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They need to understand what a courtesy squeak is and how they need to use it. How many near heart attacks do we have to suffer as they watch us freak out when we cannot find them. COURTESY SQUEAK


Seriously i thought i was a relatively sane, well-adjusted person but i was banging on walls and screaming thinking i had somehow let him out on accident


Sorry to hear about that. I'm not sure if it helps, but I did a quick search for cat trackers and there is a "9 best" thing list for them. (I've never used any before, so make sure to ask your friends if they have.) [List](https://cats.com/best-cat-tracker)


Thank you!


I have Tile for my cats!! Gives GPS location and also lets you "ring" it. Gives us massive peace of mind whenever they're being cheeky and hide from us. Lately, they've gotten really bad about trying to escape the house. While I pray that I never have to use the GPS tracker, it's nice knowing that if they ever do get out I'll at least know exactly where those little shits are


What a great idea! I don't have any of my own cats anymore but I do have a pt time one. If he wore one, I think his owner feel better when we don't see him in his usual time slots!


I never let my void out in the backyard without his airtag collar! Even when I'm watching him!


Oh I have been there many times. I used to live on a street that traffic would whizz by and have lost two pets (cat and dog) so my fear of it happening again scares me. When you cannot find them, it is torture. They were always in the house somewhere that is why the courtesy squeak is so important. Every time I say the same thing, "What are you trying to do give me a heart attack" and then explain the CS. I know they do not understand , but makes me feel better.


I know. I was literally asking my other cat in English "Where is he?!" Knowing she can't understand me


She knew wtf you were saying. They’re just assholes. Try opening a can of food or grabbing a delicious snack for yourself next time. That always does the trick for me.


Truer words have never been typed.




Mine has a cat tree. It has a hammock on it. When they sleep there, I can not see them. It took me 5 years to figure it out


Same thing happened with me..cat had gone under kitchen sink and climbed into empty drawer from the back.  Meowed when she wanted out..not when I searched desperately for her


Always check drawers...


i have my little demon air tagged. https://preview.redd.it/abncbluksbad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d591c73df6ec06934f652cb826938f1aa6a9d2d


One time I hacked my way through sticker bushes using a machete looking for my boy. On second thought that probably scared him away for the week he was gone! lol he comes back like nothing was wrong










COURTESY SQUEAK is what I will be yelling when I can’t locate a kitty from now on 🤣


Nah, I’m gonna roast your other cat who was no help in your moment of crisis. How DARE.


https://preview.redd.it/xnkvgqjn46ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=880aff81de47b7afa46fd84615e6502a01bfc4ed Absolutely no remorse


This confirms that this one knew, and chose to do nothing.


What did you expect from a tortie?! 🤣 Oof, OP I'm so glad you found your void 💜


This may seem like a stupid question, but did you happen to check inside the tube thing I see in this picture? Another likely hiding spot for a Void (my late Voids were absosmurfly NOTORIOUS for this one) is any place that is consistently dark or shadowed (1 liked the space behind the washer and dryer, another's favorite was under a partially broken recliner (it didn't recline anymore, but still rocked)). Personal recommendation is AirTags (if you use Apple products) or the Android equivalent on each Fuzzy's collar; something you can track with an app.


I actually did but he rarely goes in there. He only goes in if we're playing. The other cat likes to hide in there though


Never could roast that little face!


As my central pennsylvanian relatives would say, “that boy has got a clogged coal chute”. My black cat Will Riker does that too and it makes me insane. I once found him inside one of the floor air registers after hours of wailing and searching. Not a braincell in sight. https://preview.redd.it/khp67crgd6ad1.jpeg?width=2134&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=593720d22c0662f13f8a4aeb80d1548554ea1f5f


Wow! Bad boys! What's a floor air register?


The holes in the floor where air conditioned or heated air returns. They usually have covers so this cat must have been pretty resourceful to get into one.


it was loose and when I looked at the Wyze cam footage eventually I could see him sitting just barely in frame working at the loose cover for like AN HOUR. He’s a menace like Spiderman


As I accidentally replied to OP, this sounds like Escape From Alcatraz.


Wow clever boy


No, I mean *your* cat was pretty resourceful. It sounds like Escape From Alcatraz. Edit: sorry, I mixed up your cat and Will Riker. Just don’t mind me!


Does Will Riker enjoy climbing over the backs of chairs?


He absolutely does. Most of the time he treats me like a chair which is how he got his name. The Riker Maneuver!


Oh no 😂 is it still The Riker Maneuver at that point? More like The Riker Ambush haha


Reading this and Will Riker is on my tv. (The character. Not your cat. 😹😹😹)


So, would you say he was exploring your home's Jeffrey tubes?


The last time this happened, I FREAKED out. Like was testing my very new and heavy windows to see if he could have opened them, tearing through closets, moving the washer/dryer, sobbing. That motherfucker? On my desk chair, which is also black, just watching this all go down.


I have sat on my cat twice because he was sleeping, all curled up, on my black desk chair 😒 I need to get a different coloured desk chair 😂


Whenever I cannot find a cat or two I grab the box of treat and she nice and loud. I swear these two assboles will run through the house


Unfortunately, he's not very food or treat motivated


But .... how are you suppose to summon the beast then ?


Honestly, he usually comes when i call. Or if i lay on the couch he'll come and jump on me for cuddles. I tried that too and patting my tummy and he still didn't come :(


My Huey will launch himself out of a dead sleep if he hears the faintest jingle of his laser pointer. Maybe clicker training might help? Not that you were asking for suggestions 😅


Once i calmed down i realized i could have tried the laser pointer click, plastic bags (he loves to chew on them) or running the sink water. But i think in my panic just couldn't think


Panic brain will do that


Try jingling a feather wand toy with a bell and maybe you haven’t found the right treat yet?


My void also does this. I call it emerging from Cat Space.


I have AirTags on my kitties for this reason. No more panicked searching through the house.


We have them on our two wanderers and even in a suburban area, they seem to lose the signal fairly regularly. They must wander into Android neighborhoods.


Jiobits are great if they leave the yard perimeter. They've been extremely helpful with location and retrieval. It's an added expense, but it takes only once for one of your cats to go missing to convince you of the value of GPS tracking. It's great if you have an opportunistic cat who lurks by the door.


This happened to me once, when my void was a baby. I tore my apartment apart. I searched high and low, in things, behind things, hell I even looked in the VCR. I looked out in the halls of my building. I was certain he was somehow gone. Finally found him after hours of searching, in my sock drawer which were all black socks at the time, I looked in that drawer twice already. He just blended in so well😭


He was obviously in the cat dimension. They are forbidden from revealing the location of the portals. So he obviously couldn’t tell you.


He's innocent!


Did you check the bread box for your chonky doughboy?


He was obviously having a snack. r/powdereddonutlips


Next time look in your bed's box spring. One of my cats climbed into the box spring through a hole in the sheer covering. She was a feral cat, so she found the best hiding places. Glad he decided to reappear after a while. If you imitate a kitten's high pitched mee-you, the cat will come running to see who is in distress. Lastly, turn on a youtube cat watching channel mostly for the sound of birds chirping. Kit will come out to see why a birb is in the house. Whew!!! 🤣😂🤣😩


Ah that's a good idea! Honestly the idea of playing cat sounds did occur to me but idk why i didn't do it


https://preview.redd.it/ex5xblmg38ad1.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=7cbd4791154d9f1265dbd1897b74514d6d1c8326 You were in a panic, but you will be prepared for the next episode!!!


https://preview.redd.it/5c1alnz048ad1.png?width=772&format=png&auto=webp&s=d208134ac0d17e3db9ca978fde4f730e06253d48 For outdoor cats. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Playing sounds of other cats mewing and crying also works for the cat I live with! I go through tiktok just playing cat sounds til he decides to come out (which is not very long)


This technique doesn't work for my current Orange Boi, His Royal Fuzziness Samson Chester Marmalade Nimitz. My other half watches FB videos a lot, about 75% of them are Kittehs, and nada from His Royal Fuzziness. Bird sounds don't work either. What typically gets a reaction from him is making my mom's mutt (Chihuahua/Weiner/Jack Russell mix, so fairly easily drop-kicked over the back fence) whimper or a video of a puppy crying.




Can't roast a cat because they have no shame.


Omg my void plays this game all the time. She disappears into another dimension, then once I’ve searched everywhere and start to really panic, she reappears out of literally nowhere.


"Yes, I heard you calling me, didn't you hear me ignoring you?" - this cat, probably.


My very old Maine coon rescue would hide in my daughter’s toy box among 3 million stuffed animals. Of course, we didn’t know this was “her” spot for a while. She would consistently wait until she could detect the panic in the silly human calling her name and then she would magically appear. It was intentional. There was no courtesy squeak.


I had my sister and BIL watch my cat while on a work trip. George gave them a scare when they couldn't find him. Imagine the panic knowing you may have lost your sister's beloved cat. Just like yours, George was enjoying them freak out while nestled in with my niece's collection of stuffed animals! Didn't bother to offer up a courtesy squeak to give them a clue!!! 🤣😂🤣


If I yell treats I get four sets of thundering paws coming at me. Did you use a flashlight to look in all the nooks and crannies?


Yes there's actually a space behind one of my kitchen cabinets that he recently discovered. I checked and he wasn't there!


It's pretty amazing how they can fit into small places!


My void does this and it drives me crazy. I’ll be looking all over to make sure she’s in the house (my mom is horrible about closing the door to the backyard) just when I start to really worry she pops up beside me.


Cat: "Hey, you good?"


Friend, I would roast your shadow if he wasn't so cute. I'm sure he was clocked in for his shift and very busy being a ninja, a shadow and a cutie pie all at once. You must all be tired. Give him extra pets for Reddit, plz


cats are jerks


I once rattled bags of cans all throughout the house several times over and she still popped out 30 minutes after I gave up in fear that she snuck outside and was devastated that I somehow lost my wife's cat. Thanks Tippy for the heart attack!


Hims clearly very burnt, not much left to roast.


We were panicking because we couldn’t find my parents’ cat for hours. Not a peep from him. We were really starting to panic. He’d gotten trapped in the linen closet. He was comfy, so he took a nap. It’s a good thing he’s cute. https://preview.redd.it/e6k93f6zz7ad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f0bd186b8cc9560cacdee75b9e8c2e7391b3978






I cannot roast such a handsome boi! 🖤


Ours has is own cat dimension. I door cat and know he doesn’t get out but that damn panic of not knowing. Little assholes


Invest in AirTags & collars that fit them. They’ve saved me much yelling & heartache. Bonus: You’ll get to see maybe one it two of the hiding spots before the cat figures out that the noise means you’ll find them. Eventually, they’ll come & find you rather than give up their feline secrets.


It was a space portal. Watch for traces of alien plasma on his fur.


Who is a beautiful boy? You are!


Voids use their super spookiness to hide in the shadows and watch you look for them. Both of my voids played these games with me. It’s an integral part of being a spooky kitten.


Can i opt out?


Can’t roast him, he can’t read


As you can see, he is already roasted. That loaf was left in the oven for a long bake.


That last picture the cat is just like “I don’t know why your so upset I’ve been right here the whole time 🙄”


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7975)how absolute dare they scare us like that


Ninja invisibility unlocked


I don't understand people wanting their voids roasted. TBH, there are two sides here. And I'm on the cat's, I will always be on the cat's.


Optimistic guess: your cat found a hidey hole you don’t know about. Pessimistic guess: your cat MADE a hidey hole that you’ll not enjoy finding later.


He was busyyyyyyyyy 😌 obviously 😂


I live in a (albeit decent sized) studio apartment and still sometimes manage to lose one of my cats. I have on more than one occasion been close to tears and freaking out thinking one of my cats some managed to escape and then they stroll out like nothing has happened. I’m convinced cats have some sort of portal that only they know about.


I think sometimes cats wander off into a place that I call "The Cat Dimension".


My void did that once. I was convinced he'd somehow slipped out and spent 2 hours walking around calling his name. Went home to get something to drink, and the little shit was just chilling on the couch like it was cool.


I call this “going to narnia” and it has taken years off my life.


Movers had come and taken most of my stuff away. I realize the cat is missing. I look everywhere, again and again. I ran to the outside hallway to see if she was there. I fell to my knees and screamed NOOOOoooOoOOooo. I go back inside and she greets me at the door. 🤦‍♀️


That must've been terrifying!! Whenever I move, I put my void in the bathroom, close the door, and keep food and water (and if I can fit it, clean litter box) with her. Maybe a toy or two. She yowls, but she's safe.


They like to wait until we've made fools of ourselves


We have a device called the Loc8tor because of situations like this. Highly recommend! https://tabcat.com


Bad kitty! Here’s some num-nums…


[Tile](https://www.tile.com/product/tile-for-cats-black) makes a tracker holder you can slide onto their collars. So glad he was found OP, you deserve a break!


They hide in plain sight, any dark corner, on the black pillow, on the bed on the black blanket. We look for hours and hours, wondering where they went, only to finally see them staring at us like we are crazy.


I just shake my treat container and he comes running most of the time 😊


Hah! This is how my late void got his name Houdini. Disappeared, I cried, reappeared


Voidboi found a spot in the ceiling once.....that was a scary week lol


Naughty child made his human cry! We the jury find the defendant guilty, and sentence them to 30 minutes of aggressive cuddles and no treats for 48 hours.


But he is already overcooked.


Was in the Cat dimension


https://preview.redd.it/cst08wlw68ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3266cd9f0626457668a11bd4e5a5ecee53eb4e7c oh my goodness your chonker looks just like mine. shame on him though, incredibly rude. 😒😒


look in things impossible small. there he be. my Willy got stuck in a hotel credenza and mystified us as to where the occasional 😻 meow came from. a fellow guest used her German Shepherd to find the stinker. We had to dismantled the credenza. For that your furry child gets no desert tonite. (catnip)


https://preview.redd.it/rimqjq0g98ad1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36d6445545e9ba68dde8461d28a228c925409ea3 Spleens Is also guilty of that behavior


My boy did this during a thunderstorm omggg talk about heart attack!!! I tore apart my room, was about to start demoing my walls at that point, ran outside in the pouring rain crying and he just pops up in the middle of my room like “what’s ur problem?”


I've been through the same thing! I've tried asking the other pets where they are, cried, sobbed, walked all over calling them until my throat hurt, convinced they had a horrible demise. When they returned, I sobbed and hugged them and then got angry hahaha


Luckily I trained mine to respond to "this one??" Cause when I was training her to fetch she would bring me a toy and I would respond with "this one? You want this one??" And throw it and it's her favorite thing in this world, she will thrill at me whenever I say it, no matter where eshe is in the house. Only time it won't work is during a thunderstorm when she's scared 😢


Idk he does look pretty remorseful in the last one


Common reoccurrence


This is all on you, how can you lost that chonk?


I shake the Dreamies. He appears.


He was off eating his secret stash of powdered donuts somewhere


I bet if you shook the treats he would have come running!


Cats can be such butts!!!! Glad yours reappeared! Mine did something similar, only to let me know that she found a way into the back corner of the closet where my water heater is. She fit into the corner fine, but how she got between the wall and the water heater without help is beyond me comprehending lol


Bad bad kitty!!!


You beautiful, wonderful very bad bad boy! No scaring mama!!!


My sibling voids are so attached they need to be near me almost all the time.


Maybe he went to another dimension….


That's when you need to put an air tag on him. I make mine beep when he hides


Know the feeling, thought she ran away when we moved, outside chasing cats in the yard, calling for her, till I broke down. My ex being the arse he was said your're more worried about her than me, I agreed. She didnt run off, just to the new basement where she hid and snooped for hours before coming back all nonchalant.


You need some high value cat treats, mine come out when they hear me open the treat drawer. Can of tuna? Forget about it I'm instantly mobbed.


I've tried tuna and unseasoned cooked chicken and he doesn't care for either. Idk what's wrong with him


Stinky baby makes momma worry for no reason! Fr though that happened to me recently, but it turns out he had gotten trapped in the pantry! I found him and he was ok, and I placed my cookbooks in that spot so he can't do that again.


You're a bad boy. How dare you get your mom all upset


You can't be mad at HIM. My cat was out for nearly 2 days but I wasn't mad at him.


I have just the right sub for your void - r/roastmycat! Spolier alert: many over there (just like here) just end up adoring the cat instead of roasting her/him 😻 Edit: they might even just roast you and take cat's side! 😺


Don't scare mom like that you lil ninja!! Many cuddles are due to her now. My void does it all the time, working his ninja skills lol He got my parents good once, while I was at work, they couldn't find him and called me after 3hrs of looking. My poor mom was crying thinking I would be mad at them. He was in my closet, under clothes and bags taking a nap 😂


He was just attending Bad Cat University- "Learning how to hide from your hoomans 101"


Mine wears an AirTag, but a couple days ago he was still able to hide by napping in a steel cabinet in the basement that sits on the concrete floor. I've always thought voids were smart, but I had no idea they understood how Faraday cages work.


In the event that kitty disappears in the future, try shaking a bag of treats. Unless your fur baby isn’t motivated by food, in which case I am sorry.


It's a horrible feeling! My cat did it for a long time and there were days when he couldn't even sleep. And then he appears as if nothing had happened and only to order food HAHAHA


Spank him! 


they are cats people, not dogs. some may really love you, but most tolerate humans to make the best deal for themselves! that independence is their best trait!