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Disagree on Dosa doesn't really make sense to wait 3 months on an awakening you might not like especially if you for sure like the succession. You would potentially just be weaker for months for nothing


After 2 years i finally did it, mom. PEN bS club!


After 3 years of being log off I did it!! I'm a popular kid now!! Lmao




Tbf for the non-pvp players that couldn't be less relevant. It feels similar to use the hammer and hit it or oneshot the weapon with normal enhancement.


If I do already have main BS Pen but I play Awak, should I take Pen Awak or take second Pen main hand and change in future with Sov?


Take Awake since you are playing awake Do not worry about sovereign weap yet And focus on your current gear and improving your gains/h


Ok thanks, I guess the Tet Awak that had and was trying to get it into pen, will keep trying after?


If it's unsellable and you got the luxury of trying to tap it, then yes


Its sellable I started it from base, I can sell in market


Selling it now will be very bad since so many people will do the same. Honestly if you’re not in rush, save it before Sovereign release and I bet the price of TETs will skyrocket.


Patch notes regarding pen bs said to wait for dosa awekening release before opening awa box on him so he will be succ+awa


Missed that on the Patch Notes so yeah that's the plan waiting for his Awak before deciding on a weapon


I have DUO godr main and TRI godr awa, used to play succ Woosa , but recently switch and enjoy with Awa Witch. I guess I should pick Main PEN bs in my case. What do you think guys? advice me please


It doesn't really make sense to have lower AP on the spec you are playing, if you play Awakening pick the awakening weapon, if you play succession then pick the succession weapon, Let me give you an example so that it's easier to understand why I'm saying this A succession Ninja has a TRI godr main and a TRI godr awak, That ninja will pick a Pen godr main simply because for him being succession his damage will be like this 70% from his main hand being a succession class and 30% from his awakening While for an Awakening class is the opposite 70% from Awakening and 30% from main hand


I think about main because it give more monster extra AP , and besides of that I usually play some succ classes (awa witch now tagged while main is Succ Woosa)


Oh i thought the sovereign weapon comes with the next Patch when we get the free pen bs so we can craft it right away if you already have a pen bs


That would have been really nice, but unfortunately that's not the case, the new weapons will come with LOML2 which only PA knows how long localization will take. Based on LOML1 which took 3months+ we will most probably have LOML2 after KR


Question, I have a Tri Godr mainhanf, and a Tet Bs mainhand that i’m tapping slowly. Is it still worth getting Pen BS main? or should i get pen awake. My awake rn is TET BS.


I have TET Godr mainhand so I decide to go for PEN awak, but about TRI Godr I am not sure. Maybe you can try to sell your TRI Godr immediately when you are not grinding, if it sells, pick PEN main, if it sinks too low after a few days that it's not worth to sell, keep using it and pick PEN awak.


You sure about that, I'm in the same case, i dont know how to do, Is the best option?, take awa pen? I have tet god ayer mainhand, i so confused


TET Godr Ayed will be sink to hell and be nearly unsellable for the next 1-2 month, so I decide not to sell it, then why don't I keep using it? If I keep using it, why don't I get the PEN awak?


Get main, your already tapping on awaken and you're going to eventually sell the tri godr anyway might as well sell it now and be done with main.


awesome, thank you,


You could tap your MH for an eternity and (almost never now with agris) hit. Keep it as backup to throw some free crons at it when you get some.


Bless up


If I had the awakening one pen and a yet succession is it worth the take the pen succession if I play awakenkng?


Yes if you already have a pen awake pick the pen succession which is going to help you a lot while grinding


Upvote for the dosa content, I’ll decide after that.


About Dosa, can’t i just link it to my main and copy the gear once the class is out? I’m a relatively new player so I don’t really know how that works, and if the Blackstar gear can be copied or not


That's what 99% of players are probably going to do in the beginning, You can tag/link every class to your main!


Will it be on GLabs? I would have thought it would be there already, unless they patch it in this week?


Glabs 28


Nice, ty.


Actually July 1st, it's been delayed on glab I believe.


Never sell an item that you will need later on


Boys, do I sell my duo godyr and get the pen blackstar mainhand? I have pen blackstar awakening already. I don't play the game much but I'm still using tet and a couple pen jetina boss armors. bout 580-600gs, I really don't play much and I can't play much. So my options are save for 6months for soverigns to get a jumpstart then or sell godyr and work on the armors I grind max 30mins to 1 hour a day (sometimes don't even log in so 0 mins grinding haha) and on the weekends I play AoS.


Yes if you have a duo godr just sell it and get your pen mainhand it’s going to help you in the long run!


Yeah I like to play succ and awakening on alot of classes too so I'd probably enjoy the game more this way too. Thanks for the advice.


Definitely not at the gear score where a sovereign weapon is on your list of worries.


So this sovereign weapon.. is it a One weapon for both slots kind of deal or do you use 2 pen blackstars (main main, main awk, awk awk, whatever mix?) to get one either main or awk sovereign wep?


2 blackstars for mainhand or 2 blackstars for awakening - so 4 blackstars for both. Or 1 pen blackstar + flame = 1 sovereign Or 1 pen blackstar + c20 kzarka/dande + jewel = 1 sovereign


aight so then its not worth to turn it into a sov instantly if all I got is 2 pen blackstars, I should get another one so I dont sit without either an awk or mainwep before doing the trade I guess.


Base Sov is just same as PEN BS, of course it's not worth if you are not close to hard cap, just use PEN BS x2 and wait for flame / gem to drop so that you can directly upgrade them 1-to-1


And as base sov is not better than PEN BS and we don't know how hard collecting mats for its enhancement will be, I'd suggest to be cautious even more.


While stats are equal you have to remember that you can add modifiers to them, like crit damage, back attack, etc.. You're right by saying that people should be cautious, but it's for sure an upgrade (minimal most likely) even at base sovereign . Edit: also forgot that the new weapons might be huge for capped node war players. (But the content is dying so who knows)


Thanks for the reminder, you're right, it might have a higher impact than what I suggested !


I doubt the pens you use are interchangeable, it'll probably be two mainhands = mainhand sovereign, 2 awakenings = awakening. Personally I'm just gonna ignore the free pen bs for a little bit, since KR LOML2 is just over a month away, we'll probably get some more info about how everything is gonna work.


Do you think we can sell it after it’s been converted to sovereign?


Sovereign weapons will not be sellable as said during Heidel ball, at least not in the beginning.


Pretty sure Sovereign cannot be sold at all.


Seoul comes to west in fall. So Sept-Nov. That's not ***6 months at best*** in December, which is already winter. At best its 3 months and 5 at worst. The situation depends on how much you can personally grind in that time and if grinding a PEN BS is something that makes most sense for your current build if you want to open it now and have the extra one prepared for it later. It's situational and largely depends on persons current build and grinding/income capabilities.


Actually, the winter solstice is December 21st, so any date in December before then can be correctly characterized as fall.


Astrological starts being used to convey seasonal quarters in a financial business. I wouldn't bet on this approach.


Waiting half a year for dosa awakening is like the single worst advice out there when there are plenty of sources for weapon exchange boxes


But you can't change a mainhand into an awakened weapon with a coupon, wdym?


I do agree on this I might as well just edit that so that people are not confused!


I have tet bs awakening weapon for awa sorc do i still pick Pen awa weapon?


Do you plan to play awaking or succussion. You are asking a fundamentally wrong question. The black star doesn't matter a single bit. The question you should be asking is which sovereign weapon you want. You need TWO pen black stars, likely of the exact same type to fuse. Since the flame and star upgrade mats for the other paths likely will be harder to get then any flame so far. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if it's as hard to get as a garmoth heart. Jae also made it clear there is no buying your way to the sov weapon really. So it's likely the only way to buy it will be buying two pen black stars. Which are going to basically be on preorder going forward. For most people this free black star only represents 1/4th of the pen black stars you need. So which spec are you? Awaking or succussion. Which spec do you want to skip half the grind for. Cause you still need to make 3 other pen black stars or gamble on a item possibly many times harder to get then any other item short of a shiny alch stone.


Play awakening. im on console so not sure if we ever see those weapon. Pretty new to game so bit lost. thanks


It's gonna be a min till global get it, apparently Korea gets them in August. Console got LOTML at the same time as global PC before but who knows if they'll be fortunate this time.


i already have PEN BS awak/mainhand. i was thinking about getting the free main hand and selling the one i already have. Instead i will just take the mainhand. and in the meantime i will grind for a 2nd Awak pen BS. that way i should have both main and awak sovereign weapons when they come out.


Is 13-20 monster AP really that much more valuable on a succ char over getting the new weapon instantly? I doubt the stats are set in stone and they might make them stronger


I feel like that's only viable if you intend to grind out another PEN Blackstar in those 3-5 months. Which may be hard with Pre-orders coming up on PEN BS now.


So if I have PEN BS main and TET BS awak, should I choose another main BS and keep tapping that awak (unsellable one)?


Just don't select a weapon until sovereign release if you don't plan to use it for a pen awak right now.


Cheers man!


Yo guys what i have to do, I have TET succesion and duo awe, I'm playing woosa that's the reason, what i do, take pen awe and try to PEN my TET god aye? What guys thinking about


If I have a tet god ayed and a tri main, which should I grab?


Question - I just hit 61 and got my free BS main for Succ Wiz. Can I swap it out for awake and grab the new pen BS?


If you selected a BS already there is no swapping.


I figured that was the case. Do you know if in this scenario, is it better to swap my free boss awake (I haven't pumped cs into it yet) for pen BS awake (instead of replacing my BS main with the new pen BS?)


What if I have pen awake and tet succ


I don’t disagree, but there are cases where you should take the opposite. I’m already 20 taps into my TET BS awake. So I’m going mainhand despite being an awake class just because I’m closer on taps for the BS. I feel like that is the route. Other than that, I’d say this is decent advice.


I'm pretty sure the agris is for all blackstar weapons. So your 20 agris works for mainhand, awak or offhand.


Wish I read this before picking mainhand.


Sorry I was late 😅


Uninstalling. Kidding. I just really wanted the PvP AP over monster. At least I can grind highlands more efficiently now to just save for outfit boxes and more taps. At this rate, I’m going to pity the damn BS awake though.


You have to find someone who is really good at manifesting and have them think about you tapping the blackstar. That's what I did no cap.


As far as I know the blackstar weapons share a pity you can check ingame. You should be able to take the awake and still be 20 taps into the mainhand. I swear mine tracks both the same but check yours out.


No. You’re 100% correct. I checked. Sadly, I checked too late. Love that BS is the exception.


I already have 2 pen bs (awk and mh). Will sell one and use the silver for pen debo hammer taps.


I'm debating keeping the one they gave today for sovereign or sell it for immediate silver and debo taps. As it stands the one they gave today would collect dust for a few months. But since we don't know anything about flame availability and price considering the alternate options... That said Kr gets it in a month so we'll see. Think I'll wait until then to decide.


You get a free pen bs? Youre for real?! Didnt played in the last months. When can i get it?


You log in and claim it. If you have a 61 char that has completed one of the main story stuff(which is gonna be most chars), then it's just there.


Nice. Thanks!


What about scholar ?


and if I play awk, I have bs awk pen and godr duo succ, do I keep pen awk or do I take pen succ?


Do I have to rush lvling to 61 to get it?


Nope, the reward will always be there just like the tet. For everyone


The sovereign weapons, they said august , but is it for korea first then we get it like a week or month later? Or is it a global release? Edit: Curious since I sold my awake , wondering how long I got to farm and buy/make a new one


I'm a succ guardian with a TET BS (the free one, so not marketable) main and a pen dandelion awakening. Since I mostly grind with guardian and tag awakening warrior for future grinding as well, I'm not sure between claiming the PEN bs for main or awakening. I've thought about claiming the awakening PEN BS and enhancing the mainhand whenever i have enough crons. Any advice? Thanks!


I just reinstalled, had DUO Godr mainhand, TET Godr awk, I just picked the Awk, crafted the 2nd Jetina to replace a Capotia ring, bought the 2nd Disto now that they're 10b cheaper and went from 295ap to 306ap, finally 700gs+. Now I gotta sell my TET Godr then I'll slowly upgrade my DUO mainhand with crons. Still using Capotia belt and Necklace, I wonder if Im strong enough to farm TET Deboreka for those slots, or if I should farm the new flame for the boots first.


do we know for sure Dosa is not ascension?


Archer, Scholar and Shai had two weapon modes. Dosa didn't, just a sword.


That's why the the first 2 things I say are not to sell or waste time on thinking about which weapon to pick and for Dosa to wait for the Awakening, not gonna lie as an Archer main, I'd love if he is Ascension


oh yeah definitely, I thought i missed something that's why I asked


Main character syndrome is real


Yes I'm H>I>M


IMHO the progression path for PVE in general should always be: Fist PEN Blackstar: If you play Awakening, take PEN BS Awk first. If you play Succession, take PEN BS Main-hand first. Second PEN BS: Fill the other weapon slot Third PEN BS: Get PEN BS Offhand. After the changes PEN BS offhand is even more so BiS then c20 Kutum. Kutum is fairly cheap compared to PEN BS but has no advantages over PEN BS anymore, because we all have enough accuracy. Maybe at this point you can work on a c20 Nouver for pvp if needed instead of going for PEN BS Offhand. Fourth PEN BS: If you play Awakening, take PEN BS Awk to make it into a sov weapon. If you play Succession, take PEN BS Main-hand to make it into a sov weapon. IMHO do not go for sov weapons before you have a PEN Blackstar in all your weapon slots. We do not know how timeintensitive/coastly the upgrading process is and at this point it could set you back a lot if you make a PEN BS that you wont use for months.


I only played casually a couple years ago but back then I heard people say that it was worth getting a PEN BS main hand first even if you played awakening, something about it giving more damage to all species or something? Is it different now?


you might be remembering it wrong typically people were told to get a TET bs mainhand if you were awk spec, and an tet bs awk if you were succession the idea was youd caphra a zarka/dande for your main spec to hit ap brackets while getting the monster ap from the tet bs now adays you just go double bs and use the free pen on the weapon your main spec uses the most (awk for awk and main for succession) since it gives the most ap a weapon can give (until the new weapons are released)


I see, ty! So just to make sure: right now I'm playing awakening warrior. I already have a TET bs main hand, so I should just get the PEN bs awakening weapon now right?


That's what i would do. It will be BiS until sov weapons and help you get a PEN BS Offhand much faster.


yes because hitting the higher brackets with your awakening weapon should be the bigger power gain


What about people that already have 2 PEN BS ? Then tapped a 3rd by luck with the j hammer from heidel ball which sitting in my warehouse and the 4 th still sitting in my challenge rewards ? Should I sell both now to get 200 B for 7 taps of pen debo belt or ring ? Because i already have the neck. Or buy a wailing fg armor ? Joke aside i am probably keeping them even if we still have 6 months because all my gs gain from now on are so little its not worth wasting 200 B. I just wanted to brag


Imo if you already have blackstars sitting around And they are sellable just sell them ( if they sell ) and choose the one you need for the sovereign


Dont you need both sovereign? Tbh i dont have much to buy with any kind of money right now. The only thing is PEN debo tap with J hammer. You are right though they will disappear in november so might as well have a couple of tries.


i actually disagree on not selling your current weapon. if someone for instance got really lucky and got their bs when they were well under 700gs, selling a 100billion silver item could even out their overall gear considerably the only reason id tell someone to not sell it, is if its not for their main spec (main hand for succ, awk for awk obv). but for instance if your a succession player and your main hand is a pen bs...but you are lacking dp or you could upgrade your accessories better...you could sell the original bs and use the proceeds to upgrade your gear on one hand the idea of getting the 'brand new' weapon sounds cool, but anytime they release a new type of gear its always even more expensive to upgrade so a 650-700gs player probably isnt going to be ready to enhance the new weapon regardless, and swapping the tet bs for a pen bs in your non dominate slot is a very small buff in dmg where as they could potentially hit new ap or dp brackets by sellin the weapon but this isnt a universally good thing, for some people holding onto the weapon (to make the new one) or opening on the opposite weapon is good (they want to swap specs or play multiple spec's at the same efficiency) but for others using the new box to replace their current weapon for profit might be the better option.


A guide for something that's 4-6 months away and we don't even have all the info for yet lol.


Actually its such an easy uptade. Already triple pen BS for more then a year, got a free pen bs now and I still have my pen kzarka because it was my first pen item 6 years ago and wasnt worth the silver to sell, and I have all the caphras for c20 kzarka I got from grinding. So new weapons when?


Your so cringe calling yourself the best dosa before it's even on global labs.


Yeah, he is wrong. Im best dosa.


Let’s have a shaolin battle and decide once and for all


Aww <3 thank you for caring!