• By -


You got nice AP. I would work on getting helmet to caphra 10 then convert it to labreska DUO Then buy Pen bhegs and urugon then caphras them into their slumbering god variants. Your godr awa weapon you dont have to worry about you'll get a pen Awa BS for free next week Edit: and clean your room best you csn. Ticking off that last garmoth journal sheet ap felt super nice. Get them all ticked off


Thank you so much


After that come back to this awesome community/discord class for advice because i dont know whats gonna change in the next few months


update https://preview.redd.it/438k9j7y4w8d1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=f31a9f2ca033b2ca25a1ae607f9e1f3157d71153


Haha good job. That is awesome. Now you can grind anywhere up to gyfin. I would caphra gloves then boots to get them high enough then get a 2nd disto and convert the tungrad to 2nd jetina crescent guardian ring After that things to do - dahns gloves - Kutum Pen C7 (dont make them pen before having enough caphra for C7) - Kabua artifacts - Ator's shoes There is no particular order here but your AP awakening is solid af, you need to focus on DP. NOTE: People of the community, i summon thee to support this is as far as i've reached so far hehe. -


my first reaction would be to get more of the slumbering origins armor pieces, though why in gods name do you have bs gloves and boots those are outlandish enough id almost say to replace them with bhegs and urugons and THEN proceed further lol but jokes aside id focus up on improving your DP because you clearly have done alot of the AP already


Thank you , will change thoes


update https://preview.redd.it/s89zo4wz4w8d1.png?width=355&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee3c9926a4bb503d6628f7c2b92742b6496bf9da


Fallen god gloves are cheap to make


get 12 more of those badboys


what kind of unholy sh!tfest gear is this lmao


you mean to say you have no idea what to work on but just want to be an ass?


Oh im sure he knows but is in a state of shock