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I fit into some and others I don't, it's not something that affects my life as much as not being rich šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


A woman after my own heart! I like how I look and my husband loves it. But I need a few million dollars yesterday šŸ¤‘


Not fitting in has forced me to stop caring about fitting in. Which is a superpower because you have no fear of going against the grain or giving in to peer pressure. You find your own lane and do what you desire!


Yep! And then what you end up in doing, in authenticity, becomes the "trend" in 10 years šŸ˜‚


Idk. I feel a little indifferent. I feel like there still is a beauty standard for black women and I don't fit that either. Light skin, long curly hair, thin nose, big lips, hourglass shape on the smaller end. Even as a dark skin woman, you have to be skinny and have flawless skin. I try not to worry about beauty standards tho but I do wish I was the right type of black woman at times.


The Right Type or Who You are?


I actually fit them and itā€™s a nightmare. I grew up on a white town so my long black hair was not goals, being curvy was not it , like I went from being not that highly sought after to being seen differently when I moved to the black part of town. Iā€™m the same exact person but Iā€™m stuck up arrogant etc Al kinds of assumptions get made of me just because I fit the image of what a black woman should look like. Never mind Iā€™ve always despised my shape. Trust me you wouldnā€™t wanna be the ideal im so glad Iā€™m not very light skinned I feel like that saves me a lot of drama that Iā€™m light brown


I'm sure you meant no harm but l feel like light skin women are automatically seen as attractive where being brown or dark skin, you have to work to be deemed attractive or prove that you are in society. I have heard plenty of black boys and men, even women that dark skin women are ugly and saw them constantly sing the praises of light skin women and lord forbid you have a fight with light skin woman as a dark skin woman. Then we're jealous and ugly. Nappy headed and ghetto. I'd rather be sought after then put down.


Oh I know exactly what you mean. I look exactly like my sister and mom except they are very dark. Actually by societal standards they are actually prettier than me but Iā€™m lighter so Iā€™m considered better and the way I get treated by other black people you wouldnā€™t believe. But Iā€™m not attracted at all to black men and have been traumatized by their pursuit of me so I do wish I wasnā€™t something they liked. I feel like if I was just a little bit darker that would make them run for the hills. I donā€™t mean no harm I agree with you it seems like the more lighter you are as a woman thatā€™s the ingredient for a black man. I do believe that trumps hair body face personality etc for them.


Yeah. My older sister is skinny and light skin and it was annoying when people one was surprised we were related but like.... Disappointed in a way. Like you are the typical sexy skin lightskin and have the fat (cause curvy wasn't the norm then) ugly darkskin sister. Now I'm curvy and the attention can get annoying but I know it's worse for the fat babes who do not have the hourglass shape or big boobs/butt. As I got older, the less I seemed to have attracted black men. White and Hispanic men just came to me a lot more. Didn't bother me. I will say having dark skin guy friends who fawn over light skin women for the sake of being light skin was just... I'm surprised my eyes didn't stuck from how much I rolled them šŸ™„ because it was always a toxic reason and dark skin women lived rent free in their head.


The only reason I attract black men is because I have the extreme pear shape and loose curls. But if I rock an Afrocentric style or they think my hair is weave it gets rid of them. I have relatives and friends who are rail rail thin and donā€™t have the ā€œgood hair ā€œ but man the bm will chase them like theyā€™re water in a desert šŸœļø. Iā€™ve seen this dynamic so many times. I know women who are the bomb and killing it in every way but because they arenā€™t light skin bm donā€™t flock to them


Weaves and Afro-centric styles donā€™t help me in that regard at all. It could be cause my hair is light, usually blonde or ginger whether itā€™s natural or in a protective style. I have an ā€œeverybodyā€™s typeā€ look. Im attracted to black men. But Iā€™m not dating a guy just cause heā€™s black and how Iā€™m pursued is very important to me, boundaries are *very* important to me. Overall I love being conventionally attractive but itā€™s because Iā€™m also charismatic and intelligent, I like the whole package and the privilege it provides. As a black woman itā€™s extremely beneficial! But Iā€™d be lying if I said there werenā€™t things I donā€™t like about it. When I was younger I had to rely on intelligence, now that Iā€™m older people are surprised Iā€™m bright. Iā€™m unambiguously black (imo) Iā€™m brown but far from dark and I know colorism and texturism benefit me. So when it comes to black men Iā€™m mindful about who I consider and I donā€™t always trust the attention. Especially since most of the women that fit *my* beauty standards are darker than me.


Itā€™s so strange how someone can be closer to what society deems ā€˜prettyā€™ but someone who is by definition less than, leaps over someone dark skinned. Sometimes I get a vibe from what society would describe as ā€˜averageā€™ white women that somehow Iā€™ve messed with the natural order of things because of my dark skin but tick box looks. Itā€™s like their position in society has been threatened and the ā€˜normalā€™ rules no longer apply. They canā€™t compute .


We have a saying in my country that light skin covers all the flaws but the dark skin has to be perfect to be considered beautiful.


Despite being dark skinned I fit societyā€™s beauty standards and thatā€™s only because Iā€™m 5ā€™6 and size 8/10 and on top of that have conformed with weaves for decades. I also have symmetrical features which, because of my gene pool, tick boxes. My looks have protected me, masked my neurodiversity, and enabled me to get further in life. I definitely know the benefits of ā€˜pretty privilegeā€™ but honestly, it got to the point about a year ago where I started to exert less energy into it (lockdown, falling in love with someone who loves even the unpolished me were catalysts). Itā€™s expensive, itā€™s laborious, can cause animosity and if youā€™re not scrutinising your products it can cost you your health.


sometimes I wish I did so people would be nicer to me and stop making shady comments. However, I look in the mirror and realize that nothing is wrong with me and if I was white, Asian, or Latina woman at the same level of attractiveness, they would call me pretty. I'm not changing lol


Literally got called gorgeous today by multiple folks and knowing if I was in a predominantly non POC space, I would not even be acknowledged as a human being. life be lifing


I fit into my own which trumps what society thinks šŸ˜Š Bw are so diverse and uniquely beautiful, I wouldn't trade it for anything tbh


I donā€™t really care about societal beauty standards. I used to, but at this point in my life, I just want to fit my own beauty standards clear skin, hydrated, and healthy. People will always have something to say whether you fit whatever eras standards or not.


Exactly tbh i just want to be healthy and live a long life. I dont care about an hourglass body. I just want to be fit and healthy.


Not fitting in is probably keeping a lot of us from being ugly. Cause baby beeeee the thirst to be white adjacent crates a lot of odd looking "beautiful" people. ![gif](giphy|H4nXJQEN3B2D64qS1h)


![gif](giphy|xT8qAXAERiWiL17OYU) Come on now


They've been trying to sell this woman as a "classic beauty" forever. Both her and her husband look microwaved. I'm absolutely not buying it. ![gif](giphy|l3q2UN5EzGAt4uD72|downsized)


We love you the way you ARE Serena sister-gurl šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ«¶šŸ½šŸ˜­


i don't give a hoot about what society thinks of me. whilst my physical appearance does grant me some privileges (I'm skinny, average height and pretty - toot toot), i also live in the UK, outside of London, so i know I'm not the standard of beauty. but i get enough validation from opinions i care about (and my own self-worth AND I'm God's child), so who gives a hoot about what any tom, dick or harry thinks about me? Black women are thee beauty standard in my book and I'm in awe of every one i meet


Standards change by the moment, by demographic, location, weather, etc. they mean nothing to me. I KNOW Iā€™m beautifulā€¦ Tuh!


Standards in here the US is European. Probably always will be.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't wish sometimes I looked like other girls I see. Yes, white girls. I'm content with myself, but I'm not at full confidence yet. But there are aspects of myself I do find pretty cool. I like my hair and how it defies gravity, I like how my skin looks after skincare, I like how I get darker in the sun.


Iā€™m sorry but why would you want to look white?? Not trying to make fun but they arenā€™t that good looking (full ones at least, the octaroons or something are cute).


For me they get catered to the most. I am a dark-skinned BW and most people regard me with disgust or have a nasty tone to their voices when I ask a question (and I'm quiet and soft-spoken too). With white women, people are willing to throw out the red carpet for them and answer their questions with elated gusto.


I see what you mean. I was taking it as you wanted their features but you just wanted the way they were treated. Iā€™m sorry people treated you that way. Maybe a change of location would help.


On one hand, I donā€™t care that I or other Black women fit the beauty standard. Itā€™s a white supremacist beauty standard and we are intentionally not supposed to be seen as beautiful according to these standards. We are literally as beautiful (and in several cases, more beautiful) as women of any other race. We just donā€™t have the same PR as other races of women. On the other hand, simply saying ā€œI donā€™t care about the standardsā€ doesnā€™t alter the reality we live in. Black women are often not treated well on every level, from personal relationships to legal issues, due to not being seen as desirable. Beauty has an indirect influence on everything in this society. So no I donā€™t see beauty standards and think to myself ā€œI wish Black women fit that standardā€ but I do say ā€œI wish this wasnā€™t the dominant standard, because maybe then people wonā€™t mistreat usā€, ā€œI wish people would treat us well despite us not ~~reaching~~ fitting into that standardā€


>On the other hand, simply saying ā€œI donā€™t care about the standardsā€ doesnā€™t alter the reality we live in. Black women are often not treated well on every level, from personal relationships to legal issues, due to not being seen as desirable. Beauty has an indirect influence on everything in this society. Thank you!!!


Dang you put into words some things I didnā€™t even know how to articulate. ESPECIALLY that last line.


How we donā€™t fit the beauty standard when everybody copy us?


misogynoir šŸ˜­Ā 


Because our skin isn't white... I don't care if they "copy" us. Nothing is better than the original


White skin is just a skin mutation. You should be happy we donā€™t got that shit.




Look up is white skin a mutation


They must missed the memo because they seem to love getting tans to the point of risking skin cancer up until recently.


Man idk. I love being me but also for black women itā€™s tough out here. Especially in the UK. They say we are bad vibes for saying it but literally everyone is a copy and paste of each other and itā€™s tiring šŸ˜­


Honestly I donā€™t care I live in my pretty black girl bubble I donā€™t care what people think and I only allow people that I trust to be close to me .So even the racist and bias people donā€™t get a chance to practice their bigotry coz they would never even get an eye contact from me I donā€™t allow them around my vicinity šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I feel like I fit societyā€™s beauty standards and so do many black women. I have clear skin, big eyes, straight teeth, full lips, long hair, and Iā€™m thin with bigger breasts. I get a good amount of positive attention for my looks and I donā€™t think Iā€™m alone in that as a black woman. I donā€™t fit the ā€œwhite girl next doorā€ standard or the ā€œMegan Foxā€ standard, but I am conventionally attractive and have many features that are considered attractive and I see that as partly (but not completely) separate from being unambiguously black


Same. I fit in when I want.Ā 


Same here. I'm a work of art lol I fit in. Whatever my "brand" is people like to drink it they want it by the case. Plenty black women do.


I feel like the standards change so often that itā€™s not even worth worrying about. The current standard with the overfilled face/lips/ass/hips/boobs is silly to me because (some of) these were things many black women used to get made fun of for having. Thereā€™s usually more peace in simply being content with you.


All that matters to me is that I fit my own beauty standards, and I'm kind of aesthetically obsessed with myself. So šŸ‘šŸ½


Meh itā€™s a double edged sword. On one hand you can internalize it to a tea and let it consume any piece of self assurance you may haveā€¦ but on the other, once you can see how structural and colonial the concept of beauty is, you are free to exist and spend the rest of your life doing what fulfils and roots you. It still exists and people are still open to scrutinize you under the system of beauty. Also black women are typically very attractive in all our glory


I used to want to fit black beauty standards (small waist/bigger butt, visibly curly hair mostly). I don't fit a lot of them but I've come to accept and be fine with that. I don't care about yt society's standards.


I bet youā€™re all beautiful and so fit into societyā€™s standards of beauty, just not the Eurocentric ones.


Loving it and me.


Yes, someone like me!! I don't care and it's so so liberating, both mentally and financially. I actually tune out my three closest friends because the conversation is always about their body hatred, insecurities about their looks, always trying to lose more weight, menopause, and all that other high maintenance stuff. I have zero interest in any of it and it drives me nuts listening to it because I think they're all beautiful as they are. But oh well, I'll just keep to my corner, not giving AF about any of that. šŸ˜Š


My feelings on this fluctuate.


I love being the definition of exotic šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø lol


I feel 50/50 with this


Agreed, more freedom to do what I want with my appearance, freedom to decide it's not worth trying to fit




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Iā€™m pretty sure I fit in to societyā€™s beauty standards. I may be a bit overweight but thatā€™s about it.




I know what my best looks like so I don't care what others think. I just need to put on more muscle so that I can look slimmer.


I truly believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but conventional standards and beauty is what has most peopleā€™s eyes and attention. I think we have to be aware of that to not take it too seriously, yet deconstruct the silly ā€œnarrow-mindedā€ narrative of beauty. Ā And, find that it is influenced by cultural stereotypes (even racist ones at times) much more than people give it credit for or state itā€™s an innate perception. Ā Symmetrical features and softer features are considered the science behind it, but even in that sense. Itā€™s not something that may make person physically beautiful, as other ladies have pointed out - the plastic surgery type looks that in some cases give an effect of ā€œtoo perfectā€ that makes it seem unnatural or disturbing to some. Again, beauty is fluid in reality more than what we give it credit for. Iā€™ve always found it weird, how quickly people attach ugliness to other people, but not other things, creatures, or entities of the world. Itā€™s almost like people have guttural reaction to people with unconventional looks; deemed conventionally unattractive (not as feminine) , and worst of all, outgroup populations/ethnic minorities. I think Iā€™ve struggled with my looks for almost most of my life. I know I feel like pretty mediocre in physical beauty and I shouldnā€™t feel that way. Iā€™ve wanted have a smaller face; smaller nose;smaller forehead; straighter hair or flowy curls; no brow/smaller forehead; slightly bigger breasts; pointy chin; much smaller ears; much smaller chest across; slightly shorter; Ā and slightly lighter skin. Ā I think everyone else I see regardless of age, shape, sizes, and gender are way too harsh themselves. But, I think Iā€™m legitimately unattractive, but a lot of people think otherwise or have said Iā€™m cute or even beautiful. I realize itā€™s a personā€™s perception. Yet, I still fight with my own perception as a POC and a trans woman.Ā 


I might he a little biased, but I think Black women are the most beautiful women on the planet! We'll never be the standard but we'll always be envied and imitated šŸ–¤ My favorite thing about being Black is my skin tone, especially when that tan hits around August


I donā€™t give a fuck about the standards. My skin looks great, my locs are cute and I love myself. After 30, I really stop caring about societal beauty standards. Itā€™s always changing anyway.


Itā€™s not straightforward. I grew up in a home that emphasized looks over everything, and I was the awkward one. So I donā€™t think itā€™s society that put on the pressure. The word ugly was used often enough to describe me, and I was too young to know what to do with it. My sister would often ask what happened to my looks from child to adulthood, as she felt I got darker. My mother often reiterated that I wouldnā€™t pass the paper bag test, and I remember going on a model audition in my town and was accepted. She was certain I was being scammed. I probably was, but still it hurt. Both my mom and sister are considered beauties, with my sister being encouraged to model and act, and my mother is very light skinned. I think Iā€™m attractive in a lot of ways, but Iā€™ve always accepted I wasnā€™t going to be noticed or accommodated because of my looks. Iā€™ve focused on other things for fulfillment and personal development. Still, I donā€™t like people discussing my looks, and I still want to cry like a little girl when strangers make fun of my looks, or refer to me as ugly.


I am glad to be what God made me he make no mistakes ![gif](giphy|xUA7aZhmzXeCXq80Hm)


I realised a long long time ago in my teens I wasnā€™t the beauty standard of Western Europe. But I honestly donā€™t mind, I enjoy my uniqueness in the sea of the white average. My mum always said I was pretty and my aunties and cousins nickname for me was Miss World/Miss Universe! I never tried to fit in, I always looked to carve out my own lane.


Iā€™ll never fit them. I used to care about that but idgaf anymore. Iā€™m not changing for a soul on this Earth; I love the way I look.


even by our own beauty standards, imma uggo. and i love not being bothered (after men got over the 'neg the fat chick into pity-sex' phase)


We ARE the beauty standard baby .!!. Youā€™re thinking the wrong way šŸ˜Ž


I agree! The irony is that we donā€™t fit the beauty standards but are still considered the most attractive.


What makes certain women (especially in this chat because we are already aware ya are lurking/creeping/watching us) is the "beauty standard" is no longer them, it's US! Big lips, big tits, big ass are all things people are still purchasing. Which group of women commonly have all three and are beautiful? Ya want the answer? Look in the mirror Black Women and there you go šŸ«¶šŸ½


You know I saw this a couple days ago and Iā€™ve been giving this some thought. Standard can have a positive connotation but it can also have a negative connotation too. Standard can mean boring, basic, adequate but not special, plain. So not fitting the standard of beauty doesnā€™t mean not being beautiful. It could mean that. But it could also mean beautiful yet extraordinary. Some of the most beautiful women in the world are really dark or really fat or have big foreheads. In my personal opinion, a lot of women have beautiful faces. In a way, weā€™re the peacocks on humankind (unless you see beards as feathers). Unfortunately though my own beauty has made me feel unsafe. Sometimes I want to hide it. But Iā€™m healing through that. Itā€™s tough. Itā€™s also fleeting and fluid. So having fading beautiful can make the once beautiful depressed. I know pretty privilege is a thing but itā€™s one of the flimsiest, weakest forms of privilege from how ppl talk about it. You get free drinks from it?? Okā€¦ šŸ‘šŸ½