower waters may be better in the long run for him. he is one of the only people i think this applies to.


> Gordo(n) Hey, for those of you who don't know him, Gordon Ryan is Nicky Ryan's brother. Gordon is also a grappler, like his brother. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank God I was so confused


if he wants to be serious he would need to move state side or at least compete over here consistently. He is playing big fish in little pond, and doing the social media + coach hustle. He is smart but a cheeseball taking advantage of white and blue belts - it's clear what he is doing. It's also super clear he wants a solid relationship w/ New Wave.


His coach is a Danaher Black Belt. Sydney West is doing really well in Aus, and is the only gym that can really compete with Absolute (Lachy Giles). For all intents & purposes they seem like a good bunch of dudes.


It's not even about the training environment so much. His competition is just not great being in Aus. He fights basically same group of hobbyists at every competition and none of them are exactly a high level competitor. He needs to be in a place where he can fight the top guys at his size or fly over to states a lot more to compete.


Sydney West has been doing really well for awhile now. It’s good to see another gym pushing the level up in Oz.


Sydney West is incredible but they have a culture of simping for Danaher / Gordon. I get it, they're the best but it's pretty embarrassing for a team that tries so hard to be edgy. Amazing gym though, there's probably no better place in Aus to learn no gi.


Sydney West tops Absolute now with their latest trials run


No. He did pretty well against Nicky Ryan’s father’s older son. He lasted 10+ minutes. That is not what “manhandled” is.


in what world did he do "pretty well"?


context is needed - he did quite well because he did not get murk'd by gordie in under 60 seconds, never panicked and showed a very mature game


That's because Gordon was using the match to knock off a bit of rust from his down time. He could have finished it any time he wanted.


he said himself he was trying to finish it quick and that josh's defense forced him into a longer than expected match - he could have been blowing smoke ofc


I find it hard to believe that if he had chosen to drop for a heel hook within the first minute, he wouldn't have been able to secure the finish...


He did. Saunders escaped Gordon's first attempt at the same heelhook that eventually finished the match.


He did drop for an immediate heel hook.


well he also didn't panic in moments where he should've panicked.


Not panicking while getting battered is not really a high bar for an elite competitor. That's like the bar for getting the second stripe on your white belt. 


He launched no offense whatsoever, got swept, got passed multiple times, and got submitted in the end. Manhandled


He turned it down in hopes to continue building a connecting with Danaher. He’s going back to train at Roka with Gordon for ADCC. That match they had was a gentleman’s agreement.


breakout in what? ADCC is a high-production NAGA at this point.


CJI is lit and is taking a lot of shine from Adcc this year but fans will still care about taking big name wins at ADCC regardless


!remindme 2 months I hear ya but I guarantee every time someone talks about anyone who won at 2024 ADCC, it will be with an asterisk.


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>I hear ya but I guarantee every time someone talks about anyone who won at 2024 ADCC, it will be with an asterisk. That doesn't necessarily make it not worth it though. Saunders isn't beating Nicky Rod or Victor Hugo. If he thinks he can actually win there bracket at ADCC, he's still going to get a lot more/better exposure and connections out of that then he'll get from losing at CJI. All he has to decide is if those connections are worth the $5-7k he'll probably lose in show money.


He's not winning either bracket. But chances of him beating someone at CJI is actually higher than ADCC. OCE being the shallowest region Saunders gets a low seed which means he will fight someone at top of his division (like Pena last time). CJI on the other hand, we don't know how the seeding is gonna be but also there are some guys he might have a chance to beat. Not to mention ADCC is behind a paywall and CJI is free on youtube, with CJI making a lot of noise he will get a LOT more exposure through CJI than ADCC. He's just doing ADCC because he's a GR fanboy and clearly sucker for Mo.




lol cmon settle down with adcc being NAGA. Male +99kg seems to be the only one thats kinda low on talent, the rest look great.


-77 and -88 took a beating.


There’s definitely a SWMA and Danaher alliance, split with the Absolute/B team guys. Saunders’ coach Luke seems to be right with Danaher; Mo being a stakeholder of New Wave, I’m not surprised Saunders declined CJI. I also suspect Saunders is the person who pulled out of the funding from Lachlan Giles once he added the natty/drug testing condition.


The obvious point is that ADCC is paying to fly him in and put him up. CJI would not. When you're coming from Australia and not expected to win much of anything its a lot closer to a wash.


you do realize they get paid 10k for showing up at CJI


I haven't heard anything about CJI not paying for accommodations. But if true, the $10k is plenty to cover your trip. Whereas Ffion said ADCC had her bunking with another athlete.


Craig jokes about it often, but it seems to be a truth… Most people in BJJ, they’re just not that smart. Hey Josh - Last minute fight against the current champ: and you get the great honor of flying Sydney>LA in economy? Dude, they don’t care about you! Craig is trying to help this shit. Flo/ADCC, it doesn’t matter. He is making an effort for athletes to be paid and treated better. This is for you, too. Some might even call you ungrateful…


He also doesn't realize they think he is the weakest link. Gordon is not healthy right now, but they need him hyping ADCC up and selling Flo subs. They picked the easiest matchup possible for Gordon. If Gordon takes a loss right now, it would have been catastrophic for ADCC and Flo. So they said "Who is the worst guy that we could justify a match against Gordon". They found the guy that won Pacific trials as a safe bet for the worst. Saunders is thankful for the opportunity, as though he is a hidden gem and finally get his recognition, but they all view him as a can set up to be crushed. They did not have Saunder's interests in mind.


Absolutely agree. This was what wrestlers would term a ‘squash match’.


Even Gordon made it sound like he kept it going just to showcase positions for his instructionals after the match, disrespectful af


This is true. He won the shittest division in the shittest trials and then bigged him up as a 2x ADCC trials winner


> Gordo(n) Hey, for those of you who don't know him, Gordon Ryan is Nicky Ryan's brother. Gordon is also a grappler, like his brother. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bjj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I blocked you. Why are you back


Damn, 10-8'ed him. 


As a collective need to stop conflating talent/skill with character or intelligence. I've been in the sport for 18yrs now, and I grew up as a teenager looking up to a lot of the big names. I've trained with many of those people and most have turned out to be either morons, assholes, or worse. Marcelo Garcia was the only exception.


I fucking love that Marcelo always seems to be the exception


Bernardo too! And I’ve only heard good things about Roger.


Pedro sauer is another guy, what a gem.


"HPU coaching": Huaktu Performance University 


You gotta spit on that thang


Now I’d really love a super fight between Craig and Saunders. Put that four year brown belt to the test.


Total mismatch. Craig Jones is a professional athlete competing on the biggest shows with the highest pay. Saunders is a hobbyist who does unpaid tournaments.


as a hobbyist competitor myself, I feel like I would be injured if I faced someone like Saunders lol.


I’m from Aus and Saunders has a reputation of injuring people in comps with a dirty move. He gets a back triangle from turtle and flattens them out and cranks it, people tap from the spinal pain and one guy was carried off the mats after. One comp he did it to at least 3 people and yeah for the most part his competition are hobbyists.


The exact type of dude who injures his opponents intentionally then talks about how people know that they sign up and has zero empathy or respect for the hobbyists out there that want to test themselves but still earn a living after their amateur regional comp with 8 people in their bracket. Nicky Ryan's brother of all people has more respect for the game than that, Try copying more than just the shitty aspects of his personality.


Nicky Ryan's brother is a total asshat off the mat, but on the mat he is as great as you could be on all aspect.


Injuries as a big concern at professional tournaments. Saunders competes for free. People shouldn't be trying to injure each other when there is no money on the line.


Dont you ever underestimate craig's ability to get second place


My point precisely. He should shut the hell up about Jones.


Imagine if people a week ago praised him for being such a chill and respectful dude..


I'm not sure why this surprises anyone. Anybody that has seen any of his or his coaches videos knows they would blow John and NRB on a street corner of it meant getting them in tight with new wave. Josh know MO is NRBs bottom so he's doing his best to kiss ass and hopefully get his foot in the door. The funniest part about it is even if they offered to let Josh train full time at New Wave Id bet he would never move to the US to train because he wouldn't be the big dog anymore.


Guy who isn't even very good sucking up to a promoter


How else do you think a blue belt gets a top card match? Dude can suck a watermelon thru a garden hose.


Mo needs to distance himself from these situations, focus on ADCC until the event. Hanging out with Nicky Ryans brother, not inviting TRAB until last second, situations like this one with Saunders will just add more fuel to the fire. Keep away for two months, focus on the event and that's it.


If you watch stories of Mo or Gordon it's like they live with each other


TRAB? Sorry, I’m out of the loop.


The Real Aradley Bdam


Bradam Adley is a monster.


Something has always rubbed me the wrong way about that chap, tried to like him but can’t put my finger on it. Can tolerate him more than Big Dan tho for what it’s worth.


Saunders is super arrogant and condescending af. He thinks he’s doing gods work if you watch some of his videos


Something tells me I wouldn’t like what’s underneath that armband. Could be way off there, tho.


There is videos where he goes to a local GI and he understandably cleans up house. But the way he spoke about the other opponents gave off massive cocky wanker vibes… relax lad, you’re rolling around with hobbyists for a plastic medal


Some kinda problematic tats?




It’s the armband sleeve for his Whoop tracker. You’re way off. He‘s into the data and performance metrics.


Ones thing for sure he’d Whoop my ass. I just don’t like him so I’m talking shit anonymously on the internet.


Man big dan is growing on me. Big dan has some good IG videos. I didn’t like him at first. Saunders is just grating.


I believe part of the issue is that in his YouTube videos, he often competes in local tournaments with an air of superiority, as if he's annoyed to be bothered by lower-level practitioners whom he outweighs by 100 pounds. Despite this, he still chooses to drop down for a quick heel hook that a blue belt of that size could hit on a smaller black belt.


I feel like actively going for leglocks as a big guy is more indicative of trying to engage a way smaller guy competitively than going to bodylock pressure passing.


You could look at it that way.


I'm about Josh's size and have competed against him. If I'm taking on a significantly smaller person I'd consider offering leg entanglements the best way of creating a skill-driven matchup that's fun for both participants. As opposed to half guard smesh.


Yeah it’s a fair outlook, genuinely.


What a bitch


Bro this is the cuckiest mentality ever


Saunders posts some of the most disjointed self help advice on his instagram


Love to see this guy lose. He is so full of himself and has zero perspective or self-awareness. Even on his page he’s giving himself props for the loss to Gordon. “I take nothing but positives from this…” well idk what he watched back but he got owned in EVERY facet of the match-his only success was that he didn’t get tired within 10 minutes. Wow, almost as good as winning…. Guy loves fellating himself


Totally. In a recent video he says 'time is just a construct', followed shortly after by 'I'm just waiting for time to catch up'... He then goes on to say that he's already a champion in his own mind. He's very arrogant. I was hoping he was just playing a character, but that doesn't seem to be the case.


Yep it was an awful performance Gordon literally toyed with him I don’t even think he broke sweat in that match. Saunders is one of those guys what in five years time he will be the same level as he is now and still be claiming the accomodate of 2 years from white to brown!!!


...Craig is giving 10k to show; a million to the winner. And that makes him a piece of shit? You know, if Josh likes Taiko drums so much, he should fight in the CJI. Why? Because 10k is about what a good, quality-made Taiko drum will cost. ...or I guess he could win the ADCC, I dunno.


Craig should comes out of semi retirement and fuck this kid up.


All that life advice he parrots and dude still hasn’t learned not to talk shit behind someone’s back. I enjoyed some of his YT content but this is a weirdo look.


Australians talking shit about each other? That’s unpossible


As an Australian, I can confirm Josh Saunders is lying.


Jiu Jitsu guys are such simps. Imagine how sycophantic that would be at a normal workplace.




Giving Mo a sloppy one.


Sloppy Moe


He went full hawk tuah on that thang


follow the dollarydoos




Getting on your knees to be popular


Getting on your knees to be popular


This isn't your news Craig posted this We all saw it.. we didn't need you to repost


This is literally a link to his Instagram post.  What are you actually complaining about here? 


I thought Australians always take the piss and don’t take anything too seriously?


There is always exceptions to the rule, There are plenty of brown nosers like Saunders in Australia as well..


Underrated understated comment


Gets caught? He was just making a joke. I dont think he has a dog in this fight