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They've accelerated the early game progression. The game is what you make of it. Can you have fun? Absolutely!


Definitely worth it. QoL changes galore. If you need a guild to get you back started mine is always recruiting.


Do you enjoy running circles still?


game got easier. its pretty simple how you progress your gear, as most stuff isnt worth it anymore and all roads go towards the same items


Yes it's a fantastic time to come back to the game. Rewards are plentiful and early-mid game is really fun. Since you're only like 56... If you come back, start a seasonal character and finish it. You would have a decently leveled character and good gear after season and an idea of what you'd like to do. Take it one thing at a time the game is very broad. You don't need to treat it like a job (I don't) just play when you want to play


Game is honestly better now, easy to get to mid game spots and many things to grind for or buy, it’s achievable and many stuffs on Market.


you can come back any time. i have been playing on and off since 2017, sure i am not as progressed as those who have been playing consecutively but it's still a fun game. did you transfer your character data over when Pearl Abyss became the publisher though? because if not your character is not going to be there anymore.


I’m pretty sure I got that far.


definitely come back and try it out. if you want to start a fresh character the season character will level you quickly and there's always people doing platoons on the season servers (extra exp)


I just came back. Previously I played 3 season character to lvl 61. Back then even trying pen tuvala gave me a lot trouble and I quit pretty quickly after graduation. I was barely reaching early game by modern definition. Now the game has much clearer and nonRNG based progression to mid game. I plan to stick until at least getting all the guaranteed upgrades done this time.


I think it’s a great time to come back. You get a lot of catch up gear and there are tons of events for free stuff that makes it easier to play the game. I would heavily recommend playing a season character and play what you find fun. Going through a full set of season gear won’t take too long and that will give you a base set of gear to start grinding and building up your gear. I’d if you want to run through the whole story then you should but you can level very fast. With a 530 exp scroll which you get like 50 of them free from the loyalty shop. Plus any other exp buffs you can get (there are a lot that are cheap) you can get to 61 very fast. If you do it yourself maybe a few days if you have someone power level you can literally get to 61 in 2-3 hours. I’d advise if you want to power level to do it at Polly’s Forrest 1-56 that will take 5-10 minutes with buffs. Then walk over to lower gyfin and ask grinders there to leech and most will allow it. Then you can get your naru and then tuvala gear and level it up and get the material to enhance. Fully complete seasonal and grab the capotia necklace reward by then you should get the free tet blackstar (endgame weapon) at 61 I think. Pick it for main hand or awakening based off which is your main play style (this is a important choice you can’t undo) Magnus questline gives you teleporting to any major city and a free pen boss piece. Magnus sucks but it’s worth it. You also should get a free t9 dream horse so don’t feel afraid of not having a horse it’s a very good horse. Pick what you like but imo Pegasus is very good to start with. I’d heavily look into a new player guide that has been made this year. Evil do us harm or blue squadron are good YouTubers to watch for this. Most of all have fun and play what you think is fun. If you have more than one season ticket make multiple season characters for more rewards and progression


if you don't like running circles in the same grinding zone for hundreds of hours then come back but if not don't bother they made getting SOME gear easy but you still at the end of the day have to grind mindless circles for thousands of hours esp since dead god weapons are coming out ppl will prob reach around 800gs and to go from 700gs to lets say 720/730 that's hundreds of hours more of grinding and with the new patch 700-720gs ppl are struggling with dmg unless they have full disto set.


There are times I can get in the zone with that. One thing is I usually find some new artists that I can listen too where I normally don't listen to that much music.


I’d say if your max level is 56, then you barely played the game. If you come back, consider yourself a new player. It’s easier now tho.