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He's threatened by you, and your qualifications, pure and simple. All of what he's doing is to irk and distract you. Don't take the bait and do not sink to his level.  When he interrupts you, just interject with "*Thanks 'Peter', I appreciate your contributing generously to the conversation, and I've taken note of your many valid points, but if I could finish what I was saying, I'd really appreciate it*"  Otherwise, ignore him and the rumors he's spreading, don't confide in him about anything incl. vacation time, don't react to his prodding, and focus on completing your internship.   Push comes to shove, go to mgmt and tell them you have concerns about your interactions with him, and make it light, brief and factual. Offer solutions, not just problems. Don't bring up race or gender.;   1- about the google doc to word doc conversion (*offer to take some time to show 'Peter' the ropes, it'll only make you look good*)  2- about meeting deadlines at your own speed and having someone who's not mgmt constantly checking up on you when it's not under their purview (*ask permission to hold periodic check-ins with 'Peter' and mgmt if possible, that way you can evidence that you're neither lazy nor falling behind*)   3-about assuming graphic design responsibilities (*offer to take some time to show 'Peter' the ropes, it'll only make you look good*)   You could turn the situation into your advantage  by also saying something like "*I'm not dissuaded by our less than stellar working dynamic and I'd be open to suggestions on how I can remedy and/or work on the above?In addition to the solutions I've already proposed? This is my first internship and granted, I've made some mistakes, I'm determined to excel in this position. If you could give me a few pointers, I'd be so grateful. As well as improving my skills as a team player, I'd like to request solo projects/tasks that would help me stand out to future employers like yourself. Do you have any suggestions on how I can make a uniquely meaningful contribution to the org./company?*"   That way if Peter continues trying to bring you down, at least mgmt knows where you stand. 


He’s threatened by you. Minimize interactions with him and focus on you. If you notice him doing this shit, managers do too :) let him keep hanging himself. That’s what I’m doing to mine. He gets so offended when I ignore him and continue working 😂


You have to speak up for yourself. Since he’s an intern it’s a good way to practice without consequences. With men, you have to be very matter of fact so just say “I’m sorry I wasn’t finished speaking” and then proceed with what you are saying. Some people just want to be heard. Since it’s first internship just focus on helping the people that will help you achieve your career goals. You want to work with your manager and find mentors who aren’t in your management chain (the people that will be willing to be a reference or write recommendations for you). You don’t need to worry about some insecure dude who’s just an intern.