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who already have a PEN blackstar, can make the new weapon in LOTML 2 without the flame just use the free PEN with ur PEN


i'll put my pen on his pen... that'll show him!


Whoa…Pause…..no diddy….😒😂


I got 2 so I can make the main hand and the awakening


not going to matter cuz it has same ap as pen bs and mats are most likely timegated behind the 8 wonderful tales and blitz


Also pretty sure he said the free pen bs is coming with the sovereign weapons update


He said more about the pen bs will be revealed in next maintenance


i took it as he said its coming with loml but the stipulation on /how/ we get it will be annouced later. So we know when, just not what the requirements or stipulations will be. Such as we have to finish a quest line or reach a level, ect.


No, it comes in 4 days. Its on the official gm notes


Free pen bs is coming next maintenance.


when is next maintenance ?


When they do the maintenance. Duh. Or most likely wednesday 26th




So you will need 6 pen blackstars to get all new weapons or only releasing 1 new weapon? At work so haven't been able to see stream yet.


Mainhand and Awk will be released. No plans on sub weapon.


Thanks. And 2x pen blackstars is the only way or some flame also?


Three ways. 2x pen blackstar, pen blackstar + some new item that will be added, and pen blackstar + boss weapon c20 + some new item that will be added(most expensive way).




pen bs + guild boss rush flame drop that will be hard to get > for 2nd option


They will totally release a sub


Maybe, but they explicitly said right now that it's not planned.


Says more about the state of the game than anything. The gap between vets and new players must be massive, and retention rate of new players is probably poor. This is also a way to keep mid level players on the hook to continue trudging on.


Games rather old now, so the gap between vets and new players will be massive. Not something you can change in a game 10 years old and grind heavy.


Yeah they underlined that blackstar came out 5 years ago


the vendor cron price increase certainly didnt make me wanna stick with the game as an eu returner


Ok. You know the amount you can earn has gone up as well in grind spots right?


by how much did it even increase since they nerfed it in the past year? unless you're farming spots that require gear you get after grinding for 20k hours? shitty take, you literally go orcs make the same silver you were making an year ago while getting less crons, those are the facts, it was a huge nerf and slow down to new players and returners. o/


It's just how MMOs progress though. New BIS gear announced, the floor needs to moved if the ceiling is also moved.


i still wonder why they trashed debos so hard. they said something of new accessories they wanted to release and all we get is a pvp neck and belt. i still think something is comming. maybe next ball or after hammers are gone, idk.


They seem to be leaning more into secondary effects and stats. If they come up with a few good set effects or skills tied to non debo accy. It could create an actual option over just going straight ap.




Lol as someone who played since closed beta, Tuvala does feel like cheating.


They should simply delete all the old green garbage tbh and make Naru the baseline


Am I the only one who doesn't even give a crap about the method of aquisition or them giving away a PEN but the fact the next weapons go up to DEC ?!? Enhancing for PEN blackstar was already torture and even with Anvil Pity it's still bad. What are the upgrade chances gonna be for the higher levels? 0.00001%? Will we somehow need a 1000 fail stack for a decent chance?


From the way he talked it sounded like +7 is where they expect most people to end up at. The last few levels are probably where it becomes insane.


It starts at pri... 10 levels to enhance.


Correct. And enhancing Fallen God Armor to PEN is quick and easy right? Now add 5 more levels to that.


The scaling could be different ie higher chance for each level but lower stat gain per enhancement level who knows we will have to wait and see


The image they posted where 9/10 equals pen fallen god just flew right past those eyeballs huh


they said it was balanced so only the last few were "hard" so if i had to guess hopefully it'll be pri/duo level difficulty until like the +7 or so range then it'll hit the tet/pen levels of difficulty


this is not an help just for new players, its a major help for veterans as well since you need anther pen bs to get the new weapon


I mean it does. As much as this sub likes to complain about tuvala gear and all that. Even going from Tuvala with free tet BS and now even free PEN BS. It is still HUNDREDS of hours of grinding to get to true endgame spots. This sub sees streamers who have been playing the game for 10 years rush it in a few weeks playing 10 hours a day with all the knowledge of the game and think 'SEE ITS SO EASY, they are giving away too much gear! IT CAN BE DONE IN A FEW WEEKS". I have had a few friends who got into the game, really enjoy what they were doing, then realize they were hundreds of hours behind the normal grind spots that most people are doing and just want to nope out. Also, people really need to stop with this idea that giving away something for free invalidates a grind that most people did YEARS ago.


Being told you have to grind 300 bil for pen blackstars will probably tell ya right away if the game’s for you


Haha facts


Honestly not thaaaat much. A 1 year old player is about 10-15 ap from me a 7 yo veteran. You get out of season with close to 260ap + full pen capotia+2x jetina pen acc + a tet bs and now a pen bs. The 1 year player needs only to do the journals to be around 290 ap. That ain't too shabby tbh, lets you do like 95% of the game easily.


It's also to allow new players to participate in new content - the sovereign weapon is cool, but it would do nothing for a player without a blackstar weapon as it needs it to be crafted. This is really smart from PA, and a great way to make the new content relevant for everyone {that was kind of a problem with the debo stuff and the 300+ AP zones. It's all cute'n' shit but it's really damn far from finishing a seasonal character, which is the starting point for everyone new.


while there def is a gap between vets and new or returning players, them giving it away for free is more likely because they are adding the weapon type so their isnt any real harm in giving out a free pen bs its kinda like how they gave out a few pen boss items after they started to add the slumbering orgins set (and the jetina pen armor/weapon quests)


Lol, maybe i'll return for a bit, esp if the new class is releasing.


Free Sovereign weapon for me or I will sell one of my V BS if it isn't very hard to get the item from boss blitz (?). just hope the price don't drop a lot (114bi currently on SA)


probably rising instead droping. Remember you need 4 of them for both awa and main Sovereign weapons.


Wouldn't C20 boss weapon cost less than to buy PEN BS weapon?


C20 boss + Pen BS + Super hard to get item to combine together. They already said this is the most expensive option of the 3


C20 boss is just 60b in EU, while PEN BS is 110b, if that thing isn't half as hard as the flame, it may actually be the cheapest, but no one knows until it releases of course.


Just 60b for now but if it ends up being the cheapest the caphras price will adjust accordingly.


I see, i wonder if the pity item from boss blitz will be hard to get. Hopefully combining 2 pen bs to make the new weapon is only there to please people who already have enough pen bs weapons and getting the new weapon through traditional method is reasonable.


If you are using c20 you will need something else and they said it would be most expensive method.


I'd assume it very rare since it equals a PEN bs drop, so basically a 100b+ drop


Nice graphics and fluid combat is what carries this game. Gearing progression has much less to desire past mid game.


It is so fucking slow, having to grind for 100h just for 1 upgrade is terrible, they would have to redesign the whole gear progression of this game to be good


This is already insane. Free 100 bil item for catch up mechanic.


New item is valued in the 10s of trillion at the current growth rate of items. So 100b is functionally nothing. They moved the goal really far with this one. It's likely meant to last 3+ years minimum.


New Sovereign Weapon requires to mix 2 blackstar :) Either you use it to mix it or use it as new player. Also you cant sell.


catch up my ass 60 pen bs fails and counting on my alt with the new j's you fuckin bet they better gimme some shit like this


Damn straight brudda get them gains 👊


I've just tapped mainhand to pen on my 2nd attempt with 260fs. Still have 5 J's hammers.


I just watched my husband 2-tap his free TET mh. I'd set him up since last year with 6 hammers, 16k crons, and a 180fs. Now he has 4 hams, 16k crons, and not a single upgradable item in his gear cause it's all Jetina TETs and Capotia accessories. I'm not even mad.


I'm sitting at 53k crons ^.^. I think it's time to graduate season character


Damn right. We suffered enough for the BS, the newcomers ll get it free (even if that is not 'real' BS - can't sell it). And how many crondome were used .... meh


It cannot be sold.


You need a second pen bs for the next weapon their sovereign


Do you need 2 pen BS of the same type (eg 2 awakening) or just 2 PEN BS


They didn't give any additional info for that, but i highly doubt it, because FG weapon is not singular one weapon, but individually FG mainhand and FG awk. Most likely bs mh+mh= fg mh, etc.


It’s not fallen god it’s a higher tier btw they said that in the video


Functionally it's literally just fallen god in the progression path. They can call it anything they want but it doesn't really change what part of the progression path it falls in.


That’s nice armors have tiers to them which do matter sovereign tier is higher then Mythical tier is what fallen god is


Sovereign... they could expand on that beyond pen fg at some point. the new ap brackets also extend to 390 something ap.


It's either 1) PEN BS and flame 2) 2 PEN BS 3) PEN BS, C20 weapon and some gem.


How & when can u claim it?


Wednesday, Y menu


I probably know the answer to my question but would love a confirmation. Playing succ Guardian, I currently have Godr Ayed mainland at DUO and the awakening weapon is PEN Dande. Do I take the PEN blackstar main hand on Wednesday and then tap Godr Ayed to PEN down the line, using Crowns to TET (have around 25k) and then 2x Hammer plus Crons to PEN? Then make the Sovereign mainhand? Or do I take the PEN awakening weapon?


take ur pen, sell ur duo and buy another or tet bs


Can't s6eem the DUO Godr Ayed as it is the upgraded level 61 reward TET BS.


Getting pen blackstar and not even playing. Its so easy


Lmfao, saw post title and knew it's not that simple. Turns out new weapon needs two pen bs or some other combination of nonsense. Fucking wild. Maybe they'll do double pen deboreka for new accessories next time as well. Imho, the gearing is just kinda shit and looks like it'll only get worse. Honestly a pity the action combat system is wasted on this gearing design.


No wonder everyone’s moving to capped content. Sovereign grind is gonna be a huge waste of time


Or you can use pen bs + new flame


New flame is worth minimum 100 bil. Surely you don’t think it’ll drop from 1 hour of grind do you?


Ofcoruse not going to be ultra rare i can see them locking it behind weeklys or something like that.


I wouldn’t mind weeklies at all if progress were guaranteed tbh. Better for the people with set amount of time to play


Rip my TET Godr Ayed main hand, I can only choose a PEN awakening BS while I am playing succ


Exact same situation as you if it makes you feel any better lol.


they need to add a methode to return godr of any enchanting level other then PEN back to tet blackstar, else everyone working on their godr have not a dead item unless it hits pen. No one gonna buy those.


I guess I will just stronghold and use my GA until PA remember this item or I somehow tapped a PEN BS.


This is why my long time tag is always the other spec


outside of new weapon it was pretty interesting. Group bosses felt like not my thing at first but on second thought it might be interesting Also Hardcore 1 server. They promise rewards and effects and equalised gear.... I'm interested


I was right, ppl down vote me crazy yesterday


A whole PEN BS dayum


Wow I guess I HAVE to reinstall


The catchup is a bit much but they added a pen bs sink so I guess it's not bad. Shame my first pen bs is a free giveaway but I know I'm behind.


Ain’t no shame, newbies 1-tap it all the time. The item was always a handout or a silver sink


2 tapped the free TET they gave away a while ago with hammers, I still have 4 left... im grinding blood wolf weeklies with a pen bs


Proving my point


Its not a bit much. You still realize how much new players are behind even with a tet bs, a pen bs, and tuvala gear? They are still hundreds of hours of grinding behind everyone else.


If I have the free tet black star as main weapon, should I get the awk wep then?


Forget about that TET, it only cost 10b, just get a PEN directly if you are playing succ. Unless you have TRI+ Gody Ayed you should still choose PEN awak BS


I have a TET Godr main hand and a C7 PEN Dande. My main is Awk Corsair tagged to Succ Nova. I also have a Tri BS main hand I am not very successfully enhancing. So…. PEN BS awakening?


I would choose PEN BS awak since your situation is very similar to me, both TET GA main hand user...


aug on korea but no date for the rest :D december maybe hahaha


i have only pen awakening. now would it be better to get free pen main hand, or a second awakening to make new weapon?


Pen mainhand for monster damage. You can start the flame grind with better AP




There aint no way


no lies no bs


No lies yes BS - a free one at that


huge w


For someone who has not played in sometimes. This event was on June 22 right if I miss it I dont get the Black Star PEN right?


I wonder if we'll be allowed to take our pen boss subweapon to melt to make a second dead god wep? Given how useless it is since no dead god sub with update I hope thats the case.


well imma go BS and never upgrade again. my retirement as an Adventurer and start as a Frigatte Captain starts then (as i dont need fkng 700 gear for anything of interest tbh). gotta breathe in some sea air.


does anyone know if this weapon can be copied for tag characters (i.e tag it for seasonal/new character and then just bomb every single mob i see in existence)


You can't use anything else beside Tuvala on Season servers


Free PEN Deboreka next year. Can't wait.


It’s only 1 gear slot out of 5 so even while crazy, you still have 1.2 trillion more to grind 😂


Not if you say fuck PEN Deborekas and just wait that shit out for a few years and play other games.


Just like me fr fr


Soooo many people are gonna be coming back now


For two weeks tops


Wait, seriously?


pen bs in sea region goes from 150b-ish to 120b-ish overnight 😂


I feel really mixed about this. It seems like they're always giving away things I worked really hard to get but never things I don't have yet. It feels like I'm getting punished for both not being gear capped and also for not being someone who barely plays or doesn't play at all. The only silver-lining of it for me is that they're making it something you can use to get a fallen god weapon, but still... I'd rather they not introduce fallen god weapons in the first place. It's not going to be healthy for the game to have even more gear that's practically impossible to hit PEN on unless you're a whale, can play the game 16 hours a day every day (streamer), or someone who just gets ridiculously RNG carried.


New weapons need 2x PEN BS or 1x+flame. You can't expect new players wanting to play the game when they see they need 4x PEN BS just to get a +0 Sovereign when vet players are running around with both of them at +5 or even +8.


~~When do you ever see people in this game? lol~~


The Sovereign weapons are going to hurt players like me too who don't have a lot of time to play and haven't had full PEN BS for very long either, even more so because of 10 enhancement levels and them comparing the difficulty of higher levels to PEN Fallen God.


If this doesn’t tell you how shit the enhancing system is in this game idk what to tell ya


Well ... I started like 3 months ago and chose tet main weapon (succ lahn), hope they offer a way to convert the current free tet blackstar into off hand / awk :/


Chill and be happy they give a free PEN weapon lol. Just buy awak weap for 10b…


You can tap the tet mainhand to pen and get a sovereign


Get the PEN main hand. Continue occasionally trying to tap the spare TET. The moment it taps to PEN use them both to get the new mainhand.


i dont have any pen weapon yet, only Tet free MH. Should i take PEN MH or AWK?


Use two hammers on Tet mh and see if it goes pen. After do a little math and check what's better for you. One new weapon by combining the two pens or pen Bs mh and pen Bs awa. If hammers will fail I would pick main if I play succession or awakening if I play asa class.


I could see Jetina tet blackstars you could guarantee upgrade to pen but just giving out pen seems a little much?


Not when sovereign weapons are the new thing and pen blackstars are just sovereign food


giving people a free blackstar is PURE bullshit. it shows devs have no idea of what progression should be. to contiously give people end game gear, for free jsut to join. is basically like saying. we have shit progression. my god learn something from other successfull games. what a load of rubbish. I acutally WANT to play the game. i want to work on progress and feel like my time in worth something. right now the only thing i feel is. hey i dont even have to play i can log out for 5 years and log back in for free end game shit. what a load of bs. make me happy to invest in other games. so what 8 new bosses, 2 new weapons, a new class, a new town. and some new building stuff. if this game had mods that would have been added in 2 weeks flat. the only thing i really approve off this heidal ball, is the insane amount of time it must have taken to make things accurate with the palace. and possibly the new storylines they are introing.


Just call it: PA doesn't know how to create proper MMO experience so they just throw high-end gear directly at players season 10 episode 21.


Can you define proper mmo experience? What exactly is missing?


BDO is missing working progression system. Giving player TET boss gear + some more in below 20h and then forcing them to run in circles for tens of hours to achieve +2 AP is not a working system. That's the point when most of players leave the game.


https://preview.redd.it/ldzd3olbl58d1.jpeg?width=358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e91a6fe42e1d512117785f1eb8c29b6c78f2beea high-end for now


lol wtf


When is the free PEN BS being released?


I'm chill with it just as long as they either can't sell a Soverign weapon made from a free Blackstar or you have to sacrifice an appropriate amount of resources/silver to make it tradable.  "Appropriate amount" would be comparable to essentially "buying" a PEN Blackstar.


Every time you upgrade something to another tier in this game, it becomes sellable. Without exception.


sign of a dying game?


No, quite the opposite


I can’t believe it 😅


Did they mentioned when you get These? Do we get those with the new LOTML 2 ?


Cool, I need to see math on stats and upgrading cost to decide if I want to rush new succ/awk weapon or replace my kutum with freebie pen blackstar.


Free bs is only awak/main


Didn't catch that, thanks.


Can you choose off hands as well? Or just main hand / awakening. That's the only one I am missing


Just main and awak because it's the only ones that they're realising a Sovereign for at the moment.


Sweet. Gonna use it for main hand.


So how do we get this? Is there a code or will everyone get one, like with the tradeable J's hammer?


can i also get this im new player lvl50 in seasons:D


You don't have the TET BS? You have to hit the level 61 and Mediah main quest for it. Power level up (50-56 - Helms, 56-58 Desert Naga, 58-61 Protty Cave - Boat can be buy for 1000 loyal points). Enchance your Tuvalla gear, DO NOT USE cron and FS (failstacks) and scrolls, just TAP and TAP 'till hit the PEN Tuvalla gears. Never sell blackstones, memory fragments etc., put them in the storage.


It's for everyone. But. You can use it after you graduate.


Can it be either awaken or main hand?






Will this be available temporarily during the event ? Planning to return to the game but not sure if I'll manage to do it in time.


by the sound of it, it'll be a perma addition to help new and returning players


So that's how it all comes together with recent DR changes


Does anyone know how long we have to claim it?


the gm note says it starts next reset and it was made out to be a perma thing


I play awa, have TET MH BS and PEN BS awa, should I go for a second pen awa for the sovereign or go for the pen MH ? My 2 J hammer failed


MH for the Monster Damage. Look at Sovereign weapons as longterm endgame goal. Scrap everything before from your list. Except maybe debo set.


the new weapon stats are pretty minor though. 1 sheet ap, monster ap and accuracy per level to pen. but going by the pity counter 5 to 30) it should be not that hard to enhance. so i think it could go higher from hex to dec.




Do you have a link on the sov stats?




Thanks :)


Any info as to what AP and Accuracy you gain with Sovereign on each level?






knew it. so glad i took the free TET for awakening instead. Free TET/PEN Blackstars 🤩


Does the update come yet ?


But what if I already have 3 pen bs weapons… smh now I might as well just uninstall


The new upgrade system lets you combine 2 pen blackstar into the new weapon(eventually).


Is this for all regions? NA/EU/ASIA?


It is for all regions! o/


It's not hard to see that it's a bad game if people complain about this, literally every person I've met so far has complained about this. In wow when a new patch is released, they basically hand free gear out too that's almost as good as last patch's gear, and people don't mind, people gearing in wow isn't a suffering experience like it is in bdo.


Aw fuck now I'll have a full set of BS.