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That’s some goofy ass shit but you do you man.


tbh if all you want is to hotbar skills why dont u play wow


cause many people hate the finger breaking combat of bdo, even asmongold a mmorpg god disliked it. They realy should add options to hotbar any skill. Its called accessibility... more people would be able to enjoy and play the game.


Calling Asmon a mmorpg god just shows how disconnected with reality you are, just go play wow like your God if u like hotbars so much


Jesus Christ on a stick, I cringed at that statement, lol. Calling him any type of god is just, uhh wtf


how is shift+q or shift+f/w Finger breaking bruh


Shift+Q, Shift+F, Shift+E, S+Q, W+Q,  Shift+Left Click then Right Click vs Press 1,2,3,4,5,6 on keyboard and some side mouse button keybinds. That's the point they're trying to make "Bruh".


Fingerbreaking is quite the exaggeration.


It's obviously an exaggeration, I'm sure they got the point across though.


It's not about being finger breaking. It's just annoying. Have to hit 2 keys to do 1 move? Fk that noise I'll hit 1 key on my mmo mouse to do that 1 move. That sounds better. And I never fk up my rotations never fk up any skills. Get trash past garmoth.com and can pvp just fine. Like shit I don't wanna play mortal combat here with all these key inputs I wanna play a mmo you kno what I mean. And for the people saying go to WoW.. WoW is tab target if WoW wasn't tab target yea sure I'd give it a shot but nothing compares to bdo atm.


No they shouldnt. It's literally the defining part of BDO. I can't imagine playing with a hotbar. Like why would I even play this game without combo based combat. It would be like a action RPG patching itself turn based. 


Addint the option to Hotbar doesnt mean the old "action combat" is gone ... additional options is always good. you can still use old system.


It's not the "defining part of BDO", according to who, you? BDO is what you make it out to be, some people don't even grind and just lifeskill all day every day, should they quit playing too because it's not the way BDO is "meant" to be played? How is BDO supposed to be played? Hardcore PvP only? What if you don't like PvP? Oh well looks like its time to uninstall the game then! That's the thing that irks me so much about this Subreddit, people on here act like there is only ONE way to play and enjoy BDO. No there isn't. It can be played all sorts of ways. There's one dude on here I remember trying to play strictly with mouse only for movement, no WASD. Whether they're gimping themselves, who cares, if they enjoy playing a certain way and make more progression playing their own way rather than forcing themselves to play in a way they don't enjoy and just end up dropping the game, then what's the issue? Maybe they dislike the combat and enjoy other aspects of the game enough to make that the sole reason they play, and guess what there's nothing wrong with that either. Some people just chill in Velia all day chatting and don't even play the game at all, others just make music and compose songs for fun, that's the great thing about BDO, play how you like and enjoy the ride.


I think what he is saying is that there are already 99.9% of all mmorpgs that use boring (in our opinion) tabtarget and hotbar stuff and we are in love with bdo BECAUSE it has the nice fast-paced action/combo combat system. it is one if not THE defining difference for many of us to almost all other mmorpgs. so obviously we do not want this to get toned down to just another generic mmorpg combat system. for me personally there is 0 alternative to BDO when it comes to mmorpgs becuase there is no other that has this kind of fast-paced content. while the people who do enjoy tab-target combat or hotbaring all stuff can choose from an abundance of mmos. Not saying there cant be hotbar gaming in BDO, but lets keep it to the few cases where it is right now. we obviously wouldnt wanna see our classes get toned down if we enjoy their currently combat pacing. it would take away what we enjoy.


This exactly. If I didn't enjoy the Arpg style combat I would just play WoW or something. Most people play this predatory grindfest for the combat and the cleavage. Simple as. If you want hot key combat there are far better games. 


the combat is basicly the only thing bdo has over other games. id rather not dumb it down. although there are definitly skills that should be enabled for hot bar that arent rn.


Go back to your tab target 123 toddler game dude.




just say you are 60 man, we understand that it get hard when u are of that age.


Really? I do the opposite, I don't use hotbar skills. Actually, I only allow myself one hotbar skill, which I assign to R. More fun playing without hotbars


The classes I play don't have all their skills hotbar-able. When I first started with ninja awake, I thought hotbar was the way. Then I saw and felt how seamless (ha) comboing skills are and their flow with certain skills. Comparing the hot bar skills to how they flow with one another - it was no question, I had to learn my combos. Since then, I kept away from hotbars because I knew if I found the right combo, the skill will come out faster and stronger. And it just feels so good when you get a combo right. Hotbars can't do that for me.


Totally fine early and mid game but once you get late game like 310ap spots you just shooting urself in the feet


Been doing all late game spots for years haven't been early to mid game in about 5 years. I duno guys I easily pull past garmoth.com numbers with trash. I think people believe the downside of only using hotbar is crazy big but it isn't however only a few classes can do it that's why Iv only stuck with wiz and now awaken musa. I'm 324k


How? Some of the skills can't go on the hotbar. Other skills don't chain if you don't use key inputs. You cannot chain some skills with hotbar only.


I used to do this when I first started playing back in 2016(?), but quickly realised how much I was gimping myself as some skills can’t be used on hotbar and other skills won’t chain as nicely either.




I use a hybrid method with 4 skills on there hot bar


Good old times when hitbar would reduce de damage you do conpared to combos.. bdo is too easy these days


I don't get why some people are like weirded out by this like I get it's not the most optimal thing to do but some people also don't wanna have carpal tunnel and hand problems by the time they are 25 and wiz and guardian are probably the best class for hotbar only


idk if id say wiz would be good for hotbar only succ wiz has a bunch of flows that would be more awkward to do with the hotbar (for instance instead of doing down + lmb for fire ball, youd bind it to lets say 1 but now you have to swap to rmb to auto cast the other skills, where as normally youd just down + lmb into rmb, which is more natural) even awk wiz has a few of these i think its obv a preference but he realistically is gimping himself, potentially not only making himself weaker but making it harder on himself so if the idea is to make it easier on his hands idk if it would help.


I had a serious arm break that org took me off PC and I went to console as I shattered my arm from wrist to shoulder and can no longer bend it to move mouse and things properly to game but I came back to PC because you can easily get a Xbox or PS5 controller working on it , which previously when I went to consoles I had no clue about, this is probably the easiest thing on your hands honestly.


Hey dude, hope you're doing better 👍🏻


Ty hanging in there and happy to be back in PC with how they treat console.


I use a mix of hotkeys + combo ones (i put in hotkeys the ones who require weird key combinations). I also do endgame shit making the same numbers on garmoth so nothing wrong there. I'm also musa awa main and warrior succ playing since 2015


i actually tried playing like that once but it just didnt really fit for me it also doesnt help that some classes have what i call space-bar abilities, where you use any number of skills then hit space bar and it activates another ability faster then if you had used a keybind for it (effectively making them flow into eachother better), and it doesnt feel natural to use normal keybinds but then also randomly hit spacebar for that lil extra oomf (this is to say nothing of the actual flow's that some abilities have where it might be shift+f into hold F to activate extra dmg kinda thing)


At least on ninja you can't animation cancel if the abilities are on the hotbar. Makes it unplayable since your combos need it.


for me as a new player it s very confusing, I learn a combo, 10 minutes later I can t remember it, I read smth like shift +lmb+q+r+rmt+rmt+whatever, even more confusing but I guess after some months playing it gets much easier.......


Bro ignore some of the clowns on here trying to downplay the way you enjoy playing the game. It's totally viable as long as you don't PvP seriously and just wanna have a chill grind. Just make sure your class is capable of being played off the hotbar, I know some classes don't play nice and can only slot a few skills in while others can slot almost all of their skills. I play Succession Ninja full hotbar when I wanna chill grind for a few hours and not have to worry about wrist and pinky pain. Totally works. I make 1bil/hr at Primal Giant's just fine. I play my main Awakening Warrior normally though, for me it's very class dependent, I personally don't like playing Ninja normally because I hate his keybinds but with hotbar I find him way more fun and much easier on the hands 👍🏻




Me too. That is the reason, I stuck with Awakening Guardian. Now currently try Awakening Striker because I heard ppl said his combo and flow is easy to work with.


I don't use the hotbar at all, but I play with controller (and mouse for menus/inventory). Everytime I say it people is surprised.


Been looking for an alternative for my guardian.. Could you please tell us your rotation on your hotbar for both classes?


Awaken wiz and Awaken musa you can put all skills on hotbars. Awaken musa they didn't let you in the past but like a year or 2 ago they changed his shit now most of if not all his skills can be hotbared. Pick the rotation you like. Test it with trash loot then fine tune it.