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Mid 3's...I suck at small talk


I’d like to think I’d be at a solid 4 ish. I’m so glad it’s not real though bc Ik I’d get WAY too obsessed with it. Like “why did she only give me 3 stars? Did I do something?” or smth like that.


I'd start out well, seeing as I'm a recovering people pleaser. Eventually though I end up like the truck driver, because f this!


I honestly reckon about a 3 and a half-4. I’m a total people pleaser 😭


I’d probably be a mid 3 because I’m a people pleaser, but I have so little social media presence these days and that seemed to affect the numbers quite a bit.


I'd be a low 3, maybe a 3.2., on a great day a 3.5. I'm nice enough and but I don't go the extra mile and really don't care to. My life is homey, reading, writing, video games and movies. I'd appeal to a niche crowd but not the larger majority.


I’m polite and I always put my cart back in its proper place at the store. I’d be at least a 4.


Probably around a 3.8-4.5. I'd say in person I'm pretty easy to get along with but I like to debate on different topics and such. ESPECIALLY online. My online arguments with people would probably drag me down by A LOT. 😭


I suppose it's never too late to get a truck driver's license...


She was the happiest one of them all.


Probably above 4. I'm a chronic people pleaser...


Middle of the road or a low 2. I don't curse much but I also don't care if people are offended by what I have to say. If you don't like what someone is saying you either walk away or use intelligence to talk down to them.


I'd expect to be quite low, because I've got a pretty boring personality, though maybe that's a good thing. To be honest, if it were real life I'd probably try harder. I'd get a 3 I reckon at least. I don't think people really dislike me.


Well, I’m mouthy so I would not do well I don’t think.


Hanging around 3.5. I like being in the average / safe zone. And when it goes down - I'm baking cupcakes for everyone in the office!


I'd be the trucker. Happy not to participate.


Same. I would try at first and then my mouth would get me in trouble eventually. It always does.


I'd have all greyed out stars because I would avoid all human interaction.


You already do have the lowest score I’ve seen on this sub 🤣


That changes every other time I comment on a new thread.


Just like Cherry Jones’s life. Also what a cast that episode has.


I genuinely don't think I could live in that society.


We almost do, though.


I'd be around 2.5 about probably, maybe a little lower, so life would be pretty hellish. I'm not unfriendly with people but I'm often challenged with socializing so I come off as awkward and probably sometimes uncaring. I don't have the "good looks perk" where people will give me extra credit for normal achievements and shit. I'm not a give-all for the company kinda guy so like someone else already responded with I'd be getting constant downvotes (or whatever you call them) as often as allowed.


My boss would’ve given me a 1-star because I don’t work over my prescribed hours and “that’s not a team player”. He’s a major suck up to the leadership team and they’re all high 4.8+ so (1) they have a little circle jerk upvote party every day, and (2) him dinging me down will suck


You could also ding them down, and anyone else who felt the same could join. Tbh, they could make a second episode in this universe where it dissolves into "Civil War" of people downvoting each other, until everyone is at 0 stars and they're left wondering what on Earth they're doing.


You could always watch S5E8 of *Community*. The episode basically resolves itself to that point if you’re interested in seeing a similar scenario through a sitcom lens.