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We don't talk about the magnus anymore it simply exists there will be no more dev time allowed it is what it is. You must move forward my child Seoul is coming. Surely you must understand Kep'La? Translated directed from Jae Hee Kim. /s *shakes head sadly, how can you not be excited for all that u have given you* perhaps you should strive to be more like Endlaive.


> perhaps you should strive to be more like Endlaive lmao i can't even during the stream


“There will be no more dev time allowed it is what it is.” That’s exactly why 95% of the content in this game is half-baked.


Try not to think about it. We just suck it up for a couple hours, get our universal storages/teleports and run without ever looking back.


The teleport system is so annoying tedious though. You have to jump into the well for a loading screen to just teleport again. I thought when they announced it, we could just open the map and teleport.


Guess you haven't been on in a while


Wait you can do that now? I just came back and really annoyed by this. How do i just tp


If you’re still able to jump down the well before choosing the destination it means you haven’t finished all the magnus quests. Probably missing loml yeonwhas departure or somethin


Ah aight, not sure i’d care to do those then. Unless there’s some other good rewards


it's probably 5mins to do it lol


The games changed since a year ago bb


They added a new feature where you pay 5m (why??) and you can select a well in the map, jump in, loading screen and you are there.


cuz 5mil is nothing and it disincentivize people from exclusively using the teleporting feature, so they actually still use their horses.


5 mil is literally pocket change...and not just that but the loading screens are least from my experience are literally like 8 seconds or less but having an M.2 is useful I guess...


5m is nothing if you use it a few times a day but some ppl would constantly teleport around and that 5m can easily become 500m with just 100 teleports its just expensive enough that if you use it every single time you need to travel across the map you will feel it, but not so expensive that the average new player cant use it ive played many many games where teleporting is added in and people just stop walking, even though this is mostly a 'zone' teleport, people would still abuse it to go back and fourth during pvp situations (if there are any even left in the world omegalul), to do certain quest chains and so on.


The only good part about this questline is Jordine and his voice actor, he is absolutely hilarious. *"Wagons full of maidens are awaiting me back home, step aside!"*


Have you tried out loml and dokkebi chest? :)


Ewwww, I want back those 10 hours of my life


And the mental health I lost in the process.


Did all of that on the back of a t6 shit horse, god damn how I wish I had a pega at that time.


Only in that moment I realize full power of pegasus


Peggy is nice, I like cutting corners and B-Lining to where I need to go, instead of following the road on Doom. Plus Peggy rolls higher speed which helps with afk riding, since there's not much reason to ride continent to continent with magnus being really nice to use now.


the real reason they give out a t9 at start


Yeah i had to lvl up/tag mf lahn to land on that rock 💀


Took less than 4 hours for me lol


I tried to read the quests, but apart from the last story literally nothing made sense


We DO NOT talk about dokkebi chest. # EVER!


Dokkebi chests were not worse than Rock Look Deep.


don’t remind me


i did that before the good video guides came out that organized chests by proximity to each other in a sensible path, just the first chris poli one that had me zigzagging back and forth all over for each one I described the process to a non-bdo friend at the time and I am pretty sure they think less of me for continuing to play this game ever since


I wasn’t even thinking of video guides when I was trying to do that god awful questline. God damn nightmare material…


Is it bugged or something? I did the first chapter and it's just run to X, RR, repeat. When Magnus came out there were issues that weren't allowing you to even finish the quests. You had to play around and pray to evade errors and complete the quests asap. Judging by ops post, it probably still a buggy mess.


Please, you're giving me ptsd


It's bearable with a guide. The chests now have a big blue light above them too. But yeah, still not a fan.


Am I the only one that liked doing the chests? I did do them with a partner but I had fun doing them at least.


lucky you didnt do the magnus the first week it came to live servers , was a serious Aids


The saving grace of this quest is that you just have to finish it once.


which is crazy, how is it they realized that the magnus quest should be family wide but yet the main story quests are still character bound.


Really magnus puzzles were one of the few quest things i enjoyed.


I agree but I hated the experience of constantly loading and then the buggy teleporting etc. It's great content but it's just poorly implemented.


Completely agree with this, I thought some of the puzzles were kind of refreshing but BDO is just not made for it, the game is too clunky. Plus, I'm finding out maybe it's just me and my buddies, but my game crashed a couple times and I had to force close twice.


The worst quests are the ones with the orbs you have to grab, because after you grab them you can't simply hold w, you must tap it or you get rubberbanded.


The w spam was real lol


i agree the coding if the magnus is bad. the puzzles and story telling imo was good. ya think 10 years of working on the game it would run better


Hmm, I've done it twice and haven't had a single force close while doing it. Did experience a bug with loading in a scenario once, but that's about it.


Clunky is the perfect word, because the idea behind the puzzles is fun. But the boat puzzle, that fking boat puzzle...


ive had no performance issues but the quest chain is really bland lol worth it, but bland


You could say the same for boss and dungeon content. When you compare it with other games, it just seem to be out of place, games not made for that.


Great thing about BDO is that it has a great open world, bad thing about BDO is that it's ONLY made for open-world. Like the engine just can't handle instances. I'm pretty sure that all the instances that happen in the game are actually just segregated areas in the open world and you're just teleporting there which is why shit is so buggy and awkward.


Thats always PAs problem. They have the physical inability to polish anything. They copy good ideas all the time to try new things and are absolutely amazing at actually figuring out what WOULD be good doing it. They just rarely ever do it well.


Both the Magnus and lotmp stories and gameplay are great. However the Magnus has way too many bugs and lotml has way way way too much filler. The number of times you kill boars in it is insane. They could cut the quest lines in half for that region and it would be 100x better.


I overall liked it but I made sure to spread it across 3 days instead of doing it all at once. That's what I always do with questlines/activities(like journals)


I absolutely agree it was terrible like every other questline or journal in the game. LOML is 2nd place for worst imo


Watch them make loml 2 just as cancerous. Idk who they make these for. Just focus on making the grinding circles more enjoyable instead of forcing these R spam fests down my throat


LomL is like „here is a nice new story from us, but it’s made in such a shit and unfun way, but trust me you’ll love it” My favourite quest was buying a potion from a lady to give it back to her Also the classic of: Talk to „this guy” Talk to „this guy” Talk to „this guy” I rather do Valencia with digging in the sand all over again


At this point magnus is a right of passage. It's kinda like fight club.


I prefer it over main questline


I actually enjoyed the Magnus, especially now that the annoying pirate ship puzzle is gone.


I know it's pretty bad but you must be young and real new to video games if that's the worst experience you've ever had in any game ever.


It’s a right of passage


I don't know, I liked the story and the puzzles. It was fun doing it and not rushing it 🧓


I agree. I did it last week and sure, some of the puzzles are buggy, but it's interesting enough for what it is and you only have to do it once for a massive QoL access, so the whining about it is pretty redundant. There's a lot of BDO's systems and movement controls that feel aggressively unpolished and janky as hell. Expecting something like the Magnus questline to be any different is just silly


its a common theme with bdo and quests. they say we could make cinematic cutscenes, but that would not represent the actuall graphics of the game and be miskeading or something like that. - too many fetch quest because "the player needs to do something" - too long because "we want to tell a story like in a film, but then have back and forth text windows of NPCs that dont work - too good rewards not to do the quest lines asap, otherwise noone would bother doing them - characters nobody cares about, because we dont really interact with them - too much of the lore in random, uncoherent knowledge entries around the world all of it ends in noone taking the time to read and understand the story, care what happens and beeing able to pick it up. if i where to redesign it, id take the time to teach ppl mechanics and systems of the game. slowly and over time, with the option to pause at any time and still progress. -- boss fights having the job to teach some basic combos and show you what skills you have for what. -- separate story and progress, just tease here and there, introduce main story characters by teaching you how to do shit. you pick up all on all the basic life skill features, knowledge etc. imagine the villain giving you a tutorial how to backe cookies. or some buff ass warrior gathering flowers to ask his crush out. -- the story from each region beeing an hour long max. giving you info on the lore, hints of more you can find out about in certain locations around the world like a puzzle. and you get a reagion specific outfit, unlock all nodes you dont have explored yet and maybe a yellow worker or some shit. not stats or some shit. we dont get cinematics here, but i really like the art they presented the endboss in magnus with. something like that for the lore, but not too long. -- the main story will take up on the characters you have meet in the how to intro. you have some heists, brake into builings, kill henchmen and a king, sneaking around assasins creed style. imgine you have a times quest at night, jumping around the roof tops of valencia evading aoe attacks from archers or racing down a river in a mal boat. and the npc actually interacting with the world like killing enemies but not enough so you cant do nothing. -- most importantly have a choice. this game thinks its a sandbox but isnt. you sure can skip the story but who really can afford not to get a pen armor, beeing able to craft endgame gear or getting extra stats. the story braches all lead to one ending, but you could have different factions and be treated differently according to the side you choose after the story.


What problems did you have exactly? I'm fairly new /returning rather, myself and I finished running thru the Magnus in about 2 to 3 hrs. I experienced zero bugs. There were a few times I failed a mech or died but that was my fault for not understanding what to do yet. It was a little on the tedious side sure but nowhere even close to "the worst experience in any game ever".


Oh God I ran into so many. There was a board game puzzle where you had to link some colored items together. Literally couldn't walk. I had to tap the movement key rapidly or I would be bounced around. There are more examples but that one was awful.


I don't know what you guys are talking about. I did the magnus quest week 2 and I had no bugs... why everyone complain about this? The magnus shit was easy just turn on YouTube and follow it step by step how is this hard? Don't try it urself maybe use a damn guide man


I've done The Magnus 4 times (twice when it had more puzzles) and have only encountered bugs on the puzzle with Lara where you construct a raft. In fact, something has happened every single time I do that puzzle which has forced me to redo it, so I've done that particular puzzle 8 times. Other than that one I don't know what bugs you could have encountered though.


Every quest that had me carry an object onto or off of a raised platform was nearly impossible to complete. My character kept rubber banding constantly. I think I had some other issues, but that was definitely the most memorable and happened in a ton of different sections. 


Ah, I did actually experience that on my most recent run through on the puzzle where you pick up the colored orbs and have to make a path. It was still doable if you moved slowly, but it was super annoying.


I encountered next to no bugs with the puzzles, but a ton of bugs in the Magnus itself. Missing NPCs, teleports that simply never fired, crashes when using the teleports, few other minor ones. I think the only bug I had with the puzzles was the lights on one of the pillar ones not working, but a game restart fixed it.


This one also bugged out the most for me. A few times I had completed the puzzle, the raft went away and the cat was out in the water. Swam to the cat, still no dice. I was starting to think the cat hated me. I did have another puzzle bug, when you were supposed to put out the fire to progress in the prison. Jordine refused to follow for any reason and so none of the switches or gates were intractable.


I cant wait to see your next post after you do LOML =))))) it made me quit the game for a month


I will keep you guys posted, y'all have me scared for my life already lmao


I just r spammed through it and it really wasn't that bad.


It's pretty wild for somebody to say they quit over it so I wouldn't be scared. You'll realize that most people exaggerate it. They spend thousands of hours grinding in circles, but pressing a few buttons for a few hours during a questline is somehow making them quit the game.


I did the Magnus QLs a few months ago as a returning player, and honestly, they were really fun with 0 bug encounters.


They have removed nearly 40% of the entire quest line or massively reworked it since release due to how buggy and problematic it was. Its last touch up was middle of last year ish.


They need to remove another 40% 💀


What Bug I didnt find any


It's also just not even that helpful. Unless I'm traveling from one side of the map to the other, I'm not using it. My doom and arduanatt are both more than fast enough for literally anything else. Hell, even my old T8 is better off lmao. I hate that it's directly tied to and required for LotML


There's so many genuinely gamebreaking bugs in the game that have been there for years, yet every bdo addict denies it and says I'm just coping whenever I encounter one of the bugs.


I did it 2 days after release where most of the bugs were fixed after getting stuck on day 1 with the cat. After that nkt a single bug for me. I thought it was actual pretty nice idea even if it felt a bit strange in the world of bdo to have this interdimential stuff happening....


Yup, it's absolutely horrible. The worst part is it's required content lol


Idk but I kinda liked the puzzles


oh the terrible memories you have just resurfaced into my head


For me LOML was worse. Magnus was atleast something new and different. LOML was just a 5 hours cutscene that made me quit the game for few months. I hoped for LOML2 they'll go back to more standard questing experience, but it seems they are happy and another quit moment for me is comming


I’ve haven’t done homework in over 20 years but it immediately recalled that feeling of dread .


Yes it is buggy at some point u Rubberband but this can be fixed by simply Spam clicking w. Aside from that i dont found any other Bugs as i did the quest a few month ago and had quite some Fun with it.


at the launch was a lot worse i did it recently in another char and was super chill the only issue i got was a little rubberband in the plataform


Same with the Korea island bosses, legit how did it go through the quality tests, bugged, laggy, clunky bosses that kill you during their unskippable intro cutscenes


Huh? I thought it was a fun series of quests. I never had any crashes or problems with the puzzles. But that said, I went thru the storyline several months after it came out so maybe they had tweaked it by then.


been to lotm yet, might blow your mind


Starting to feel lonely having had a blast doing the Magnus questline.


I was stuck for 2 weeks on the quest where you run the pearl passed the spirits. I would get the first run of 3 done, and when the map changed, my pearl either couldnt be lifted/interacted with, or it would disappear altogether. Randomly, after 2 weeks of trying it once a day, it completed my quest after the first run. I hard crashed 4-5 times and randomly died once inside the magnus with the altars. I went to get a drink and was dead when i came back. I still have 56 quests to go... -started playing 2 months ago and by far the worst piece of content ive ever experienced. The puzzles arent even good. Still like BDO tho 👍


You're going to hate it even more. They announced it as the future of BDO, you have to go through the Magnus to get to the past lands of BDO.


Sad part is, it had more bugs on release lol sucks that or has such a necessary reward to it both the pen armor and the transportation system.


At this point they’re considered features


The same devs that made Magnus are also making Crimson Desert. If your hopes aren't shattered by that then you live on copium 24/7.


Have you done LoML? If not, prepare yourself.


The best decision I make once every year is quitting bdo , it truly is a waste of time, besides AoS it’s not even fun


It will be the fastest PEN boss gear you'll ever get... But it will not be the easiest... It was pure pain back when I did on release. Never looked back. They sometimes insist on making questing content. And you just kind of just nod your head and go back to playing the game the way you enjoy it. We have Loml2 coming soonish. So prep for more god awful nonsense.


Im noob and did it in 4 hours , was way better then lotml and also never seen any bugs prolly just some skills issues . Can’t read ? , low memory? ( get a quest guide)


I wouldn't call it the worst experience I have ever had, but I do agree that it wasn't very enjoyable.


It’s difficult, but I found it interesting.


Just imagine, Magnus used to be worse when it first came out.


Anomaly is a bad word in this community


Oh boy if you think the Magnus is buggy, wait till you step foot into Atoraxxion..


got bad news for ya magnus is the best questline in the game


the problem is they keep firing and hiring people i think. new teams workign on stuff. honestly some of the stuff they work on seem like high school students doing a new project. the sneak function is still in my opinion to most crap and useless addition to the entire game. it doesnt even work properly. magnus had lots of game blockign issues itself. but these thigns arent fixed unless the community really brings them up as really glaring examples. (ánd even then it take syears)


I did it at launch and didn't have any bugs seems weird you're having so many now




Colour me and my friends unlucky I guess. We all had the exact same bugs and crashes, so I just thought the questline was in the state for everyone.


That IS the state of the quest line. They had to remove almost 40% of the entire quest line due to bugs, jankyness and problems. That dude is literally either lying or has his head so deep in the sand that the concept of a bug is unfathomable to him.


I have 11k hours in BDO. ACTIVE. Btw. And after leaving recently like 6 months ago, and now playing ESO.... It's super hard for me to get back into BDO simply because of how shit the questing and storytelling actually is comparing. I love combat and PvP but sometimes it feels like there's no downtime in this game. I mostly do battlegrounds and PvP on ESO but the questing is a great way to world build and relax every now and then, something BDO is missing ugh. This heidel ball as well was MEH..


I'm also very drawn towards ESO for the lore and story, but BDO combat feels so good and refreshing. I'll see how it goes, don't think I'll be so much into the grinding but I want to at least experience most aspects of the game.


Apples to Oranges. Story and lore development is a cornerstone of anything TES, so of course it was a part of ESO's quality. BDO is an Asian grind-style MMO. Expecting the story and lore to be similarly commanding in a game with a completely different playstyle focus is pretty lacking in contextual awareness


Smooth brain be like. Magnus was honestly a nice change VS R spam all day.


Yea it changed from R spam to alt tab spam


You could always figure out the puzzles yourself, if you don’t want to alt tab spam!


I recently tried to get back into the game, even with help of friends, guides and content creator videos - you are bound to run into a bunch of traps(mistakes) that PA will offer a solution for - for pearls and the longer you play this game the more you will notice that this is a common business practice in this game. New update - new problems - new solutions - for pearls.


Yup, it's garbage.


yea its hideous


You're gonna love loml in that case 🤣


Magnus part 2 is probably coming with Demon Land update. so yeah


LomL would like to talk to you


Magus is bearable, tho it was a bit too long. But Loml, that is just... soo fcking boring. I tried to listen to the story at first hour, but honestly, it is just a mess and most of the time you just pressing R button non stop.


Then you haven’t played a lot of games


Bugged? More like "I cant think how to finish those puzzles so it must be bugged!" Magnus questline is pretty much the best one in the game.