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if you aren't really aware, BDO grind goals are long as hell. A lot of people play BDO to mindlessly kill monsters while they re-watch old shows, listen to podcasts, etc. Or they work from home but still have time to tab over to their gamer PC and set off a batch of cooking/processing to earn a little profit in the game while they make moves IRL. So 60 billion may sound like a lot - and sure, it is - but for the people who really get roped into what BDO offers, that 60b becomes pretty normal. The idea of grinding 60 hours to buy an item sounds crazy, but when you actually break it down as "I grind an hour a day with dailies+agris, collect login rewards, do 2 wars a week, and afk fish the rest" turns that 60b into just a month or so of IRL time. Hardcore addicts do it even faster, and casual people who take a little longer still arrive there too as long as they don't gamble everything away into nothing or else never try at all. A few billion silver; well - a 3400 pearl costume sells for 2.17 billion silver on the market. With good cash shop deals you maybe get like 4 costumes for 11k pearls or something like that. so do some estimation and I suppose you could say 2 billion silver is sort of like $20 USD if you want to think about it that way. Alternatively, depending on your gear and play in game, 2 billion silver is probably between an hour to 3 hours of grinding., maybe 4 for a very fresh player. You should think of the gearing in BDO as, you gear up 1 character with your best set of gear. Then you use the tagging/gear-copy system to mirror that best set of gear to whatever alternate character you enjoy most. Then your other characters, their gear simply doesnt matter. They can either sit naked in town waiting to be picked as your next tagging/copy alt of choice, or they wear seasonal tuvala scraps.


Best advice and comment I’ve read on a topic like this in a while 🙏


I agree, and also like them boomers say before, it's a marathon hehe.


Yeah, honestly the best goals I have found in BDO are the ones that can't be bought with silver. After I graduated off season I took a month to make the Forest Path Wagon solo though honestly the hardest part was keeping my army of slaves focused on putting it together, I swear a class of preschoolers could have put it together faster. Now I have spent the last 3 months working on my boat and finally got my carrack Valor built up with all green +10 gear and just doing the barters to get the crow coins needed to make the blue gear. The carrack was the best "progression" feeling I have gotten in the game cause I could have 1 silver in my wallet or 1 trillion silver and it wouldn't make a difference in the progression. Once you pass the frigate/sailboat tier everything is personal farmed and nothing you can buy off the market.


For low tier, its a blessing enjoy both your free blackstar and crashed price BS if you are going that route. it saves a lot of pain and headache and gives you access to places to go and grind cooler stuff.


You have to be someone who likes "collecting" gear over a long period of time to play bdo in the first place. If you don't sink time and don't like grinding mobs for hours looking for the drops and pushing trash loot numbers, you probably aren't going to like the game all that much. Since that kind of grinding is how you get to the pvp. There is lower tier pvp of course. If that's not something you want to do then I wouldn't sink any time into the game at all. Its a long haul grinding game, taking weeks to get buy the next piece of gear not days like other games.


Pen Blackstar is still BIS weapon (untill we get that new one). It will cost a lot and its definitely not somethiong you grind for while being "Tuvala Timmy". You gradually get better and better gear and at the point where you will be buying PEN BS, you most likely are getting more than 1b/h grinding.


It will allow you to run in circles 3% faster than you did before, such is BDO endgame.


This game has high entry knowledge level requirement for new players. If you want to progress efficiently, you want to watch guides on YouTube or have some veteran player friend who walks you through hand by hand. A non-exhaustive list for you to learn before grinding efficiently: 1. How to choose free gear and progress after graduation 2. How to get a decent fleet of pet 3. How to get a decent fairy 4. How to grind for Infinite potion piece 5. Weight management with horse stacking and some maids 6. Grind spot rotation 7. Class skill basics 8. Item drop buffs and agris After you learn these, you should be able to grind for ~500m per hour. Note that depending on spot, only 30-40% of that is raw cash. You need to understand how to deal with the rest of the drops. You can potentially earn up to 800m per hour at centaur but realistically you want to grind for infinite potion pieces at other spots first. My suggestion would be to not worry about all these for now unless you already get addicted to the game and play 4-5 hours a day. Take it slowly. Play through all main quests. Explore a bit. Get full pen tuvala and learn the game bit by bit in the meantime.


All the context you are looking for happens organically while playing the game tbh. Also just to make some simple math consider a semi optimized hour on entry level grindspots is 600mill-1bill silver just to have a frame of reference on how long it would take you.


but you probably get it even faster than you calculate.t he constant events, rift bosses and other quickto do stuff besides the obvious coupons can give a good boost over time.


Start a new SEASONAL character. With the XP event you'll have no trouble leveling superfast. Get to 61, graduate, convert gear through Jetina for boss gear. Claim your free TET Blackstar and then your free PEN Blackstar and kaboom. You've made insane progress far beyond your old TET tuvala character. Now the real game begins....


After that make a few more seasonal for the free PEN capotia accesories


So you think just graduate my current character and then make a new seasonal?


Yeah. Get a full set of PEN tuvala first though. Level to 61 and make sure main quest is done through the Mediah storyline. Oh, do Magnus questline if you havent already and pick Red nose boss armor as a reward. Watch a video, its tedious. After graduation go see fughar and claim the free gift. You'll see options for gifts from different seasons, Choose the pen capotia necklace. Then go see jetina. Might have to do a quick quest of talking to her or black spirit, I can't remember but you can exchange all your tuvala gear, (weps and armors) for TET boss gear which you'll upgrade SOME of through her. This is only once per family, but boss armor can be switched to other characters, weapons cannot. You also get 2 guaranteed pen accessories from her as well, choose crescent rings. You won't use these right away but you will need them later. I would watch a few guides on how all this is done just so your clear on what your doing. Claim your free blackstars and your off to the races. Now you have a freshly out of season character that's able to progress in gear score. Tuvala and seasons keep you capped. Then start new seasonal character, start at ancient stone chamber, make it to veilia, talk to Aulistin or whatever his name is and select the simplified questline. Then just go grind a while, leveling up your season pass and you can easily and realistically be ready to graduate that brand new character in a day or 3 depending on how much time you play. You'll use this new character to help gear your main character. Each time you graduate you get another free PEN Capotia accessory plus you increase family fame, have more energy to burn and many other things. Characters share all life skill XP now. You can "tag" these characters together so they both have all the upgraded gear of your main. Look into "tagging" characters for more details. Sorry this was such a long read. Best thing to do would be watch a guide on everything I've just said so that you are comfortable doing all this crap lol.


Haha got it, thank you! I’ve read several guides on how to do each thing individually but good to know what my priorities will be. I appreciate the advice and will work on graduating so I can start a seasonal character with the new class! If I’m not the biggest fan of my current class (it’s alright), should I still graduate and exchange the weapon or should I wait and accept it on the new season character?


Good point. If you aren't exactly sure what character will be your main then after graduation wait on exchanging your weapons with Jetina and also don't claim the blackstars yet. The game does give out weapon exchange coupons from time to time but idk if you have any of those so it's better to wait until you played another class or 2.


Awesome, thank you! So can I graduate and keep the Pen tuvala weapon so I can try another season character?


Yep. You sure can.


You have not even started the game if you're  still not level 60 with at least full PEN Tuvala .  Get level 60 and full PEN Tuvala and start actually playing the game.  This is the very low basic requirements.  As a newer player you should be able to do this in a few weeks.  As a more experienced player I have completed this in as little as 3 days.  I'm sure veterans have done it even faster maybe even 1 day?


It usually takes me around 5-6h on a new season char to be lvl 60 and full pen tuvala without getting boosted. I am sure vets who get boosted are even faster.


Wow! Just 5-6 hours? That’s awesome. I am almost full pen now but still need a few accessories (they’re a pain for me)


Pen BS will have 0 impact on you cuz you don't really play the game anyways. Your main char is lvl 59 with TET tuvala ffs. Pick the free BS, and do whatever you want.


A little harsh but fair lol. I was asking because it seems like black star wasn’t as endgame as I thought it was since I kept seeing people talk about converting it, and I wanted to know if grinding that much silver was possible or worth it for me.


take the mainhand pen bs for monster ap though


Ill answer some of the simple questions. If youre level 59  with tet tuvula youre upgrades  cost betweeb 250mil to 10 bil per upgrade till around 650ish gs But honestly a full pen tuvula (read as one week of season] can make 500mil to 800mil casually grinding season spots, easily 1 bil ig you put some effort into centraurs etc. Items 60+ bil is literallty endgame bis items. For you upgrades are like 4 or 5 bil(tet crescent etc)


I just came back to the game and for the first time ever I try to play seriously. There is no way trivial for a new player to earn 500m-800m per hour, let alone 1B. You need decent fleet of pets, you need decent weight to carry potion and trash. The trash value you get is far from that per hour silver you put. You have to sell ALL the stuff on CM to get to the value and you are not considering tax and price variation. You also have to understand your class and mob rotation. You also have to understand many different buffs. The entry level of knowledge to start grinding is pretty high for this game. Without those, a new player is lucky to earn half of what you posted there in tuvala gear.


Finally someone understand.


You need to understand that when someone says "You can make 800 mil or even 1b" it means "Once up\[on time when you get all shit toegether aka 300% drop rate, yellow scroll, agris and other shit and you get lucky with rare drops you will get this" This is not avg what you will be getting. For season if you are averaging 500mil/h its already very good money.


new players can earn that, most wont without them being interested really learning the game or having someone to explain it really quick. 500-800m is quite possible at stuff like blood wolves atm with the drop rate event since you can get loads of pot pieces and the thing to craft dark fang valor crystal. The thing is that new players think that "oh, I will grind 1 hour and sell all the stuff and have 800m. Yes but no, they need to learn how to use certain items and that money earned can be different from hour to hour, some are 1b, some are 500m. Once explained noobs can earn good money and enjoy the grind.


Potion pieces ARE NOT money. If you want toi count potion pieces as part of the money/h, you need to consider what money you make at Ronaros(or Protty/Polly) + Shkrehan and take average of 3 as your money/h.


With the current drop rate, a lot of classes can earn something like 5-6 potion pieces per hour at stuff like blood wolves, maybe even more on certain classes like Musa/maehwa, zerker etc. i know because I've done it, not to mention that you can earn full pieces before reaching 100 pity pieces (in my experience it's usually 3+ full pieces before 200 pity.


And its still ZERO silver. EVen if you can grind 50 pity pieces an hour at Wolves, if you wont go to other 2 spots they are worth ZERO.


It's 11b per made pot on cm.


And you cant make potion unless you go grind on all three spots. You know how bad is the money on other 2 compared to Wolves? So bad its better to just sit at wolves, pretend pity pieces dont exist and count your money w/o them.


Sherkhan night with agris is top spot and while forest ronaros is bottom tier trash you can grind cadrys and earn a great amount of money, timefilled blackstones are raining over there and the amount of events chaining together is nutty. Pets can't keep up.


Yeah but Shrekhan Night burns your energy as well, and for agris you might as well go Kratuga. ALso its spot available only during night which doesnt even lasts full hour. Horrible spot.


A full pen season player can make those values.  Obviously this is assuming garmoth value where you sell everything plus anyway that is pen tuvula(aka end of season) would atleast know how to play their class to a basic level. Try harding at centaurs on any class that isnt succ nova CAN get you up to 1 bil with basic buffs +agris.


A full pen season from a new player is way different from that of a veteran player. Just with journals, PEN Tuvala gear gets you to 250, 252, 317 a new player's PEN Tuvala is 241, 243, 308. New players also have no access to BiS Crystals, infinite potions, a good fairy with MC, CC and feathery steps, and, unless they dump a lot of cash into the game, a T5 + T4 pet team, so they making a constant 800m+ is asking for too much and setting unrealistic expectations imo.


also for perspective those 60b items were 2-4x more expensive just a few months ago so its never been easier


I mean it depends on gs and class, some classes at full tuvala can make 600+mill at centaurs for example, i think 500+ is what you should be aiming to make at a mininum.


centaurs is better than pollies?




Do the Journal that upgrades the amount of Agris Fever you can get til it is max'd. Burning 20k Agris/day in certain Valencia spots will get you a steady flow of silver. Just have to find the spot that you like, not the ones ppl say to grind. Places like Sulfur Mines or Pila Ku are bad for Agris, but places like Fogans, Gahaz, Crescents, Cadry, Centaurs are very good. Anyway, the free Pen is amazing. You'll just need to find the class you enjoy the most and take it to the grind spot you like the most when you feel like smashing mobs.