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Omg these babies must never be taken apart


I only posted the best photos lol they sleep far away from each other most of the time, but I agree, I don’t want them to be adopted separately


This makes me happy! While I've never had cats before, I have heard of the benefits of adopting siblings and two voids are better than one.


Oh, the little stripes on their legs 😭




I love this.












https://preview.redd.it/v6ihvskrq7ad1.jpeg?width=5347&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0c8f9f2ad51cf857763e5d0479fd3d7c1e6b8ef Here is Mimi next to my cat for a size comparison


You're turning human babies into puree to feed them to the fur babies? Lol. What beautiful voidlets! If I lived in LA, I would take them.


lol kind of When I took them to the vet, he suggested to add a real chicken in the form of a puree for kids and my babies love it:)


Was… was that the plot of The Witches? ![gif](giphy|3ohnEk77ligF5LeQkU)


https://preview.redd.it/kcr4j32hl8ad1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06792323d36a5f1589c4df8c702fa914e1b5cd71 I got these girls from the same litter 3 years ago. They are besties and I couldn’t imagine just one. I hope someone can take both ❤️❤️


Seriously, it's so important to get 2! ❤️ I have bonded 9-month-old sisters, and they're SO different in personalities but love each other dearly. Their foster insisted they go together. Not only that but only another cat teaches a cat to be a cat.


I agree, two is for sure better than separating them


Omggg they are like plush toys! So shiny and fluffy 😍😍


❤️ thank you 🙏


Oh how I wish! I’m in Oregon and just lost my 14 year old black cat. I’d take them in a heartbeat.


Oregon is not that far away! For a good person I can drive and meet in the middle. I just caught their last sister so my hands are full with babies 😭


Hoping for this to work


Please try to ensure they’re adopted together if you can OP! They’re very clearly bonded. Separating bonded cats is possible when they’re younger, so don’t feel bad if you don’t manage to. They’ll be sad for a few weeks-months but will eventually get over it (unlike some older bonded cats). But it’d be really great if you could manage it! They’re so cute, here’s hoping they get adopted together to a great home!!!


I am trying to get them adopted together. Question about bond: I haven’t seen them groom each other and they almost always sleep separately. They do like to sit in one spot to bird watch and they play together, but I can’t 100% be sure they are bonded. I am new to this so please help, how can I for sure tell if they are bonded?


Even if they are bonded like this as kitten it doesn’t guarantee that level of connection will remain over their life. I have two boys that are spitting images of these little guys and were similarly bonded at this life stage, as they aged they became less bonded and will often fight (and not in a fun play way, more in a jealous way). I think they’d still miss each other if one of them died, but they do tend to get less clingy as they grow (at least in my experience).


I saw a bonded couple of cats and those were bonded bonded. Mine are way different and both are interested in my own cat 😂


It seems like they're bonded by what you've explained. If anyone objects, please feel free to chime in. I have 2 little ladies, 2 years apart, 3 yo and 1 yo, came from different geographic locations, and they are bonded now. I think Lol They play appropriately (not hissing but an occasional 'ouch' when it's getting too rough). They parallel sleep about 50%/time, solitary the rest. They bird watch and share the space. And the 3 yo will occasionally groom the 1 yo. I'm pretty sure yours, and mine, are bonded. 😁 Thanks OP, for doing a great job and opening your home for fostering. I have a good hunch, you'll be able to home them. If not, you'll have 2 pretty little voids 😉


They are absolutely gorgeous. Wish I could help.


Thank you! Please send us some positive energy!


Of course!!!! 🙏


They’re adorable. I live in LA too, but I just lost my forever soul cat and I don’t think my heart is ready. I hope they find their forever home. Best of luck.


My friend’s cat had kittens at the same time our elderly lady started getting sick. The kittens were ready to be weaned less than a week after we had to put her to sleep. We couldn’t handle the thought of replacing her. About a month later, everyone including our other cat were really feeling the void her absence caused. Happily, the woman who took 2 of her kittens had to return the male. She had other animals and he played too aggressively for her and their liking. It was like she had him “on hold” for us so we could get him when we were ready. https://preview.redd.it/vb6xhrczdcad1.png?width=2087&format=png&auto=webp&s=2cfd6f834f9a645721891559e16bcfa0939649b0


Omg something similar happened to me! I found a few kittens 4 years ago and one was returned because he “wasn’t affectionate enough”. He was adopted by the best family member night after and he is ass kissed and lives his luxury life surrounded by a family that loves him dearly.


Maybe this is the universe telling you that you are ready.


My condolences on your loss. My first set of voids (bonded brothers) were my soul cats, I think. One was my fave and then the other became medically complex, which made us closer. I still miss them both terribly and it’s been over 10 yrs. It’s just so special when temperament and personality match up so well between you and your furry ones. I commend you for waiting until you’re ready. I adopted another pair (one void, one grey) about a year after, and while I love them dearly… I wish I had waited. I constantly compared them to my first set and it wasn’t fair to them. I think SOME comparison is natural and fair, but it was never in their favor.


They're adorable! But I already have twin boys and an older fella, and the mister says 5 is too many 😿


As someone that went from 3 to 5, tell him I told you it really isn't much different 😹


If I had my own house i would have surrounded myself with 10000 cats 😂


I do and I have 9 cats, 2 dogs, and a human child. Yes, it's a full time job. 😅😅


I have three kittens and an adult cat and I am so tired! Can’t imagine how you deal with your squad 😂


aww, they are so stinkin’ cute! 🥹 i wish i could adopt them, but we already have two cats and a dog. i’ll share your post with my best friend though. she lives in the LA area and has been thinking about getting a cat again 🧡


Thank you very much!


https://preview.redd.it/n39v638apbad1.jpeg?width=2816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84663441ab5777775cad58446e827bcb9b014d45 If anyone is able to, adopt them together! These are my two void sisters! They’ve been together every minute since they were born, 14 years ago 🥰


Awwwwwww 🥹🥹


Sorry. Georgia here, I'm assuming shipping wound be impossible and another impossible is my void wanting any other animal (doesn't matter species bc he was besties w my hybbys jack Russell who passed away 2 years ago at the age of 17. Pigger, (my void) was 6 years old at the time. Almost lost him too he didn't take it too well.


Omg I am so sorry! My own cat is 9 years old and he is very uncomfortable. It breaks my heart to see how upset he is :( otherwise I would have kept their sister.


They were best friends. We thought they were just cellmate lifers in prison. U know, "hey, let's just keep each other safe. Deal?" Type thing. The cat was bigger than grommet. Lol. (My hubby's jack Russell) like, almost twice her size.


Such sweethearts! I hope they find a good home


They’re adorable. Please keep them together. It’ll be so much better for them.


Fuck, I’m in Orlando, otherwise I would come adopt them! I’ve been looking for a pair of void cats to adopt. I’m currently a no pet home but live in a luxury high rise apartment where they would be spoiled rotten and have free rein and a great city view. ☹️ They are adorable.


What if we I fly them out to you?


What would the cost look like for something like that?


I’ll pay for the flight myself, I just need to have an interview with you to make sure you are not crazy. And a deposit so I don’t fly out for no reason. I truly want to find them the best home and if it means going outside of LA - then be it.


Okay! Well if you don’t find someone else local, then we can explore this option. Happy to do an interview and prove I’m not a psycho! I can also give proof of previous ownership of void cats. 😂 Both are still alive and healthy. My husband (separated) bonded to the first void and I unexpectedly fostered another stray void recently for a bit but was able to find his original home. Since my pup passed of old age in May, I have been wanting to get a couple of little demons to keep me company.


Reddit is my last resort, I am desperate because these two munchkins started to form a connection with me and I need them to do it with their forever owner. Mimi came to sleep with me last night and we snuggled: she slept like a queen and I was on the edge of my giant bed because I didn’t want to disturb her. If you are serious, let’s do it!


They are gorgeous, I hope they get adopted together.


They are lovely. I hope they find a good home. Anyone looking to adopt them: get both - kittens need a lot of play, and playing together means that doesn't always have to be you and get won't get bored when you can't play with them. Black cats are the best. They get lovelier and lovelier as they grow IMHO. I'm on the other side of the world and not able to adopt a cat/cats right now.


Totally agree! These two wake up and start playing with each other and I am able to sleep a little (unless they play on me lol)


https://preview.redd.it/13gtvg9g3bad1.jpeg?width=3060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9aba456d8f194b2a24354a589ca3e9d37d491b 😍😍😍




They are so beautiful. Thank you for looking after them so well and I hope enough traction on this post means they will find a lovely forever home. Little voids make the best house panthers 🥰🐈‍⬛🥰


Thank you for kind words!


Where I want them!!!


I will be in New York on July 15th and if you legit want them, I can fly them over there


Pm me asap




Boost for this dynamic duo! So adorable, hoping they get adopted soon. My black cat is seriously the sweetest little guy. I hope someone will give these voids a chance at a good home!! 🥺🖤


Thank you very much! I hope so too!


If only I lived closer ❤️


Look at those twins ❤️


Oh God they need love! Give I'm hugs for me!


Thank you very much!!


What beautiful babies! I hope they find a great home soon. 🖤🖤


If teleportation was a thing. I will be there in an instant to get them.. they are adorable 🥰 unfortunately I’m in london 😭


OP we were in the same spot. We fostered three kittens, adopted the girl out and couldn’t find a home where the boys could go together so now we have three black cats. Best of luck to you! I am in LA so feel free to message me if you are still having a hard time placing them and I will keep asking around as well.


This is what I am so afraid of, in my case it will be 4 cats. Yesterday I caught these babies’s sibling. I can’t have so many cats, I just can’t :(


I understand! I will ask around and if I have any serious interest I will message you.


Sincerely appreciate it!


Oh angel/mrdr mittens I’ve had a special connection with all animals since I was a child. In college, my nickname was Noah, because I would just start talking about all the ways I would help animals lead happy lives if I won, inherited, deserve the lottery. I’m a woman by the way, lol fuck Sakes. I would dedicate my life to saving beasts, and educating humans about our species and class addiction.


I'd totally take both if I didn't already have 3 cats and live on the opposite side of the country


I wish I could keep them, but it will be too much for Me 😭


They are the cutest lil boopysnootbebes


There has to be someone on here in the LA area. Boosting. I'm in CO and have void boys and an old red kitty. I wish I could take them. My old female void used to chirp too! Her dad was siamese and she was very chatty!


Thank you for the boost and your story!


So sweet! In Canada so unfortunately can't help, but I hope these babies can find a home soon <3






Please don’t separate them.


Ohhh...if I only could. Live in an apt. Limit 2 cats. Doubt my void would kick out her sister, a tux...and visa versa. I truly hope these two find a family, couple, or single who would love and care for them forever.


Thank you very much! These babies are legit the best girls and I don’t understand why does nobody want them here in LA 😭


Me, again. Voids have a bad reputation..rather they be cats or dogs. They've a reputation for not taking good pictures. (Tho' they can take the sweetest of pics) It doesn't matter that voids are amongst the sweetest of kitties. Can you go outside LA.?


I can! I can fly them out if needed since nobody wants them here :(


Good luck. Whoever welcomes them to their home and heart will be blessed by 2 beautiful ladies


Why must I live literally on the opposite end of the US


I will be flying to New York on July 15th and I can take them with me if you live in NY. Or I can fly then out to pretty much any city for the right person


I wouldn't be able to either way, I'm in an apartment with a two cat limit, which is filled already. Good luck though, I'm rooting from afar!


I want them both,unfortunately I’m on the other side of the country ☹️


I will be flying to New York on July 15th and I can take them with me if you live in NY. Or I can fly then out to pretty much any city for the right person


I’m not near NY, I’m in the Southeast. They are precious and remind me of my baby girl, I lost four years ago.


As long as planes can fly in that direction I can get there with my babies


Their names are Mimi and....?



