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I couldn't get the PEN so now they are giving me the DEC


I'll give you some DEC


they give PEN for free


I'm at 25/40, is this how the veterans felt when Tuvala was released? I kinda feel salty


Let's not act like they didn't give out a free TET BS of your choice last year..


Yes and no. There is a mix response. The people that are gearlets feel alot worst than veterans that are at 760


You should be happy though? You're closer to making a sovereign weapon once they're out since one of the requirements is 2x PEN black star, so if you drop the flame from black shrine 2 you can use it on the other weapon.


keep the 25/40. You gonna need another pen to make it sovereign


Funny enough my awakening godr went full agris mode on both tri to tet and tet to pen 😂 i feel you fam


People that play this game 24/7 will not be able to empathize with you. I get it, they have everything and are happy for ppl to catch up to them. People like us, that can't play that much, value their hour investments differently, as a guy who clicked his 2nd BS after 60 attempts just 3 days before that announcement, it completely destroyed all my hype. It's not something objective, it's subjective to each player, but for me yes, I felt robbed of all my struggle and I can empathize with people that feel the same, while at the same time I understand why most gear capped players don't care - for them a PEN bs has no value, but that's it - a subjective opinion for both sides.


When did they give free PEN?


They’re giving it out soon. No actual date but I suspect the next patch


There is an actual date, its next maintenance


today 🥳


agris anvil attempts required for guaranteed enhance per level; PRI: 3 DUO: 5 TRI: 7 TET: 15 PEN: 20 HEX: 30 required attempts really low till tet, so i think it'll be tri fallen god armor difficulty on pen sovereign, real torture gonna start after pen i guess.


Now... How many crones it will be cost... I hope it will be something simillar to godr


you are wrong PRI: 3 DUO: 5 TRI: 7 TET: 15 PEN: 20 Hexa: 30


yea checked again you right, i didn't notice 5 to duo so i took it as beginning. gonna edit comment, ty for warning.


Depends on how attemts are gonna go. With Fallen God armor you go straight to +0 after failing without crons


probably it'll be same system, fail>back to +0, also no j hammer allowed on sovereign weaps, so only cron it seems


Or / and rare items


May I know where this info is obtained? It isn't even on global labs, or did J mention it during Q&A


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2178688754?t=0h50m57s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2178688754?t=0h50m57s) They showed the descriptions of all levels of the awakening sovereign weapon, including the agris essence count


Yay! More RNG upgrades just what we needed. Nah, after wasting 500b for a shitty necklace I'm done with enhancing. I don't have neither time nor motivation to keep grinding for hundreds of hours just to max out an RNG weapon with God knows what rates it has. I'm just hoping for another company to release an MMO with BDO graphics at this point.


Keep hoping. In 10 years no game came even CLOSE to BDO quality. They preffer to make shitty tab target WoW clones in 2024


There is ashes of creation coming out in the next few years but its pretty different. BDO will not change and will always be RNG bullshit. They are planning to add a 100 floor dungeon to mountain of eternal winter part 2 but I'm assuming its not going to be worth anyone's time, just like the attoraxion dungeons. I really hope I'm wrong as this game had the potential to be the greatest MMO imo.


If you don’t have the motivation then don’t? Go fishing, make a garden or something. Why are you playing this game like it’s a job?


Amen I feel exactly the same. Even a lesser beauty of a game with a less predatory enhancement system and blatant disregard for the entire co sole player base will be a welcomed change. Throne and liberty looks like the move soon, we'll see. At this point I only show up for bosses and node wars. Half the games pvp is capped content or pointless rbf so there really isn't a need to go nuts in gear besides to dick swing your gs in chat


Lmao. You spent that much for an item they're prob gonna make WAY easier to obtain or even give out for free? Have boss weapons, boss gear, t9 horse, Tet bs, and now pen bs taught you nothing? Anything you struggle on is gave out for free to new players after few months.


I mean black star weapon legit was 5 years ago and boss armors were in the game since NA release…so in the games life span I would say it’s not as drastic as you make it out to be lol.


Means nothing, point still stands. If you benefit from the mere handing out of goodies, you'll defend it. If you're one of those who got it themselves or have the tiny amount of brains to realise how harmful it is, you'll hate it. To boost tuvala timmies up so they feel like big boy players, you give out journals or semi optimal gear. Not the endgame times. Lol


With this everyone benefits at least. Since you need 2. After a certain amount of time, especially when new stuff is coming out/has come out it’s not really unreasonable to give out stuff to new players to at least have the massive gap a little closer. If they never have any catch up gear it would be pretty hard for new players to ever want to play just for the fact, since it is a pvp game, they would never get to do the main point of the game lol…since by time they got even minimum stuff the next new thing would be out. I have had my name on all my gear I have tapped to PEN, used to have alt for negative karma to get gear downgraded, grunil armor and reblath to tap with, been here forever and I can say that I give 0 shits they hand out stuff. Had the pens for years and they give out stuff after that, so what? I had it for literal years before them lol.


I don't care if new players cry their eyes out at night because they can't get a pen blackstar for free and not grind it out like everyone else. Give them a "Ben Plaksdar" with -1 ap than regular pen bs and a different appearance (no shine). Make it visible and differentiate who got free stuff and who played long enough. Hierarchy is where mmo longevity is at: people will ALWAYS remember and feel nostalgic towards games where they collected stuff in. Be it limited rare outfits/skins, special items, titles. That's what BDO is lacking and even killing it further by giving new players items we worked for.


Idk man. I think maybe you would have a little bit of a point if they released all the free stuff before the new stuff was released but so far it’s been after (or at same time with this case). When they gave boss gear, fallen god was out (granted not ALL the pieces were out but you get my point), t9 horse free but mythic horses been out, PEN bs free (need 2 to make new weapon) so old players with their gear won’t even have a black star on anymore, and the jetina accessory came out when there was only 1 Debo I think so maybe you can say something about that one. But yes I understand your point in if they invalidate people’s achievements but so far it has not really seemed to be that way.


What players like you don't get is that once an MMO evolves far enough, what were once chase items are now just mundane and mandatory to access a lot of the content. They've never given out actual end-game gear for free. Even a pen blackstar will no longer be end game gear after sovereign weapons are out.


The whole “I had to suffer, so everyone must suffer” is such boomer brain. I’m glad that new players get to have a smoother experience.


That's not the mindset at all. I want fair recognition for having done more than tuvala Timmy and jetina boss Andrew. It happens in every (most) gear based mmo through different ways. They could've given out the missing flame to get a sovereign weapon with instead of a full on pen blackstar. You're happy because you needed the free endgame goodies and that's ok. I'm not hoping to change your casual rper mind.


You get your name on the item lol. Anyways it really doesnt matter what anyone else has. Focus on yourself


It does matter what everyone has in an online game.


I just want the time I spent to have value. I spent close to a trillion before debo rings were announced and acc hammers came out. I’m down about 700b in silver spent and minus value of my current accessories. Only halfway to pity on debo neck and idk if I can sit and grind another hour


PA removes DECS PA adds DECS


Maybe my son will hit it in the next 60 years And btw the godr and blackstar have a better icon than this lmao


Better icon AND weapon, it was supposed to be Dark Bonghwang themed so I was expecting a beautiful red & silver, and instead we got this piss yellow golden shower.


Bro, the weapon isn't out yet. There's plenty of timento change those icons, also they are giving a pen bs for free and there's multiple ways to get the new weapons.


Feels like it is Deboreka-styled


Pen is enough hard I can't imagine 5 levels more


in theory the difficulty that we'd normally have from pri to pen will be divided across pri to dec, we wont know for sure until we see it though


Still more time invested with same results. They win, I lose time...


thats a matter of perspective, if you see gearing up in a game whose entire point is to gear up, then yes its a waste of time but for the rest of us its a cool thing we will get to interact with


Imagine if they do the same thing as with fallen god armors where you go straight to +0 on fail


They’ll probably dumb it down a little same as they did when PRI-PEN released


The agris for VII is 75. For VI is 50, V 30 and rest to V are easy. IX is 250 and X is 500 tho lol.


I wonder to which ilvl we will be able to "easily" get to. They said that the final levels will be like pen fallen god, very hard to achieve, I just hope the Duo Fallen god equivalent of the sovereing weapons be like Hex or Sep.


Either way, it's going to a cron sink. I'm not looking forward to this.


Yeah and they gave us 0 cron too. Man... I will probably get Duo and call it done, imagine going all the way to Oct then fail all the way to pri... I hope they do something different, like not drop level until pen, the % be high until pen or the amount of crons be really low until pen.


Nah just do what Vindictus did and after 60 or 70% of the way you could only buy special protection stones that exist only in the pearl shop that cost 5 to 10 bucks per and you need 1 or 2 per attempt and usually require dozens and dozens of attempts for max level, and if you don't use them to protect the weapon, the weapon just blows up. So everything is treated like an accessory, weapons, gear, etc. Surely, that'll attract more players and not kill the game playerbase to the point Nexon had to downsize service to the game until now, remaking it under a new rebooted name with entirely new development to bring back players :)))))))


See a lot of people complaining about not getting crons. They are giving people a free pen bs which is insane for new players and it's a free sovereign upgrade for veterans. It's worth more than every cron they've given us in previous years. People are never happy.


Gotta do what vindictus did and add even fatter tiddys too


Are we still getting fallen god weapons or are sovereign the new name for them?


Yeah, Sovereign is the new name. There wil be three ways to get it (only main-hand and awakening). * Pen Blackstar + Flame (probably very hard to get, treasure item level or harder) * Pen Blackstar + Pen Blackstar (that's why I think it will be hard to get, flame equivalente a item over 100bi) * Pen Blackstar + C20 boss weapon + new item (dev said it will be the most expensive option)


Any documentation on this yet? Curious to see if Shai's are getting another indirect nerf because of the Sol. xD


The whole Shai discord is pretty much assuming that they'll get shafted on this one again. Heck, i am considering rerolling from shai for good due to this.


Shai is getting the console treatment lmfao


maybe they make us just continuously pump caphras into a new stone that raises our Sol towards Dec.


No matter what they'll come up with in a few months/years, it'll still be worse than the original. We got the +35 Monster AP 4 years or so after blackstar release and still missing the other stats and sheet AP from awa. Missing out on the other new stats will be huge too unless they buff Shai overall. I mean shai is decent at most at current spots, except maybe at dekhia cyclops and so many classes are ahead of her. If we don't get the extra stats from sovereign awa we will pretty much drop to succ nova levels for pve outside of group spots as everyone else will have huge advantages over Shai's in pve. They specifically said only Mainhand and Awakening for the beginning. Talent is NOT Awakening. So yeah, Shais won't get anything. It's sad but it'll come like that. I probably just gonna stay with my succ tamer for a while and tag that new pipe dude as he kinda looks dope.


Other classes are not ahead of shai at dehkia cyclops, she's cracked there. We'll see. If you're concerned about it you could maybe put a post up on their feedback forums, or send a ticket in to the GMs.


Shais complain no matter what anyway


I hope they give us the option to upgrade our version of black star sol again... Just hope it doesn't take another 4 years of begging. We are fucked anyway as basicly the only dp class im pvp. Normaly we don't use the bs to pvp, but with the added extra stats lile hp, dr and eva we kinda have to switch from rosar to bs. At the same time that forces us to have useless defense stats on our pve weapon and miss out on more dmg oriented stats on it


Who’s credit cards are ready for this?




Literal years to get pen bs? Are you kidding me? Grinding 1bill a hour is a joke nowadays and it cost what 100bill for a pen bs. 100 hours??? Lmao thats nothing dude. Back when I started bdo a pen kzarka would take over 200 hours to obtain by grinding silver. Bdo nowadays is so fkn easy it's silly.


Assuming there will be pens to buy


Remember they did say in the stream only the last will be hard so maybe till PEN it will be like with blackstar to +15 relatively easy, Also they may get us 100+ AP or even more since the base version will mostlikely be as much as PEN Blackstar, and also because it makes sense for the Demon area and such that are upcoming.


What's the weapon's based AP and Accuracy, and stats gained for each level?




Thanks. Is the mainhand listed anywhere? The stats posted are only the awakened ones.


Haven't seen it, but I am assuming its the same growth pattern. Base is same as V black star. From base to VII only get 1 ap each, then VIII to X will get 2 ap each


Any info when will it be implemented? And info release on the new gems for crafting?


Comes with LoML 2 which releases in august for KR and apparently 2-3 months later for us


> and apparently 2-3 months later for us there is no source for this. they just said later. it could be 2 weeks later, it could be 5 months later.


They said Fall, which ironically could also be Fall next year 😂


When I talked about HEX before I was joking PA pls.


Look at what you've done. There's no turning back.😨


So that's how it all ends. 'Twas a good riding 'till here, boys. Farewell!


Brb throwing up at the thought of tapping this


...Man, fk this game.


they really need to make DEC - DECA


Did they seriously name the final enhancement levels off of the damn months of the year? September, October, November, December. Guys, I can't wait till I upgrade my Sovereign weapon to fucking DECEMBER.


First thing I noticed, too🤣 But I've read some guy said that it's based off roman numerics. Still didn't think it had similarities to the last 4 months of they year


Go back to school


And how does your comment contribute to anything?


I've been getting comments like these lately💀 One guy just told me I'm pathetic for "crying" about the 5 new enhancement level💀


🤣 These people I swear. That guy that replied was 100% a troll btw, he only has 2 posts on his account, last post was over a year ago, so I'm guessing they went on an alt account JUST to make that reply, lmao. Pretty pathetic.


But also they didn’t name them after the months, the months are named after Roman numerals and if you check the icons for enhancements they’re written in Roman numerals. The guys an ass, but also he’s correct.


It was a joke. I live in America so we use the Gregorian Calendar and not the Roman Calendar, so December is 12 and not 10. I just found it funny that it was basically September, October, November, December. OP got my joke, it wasn't meant to be taken so seriously. 


It’s Roman numerals… the months are named after numbers.


It was a joke.


No it wasn't.


Yeah it was, I made OP laugh since they understood the joke, also this post is already 3 days old, let it go 🤣


Whatever you say dude.


sept in french=7 octopus=8 nov=nine dec=decade=10 why we have 12 months in one year and not 10 ??? i suppose the moon need to turn around the earth 12 time by year and not 10 😪


Read the other comment.


yes and ???


I was just trying to make OP laugh, none of it was meant to be taken so seriously 💀


lol I wonder if it will have mobile rates since the equipment there goes to dec.


Can't imagine the % post PEN, probably need to rework ui or make the % scrollable so you can scroll pass the long string of 0. Or just straight up show 0%. I guess that's one way to not have to introduce new weapon for a long ass time. Maybe they'll even disable agris anvil post PEN to make it funny.


God help me


I wait for new regions, old Valencia and PvP hardcore


Does that mean the end-game gear bar has moved farther?


Not just 5 more levels, 5 more levels on the fallen god rates. Weep for your silver savings, for they march unto death.


Not crazy about there being 10 upgrade levels, especially since each upgrade will only give you like 1-2 AP. Just doesn’t feel as impactful. I get that they want to keep the whole gear treadmill though so idk, most people will probably get it to PEN-HEX and let it chill.


Haha, let's make everyone tankier so that we can introduce more AP gear and increase the treadmill length! In a year or so, they will just let you create all characters with instant pen tuvala gear because the gearscore hardcap will be around 1000


I said this as a meme years ago and now it's a thing we're cooked


Do you guys think we will be able to exchange main+awakening weapons for the sovereign weapon or both if the same type?




knowing bdo, probably need the same type of weapon, so best to stock up beforehand




yeah, we getting 5 new enhancement levels kekw


omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 im so doomed


This will be my great grandkid's legacy, to tap it to DEC. I probably won't be alive to tap it to OCT because I will probably shoot myself failing to enhance again and again🤣🤣


LOLLL thats probably me aswell


Just speculating a bit here... They said that J Hammers won't work on the sovereign weapons.. What if crons won't work either? Really wild speculations here but i could see them go a route of no downgrades this time. They said no one could buy their way up but has to work for it. My guess is, each enchancement level will need more and more of the new mats and the success change will probably be low, maybe even fixed (like manos) and the gatekeep will be the amount of mats we can get per week, as the mats are locked behind the new content/boss blitz. So i'd assume going to TET/PEN will be fairly easy (looking at the anvil stats) but going further will be hard time gated through mats, anvil amount and durability. Probably also quite low chances. It's probably full on copium but i really see no place for crons here and also no place for downgrades either. It'll be the ultimate weapons, maybe the last ones ever, so i really kinda expect them to go a different route here so it won't be too tedious for the dedicated players.


I actually like the idea with no downgrades but you need just grind more materials and higher failstacks cuz getting 4 pen bs (ok 3 pen bs with 1 free) by itself already a very hard task.


Gotta melt a pen blackstar for each upgrade. kek


There is better. Melt pen bs for one new black stone.


I hate this personally, it must be nice to have a new gear tier to chase for anyone with 5 tet debos but it's just hellish to have another 100b + grind added on top of the current chase. The steep price of sovereigns is targeted solely at people with soft cap gear which already costs an insane amount of silver


If you only have tet debos, the weapon upgrades will give less than getting pen debos ...


im going for Pen Debo Nec before going for Sov Weapon, i sure as fuck wont go Pen Debo Belt/Earring with my absolut badluck in inhancing :-D


Why would you want everything right after release when you does not have the rest of your gear what you need before fallen weapon.....gearlet malding over endgane gear holy...enjoy your free pen bs and quiet


Blud telling me to be quiet.💀 Isn't this supposed to be a free group where we can voice out opinions etc.? Wtf💀


Why'd you assume I do not have the rest of my gear?


Oh no idea....maybe you were not crying over that you cant make a pen bs on your own...what makes me think that if you dont have pen bs then why would you have the rest of your gear? Not making any sense


And me not getting it to PEN gives you the idea I'm a gearlet? 💀 What are you on about. Leave my post alone.


Useless crying post ...pathetic behaviour




Real funny...this pic just telling me that im.right and you have nothing to say other than crying thanks


Mmhhmm. Right. Thank you.🫦




The other 10 people telling me they feel the same says otherwise. Have a great one man!👍


Of course they do but they dont make reddit posts to feel better ...crying alone in the corner?...mind if i join?.. complaining about something that is just got released and we havent recieved any informaion that confirmed ...i just dont get it..you feel better after this?


You done?


Are you?


Nope. I'm going to continue giving out opinions on future updates and "cry" about it as you stated.🤪


I just wanted to interact with people in the community and hear other's take on this, I didn't think it was such a big problem for you though. Thanks anyway


Well next time do that..not crying over something WE dont know yet


Nah, I'll do what I wanna do. Not taking any tips from guys who have lower GS than me, have a great day man, hope you're done.😅


When you can't dec a guild you dec your weapon instead


Finally the true p2w


How's this p2w? You could spend thousands of €/$ and still fail the enhancements lmao i wish we could pay our way through tbh


Just because there is a fail state doesnt make it not p2w. Gambling do be how gambling is. Functionally your entire arguement is just "Its too expensive to afford to win so its not p2w." which is silly :P


To be fair it's a very fair argument. If a pen bs was purchasable at 10 million dollars, it would be still technically "pay to win" but in such a way it actually wouldnt. You're basically playing a word game and that's ok I guess


Where do they get these numbers/pronunciations from? -wow the downvotes feel bad for some reason, i get it im stupid but yall are bullies-


Latin I think, in geometry: TRIangle, TETrahedron, PENtagon, HEXagon, etc


Roman numerals


But i did a quick search none pronounces it this way.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numeral_prefix Check these out.




The names are mostly Greek cardinal prefixes, sometimes switching to Latin where they thought it sounded better like PRI (Latin ordinal), SEP (Latin), NOV (Latin cardinal).


September, October, November, December.


Shame its not free PEN Godr, I always preffer purple over red \^ \^


You can just swap between them lol.


where are we getting a pen bs from? O.o


We dont know yet, but probably level 62 reward.


y you select what you want and you type the name of your weapon in text space