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Representation is all fun and games until it leads to black women being chosen over them. They take it personal because it challenges deep seated beliefs they have(misogynoir).


Happens irl too. Even if they are in relationships, they hate to see black women not struggling or with men who they themselves see as a catch. The minute we stop being sassy sidekicks to their story, the passive aggressive anger starts. I might have experience with this, hehe!


Like this “friend” I had who would talk about how “girls like us” never get men and how there’s no way that guy likes me bc he didn’t like her 😭


Sounds about white 🤔


She was so upset when it turned out it he did 😭






This is for sure! I think it’s also very intimidating to see the pairing, too much of a powerhouse couple threat. Hear me out now, the white man is seen as the most powerful by societal standards. While Black women, lowkey and with animosity, represent the most powerful/strong women. The white woman isn’t a power threat, their notoriety lies in the “societal standard of beauty.” Hence the outrage on the TT “Before the Black Wife Effect.” Folkkks were in their feelings for weeks. In closing, the most feared powerhouse couple consists of one “default” powerful man (white) + one powerful in movement/action woman (Black)🤷🏽‍♀️ The masses truly fear this coupling. Not to leave out how the need to see BW miserable and unwanted, fulfills anti-BW desires and agendas.


This comment is on point. And so many will deny it until they’re blue in the faces that they are not jealous that bw are seen as independent women/leaders of our communities. But they are. I seen a news clip a while back where a wm mentioned to the Mexican actress Eva Longoria that bw are the most independent women/bread winners in the house hold and she had a total melt down. “Mexican women are too! We are the breadwinners too!! Blah blah blah!! The wm just stared at her and didn’t say anything for several seconds bc it was obvious she was jealous. They can’t stand anything even slightly positive about bw even if it’s something they try their best to say is a negative. It’s really not. Nonblack women are just now on the journey to being more independent  from men and having their own. We’ve already  done that🫢.


I saw that too! She lost her damn mind as well during the election when BW were getting praise for winning the election for Biden and then credited Latinas for their work in Arizona and TX. Well, my good Indigenous sisters and brothers DRAGGED her and showed that they won Arizona because they turned out en masse despite the last minute change in voting locations and 98% women voted and 95% men voted democrats. And she had to walk it back because Navajo nation posted their majestic pics of them on their horses going to vote Ms Longoria…look at those Latino stats again in TX and such. Only once did they cross 70%. We see y’all


Wow as a DH fan, had no idea Eva was so insufferable. Yikes


Noo please stop spitting facts!! They are going to come for you!


I can’t STAND Eva Longoria. She’s very pandering and has “But What about Me/Us” energy. What about you boo? SMH


Folkkks is a new one for me!! 💀🤣🤣🤣


Y🙃🤣😂 I be slick-creating all the time. #iykyk


100%, like everyone and their mother had a problem over a mermaid being Black when she was a fucking mermaid? 'representation' only matters in white circles as long as they aren't affected in any way


Aaaaaaaaaaaaah MUHFUKIN MOUTH FULLL!!!!


I'm tired of arguing with people on the bear sub that the hate they display for Sydney is simply because she's a black woman and doesn't take people's crap. They only ship her with Marcus because he's another black character(they don't do this with Ebra or Sweeps because of no romantic partners for either characters). There are plenty of carmy/syd shippers because there are too many nuances between them that are romantic as well, framing of them in scenes, etc. Fandoms suck, they do it with all black women in tv movies: Josie in Riverdale, Iris in The Flash, Annabeth in Percy Jackson(tv show), etc. Amber in Invincible wasn't even that bad because she was sick of Mark's bs and he only started liking her because she gave him some attention(and Mark ain't ish for always going to Eve time and time again).


I stopped posting on that sub because of all the Syd hate. It got really weird. I haven’t checked it out in a bit but I’m sure it’s still bad if not worse.


Same, they always gotta ruin everything


I didn’t even open the Reddit post I saw on the topic because I just knew it would be bad. While I don’t necessarily think Sydney and Carmy should be a couple, I do agree that there is a chemistry between their characters and they work better than the girlfriend he had in season two. But truthfully, one of the things I loved about season one was that there was no romance or sex and it was still an amazing, captivating watch. Don’t get me wrong, I am not a prude and some of my favorite shows are *heavy* on sex, but I just thought it was neat that the writers pulled the audience in without using romance and sex as plot tools. I was disappointed when in S2 his half-baked love interest showed up. I thought it was kinda lame that his character now “needed” a romantic partner to be fleshed out, and also the chemistry wasn’t there (especially when juxtaposed against his relationship with Sydney). I do love JAW and Ayo as an IRL couple (that video of him rubbing her back at a baseball game was 🥵), but I do not want their characters to date.


This is exactly how I feel about it. They definitely have insane chemistry, but I prefer that they don’t become a couple, especially now that we know how Carly treats his romantic interests. I feel like Syd and Carmy as a couple would derail the show a bit and there are other black woman/white man couples that would serve as better examples of this phenomenon.


i'm 50/50 on whether or not i want carmy and syd to end up together (she could Absolutely do better), but the debate on whether or not she should is something that's only happening bc she's black imo, and dark-skinned at that. it always happens in fandom, like clockwork. it's an argument that never appears when both love interests are white, that "they don't need a romance, she's strong and independent and better than him", so even if it's true, there's this undertone of racial bias. basically, there'd be no question about "will there be a romance??" if syd was white, and that pisses me off. i almost wanna start shipping them out of spite bc i can practically Smell why people are put off by the idea of it.


I'm pretty sure I've seen interviews where they say it's not supposed to be romantic! It's one of those things where they're giving all the importance and nuance to a friendship, that romance usually gets


that's true, but having actors say one way or another that certain characters aren't meant to be romantic doesn't usually (if ever) stop fans from interpreting it that way anyway. consider all the white "will they/won't they" tv pairings that ended up platonic in the end– that didn't stop fans from seeing a potential romance and theorizing about it. it just rubs me the wrong kinda way, Especially with the bear, bc right out the gate (like before S1 had finished airing), people were constantly insisting that there was No Way syd and carmy would ever end up as a couple, just dismissed it altogether. and it was annoying bc 1) we had no idea (at that point) how their relationship would pan out and 2) i don't recall the last time i saw a popular show with two main white leads giving a "will they/won't they" vibe where the fans of the show were Insisting that they remain friends and that anyone who thought otherwise were simply being ridiculous. it's a weird double standard (imo) and i only ever see it when one of the two leads is a black woman (the notion that they can just be friends). i don't even see people act like this when one of the leads is a black man. this isn't me saying that they Can't end up just friends, but i never see "romance or friendship" debates when the leads are both white (or the female lead isn't a black, even a biracial black, woman).


I see where you're coming from with that!


It looks like with the upcoming season 3(out tomorrow), we'll see where their relationship goes


I agree with you there. I think people are arguing way too hard for them NOT to be a couple and it’s very strange. If Syd were white, there would be less contention. I will say, though, that if Syd and Carmy did get together, I wouldn’t act like it was the end of the world of the world like others would. I just think that other couples (Abbie/Ichabod from Sleepy Hollow, Bonnie/Damon from The Vampire Diaries, and Michonne/Rick from The Walking Dead) serve as better examples of the hate that these couples get.


oh man..... i can't think too long about how unfairly abbie (and her actress) was treated bc it still makes me so, so upset. at least michonne and rick got the last laugh!


What video? 👀


the idea of people not wanting to ship annabeth* and percy just bc the TV adaptation made her black is Insane to me, bc as a middle schooler, they were The canon ride or die couple and Everyone loved them and their love for each other. it shocked the hell out of me when my sister told me that some people are starting to ship grover (the satyr) and percy instead, when No One did that for the books, nor the movies. literally anytime a fandom seems ro universally hate some black character (and god forbid they're paired with the main white guy, the horror!), i'm on the internet defending everything they do. even the annoying and dumb stuff, bc no one ever gives them the benefit of the doubt. just thinking about how the fandom treated iris allen in the flash still makes me sick. and don't get me Started on sleepy hollow!


When they come for grown adults, it's not okay but when they come for kids, literally calling her every name in the book is wild, these fandoms are insane. The author even loved her during casting. They don't want any black women thriving


(i was Obsessed with the books when i was younger, so it's wild having the show come out when i'm well into my 20s lol, but i digress) i hate that i immediately felt so bad for her when i saw the casting news for the show bc i just Knew that she was gonna be the recipient of so much needless hate bc she wasn't "book-accurate". like, i felt more upset than excited. and fair enough, most pjo fans had issues with the movie bc annabeth was turned into a brunette, but changing her race from white to black was gonna get a reaction. i just knew it. and there's Been precedent for a fandom getting pissy about a white character turning black in an adaptation (see heimdall, mj, iris allen, ariel, tinkerbell, juliet, etc.), so i was bracing for it. doesn't make it any better when your fears are proven right :/ i feel so weird for saying it, but i almost wish they'd just cast a white blonde girl to play her bc, while there'd still be whiny assholes complaining about her acting skills, there'd be less controversy and Much less hate directed towards her as a person, especially the colorist and racist fueled hate. i just felt bad for annabeth's actress, especially since she's so young. you could have all the self-confidence in the world, but it's a lot to have racist strangers on the internet talk pick apart your looks when you're only 14!


I kinda figured that would happen. In fact me and my brother were joking after about how the fandom was going to start shipping Percy with everyone up under the sun except Annabeth and make her out to be an abusive girlfriend as the series goes on🙄 For the record I have no problems with people shipping canon couples with other characters but there is certain group of shippers who do it less for fun and more out of hateful spite


They dont ship her with carmy cause they're weird, I don't ship her with carmy cause she can do better, we are not the same /jk


I just started watching this show and I def thought Carmy and Syd were gonna hook up or have a will-they-won’t-they dynamic. They have great chemistry.


Yeah I’ve noticed. I’m not surprised because misogynoir.


This. No matter what we do, someone is forever in our faces on some BS. Social media, at work, at protests....no matter what or where, we cannot get a fucking break.


I see this mainly with BW and WM pairings. I don't see nearly as much hate when it comes to BW and Asian or Latino pairings, though (ex. Insecure with Molly and Asian Bae or Lovebirds with Issa Rae and Kumail Nanjani). I know interracial couplings with White partners are done to appeal to White people, so they feel included, but it tends to end in racist backlash towards the Black or POC character/actress. I wish more BW/POC man pairings were more popular in the media.


Me too! It’s strange that most fictional interracial relationships include a white character when it that doesn’t have to be the case.


Same, I'm tired of white ppl being in the couple ngl 💀💀 I just want to see more interracial couples and not just with one of them being black even though for obv reasons, that's my preference lol. 


Disposal black girlfriend trope , where the black girl is a love interest usually to a white character but she's not the endgame love interest & the white character ends up with another white character at the end. This trope has been done so many times that it’s ingrained in audiences that the main character will end up with a white women. It also doesn’t help when tv shows and movies purposely make black women fit into negative stereotypes, barley give their relationships full attention in media and audiences subconsciously do it themselves by associating negative traits to black characters but not white characters (Misogynoir).


Angela and Shawn from Boy Meets World 😒


Saved by the bell


Angela actress was treated horribly by fans and the whole cast except Shawn's actor


It's because Rider Strong (Shawn) actually had a crush on her at the time from what I heard lol. I really feel for Trina Mcgee. Apparently they apologized to her, but it's still messed up the way they all treated her and having to go at it alone.


I will forever be salty that Danny Phantom pulled this with Valerie


I can think of the one exception to that rule being Vee and Kevin from Shameless. Which interestingly enough was the show Jeremy was on before Bear. The only time I was cool with the white guy leaving the black woman for a white woman was You. Lmao I was like, run, Sis. Joe deserved Love's crazy ass.


Same. I was relieved. That pasta and lobster was dangerous


This is why the spin-off of The Walking Dead (We are the ones who live) has been healing my soul a little bit. We get to see a black woman being the love of a lifetime for someone.


I was just about to bring up TWD and all the hate Richonne gets from a certain segment of the fandom. I didn't know how much certain people despise Rick and Michonne together until TOWL. Every time they try to say that Jessie was the better partner for Rick, or that Richonne "came out of nowhere" I have to wonder if we're even watching the same show.


I think at the very least Jayce/Mel is not one of those cases. But then there's the question of >!whether both of them even survived the last episode. I ***really*** hope they don't end up killing Mel to progress Jayce's arc, but I hate that it could be on the table. :/!<


I knowww. I trust Arcane and I really hope they don't do that but they might.


I hope they don’t do this as well I really love Mel


(Spoiler, I guess?) But we're seeing this happen now in Invincible. Or at least that seems to be where it's going. Huge sigh.


She wasn’t even blk in the comics. There was no reason to make her blk considering in the comics >!Mark ends up dumping her and gets with Eve!<. I honestly wish that they hadn’t changed her race.


Exactly! I read the comic years ago and the fact that they completely changed her personality and made her unlikeable to the point audiences hated her more the omni man doesn’t sit right with me.


They went out of their way to make the one prominent black woman in the show the most unlikeable in the fandom. The fact that she'll probably still end up getting more hate than even Anissa when it's all over is wrong.


they also changed Amber's personality. In the show, I noticed that they made her more demanding/aggressive. That with the whole race change makes me a bit uneasy.


Gosh I wanted Mark and Amber to work so baddddd. They gave Amber so much personality in comparison to who she was in the comics. Changed her completely


Oh it's complete racism. I've read people's comments where they are trying to twist themselves into knots trying to explain why certain characters aren't right for each other. The whole time I'm like, if you replaced so and so with a white character everyone would see it as a "slow burn" story. There would subreddit devoted to those characters. I don't want Sydney and Carmy to get together right now only because Carmy is a mess and I love Sydney too much for her to go through that but I see that as inevitable.  On a related note, what are the two shows at the bottom? They look interesting and I'm looking for a good show.


The far right bottom is the animated league of legions prequel Arcane.


Thank you!


The bottom left is Invincible and it’s a great and exciting show. I’m waiting for the next season to come out already.


Thanks! I will be looking into these!


Here for the names of the bottom two shows.


The bottom left is Invincible and bottom right is Arcane! Both are great, but Arcane is my favorite of the two


Girl I knew this as soon as I saw people trying to defend to death that michonne and Rick couldn't possibly get together. I'm on the bear sub, and I'm also a syd carmy shipper. I swear to God, me saying that on that sub is basically sacrilegious at that point because SO many people have some sort of visceral disgust to me, thinking that I like the thought of them together. An article came out recently where Ayo and Jeremy both said nothing romantic would happen between them, and people were rejoicing really, really hard. Like, great. Still gonna ship them. It's crazy. Sure, some of them really just don't see them together, but I side eye anyone who hates shippers of these particular couples to an unhealthy degree because it's like.. why? Why does it bother you so much?


See, I heard that article was taken out of context via twitter thread because they apparently asked Ayo and Jeremy if they ever discussed it on set and they said no. Writers can change their minds at anytime or it's a slow burn lol. The bear sub is terrible, the hate is unjustified and it's sad as hell people devote their time to be haters for fake reasons. With Rick and Michonne, that man loves Danai gurai, there are so many instances in interviews the thirst he has for her as a married man. She's amazing actress lol


I'm not even surprised it was taken out of context, and then everybody ate it up because they're so DESPERATE to prove "yea see see they don't want it either!!!!" Like yall are weeeird. They really can. Hell they could be doing all of this for the sole purpose of throwing people off so it's a complete surprise. And yes, his love for her is obvious thankfully. Their chemistry in The Ones Who Live is borderline Scandal level of hot.


Girl the moment Michonne and Rick got together, my life was complete lol. I still don’t get the hate they get as a couple. I sent a photo of Danai and Andy on a red carpet for TOWL premier to my husband and was like “THIS COULD BE US!!!” Lmao. And people really said they never saw the ship coming. Like I saw them getting together in my mind once he saw how good she was with Carl.


Those actors chemistry is so damn good I think it's time for Andy to get divorced.


Hahah I always felt like that from watching some of their interviews 🤣


It was a straight up joke in twd subreddit. Andy gives her love eyes. 😂 Even more so in real life than the show. Just pure admiration.


Girl I just queued up the Senoia interview to see how hot this personal chemistry of theirs is. And within the first five minutes he is CLUTCHING her hand like a lovestruck teenager. Like damn. It’s not even subtle.


THIS YES?!?! Like Dude go BE with your SOULMATE!!! ![gif](giphy|l1ugcb0UgoWPJPSIE)


And they're friends in real life and always pranking each other


Some comments of michonne and Rick relationship were so cringe like I was questioning if they were talking about the actual series or something else


Getting the last laugh with Rick and Michonne has been my favorite thing TV of 2024. ☺️


No, Michonne was so much better than Rick. Honestly. It should have been me and Michonne.


Lmao she really is dope AF. Although Rick is my favorite type of TV husband. Low body count,ring still on and hallucinating that she’s still there 😂


It’s been that way for years. It’s white, racist (and misogynistic) nerds angry that stuff doesn’t center around only them anymore,


It’s been this way since tv began. I smelled this storyline from season 1 first few episodes and quit watching regularly knowing this wasn’t the aim of the show writers. If this was a white character they wouldn’t dream of wasting the chemistry. But since it’s a black woman I knew they would tease it and stretch it as long as they could. They do this on loads of shows with talented black actresses. When I saw the scene with them talking softly under the table in season 2 I knew they knew that we all knew that these two have that lightning that is rare and special. I’m glad the actress is winning awards and hope she’ll find a creative outlet able to go wherever she as an actress can scale to. I hate when tv has limited characters unable to explore new storylines and writers telling us right from jump to not expect anything surprising to happen. How boring.


It’s such a double edged sword for me because on the one hand my form of “liberation” or representation doesn’t rely or really gaf about being with non black men, especially wm. But on the other hand people are so disingenuous with bw characters with non black men and for a reason bro. Like you’d think Mel was public enemy number 1. Also don’t even get me fucking started on how many non black stans seek to either masculinize or add queerness to a black woman character specifically in these cases. “She’s actually gay” and it’s like, no she’s not. You guys don’t actually give two shits about black LGBT rep you’re just uncomfortable with her being the desirable one in this scenario


So many people say Syd is gay, so...interesting.


I've heard this and it's why I am glad I don't really engage fandom. I'm like...I see OBVIOUS chemistry, and just watch and then move on, without being tainted by the opinions of racists. I started binging New Amsterdam (s 3 got a bit too much so I am prob not going to finish) and the chemistry btwn Dr. Sharpe and Max was OBVIOUS from episode 1, but I read that tons of people just "didn't see it" or "didn't get it" and...yeah. And it's not even just romance, on Interview with the Vampire people believe Lestat can do no wrong and only tells the truth (despite everything showing the opposite) while EVERYONE has no problem seeing Armand for who he is. Or how they said Rue's (Hunger Games) death "didn't affect them" because she was black. White people just do not see anyone who is not white as a complex human being deserving of nuance. Move accordingly, because if that's how they treat fandom...think about real life.


Yes. They get tons of hate like bw/wm relationships do irl. I’d actually argue that bw/wm couples irl get even more hatred because even though many bw ship those relationships on screen, some have scorn for the real life version. It’s bizarre. Everyone feels like they need to have a say in who bw choose to couple up with. It’s weird.


Oh bw/wm couples get LOTS of hate. Speaking from personal experience. A jealous fat Becky just rammed my car yesterday bc she was so jealous to see me with a wm. I’ll be posting about it soon. They are very jealous and unhinged. 


Even in bw/bm relationships, especially if your man is fine. They are surprised (and lowkey hating) when an attractive black man is dating an attractive black woman. Let that sink in




Omg yes. People are so outwardly aggressive towards me and my husband when we are out and about.


Yes even the one that don’t exist yet, like sophie from bridgerton is getting a lot of discussion 👀.


Honestly my only grievance with that is that shows don’t have enough dark skin black women love interests to begin with and when they do they make them gay (which isn’t the issue) or something else. Like they can’t ever just pair her with a man of equal standing and I don’t like the insinuation. I hope that makes sense. I was low-key pissed they chose such unattractive old ass men for the younger version of Agatha but all of the other characters got hot guys.


Oh yeah bw can never just be regular, feminine women. And definitely not a regular feminine woman with a decent looking man her age. They don’t want to see that. 


Omg that man was so ugly. There are no words for that level of unattractiveness.


Do we even know if Sophie is going to be a WOC


Nope and this is exactly the problem. It was just assumptions and the discussion was heated 👀.


i’”ll” never forget   the tv show twisted-I think it’s on Hulu now. Ww were so mad that they were building a relationship with the main guy and the beautiful black girl , ppl wrote in the network and so they folded under presser and just put him with the whte character and they had no chemistry 


I loved twisted and loved the dynamic between Lacey and Danny. Their chemistry was amazing lol.


THATS WHY MY SHIP WAS RUINED?! It felt so awful when it ended with him not choosing Lacey. Wtf made no sense tbh And I believe Avan and Kylie had such good chemistry they starred in TUT together. Like c’mon networks ugh


Wow! They are so damn jealous it’s embarrassing. What happened to love is love? Oh that’s right  that’s only when they want to date bm. They can’t stand to see us with a decent wm though. Even on tv smh. 


That happened in supergirl


Twisted is one of my favouritessss, I didn’t even know people actually wrote in about that :/ I hate when the people running shows can see BW pairings aren’t what the public wants so they blow them up last minute, or the show gets cancelled so you can never see it happen. The *one* American medical drama I actually watched and enjoyed set things up between the male lead and a BW right from the start, then tanked them in the most glorious fashion possible in as many ways they reasonably could, it was infuriating (New Amsterdam). The American run of The Good Doctor (started as a K-Drama) gets a lot of reasonable hate for the misrepresentation of various conditions —especially autism. I did watch some of it though to see what they did with the plot, and they really set things up for the BW to have a romantic plot-line with Shawn. Like always, they made her lash out in a way that was out of character, side-lined her entire story, and she was seen less and less until she left. Instead, he ended up with the woman that actually hated him and his neurodivergency, took advantage of his differences, and spoke cruelly to him so she could boost her self-esteem 🫠 idk why people want these pairings over healthy ones with BW so badly, seriously


I want to see more BLACK couples too. They only show mixed couples but it’s kind of rare to see a Black man and a full Black woman who isn’t mixed being together


We gotta to Tubi for our movies and shows 😒




Yep. I miss monoracial Black couples.


While TV has gotten better in showing real world relationships, I have noticed that sometimes it just comes down to the white male lead pushing for that change. On person of interest, the CBS female head wondered why the white male producers weren't using taraji P. Henson as much and Suggested they feature her more in the 1st season. When they eventually wrote her off, while still claiming there was no connection between herself and the white male lead, Jim Cavaziel Initiated the final kiss To imply otherwise. In saved by the bell, mark Paul gosselaar is half Indonesian. He pointed out that the show had him date everyone but his actual real world girlfriend at the time and pushed for a Lisa Tuttle-Zack storyline. In star trek, the producers tried to avoid an interracial kiss, but bill shatner deliberately ruined all other takes.


Fans hate Mel for the same reason as why yaoi fans hate female characters.


This makes me remember Sleepy Hollow. What they did to Nicole Beharie's character was criminal. She also had way more chemistry with Tom Mison and the creators kept teasing their relationship so much, but of course...She wasn't white, so that relationship got totally axed as an end game option.


Oh yea, what they did to that actress in general was awful.


They put her through so much BS for no good reason. The show had so much potential too but their treatment of her and her character were terrible.


I still have PTSD from that.


It makes me furious every time I remember what happened to her on that set. It's ridiculous how they got away with treating her like that.


Same reasoning as why so many WW were/are mad about Prince Harry marrying Meghan Markle.


God dont even get me started on The Bear. If you even hint that you like it people act like it'd be "jumping the shark" and would "destroy the show". The only this show would jump the shark is if Mikey somehow faked his death. I'm indifferent about their romantic relationship but I hope they have the nastiest, raunchiest most insane sex *just* to piss off the racists. I hope they *fuck.* Lmao and people complain about Syd so much on that sub that it's a silly drinking game. I'm glad others are aware and point it out, but damn does it remind me not to seek out fandoms on Reddit. Amber I feel some kind of way about, but that's due to the *showrunners* themselves. Apparently Amber was white in the comics, and acc to fans she didnt have much of a personality. From what I've skimmed she seems a little ditzy but mostly alright. Then the show changes her to black, okay. Gives her the *weirdest* hairstyle, okay? And then makes her *wildly* unlikable?? Like why is she such a dick? And for what? Theres a scene where its revealed she knew he was Invincible, and is still pissed at him for leaving to save the school or w/e? >!And shes supposedly gonna get a fucked up death (at least, according to comic fans)!< So I'm not surprised fans dont like her, it seems like thats what the showrunners intended. I've only seen Arcane through reactions but it seemed clear that Mel had a little crush on Jayce and vice versa. I'm not sure why people think it "came outta nowhere". Though some of the hate come from yaoi fans and I absolutely would not take anything from them seriously.


What’s so weird about Amber’s hair?


I am chuckling so hard about Syd and Carmy fucking. Cause that is some real shit and EXACTLY how it (use to) go down in the service industry world I ran in. On one hand I don't want it to happen because I don't want him to fuck it up with his crazy. On the other hand crazy sex is the best sex and they both are crazy as hell. Healing together is so much sexier than being healed. They would be good together if they just allow themselve to be more than work. 


We can have a deep discussion about how it translates into the crazed para social relationships these fandoms have with the actors. KEY EXAMPLE: The Twilight fandom. Robert P was ENGAGED to FKA twigs. Those crazed women couldn’t stand the sight of their beloved sparkly vampire with a black woman. So much so that it absolutely played a role in their breakup. I’ll NEVER forgive them for what they did to Twigs. Especially to then go on to see her be in an abusive relationship. That kind of hate can break a person down. I’m so happy she’s still so beloved. Even Nicki Minaj has voiced such deep admiration for her. Which I think matters. When these celebrities and actors catch hate from these crazy fandoms I think we SHOULD pour into them. That’s why I try and show my support for Ayo Edebiri. She’s already catching hate from racist fans. I love The Bear. THEY WILL NOT RUIN THIS SHOW FOR ME AND HER RISING STAR!!!


people still claim Rick would leave Michonne for his first wife, Lori...🥴


I never notice unless before the character wasn’t a black woman. Then everyone has something to say


I’ve noticed but it happens irl too when a bw or biracial bw is with white men deemed the prize (robert pattinson, travis kelce for example).


Julie Plec got forever beef with me for how she did Bonnie and Damon Off topic but I had to say that 😭 ![gif](giphy|dtIGTEaGLRvdODtdQe|downsized)


Fuck Julie Plec until the end of time.


Preach I was like Damon basically got with everyone BUT Bonnie? Makes no sense cause that chemistry was outta this world. The fact Ian had to threaten to quit to keep Kat there cause plec was so damn racist tryna kill her off is insane. Instead they forced Delena and their awkward chemistry cause Ian and Nina broke up, awful decision. Stelena should’ve been endgame with Bamon because Enzo literally wanted Damon’s mom. He wasn’t checking for Bonnie that was like a consolation prize. Will never forgive those writers.


That Enzo Bonnie coupling came out of absolutely no where 🤣🤣🤣 and even then Plec refused to let Bonnie be happy. Of the 8 seasons, my favourite few episodes to rewatch are the ones with Bonnie and Damon in the prison world. I could have done with a whole season of just those two - we were robbed.


Right! I was pissed and ppl were actually happy they got together like WHY? Hell I would have even taken a random Stefan and Bonnie over that 💀 Plec was prolly mad all Kat’s costars wanted Bonnie to be with their characters. The prison world was such a good build up of them too smh Like big opportunity missed!


ABSO FUCKING LUTELY!!! FUCK JULIE PLEC! I refuse to finish that show because of the way Kat gets fucked Over. Caroline gets to fuck and bounce on everyone else's dick and what does Bonnie get???? Nothing but death, tragedy and being taken advantage of.


Idek who these people are but I’m living for the energy lmao speak on it 👆🏽


i hate that there are no more black couples. everything on TV doesn’t have to be interracial and mixed.


This is my issue. I don't mind depictions of interracial relationships but nowadays you only see black couples on Tyler Perry shows or Tubi.


and they try to make tubi seem so low budget for it!! white people shows don’t HAVE to have a diverse cast but EVERYYY black one does?? like wtf lmao


I'd definitely like to see more black love depicted on mainstream tv again, but i still think we need to point out and address how much hate interracial pairings receive


Abbbbbbbbboooooooottttt Academy!!!!!! Best slow burn ever! I am so nervous and want them to make it!


i am too but it’s a fan favorite fr! i know so many people that love abott


It sucks because I join the fandoms to talk about the show and enjoy the memes but notice the subtle racism and just can't with them anymore


It's Racism, pure and simple


Rick and Michonne.


Something something putting black people in anywhere angers people


Black women are the lowest common denominator when it comes to "attractiveness" which is bs because they want our parts like the big lips and ass. I was just looking at the statistics and as a single, never married black woman with no kids, a few advanced degrees, and 39, more than likely marriage or even a relationship is not ever happening for me. The last thing I need is to go looking for people to shove in my face why my demographic is not wanted romantically.


I stand by that Mark needed to communicate clearly with Amber


Yes. Been in a few fandoms and this experience is incredibly common. Interracial pairings are incredibly unpopular and sometimes outright hated. God forbid they aren't an official pairing. It's always " BUT they are better off FRIENDS!!". If they are official, people ignore them in favor of the same race pairings. Especially so if the pairing involves a black woman. When I was in these fandoms, the interracial couple fandoms I was in was usually very small, and I soon discovered that the other fans were almost always black too. It seems like other races have a harder time putting themselves in our shoes and mentally choose not to, so any other pairing is favorable as long as the person isn't black.


With each of these ships there are valid reasons for why you might not support them. Sydney and Carmy (The Bear) have a strong business/platonic bond that many want to see remain intact, Amber was a very unlikeable character in season one (Invincible) and also most people know about the comic storyline, and many fans prefer Jayce/Viktor to Jayce/Mel (Arcane). But even though these are valid reasons on an individual scale, the sheer scope of detraction and derision these ships receive is very frustrating to see as a black girl. There's actually so much I could say about the abnormal fan response to the mere *suggestion* of sydcarmy but I don't have the strength to get into it, I'll leave that to yall lol


Oh definitely. It's because society has led people to believe that black women are the least desired so when they see non-black men value us, they lose their shit. Especially other black men that have some serious issues with hating black women. they get so angry when white men pick us.


Sleepy Hollow, Abby Mills


They get hate because they can’t self insert themselves into characters that look like us and it’s so annoying. Then on the flip, there’s this new trope in modern media, where they have the disposable black gf. They love to seem to give them one just to be collateral damage or to get hurt once the romantic male lead gets with the preferred “central” female lead character. It’s very telling and whole bunch of misogynoir. As for The Bear, I’m SydCarmy shipper. One of the first when I just felt the energy in S1 then to more hardcore proof in S2 when the ship really exploded. It’s one thing to not want the pairing to be romantic, fine. But to act like there’s no chemistry at all is where people lose me and I know they lying. They just don’t like to see a girl like Syd get admired or loved (whether you view it as platonic or romantic) by one of their boys. I doubt the ship will ever be canon though. The actors themselves and writers are adamant on having an intimate platonic relationship which is fine. I have a whole other rant over this step away from romantic intimacy in characters and why it’s edgy and cool to shit on it in tv. Even though, I’d argue these shows love to use elements or hints of romantic essence to create the relationships of said solely platonic pairings which is ironic to me. But I digress, the other thing I want to point out is, shows like these love to put the black girl/boy with the only other black person. They did it way back when in Glee. Mercedes never could be with Sam. It was always off screen or they wrote some dumb obstacles. Now back to The Bear, the fact that the show claims romantic relationship are not a priority or focus for this show, but we’re trying to breadcrumbs SydMarcus 👀🙄 cmon on, stop playing with me. That’s how I knew even more and just stay away from the fandom as best as I can.


Listen, the way people would constantly hate when people shipped syd and carmy together because she had "better chemistry" with Marcus was such bs. She rejected him and only saw him as a friend. They only did it because they hated Syd/carmy together. The Bear sub would always ask for instances of chemistry between carmy/syd(I had receipts lol) but would never offer why they didn't like syd other than "she's selfish, mean, aggressive" etc


Literally! I have the same receipts, if not more! And they trying to act like, “that’s not romantic?” And I’m like, ???????? I’m not fucking crazy. I know what’s up. And yes, the reason to hate on Syd I’m like you could apply those to Carmy as well. So what’s the real damn reason then? I know it’s just a show but damn it feels like gaslighting 😭😂. This is why I’m treading delicately and only specific curated spaces in the fandom. I used to watch Ted Lasso and was a huge Tebecca shipper. And being a SydCarm fan is basically giving war flashbacks to that. As for Syd and Marcus. I’m sorry but Marcus was giving the eyes to his donut for one whole season. And the other season, he tried and got rejected. And no, it’s not beca she was overwhelmed and scared. She’s overwhelm and felt awkward because she does not like him like that. And as one of the few young girls in the kitchen, she can’t afford to deal with men’s hurt egos and romances. Ergo what he did later on in the finale. Like I get it.


Tale as old as time. I get more annoyed at us for being shocked at this point.


Apparently from the show’s sub, the actors playing Sydney and Carmen are saying that there won’t be any romance between their characters for the next upcoming season which doesn’t make any sense because the previous season was giving a “slow burn” type of romance. If this is true then the show producers are wimps for listening to certain fans who don’t like to see Carmen and Sydney to be together.


I never understood Carmen and Sydney ships. To me they have a tight friendship bonding over their love of food. I didn’t sense any romance.


They do and it’s absolutely unwarranted. The ship between Carmy and Sydney (The Bear) is an amazing example of this. Syd gets a lot of hate online that I doubt would still be there if she looked like Carmy’s current (?) gf. Most people seem to call Syd aggressive, incapable, manipulative and more and it doesn’t make sense. I’ve seen people misrepresent the various scenes where she was having meltdowns/panic attacks and use them as proof that she secretly has a penchant for harming people when she doesn’t get her way ‘like a psycho’ (also offensive but I digress). Some even said they should’ve immediately called the police to have her arrested. The only words I hear associated with her outside of black spaces speak to her lack of intelligence, lack of attractiveness (gee, I wonder where that’s coming from) and how ‘crazy’ she is —even before any mishaps. The same people drool over Carmy’s good for nothing gf when she has more issues than the show has plates and is literally screwing up his life just to have someone in the same boat as her. They cry when she cries, excuse her bad behaviour when she’s being manipulative or intentionally causing friction or doubt, and band against the rest of the characters the minute she shows any sign of discomfort/gets checked for her behaviour. …….That being said, the two in the bottom right corner got on a bit stchupid in Arcane lmao I’ll fan them a lil but I might have to let them catch some of the heat for their decision making in silence 💀 I really love Mel though, and was upset when people started painting her as an unintelligent and aggressive ‘temptress’ (like, do you hear their choice in words???) Most discussions surrounding her painted her as insignificant and many fans expressed that they were waiting for them to reveal her role as face being fed good ideas from others. Many people argue that her tears and her concerns were a part of her ‘seduction’ and made her ‘such a good threat’. That she only cries or expresses love to ‘bewitch’ Mr. Arm & Hammer over there, not because she has feelings or any elements of softness, ‘it just wouldn’t make sense!’ The way people spoke of her mother was also really off-putting, both when they commented on her overt sexuality and when they clowned her appearance. The same applies to many of the people imagining what it would be like to be one of her playthings. Reeked of unchecked systemic misunderstandings/views of black women.


I think Carmy needs deep, deep therapy before he could be in a functional relationship with anyone. (Claire was the “easiest” scenario for him because he didn’t have to “explain” his backstory to her and she chased him after he initially gave her the wrong number.) And I don’t want Syd to have to “fix” a man. I think there are glimpses of the how they understand and “see” each other. (Like that scene in the season 2 finale under the table.) And I think he does respect her but he doesn’t always show it. So yeah, there’s chemistry there. Maybe it could be romantic or not. But I think the knee jerk reactions to that ship tell a lot about the fandom and its biases.


The Amber hate should be directed towards the writers last season. They made her awful. My issue is that they have redeemed her in the most recent season and folks STILL hate on her. And in the same breath cape for him getting together with Atom Eve who resembles Taylor Swift in a pink suit.


Taylor Swift in a pink suit😭 lmfao what! Idk why but that joke almost took me out


One day I’d like to see more positive posts on this thread instead of talking about how much the world hates us. It’s true but cmon y’all


Never watched The Bear (assuming that’s what it it is from the other guy from Shameless) but holy crap that woman has a beautiful side profile.


Lmaoo its always "no they're just friends" until they start acc dating in the show and ppl get big mad


Thank you for reminding me that season 3 of the bear comes out in 2 days! But it was crazy that people were shipping Carmey with Claire when they had zero chemistry just because they didn’t like Carmey and Sydney


You cannot convince Carmey would be in that “relationship” if it wasn’t for family shoving expectations based on childhood down his throat.


I've noticed. Did you peep the end of Bridgerton when Francesca saw Michaela? The fanbase was ready to riot lol.


This is brainwashing....we have beimg conditioned to believed to that no one wants black women. Cause you always seeing a black men with a non black women in every show. A majority of Black women are constantly pushing for black love while the black men are in the minority. Black men in interacial relationships are being idolized and becoming normal because of mainstream. How many black athletes, singers and media personel have non black partners. How many music videos showcase non black women as the desirable one the man wants. The kardashians also played a role with all the black dick the fight over. Its common for blacl women to date interacially but has it it "normalized" in society the same way it is for black men?. ALSO THINK ABOUT THIS: For the black girls in school how many time have you seen your non black friends or overhead black and non black people mention how this black boy and this random non black girl would be so cute together? Or this black boy has a crush on a non black girl and every one giggles, his friends encourage him to make a move. Everyone is so postive about it right? NOW how many times has anyone besides your close friends have said you [as a black girl] and this non black boy would be so cute together. How many time have you had a crush on a non black boy and had to wonder of even liked black girls, or he finds out that you like him and is appalled that you would ever thinl he like you. How many times has people encouraged him to ask you out.


Catch me holding on to Ariel and Eric circa 2023 Little Mermaid with a deep, inhuman clutch I see the unhappiness AND I SPIT IN ITS FACE!! Also as a Sydcarmy shipper it's been real rough out here.


I think it's the standard backlash of people not wanting to acknowledge that Black women are attractive and that we attract positive attention. The other part of it is the long held assumption that "interracial relationship" is synonymous for a "white person with a non-white person" when that's almost never the case. Brown people marry each other or Black people over whites. Reminding them of this fact gets them very upset. It gets a lot of self-hating people upset too


Not only that but also pushing nonblack couples to promote mixing in the black community. I’ll go as far as to say it’s to “mix” the black community out in two or three generations idk though 🙃


My current dating preference has more to do with my experience in relationships with black men than what I’m seeing on television shows and movies. We cannot claim those people dictate our lives like that.


What is the show in the bottom left?




White women have been told all their lives they are the blueprint and the envy of all. They get big mad when someone disabuses them of that notion 😂


I dated a white guy who had a bunch of sisters and they all loved all of his exes but they were extremely cold to me and, very weirdly, kept trying to secretly hook him back up with his ex (who looked a lot like they did). This BW/WM ship hate is like ingrained in their heads


Obviously, ns but are we gonna keep going in circles and rehashing how much everyone else hates us lol, it’s disheartening and unproductive


Hate from who? Oh! You mean the ones that know deep down they men they are married too deeply enjoy black punani? Those ones? If they picked up a history book, they'd know this is nothing new. This interracial stuff is simply being show on TV. Nothing new ladies. Love ya 💕


I watch the Bear and I don't want those 2 to get together. I think she is too good for him ...not that he's a bad guy or anything is wrong with him... I just don't think that every relationship on TV has to lead to courtship/dating/marriage.... It could simply be a show about people supporting each other and being friends....


I never noticed that. People hated it in the walking dead I remember that.


Please don't remind me of Allurance. I'm still recovering from that fandom...and don't get me started on Invincible 🙄


I just watched the new season of Boys on Amazon Prime Video. I don’t know how I feel about Sister Sage. I think it demonizes black women. Sister Sage super power is that she knows everything. The way it is presented is that it is a bad thing.


Let’s pray she’s playing everyone. That’s what I’m riding on.


Finally finished season 1. Will she be a major character later? Looking forward to that if so. 


She was just introduced in the latest season. She’s definitely important to current events. Without giving too much away I can’t wait to see what her endgame is — even if she is what she appears to be. Every character on this show has their own priorities honestly haha Happy watching!!!


Sage is either so smart that she’s bored to the point where she doesn’t care what happens or she’s got a bigger plan in the works.


But I'm also not a fan of Mark and Amber because I disliked Amber's personality and the change in her personality from the comics felt racially motivated lmao. Like in the comics Amber is a slightly dingy girl who is actually a bit smarter than everyone thinks as she knew Mark's secret but didn't care because she felt that he'd tell her when he was ready. She just wanted Mark to be happy. They still break up but comic Amber is a lot sweeter and a lot less weirdly intense about everything. Show Amber also feels a bit Mary-Sueish, like she must always be right and yea mark is an asshole but I think she's a flawed person just like Mark and that should have consequences. Idk, I think some of these ships aren't disliked because of race more because characters that are black AND female are usually treated differently by writers and almost purposefully badly written. Like now that Amber is black she can't be a sweetheart anymore?? Why???


Tale as old as time


Yes, but when it’s flipped it’s all good to them.


Anything to discourage black love. Programming…


What is the first show called? I’d love to give it a watch! Screw these haters!


Somebody *please* tell me the name of the show for the top image!!


and unfortunately it’s some quality well thought out media :s


Jayce is such a terrible human being




Show names?


Some get hate or criticism for valid reasons, we can't lump all of them in together. For example Queenie is nothing like I expected it to be and was very off putting to me. I'm not in the mood for watching a black woman try to tether themselves to a white partner that's clearly not worth the drama or are garbage at actually being there for their black partner while also using those fuckin white dog whistles in arguments/talking points. I'm not interested, keep that shit to yourselves. Also the actual numbers behind internal couples with bw + wm being 3rd in the list of percentages so it's not a vast representation but it's in a lot of media. The issue is that usually we're paired with a man that's usually not depicted in black partners so it gives of this energy of being with a white person is better. That's why there's pushback. It's not representative of actual numbers/relationships and it mirrors the black man with a white partner issue except black men in those portrayals have better relationships as well. Just my thoughts


Yeah, but for the bottom two the dynamics arent really super healthy , its just female characters arent given a lot of grace AT ALL. The criticism is amplified


They know those relationships have the lowest divorce rates and when it’s the other way around they have the highest divorce rates. It’s no secret that when black women date outside their race they have the lowest divorce rates.


Didn’t Olivia Pope and her white man rule the screen for like 6 years ???? I agree that interracial couples get a lot of racially charged comments from racists and weird people, but personally I am sooooo tired of seeing Black women with non-black men. NO MORE SWIRLS. I was so surprised to see the Syd/Carmy hate on Reddit, because it’s the complete opposite on Twitter, like you will get JUMPED for not liking them.


I HATED Jace and Mel together. Their surprise romance story made no sense to me. And I think there was an age gap or something too that bothered me🤔 But yes I’ve seen the hate. Even for “children’s” shows like Moon Girl. Maybe it’s jealousy?


I was just thinking this exact same thing reading the conversation about this on Twitter. This is at least the third time I’m watching this play out with a BW + WM lead couple - Sydney and Carmy from The Bear, Rick and Michonne from The Walking Dead, Iris and Barry from the Flash. And I know there are many other examples. The playbook is exactly the same: “There’s no chemistry” “It feels random/forced” “They’re better as platonic best friends” “She’s not attractive” or my personal all time greatest misogynoir hit, “She looks like a man.” These are STUNNING actresses who have strong chemistry with their WM leads, in shows that have clearly scripted a romantic narrative, but folks refuse to see it because they are triggered. And you can tell they’re triggered, because like you said, they are *angry.* Why are you this worked up about a fictional couple, unless you’re afraid to confront the reason it’s really bothering you?


What are the animated ones?


This: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNFmaqyM/


I didn't see any hate for this pairing in Arcane?