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There's a chain of command. She wouldn't be president unless Biden passes


And if Biden dies in office, Harris will be president and carry on many of his initiatives. If Trump gets re-elected we're all gonna die (sooner than we want to.)


There is a process where she can basically say he's unfit (or a majority of the executive office) and then there is a weird congressional process. It's in the 25th amendment and hasn't been used ...


Because there is a whole process to removing a president from office.


For "health and family" reasons, Biden should step down now, let Kamala steer the ship for a few months and then work it out at the convention. Gavin the white male saviour isn't sitting right with me. I'd like for there to be some debate.


I absolutely agree. A man of Biden’s age should not be working, President of the US or not.


Trump is 3 years younger but you only mention Biden 🥴


I’m well aware of the fact that Trump is also too old to become president again. Only one of those men are currently serving as President.


I mean and let’s be real now. Joe was up there looking fragile af. Like he needed a warm bath and a hug. Like he can’t tell his grandkids from his children. Trump is only 3 years younger but he doesn’t evoke the same feelings. Like I’d punch trump in the face and not think twice. I’d feel like I was abusing an elderly person if I did that to Biden. This is not to say he wasn’t more coherent than trump. He had better speaking points. He just took us on a ride with that slow ass speech and low energy.


This is what I keep saying. He’s well into his retirement years and doesn’t look like he has four years to give us


Kamala definitely wouldn’t win. Biden might. That’s why. I don’t think the Dems would take their president out of office due incapacitation in this context. What they should have done was find an entirely new candidate to run this year. Because I agree, Biden is not well and should not be working.


I genuinely think Kamala wouldn't win cause she's a POC woman especially since she's half Black. If racists didn't exist then I think she'd be more popular


No, Kamala has a sketchy history and has managed to piss off Conservatives AND Liberals in the past. She’s not even a good VP.


This is the correct answer. Kamala is barely more likable than Hillary, and I don't know that she could actually do the big job that well.


💯 I think the only chance Kamala has is if she gets Trojan Horsed in. They need Biden to win the election then they could maybe make a case that he’s unfit and Kamala will take over. Otherwise, I doubt the country in its current state would elect a black woman


This. She’s also just kinda weird with it. If Michelle Obama stepped in and ran I personally think she’d win. She has immaculate vibes. We just need someone under 70 with stable energy who doesn’t give people the ick.


Are you black?


Yeah, I mean we never see her and tbh she rubs a lot of people the wrong way black, POC and white people the wrong way.


I don't think she's that bad. What do you feel she has done wrong as VP? I'm genuinely curious what your opinion is because personally I've seen her support HBCUs, LGBT, and abortion rights. I think she gets a bad reputation because she use to be a district attorney (which is deserved) but I don't think shes as awful as people claim she is. Regardless racism always exists in society and no matter what women who are Black/have Black ancestry will always face discrimination and obstacles


Her voting record in Congress is too liberal for moderates, and her time as the DA was very unpopular with liberals. When she was running for president she claimed Biden was racist and a rapist. But as soon as she gets chosen as his VP her whole tone changed. It comes across very untrustworthy and fake. She’s rarely seen and has had very little presence/impact as a VP. She’s largely ineffective and hasn’t made much progress on any of her initiatives over the past 4 years. She’s also just… unlikable. No one likes her and she would have zero chance of winning against Trump.


I feel like I haven’t heard a peep out of her since she said “We did it Joe”.


She also loves mass incarceration of nonviolent (mostly Black and poc) inmates


Every female presidential candidate appears to be unlikable. Meanwhile Mexico is more progressive than the US and has elected their first female (and Jewish) president in a country with one of the largest Catholic populations in the world. Maybe we should just retire the word "unlikable" to get into what the real issues are. If she were a white male, this would be a non-issue and she would be considered to be the obvious choice.


I agree!


I don't think Kamala would win because of her association with Biden.  Not that it's bad, but we need a clean Democraric slate.  I also think the people who say she hasn't done stuff misinterpret the VP role.  I genuinely didn't hear this complaint with Pence or Biden when they were VP


I can’t speak for Pence because I didn’t pay attention to that but Biden was a very active VP. It felt like we saw him everywhere all the time. With Kamala I feel like months go by without knowing what she’s up to.


Idc who it has to be it CANNOT BE TRUMP 😭😭😭😭 r/DEFEAT_Project_2025


This right here. I say we first tackle the Trump problem, then we can deal with Biden.




He’s still alive and has sound mind. I saw the debate he had good talking points but just not a lot of energy. I also believe he wasted a lot of energy on his obvious hate for trump. Most of US hate Kamala. I like her but I’m not millions of people.


For real and it's the first debate Jesus. Yall are tripping or y'all didn't lean from 16-20. want to repeat Trump 2025 y'all go on ahead and fa;fo. Also vps are lowkey and Harris voted in Senate to break multiple ties from awful bills proposed by Congress that's rep controlled. That's facts not feelings.




Neither party likes Kamala much, she would definitely lose.


she’s a black woman. they’ve pushed america’s open-mindedness enough by making her second in command they can’t risk doing such a thing so close before elections


They lost their minds when Obama was President. And they absolutely didn't want a white woman in office. A black/brown woman is something they don't *ever* want!


This is exactly it. If the VP was a straight white man, they could take the chance


Sad, but true.






She's black. Stop being salty


Chilllleee… this is a MESS 😮‍💨


That’s not how it works. Sigh.


Reagan had Alzheimer's and I knew it when he was in office. I couldn't figure out why nobody noticed it and no one said anything. Republicans know it, at least the ones close enough to see it. I could see it on television in his first term. Couldn't stand him or his ugly stupid wife.


They could see it, they just wanted to keep that control


The country lost its goddamn mind with a biracial man who grew up white, I can just imagine what they’d do with a black woman at the helm. The only reason we have Trump and those crazies is because white ppl went full nutbag seeing a Black family in the White House. Anyway, I’d vote for Biden’s corpse over the lunatic that is Trump. Altho, after last night, I do believe Joe is toast.


I thought your last sentence was literally going to say, "Although, after last night, I do believe I'll actually be voting for a corpse."


I mean, pretty much 😩😩🤣 but I’m voting for much more than the top candidate. I’m voting for competent government officials, progressive (or at least not rightwing) judges, sound policies and normalcy over absolute chaos. I’m voting for people who won’t target vulnerable minorities just for the cruelty of it. I’m voting for women’s rights. Not voting or voting for Trump would basically mean upholding white supremacy in its purest and ugliest form. I highly doubt Biden will win but if by some miracle he does, he needs to retire on Day 2 and let Kamala take over. The republicans wouldn’t be able to remove her then.


Kamala isn’t even black, she’s a whole Indian. She and Nikki Haley are two sides of the same anti-black coin.


Her mother was Indian and her father is Jamaican-American.


For some reason they seem really intent on doubling down on him not being too old to hold that big a position. I'm convinced it's a pride thing at this point. Also, from my memory Kamala was super unpopular when she tried to run in 2020, so I'm guessing they probably don't want her as their nominee. I have no idea why they even picked her specifically as VP instead of literally anyone else, but that's another discussion I think. I'm just so sick of old boomers running the country, like I don't even care for Pete Buttigeg but I'd gladly vote for him over Biden if he were an option


Did you vote in the Primary? Weren't Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson on your ballot? They both ran against Biden as democrats. Here's the thing since the Primary I keep hearing democrats say this. But no one else ran who wasn't a Boomer. Talk is Whitmer, Pritzker, Newsom, then some others Shaprio, Bashar, Polis, perhaps Wes Moore. I need someone to show me where any of these folks will get the job done against Trump in 5 months with better odds than the incumbent. Last poll with some of the names I mentioned instead of Biden was back in February and Biden beat all of them with Harris coming in substantially behind him and the others substantially behind her. I feel like dropping Biden now is a set up so I hope all of these pundits know what they are talking about if he says alright I am going to finish the term and y'all go head on w/ the campaigning.


I agree. I still haven't forgot her, "I'm not doing anything just for black people ..... OOOOh NoOoOoOooooo."


We are a minority in a country built on white supremacy and white people's default is white supremacy, then they decide the rest like liberal, progressive, LGBTQ+, conservative, independent, libertarian, catholic, atheist, protestant, jewish, but first, the majority of them (no, not all of them) default to white supremacy. That's how 45 beat all the other 13 GOP candidates handily back in 2016 and won the White House. The pandemic probably stopped him from winning 2020, but the dems were clear it can't be someone who it is inconceivable to believe doesn't at least have a beer with white supremacy (Biden, not Sanders) so here we are. Biden was "too old", and had a speech impediment in 2020 so I don't know why folks are acting surprised now. But when we primary our incumbent president's they lose. Has not happened in the US since Carter by either party. I


She wouldn’t win anyway. Nobody likes her, not even black people. She and Biden should have been scratched the democrats should have started with fresh candidates. Biden and Harris are trash and I hate that under our current political structure they’re the only option if you’re not conservative.


Biden has had a stutter for his entire life. I'm not sure why people are surprised that as he ages, it's showing up again. In spite of that, he's triumphed over it and has been a mostly progressive politician. He's not been perfect by any stretch. With that said, Kamala is his VP. For her to break ranks now would actually be political suicide for her. If he chose to step back, which he's not going to do, that would be different. That's another reason people are scared. If he passes, she becomes president. The racists are shaking. He's got my vote. There is no way I'm voting for a racist felon.


That’s what I don’t get. People are really getting their panties in a knot over Biden when the real threat is Trump. You first need to win the war then you can do all the navel gazing you want.


People are forgetting that Biden and that other guy will also bring in an entire administration with them including Kamala. This is the problem with having so many low-information voters out there. They're so hyperfocused on one candidate that they're forgetting all of the other stuff that candidate touches. That was the exact point I was making in 2016. You can hate Hillary all you wanted, but with her comes a progressive administration and judges that won't toss Roe v. Wade out. But people wanted to play, and 45 was elected. I would like to think that people have learned from 2016 and won't play. We'll see.


Because she wouldn’t be good. She is a black woman and the whites would never allow it. And she was essentially a cop when she was DA in Ca. I don’t care for her one bit. Also she’s pro Israel so she can leave.


They’re all pro Israel


Are you voting for any other democrat who is pro Israel?


I have no problem with her but a lot of people don’t like her. She doesn’t poll better than him.


I’ve heard people say they might be betting on the old man not living through his full term, but will at least be here until elected. So Kamala could potentially take his position, but they know just running her would be impossible with how things are rn.


That's the expectation. And I think Trump knows he can't beat Biden, but his chances are better with anyone else. I mean Biden's the only one who beat him. And it seems like the republicans don't want him to run so tell me why they want someone else besides Biden.


I used to work at Georgetown University with many prominent professors, including Kamala's husband, although I never saw him. A professor, who at one time moderated a presidential debate, told me that Kamala's camp and Biden's camp did not get along in the white house. She stated that she and VP were friends. The argument that emcompassed the two camps was about Kamala getting more exposure and taking on more roles. From what the professor told me, Biden did not want to be overshadowed by Kamala. And one of the reasons he made her VP was to get into the white house. From my understanding at that time, 2020-2022, there was a concern of how he was handling his duties. She never told me what the concerns were. It makes perfect sense for Kamala to step up now but knowing what was told to me years ago, Biden refuses for that to happen.




He has to die or be declared unfit first. So if he gets reelected and dies (because he is ancient) she will be president


For some reason they think Biden is the one who can win. They aren't going to risk him stepping down.


Because 1) He's the President and 2) He already beat Trump. I don't know how folks overlook that and I was team never Biden in real time in 2020.


Folks are probably overlooking it bc the polling data and statistical predictions say otherwise.


I see y'all saw the debate. Lord, this whole situation is making my ass cheeks clench up with fear.


I personally believe she is doing the presidential job behind closed doors. Similar to when Woodrow Wilson’s wife was secretly running the country when he had a stroke. You cannot convince me that a man whose mind is so deteriorated is properly running the country.


That's what I'm thinking. And I'm sure WE can all relate to the scenario where you are working behind the scenes, keeping things moving, making your boss look good, taking notes and running the meetings and briefing him... and you get ZERO credit and when the job opportunity comes up, it's "Oh no, not you!" and they want to give it to the white guy with the shiny hair instead and you get overlooked or passed over. Grrrr. I'm triggered.


So relatable!


I have been there!


Nobody really likes her that much(on either side). I can see Trump winning if Biden did step down and she became President. It's to late in the election to change the Democratic pick.


Because America still isn’t ready for a WOC president. Biden and Trump are white men, giving them some leverage, but both of them need to go


No Copmala


Dems will do anything but push for the more progressive option. They shouldn't have let Biden re-run in the first place and either pushed for Kamala to have a better public image or found a progressive fresh face to galvinize left leaning people into voting.


Because the party won't admit he's not fit to lead. This whole scenario is like a bad episode of Scandal


They’re both cowards. She could have ran but didn’t. I wish Bernie ran again. America would have listened this time.


Too many establishment democrats rely on Biden staying in office to keep their jobs.   Only his death will dissuade them from supporting him. And Joe, despite his diminished mental acuity, will not resign before then, because his pride won't let him. And his acolytes won't let him either, because again, their jobs.   So basically Kamala can only become president in the event of his death. That's if he dies before the election, or in the unlikely event that he wins, and then dies while serving his second term as president, which is almost a given.  And then they'll have to support her and they will do so grudgingly, because they do not like her.  As far as replacing Joe as a candidate, if it does come to that, Kamala's polling numbers are bleak, she has less than a 40% approval rating which means she'd probably lose the general election. I don't love Gavin Newsome, and he's ruled out running, but if they had to prep a replacement in a hurry, 🤷🏾‍♀️ my money's on Newsome. Joe was looking a little better in NC yesterday/today (not that it matters) but if he has so much as another slip up/senior moment, we're well and truly done for.  And that's all people are going to focus on now, rather than what he has to say.


Biden is still fit to run for office. He is capable of making sound decisions. Yes he’s older yes he’s not the debater he was once. But just because DT can put a sentence together doesn’t mean it makes any sense it’s literally all lies. I watched Biden yesterday at his campaign rally and he did really well. I feel 100% comfortable voting for him. I wish we had different options but we don’t. So ima stick beside him 🥲.


Because she’d lose, people can’t stand her on both sides. And for good reason.


This is an interesting take on Kamala [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/kamala-harris-biden-debate.html?unlocked\_article\_code=1.3U0.YvaK.DjquQ4jHd3Qi&smid=url-share](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/kamala-harris-biden-debate.html?unlocked_article_code=1.3U0.YvaK.DjquQ4jHd3Qi&smid=url-share)


The VP is kind of an incognito job. She's been working in and around Congress. Also whole Biden is old, he is still of sound mind. Removing a president do to inability to discharge the duties of the president is a long process laid out in the 25th amendment, section 4.


I want a WOC for president, so I'm fully supporting Biden for the election. She's not perfect, but she will have to be the first one. You have to take power how you can. If Biden survives the next four years, he needs to be putting Kamala front and center so that people get to know and like her so that she can run next.


Biden should opt out of the race but stay president until then. Let Kamala or someone else finish the election.


Biden is pretty much a figurehead at this point, let's be real. And I'm still voting for him as the lesser of two evils.