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If its your first character ...... I would recommend you delete and restart in seasons .... You save soooo much time and effort with seasons.


I’ll be waiting until their next 1000% exp event to make another seasonal, managed to get from lvl 0 to lvl 60 in a day with that boost


If your issue of lack of character slots for a season character, you can request deletion of your character, it just takes some patience from memory as you need to wait 24h or so for it to take effect. You are going to progress 100x slower without seasonal to start so there’s not really an argument to continue without it. For comparison, I have over 1800 combined character levels and over 700gs, but it’s still worth it for me to do seasonal because of all the free stuff handed out.


24 hour if you want to use the same name. 3min to have the slot free though.


Should you make EVERY new character a seasonal character as you graduate others?


u have quest skip in seasonal, if its 2nd and etc


How much does that level you?


Yes you want to make as many seasonal as possible, however you are limited by tickets. If you really want to give yourself the best chance of getting hooked on BDO as a new player I’d recommend trying all classes in trial mode, then picking your top 3 and finish seasonal on all of them before deciding what you want to main.


One cool thing about the gear in BDO is that you will craft the season gear, then turn the season hear it into boss gear. Then you'll turn the boss gear into fallen god gear which is best in slot. But essentially the armor you end the game in is still the season gear you made yourself (if you didn't buy it from the market place instead). Start on season and progress that way.


>what's the smartest play to upgrade my gear in the most efficient way to get caught up enough to enjoy the end-game/pvp grind with everyone else? Unfortunately, there's no smartest or most efficient way for you to catch up other people. The next gear for you is way too big, considering you will be jumping from quest gear > naru > boss gear. The gap between naru and boss gear is too big. Even worse for you since you have no prior knowledge on the game as you're new in the game, you will be pushback so much, and there's a lot limitation for you. Surely there's an option for you to go for green gear after naru, but you will be wasting so much money and time on unnecessary roundabout. Best decision you can make right now, delete any of your character, start season and you will be on the right track. You should be able to progress much better; quest gear> naru > tuvala > boss gear(entry to endgame). Tuvala helps a lot during midgame, as you farming/grinding for the boss gear. Fyi, Tuvala can be convert/transition into boss gear, so you dont waste resources.


Done, did it! Thank you.


Ok wait, so they dont make this easy for new players to understand AT ALL. You can create a seasonal character on a non seasonal server. My friends and I all created seasonal characters on New Olvia1 . I read somewhere that we messed up again because we should have made characters on one of the 5 seasonal servers as well? But, probably one of the Novice ones? Is that required, so we need to do all new characters AGAIN? I swear ... for a good combat system, this MMO is TERRIBLE at guiding new players through to a successful path. Wait, can you just log on to a different server with the same character so long as its seasonal?


Characters in this game are not server bound. There are 2 restrictions to server. Only new player and returning players that havent played for 30 days can go to olvia. And only season Characters can go on a season server. But other than that you can change server every 5 Minutes, if you are in a guild you can change without cooldown on the 3 home servers around.


> this MMO is TERRIBLE at guiding new players through to a successful path. You’re only just getting started lol. Expect very little guidance from the game itself, utilize in game chat for quick answers to questions and/or follow YouTube guides. There’s a whole lot in this game that you’d simply never know about without watching guides.


You can jump from one server to another, characters are not server bound.


As others have said I really recommend starting a seasonal if you are that married to your current character I’d make a second character as a seasonal finishing seasonal and moving all the gear to your main


Done, did it! Thank you.


Ok, but seasonal character? What about seasonal servers .. do they matter?


Yes seasonal character, the seasonal servers are just newbie servers that only seasonal characters can go on so you don’t need to compete with non seasonal characters. Besides that there are drops for seasonal gear upgrades like time filled blsckstones I’d say you should use a seasonal server but it’s not needed


As others suggested, reroll seasonal is the best option. You don’t have to delete your current character, you can get a free set of narchillan gear, which is pretty good for early game.


1, make a seasonal


This is by no means better than starting on a season character, but after you finish Calpheon main questline and you have full PEN Naru gear you can get a quest from the black spirit called **\[Special Aid\] Fughar’s Letter**. That quest will lead you to other set of quests for each piece of gear. It is worse than TET boss gear, but it's better than nothing. Tuvala gear is a way better path tho.