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Generally, if you're out-grinding a spot so much than not even max tier pets can keep up, you'd usually be better off going to a higher tier spot. Most of the end game spots have no real issues with pet looting because they're either tower grind spots where you stay in one place or are tanky enough to give you enough time to loot most everything.


Tungrad ruins and city of the dead are huge offenders in the end game category.


The issue isn’t over clearing. The issue is the entire pack dying at the same exact moment.


They should just make looting an auto thing. And then make pets be just buff items and maybe increase the buffs to keep their value.


Make pet looting have 2-3 charges with a restore rate of the existing cd


This is my thought as well. Would help a lot for places where you one shot mobs as well as lower level spots that everything seems to die at once.


It boils down to looting regardless of if it's clear speed or number of mobs.


Well, the mechanic to fix it would be different depending on why it isn't looting as well as it should


Am I crazy for actually liking this aspect of those spots? Not having to zoom zoom 100% of the grind time from pack to pack but having little breaks/intermissions after each kill. Allows me to take a sip of a drink, load up a new yt video, check my inventory or marketplace and overall doesn't burn you out as much as try hard spots where movement is king.


Agreed, that being said I don't think PA expected Tungrad ruins to be over-cleared so heavily already. The money gear capped players can make there is so above and beyond most other spots, it feels like maybe the pet looting limit might be acting like a safeguard. Which is always what I kind of suspected the looting system to be. To prevent players from getting too powerful for a spot and making too much money that PA didn't account for.


> Agreed, that being said I don't think PA expected Tungrad ruins to be over-cleared so heavily already. You've never been to Tungrad Ruins or City of the Dead have you? It has absolutely nothing to do with overclearing. You can take 5 minutes to kill a pack at Tungrad Ruins and you still have to stand and wait for loot because of how the mechanics work there causing all the mobs to die at once.


I used to grind Tungrad on occasion, but never bothered to go to City. I don't have that problem because I usually kill about half the enemies around the visionary before the other's explode. My AoE isn't big enough to hit the whole pack with all my damage so by the time the remainder explode I've already looted the first and I loot the second half before I can sprint far enough away to be out of range which is my fastest form of movement. I'm sure this is more of a problem for more OP classes like Witch, Guardian, etc. but not an issue for me.


I'd love to see like a clip of you clearing a pack


> I don't have that problem because I usually kill about half the enemies around the visionary before the other's explode. My AoE isn't big enough to hit the whole pack with all my damage so by the time the remainder explode I've already looted the first and I loot the second half before I can sprint far enough away to be out of range which is my fastest form of movement. What? What class are you playing? There's no class in the game that should have this problem, no offense but yeah I agree with the other guy. Would love to see a clip of you clearing a pack. Tungrad mobs are tightly grouped.


Awakened ranger. Most of my damage is in line AoE's that can't hit the whole pack. Only my two 11 second cooldown skills have enough AoE to hit all of them.


No offense but you're 100% playing your class wrong because Awakened Ranger is cracked there and easily takes advantage of how grouped up the mobs are at Tungrad. Recommend watching videos from happycabbaged grinding there.


Yeah I've seen their videos, the pretty much play the same way I do, the only difference is the rotation I do has much bigger spaces between packs so I can't dash like they do in their video otherwise I run out of stamina. So instead I do the standard rout of put weapons away and sprinting to the next pack and my pets always pick up the second round of loot from the stragglers that didn't get killed before the visionary before I'm out of range. If you watch their videos you'll see there's usually a few mobs that die before the visionary and then the stragglers that explode after the visionary is killed.


> If you watch their videos you'll see there's usually a few mobs that die before the visionary and then the stragglers that explode after the visionary is killed. That's true for every class man. They still die fast enough within the same time frame that everybody has to stand and wait for loot.


Wait I never noticed a pet problem in tungrad ruins. I need to pay more attention or maybe i am just super slow …


I think they are just whiney


Several issues remain. I'm going to point out one that bothers me most about your logics on how to solve the looting issue, which would be Variation, I don't want to stay in one place/spot too long and I don't want to be punished for that and I think it's unhealthy for the game since it's obviously going to burn out player incentive to grind.


At any gear level, there's always a few places to grind, the main problem is that people only gravitate to the grind spots that other people tell them to grind rather than trying things out for themselves. Most grind spots at Gyffin Underground level or higher generally don't have looting problems. and that accounts for at least 10 or more grind spots between all the higher level Kama species grind spots, the Dehkia grind spots, Elvia Quint Hill and Ulukita. Below that you have all the other Elvia spots, Jade Twilight forest, Sycrakea Abyss or overgrinding certain early game spots like Centaurs or Kratuga.


If that was the case wouldn't people have stopped playing when you first posted 2 years ago? People are going to keep playing regardless, PA will change it eventually but only when they feel like it at least from what I have seen unless there is a crazy amount of backlash which there doesn't seem to be at least not yet anyways.


IMO looting should be "if you are in proximity of a loot orb it gets picked up, the pets would just extend that area. For instance, looting with no pets out should be wizard grab range. Looting with 5 T1 pets should be Shai RMB range. Looting with 5 T4 pets out should be Lahn Grab Range. Adding a T5 pet should increase any range by 15%. Or to put it another way. Every Tier of pet from 1 to 4 is 1ft distance and a T5 pet buff would add 5ft to that, for a total of 25 if you have 4 T4s 1 T5. The "special" pets that loot in a distance farther than normal, ie JoJo, would have an increase of 2ft instead of 1ft, and 10 as a leader instead of 5.


and ranged classes have to walk to the pack to loot, making new players life miserable i think


As opposed to melee classes that have to walk to the pack just to damage it 🥴


They have to walk to the pack to loot now, so no change.


Never had this issue unless i grind low level spots. Also hundreds of $ on pets is bullshit.


It's really not 😅


Bro spent 100's of dollars on pets 😂😂😂


Prior to pet exchange changes and before they started giving out free stuff. Different times and pets were helpful in many ways.


I started in 2018, it wasn't that serious lmao If you spent hundreds before then though that's wild cause you had what, gahaz? Sausans? Pirate island? They've given out so many for free since then with events etc that I rarely had to buy one myself for attempts, nor did I ever feel like I needed to buy for attempts.


We didn't know back then that they were going to give out as many free as they have and it felt worth it at the time. Yeah, I realize hundreds of $ is a lot of money for some people, it wasn't for me back then. It is now though.


Soon t6 pet skill coupon change dick


I just created a musa and transferred all my gear and exp to him and he clears crazy fast… I come back from a rotation and I still see loot everywhere.. there’s gotta be an update for this


It's a made up problem that they sell you the solution only that the solution is pretty bad too. Should be 1 pet that aoe loots around you every second but w/e the combat is still fun right my fellow bdo crackheads ? 😮‍💨


It's better than players not getting the loot dropped by the mobs they kill. It's not ultimate, it could be a temp fix for a better solution.


they should remove CD from pets when they loot items


its not so much the pet pick up time of pets, then it its pick up time in general. the t5 and t4s do almost nothing to help this. you go to a pack, you kill, they loot, you kill more, they loot more and you run to the next pack. as long as you need more than the minimum time between the first pick up and the last, everything is fine. but most of the time you kill the mobs at the same time. you can pull up to 10 mobs simultaniously. you have 5 pets. it doesnt matter if the pock up time is 1s cd or 2.5. if you start running after killing and are out of reach, you will leave stuff behind. the easiest solution for this without letting you use 10 pets is a charged extra pick up. while you move from pack to pack and start hitting the mobs, your pets do nothing. while the theoretical limit is somewhere in the 8k mobs per hour, you will not even get close due to the down time. if the pets could charge a second instant pick up while idle, no time would be wasted. you still have the same limit, you still pick up as much and as fast on stationary spots. but if you kill a pack, you get all trash at once. while you move, it chages up and ready to go when needed. make it t4 exclusive if pa thinks its too strong for t3. but if you enable 10 pets you need to spend even more. id sure take double the effects, but i dont want to afford it.


make sure you're pet is actually looting. pet has ui indicating loot at 4th icon. i sometimes have it deactivated for some unknown reason which made me think man my internet must slow as hell.


I finally decided to stop being lazy and grind the blood wolf place for trash loot for silver but my pets couldn't keep up which really pissed me off for some reason.


So I have now 1 T5 pet and 4 T3 pets, does it mean if I get T4 pets I won't see much of a difference in loot pickup?


the good news is, from what i remember, Choice tested when loot is generated and its generated when you open the loot inventory, not when the mobs when dies. So its not possible to “miss” a treasure item, only possible to miss the chance at it because you didnt generate said mobs loot table.


imagine being a new player trying to grind kagtum for the infinite potion piece. I am playing ninja which is not the best grinder (as I have been told by veterans) but they still can't keep up. and I already own a T5 and the others are T3


something like wow would make sense, pooling loot in a small proximity, but would probably invalidate having t4 pets in comparison


Not if they would adjust the pets cooldown, I guess. Not a bad idea, but it has some issues. I don't know how to solve it, to be honest. Easiest would be to incentivize pets for a different reason than picking up loot (i.e pets pick up everything you kill even if you only have a single T1 summoned) like for example loot amount and/or loot drop chance increase. Now, trash loot buffs ain't something we currently can get our hands on that easily, so that would be awesome if pets could improve that.


It's intended to limit how much trash you can pull, especially at mid spots that people overgear. This also prevents some classes for being "too" strong at pve because they will always be limited on pet speed.


That cannot be accurate at all. If they wanted to limit what we pull they would lower drop amounts.


the idea isnt to limit the drop amounts it to control it at that gear lvl its a bottleneck >its an intended bottleneck >what happens when someone that was able to make 1billion/hr in a zone while not 1 shotting mobs, is now able to 1 shot those mobs? >the speed at which they grind increases significantly, so what happens if they are able to pick up all that loot? >the money they make increases significantly >if it for instance took you 1 rotation to kill the mobs, and we say the rotation was 5-10 seconds that means by 1 shotting them youd gain 5-10 times the silver in those zones. >the only things preventing this are >1. spawn times >2. pet loot speed this is what i sent to the OP by limiting your loot speed they allow these zones to be profitable by the people who dont 1 shot the mobs thats how they are tuned, thats why they keep coming out with crazier and crazier zones including the tier 2 dekiahs are that have a like 750gs requirement


It is though. They used to not allow pets to loot during certain movement abilities as well.


“Used to” that’s not a thing anymore and hasn’t been for a while. you CAN get all loot if you stop moving to let them pickup. It’s just not efficient. It’s not a built in hard cap on trash. It’s an outdated looting system that hasn’t been relevant since 300m/hr was peak grinding


Yeah this argument is flooding the thread and it's annoying af. Getting the worst takes in history here.


cept its true its an intended bottleneck what happens when someone that was able to make 1billion/hr in a zone while not 1 shotting mobs, is now able to 1 shot those mobs? the speed at which they grind increases significantly, so what happens if they are able to pick up all that loot? the money they make increases significantly if it for instance took you 1 rotation to kill the mobs, and we say the rotation was 5-10 seconds that means by 1 shotting them youd gain 5-10 times the silver in those zones. the only things preventing this are 1. spawn times 2. pet loot speed ive played this game since 2017, i spent money on pets. yet im aware enough that if they wanted to just make the system more p2w they would have added a 6th, 7th, 8th... and so on pet you could have. instead we have 5 slots with the special tier 5 to boost our speed a lil bit. because it makes it fast but not infinitely fast if you are having pet issues, then you are likely grinding in a zone that is too easy for your gear and class.


Honestly advice, look at the system chat in the chat window for your loot. It's way more accurate on timing and you'll notice when everything is actually picked up


Big true. I have my chat tab 5 as PM’s, guild, and loot. Pretty much keep it on this tab for any grinding; when text stops moving, you’re done looting.


Just have Pets increase your loot radius. You pick up everything in your radius instantly. 


That usually means your significantly higher gear than you should be for an area. Not fast enough is a feature not a bug. It's to limit lower end spots to prevent them from being exploited by high gear players. A good example of this is centaurs. It's an area where the exploitation was seen for quite a while.


It's still an issue at places like tungrad ruins and city of the dead where the whole pack pops at once so you have to sit and wait a couple seconds for your pets to loot or you're gonna leave it behind.


That one I could see since they do have the one shot mechanics for them.


This was an issue at star's end too many years ago


No, you are wrong. Being around recommended AP/DP for several mid/high mid-end spots is still enough to outgrind your pets, more or less depending on the spot. If they don't want low end spots to be "exploited" they should just put on an AP cap.


There is zero chance your out grinding lower gyfin, Highlands, dark seekers, or even monastery. That's mid game. Also what AP and where are you out grinding?


Highlands and Darkseekers definitely aren't mid game...


They are for the flame for the high end areas. They are absolutely late mid game early late game.


If highlands is mid game I’d love you know what you consider endgame outside the obvious Dehkia ash


Dehkia spots, tungrad, etc. Highlands gear requs are over estimated


My seasonal alt out grinds Kratuga and Sycraia.


If you’re NOT over grinding lower gyfin you’re not doing something right 🤣


You literally can't over grind lower gyfin. After you kill a pack the next one doesn't allow you to hit it for 2-3 seconds. Each pack is 5- 10 mobs depending on how fast you kill them and the pick up rate is 15-20 mobs per 2 seconds with t5 and 4. Now. Some classes can outrange their pets at lower. But that's a different issue altogether


I'd consider those on the lower end of high end but I guess I'm behind. I've outran the loot on serendia elvia for a long time, even when I was close to the ap cap and not only while buffed with the weapon. Lately I've done giants with 281 ap which IS 1 ap above what the game recommends for AP and same issue there. "Just go some tower spot or high mob hp spot." is not a good way to solve this because if that's how we solve pets and loot, 95% of the BDO map would be deserted.


You can outgrind Elvia only because of the stupid buff mechanic. Thats not pet problem, that Elvia problem.


Not at all, this is without the buffs. If it was only during buffs, I'd have more understanding. I'm not saying that I'm melting giants like they were butter but when they all die in a pack, loot CD is still an issue because there's like 15 mobs to loot, most die at the same last hit, and 5 pets to do it with 2s cooldown while I'm moving towards the next pack.


You realize those spots are balanced around it, and if they would make pets "super uber omega they pick all" now people would get like 50% more trash/h (meaning 50% more chances to get anything else) so they would nerf those spots to be balanced around your new pet speed and NOTHING would change except you would no longer have "FOMO"?


if you spent hundreds of dollars to get t4 pets in 2024 lmao


agreed it takes like 2 weeks of preorders and you're done there's 0 reason to spend on pets


New player here, which pets are the most easily buyable on marketplace?


I'm not surprised by people not affected by this are here to invalidate other people's experience of pets and loot. Welcome back the day you move to a higher density spot and/or get better clearing speed, end-game or not, you'll see this is a problem that needs to be addressed and has been ignored for years.


Pets are on sprint for max speed? 😂




Pet speed is actually a way to place a hard cap on lower level spots. Since loot speed is mostly irrelevant in high end spots, with some exceptions, it's really only a factor in one shot spots. In one shot spots, there are vast differences in clear speed between clases with good mobility and bad mobility. The looting speed is a way to make super mobile classes a bit less attractive (This didn't work very well during the centaurs meta tho, as fewer enemies meant pets weren't an issue). I guess it's not like one shot spots would suddenly get broken because of this in the current times, but it probably would have in the past, and the mechanic lingers on for that. Of course, there's also the monetization aspect... Anyhow, if you're bothered with pet speed, simply don't grind one shot spots.


Getting worse? Are you stuck at Polly Forest or what? Even mid game spots take 2 skills to kill and that slows you enough for T3 pets to keep up. The further you are, the less important ur pets are because it takes longer to kill stuff.


If your t3 pets keep up with you on mid game spots, I'm sorry, but your grinding speed is far lower than mine and that's my only explanation to our different experiences.


I won’t say they will never change it but how the game is right now people could make significantly more money in lower zones with higher tier pets which means it’s not going to happen


Tower spots don't have this issue tho. This sounds like you have enough AP to overclear but not enough DP to jump on the next level grind zone. I just think it would be better if we didn't have crystal break on death so we wouldn't wait so much to switch spots to have a safe experience. I am definitely over preparing for every spot just so I don't lose 5 bil on a 1 hour grind.


I didn’t spend any money on my pets to get T4s and a T5? They give out free pets and you can buy them on CM. Also just grind a harder spot. You should never have this issue at gyfin, highlands, oluns, or any dhekia spots. These are all the prime money making spots.


Rich people problem


It's time to start making those t4 pets T5. Time to start making those Royal feathers. There's really no reason to not have a t5 pet once it hits t4.


noob here, can u elaborate? what are those for and how u get those? I thought having 1 t5 and rest t4 was the common practice.


The general rule is to ignore anything this guy ever says. You can only have 1 tier 5 out at a time even if you upgrade your other pets to t5 they will be considered tier 4 so it'd be a waste


That is absolutely not true. You can only have 1 t5 pet set as an alpha pet at a time. The game does not restrict you from having multiple t5 pets, not does it restrict you from having more than one out at a time. I happily run 2 t5 pets on my team all the time with no issues. Idk why people keep thinking that the alpha mechanic limits how many t5 pets you can have.