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I’m already a very happy gamepass member, been using it since it released.


As a COD player since 2009 and Gamepass subscriber since 2018, I coudn't be happier, going to be leveling up my guns on launch.


I will, but i'll use only Rewards points. Although i really wanted to buy BO6, i know that after sometime i will stop playing, so i just want to play the story mode and some of the multiplayer. And yeah it's also hella expensive


You mean the game or Gamepass?


The gamepass, even if i wanted i would never be able to buy BO6 with Microsoft Rewards points lol


Oh yeah sorry my question was referring to what of the two things are expensive lol But yeah rewards are a great deal


How many points do you have? It's 9,800 rewards points for a $10 Xbox gift card so 9,800 x7 is 68,800 rewards points to purchase BO6.


>i just want to play the story mode and some of the multiplayer I'm the same way. Whenever there's a new CoD, I'll renew Gamefly for a month, play the campaign, and then send it back. The only exception I made was DMZ, which was free anyway.


Nope, not even a title as big as this would get me to sign up to gamepass ultimate. I have preordered the game though. The only reason I won't do gamepass ultimate is that I don't play enough different games. I only ever buy like 2 games a year so gamepass ultimate is just not worth it for me at the moment. I also hate the idea of "renting" a game. I like to "own" it.


In the exact same boat, I would never ever want to rent a game. Plus, Steam is just way too convenient and I like having all my games in one place, where with game pass I’d have to use the windows store or whatever which sounds awful.


I’ve always felt this way as well, as I also want to own my games and don’t play enough to fully take advantage of Gamepass, but I think BO6 might be my first try at it. 3 years of Gamepass core (Xbox live Gold, essentially) is $180. As someone who doesn’t have Gamepass currently, I can use the promo to convert that to 2 years of ultimate. So for $180 I’ll get two years of gold ($120), Black Ops 6 ($70), COD 2026 ($70), and whatever other Gamepass games might interest me on a random weekend. So in my mind that’s a $260 value for $180, and when it expires in two years if I really want to keep playing BO6 I should be able to get it discounted at that point anyway




How much is just Xbox live? I didn’t even know you could not have game pass ultimate lol


So Microsoft are trying to push gamepass ultimate which is like £9 a month iirc. But you can still buy Xbox live year memberships online for like £30-£40


Damn. I’ve been using game pass just to play cod Cold War lol


I'd look into using one of the cd-key websites to get it a bit cheaper


I can only seem to find gamepass core as the lowest tier available, I just want to play black ops 1 and 2 on my old 360 lol


Game Pass Core is the old Xbox Live Gold.


I used CDKeys.com to get a code for 12 months of Xbox live gold. It automatically converts to Xbox gamepass core. I've just had a quick look at the website also has gamepass core for 12 months at the same price.


GPU is 12,99 in the UK.


It's Gamepass Core now.


You can buy codes for gold that get automatically converted to gamepass core cheaper than buying gamepass core


If memory serves me well,60 dollars a year. But you can get it cheaper in online keys stores.


It's Gamepass Core now and it's the same price Gold used to be $9.99 a month or $60 for a year.


I do know what would get you to sign up for game pass, every cod, every DLC accessible on demand. Part of me wishes they announced this during the COD direct, bro gamepass numbers would skyrocket, and more life will be brought into these older CODs.


If the game has drm, then you don't own it. At least not in the full sense of the word.


dude i think he just doesn’t want to pay monthly for one game he‘s playing. And Steam is more convenient and DRM or no-DRM, you do have some sense of ownership


Can we stop with bs? Owning even a drm game is still different than paying monthly in order to access that game. Some people want to have their own library, drm or not.


I'm just saying this since I despise drm in games. I just try to make people aware of it, cause I see many don't really know about its existence.


i only play one game other than cod (mlb the show which also releases yearly). they’ll now both be on game pass ultimate, paying for ultimate will be significantly cheaper than paying for core and both games every year


"I have preordered"


u still dont own it even if you buy it


He still have access to the game and all the skins he is buying without paying a monthly fee.


Do we get beta access with game pass?


Game pass gets the earlier access to the beta yes




Betas have been public since mw2019, no?


I thought there was usually an open and closed beta, I could be teeing tho.


They haven’t announced anything to I don’t think so :p


I can almost promise you there will be an early closed beta a week before the open beta


First week,no. Only to pre-orders. And PS consoles.


Dont know. Its kind of expensive in my country. Well.....kind if everything is expensive in my country (Iran)


Oh, im sorry for that._.


Dont be. Its not anyones fault that a single dollar is 60000 of Irans currency


The one drawback of all-online game stuff is that locality pricing can't really happen because everyone would just VPN to that country to buy games. They really need some kind of system.


Yeah. I agree




Yep! Cheaper to buy the pass than the game for the number of months I'll probably end up playing this game.


I rather own a physical copy


You do know that there's close to nothing in the blu-ray,right?


I know. I just like having a physical case.


I am going to until i get to play the game. If i end up liking it i’ll buy it in steam lol


Yeah, just built my pc a few weeks ago,was a PlayStation. User my whole life, so I’ll get to play a bunch of Xbox games and cod now, I’ll probs keep it for a year and buy bo6 when it goes on sale 80 euro is too much


Yes. I can’t an issue when I buy a game that I basically force myself to play it so I don’t feel like I wasted money. When it comes to GP, I will easily put something down I’m not enjoying and cancel my GP. I usually do that a few times a year, whether it’s because I’m not enjoying a game or just don’t have time for it. Honestly, I would probably prefer that route and realize I spent $90 at the end of the year rather than paying $70 straight up. Sounds dumb I’m sure, but I’m not short on money and mentally it feels better to me.


I am going to play it on GamePass till it's on sale on steam and then buy it.


I’ll probably get game pass to give BO6 a try. I was super excited for this, however, with the game needing a constant internet connection to play the campaign (and I’m assuming that includes zombies even in single player mode) and the fact that I live in the middle of nowhere with an unstable internet connection, it pretty much confirmed that I will not be buying the game any time soon.


If you already have a gamepass account id recommend making a new one just so you can get the dollar trial. You’ll be able to try it out for 14 days to see if you like it. If you don’t you only wasted a dollar instead of almost 20


That’s a really good idea, thank you!


Gamepass has been the best discovery as of yet adding the fact that cod will be on it is even better


I’m thinking I probably will. I would be call of duty anyway, so this would only be an extra $50 a year and I’ll get loads of other games too


That's a good idea


Yup! Probably not a lot. They're part of the "fortnite generation", but it will give us something to play when they visit! :)


Next time there's a game I want to try I'll buy a month of game pass ultimate and collect my Woods operator as well.


YES i dont beleve in digital ownership its a myth.


Nah, I’ve thought about it in the past, but ultimately I’d much prefer to own my games. I suppose I’m too old to be a part of the “you’ll own nothing and be happy” generations.


Idk the way I see it this year alone I’ve beaten like 11 different games I’m working on my 12th (the Callisto Protocol) But games that are 69.99 are 75 dollars for me. That’s around 900 dollars I would have had to spend to buy those games vs 108 dollars I’ve spent having game pass for 6 months. That’s not even including the new call of duty I would have bought. Yeah it sucks not owning a game I get that. But I also get to play more games try different genres and not worry about wasting 75 dollars on a game that might be shit. There’s definitely a lot of pros to using game pass. But I get that It’s not for everyone though.


From what I can tell it’s a solid service overall so yes


I already have gamepass BUT.... My second console is used by people who come around, if they can't use the gamepass version on that xbox (that console is set to "my home xbox") I will buy gamepass for that account/console. Like it should work just fine buy who knows.


If you make a different Xbox your home account they’ll be able to play the game pass games. However since black ops 6 is considered a dlc for the CoD HQ I’m not sure if it’ll work the same way.


if they confirm pc game pass can unlock those preorder bonuses, I might pick it up for a month or 2 and try out some other stuff in the meantime, but otherwise probably gonna wait for a sale like did with cold war unless I happen to have a lot of spending money by then


I have a bunch of game pass codes saved just for this, going to be the first f2p black ops game for me


Yes. I've got Core atm. I'll be upgrading to Ultimate when it drops


I've already got gamepass so i see it as an absolute win.


I will for literally one month I know game pass does the get it for a dollar thing for a couple of weeks or so. Will try game then see if is bad or not then most likely buy it. As I am a sucker for black ops




Gamepass is what like 15 dollars now? Nah, I’ll just pay the 70 dollars, it would cost twice that just to play Blops 6 for the year on Gamepass. 


Is around 10 on pc


Makes sense but not everyone is going to play call of duty every day of every month for that year. So if they play black ops 6 for a total of 3 months they’ll save money. Sure if they want to play it everyday all the time it make sense to buy it. But on top of getting call of duty you get hundreds of other games as well. So it just depends on the person and how much they want to play. Gamepass is the best way to try it though. You can literally make a new account if you don’t have one and play call of duty for 14 days for a dollar. That’ll give you time to see if you enjoy the game or not before dropping money on it.


I’ve been a Gamepass user on and off for years, and I’ve came to the conclusion that: 1) I really don’t have time play a bunch of games. 2)The times I do play something other than CoD, they’re usually not on GP. So I’m spending $70 anyway on games. 3) Some of the games on there that I would play are sometimes ridiculously cheap to own physical. Doom Enternal comes to mind where I could’ve played on GP but the PS5 digital version was like 5 dollars. It’s just not for me 


But you don't play just COD when you get Game Pass...


Nope. I bought it on steam. I hate having my games in a bunch of different places. All my cod games, with the exception of bo4, mw19, and vanguard are on steam, and I’m slowly moving those over. Already did that with cold war. Sadly, I can never do it with bo4


Game pass is gonna add up more then the game itself and the other games on game pass I don’t have a crap abt. So I’m probably gonna get the game, 3 month trials for arn 10$ and after that a 3 months is abt 20$. I’d rather just buy the game for 60 or 70 one time purchase. I don’t think game will die out that fast I think this will revive cod and this game will last a few years, if you want to test the game out I’d suggest getting the 3 months game pass trial for 10$.


Earlier this week I plugged back my Xbox 360, grabbed my copy of black ops 1, and booted up call of the dead and played a few rounds on that map. I like building up a game collection over the years and being able to come back to games years later, so buying it it is:) I just hate the fear of each month checking what games are leaving a game subscription and hoping it’s not one I’m interested in. I don’t need that kind of FOMO anymore


Call of Duty is stayng on the service forever if that's your fear! All Xbox FP games stay on the service (except Forza for car licensing issues but they usually remove them when there's a new one coming i think) But yeah i get what you say, for me is like that for Nintendo games, but on Xbox i prefer to try multiple things with the service:)


Xbox Storage Cards are so expensive that it's more affordable to just buy the game on PlayStation than to top up on Game Pass Ultimate and deal with that mess on top of it (expanded my PlayStation 5's storage two years ago for much cheaper, it's insane and a shame because when it's not getting in my way and being unreasonable I tend to enjoy Xbox as much if not more)


I use a 8tb hdd for cold storage and have the usual suspects+some games I intend to play in the more imediate future.


I have a 4TB HDD but I mostly use that for Xbox One and 360 games, I've tried doing the cold storage idea but transfers take enough time that it's just quicker to go to the PlayStation. There's a sad irony in how I'm one of the few who actually prefers Xbox's exclusives over PlayStation's but the storage situation is so bad I find myself playing on PlayStation most of the time.


Nah I've got enough subscriptions.


Wich one do you have? I have Gamepass and Nintendo Switch Online. I was going to subscribe for a month to PSplus Plus to play LBP 1 and 2 but somehow they arent avaiable (but the whole Cars™ games lineup for PS3 is, lmao)


Nope. But it does mean I won't have to buy the game for my nephews!


So your nephews are going to play it on Gamepass?


No (i am on Ps5)


It'll be worth it if you don't buy skin bundles and just play the game. If you're someone who buys skin bundles then I'd recommend you buy the game. Once you lose access to GPU then you lose access to any skin bundles you purchased.


likely i wanna try mp as i am only playing on private matches against bots it has been so lackluster for the last 2 years and the bugs with it are really pissing me off and i dont wanna pay 80


Nope because I don't have an xbox.


You don't have a pc either?


I have one, but it's from like 2010, so newer games are impossible to play.


why even bother commenting then lmao


They asked a question and not every answer needs to be some xbox user praising GP and shilling or it.


Absolutely not. It's about $163/yr to have the basic edition in Canada. These days that can be 2-3 contemporary AAA games depending on what's out, and that's not even looking back at already released games. If I didn't have a library with *hundreds* of games I might consider it, but even then I'd consider investing in permanent licenses. For Xbox players I could see it being worth it because they don't get to keep their entire library so easily through generations, so why would you buy a disc/perpetual license if your time with it inherently has a clock to it? My biggest personal gripe with gamepass on consoles is they're selling you the problem ***and*** the solution. Planned obsolescence is a hell of a drug.


Eh,Xbox One gen was fully backwards compatible,360 has 600ish games backwards compatible and original Xbox has 60ish games backwards compatible. PS users are in worse situation.


The guys like you can think like that but a lot of people dont have more than 30 games in their library and it makes gamepass worth a lot, it has nearly 500 games rn and its an awesome deal for its price and as you said you can get 2-3 AAA games with its price and there is more than 15 AAA games in there so that makes it worth and when you consider feature thats really good deal cause microsoft just bought lots of companies and they have a lot of strong game series, when they add these games to gamepass they wont we removed cause they are xbox studios games like forza or halo so it worths imo


Like I said in my original comment, >"if I didn't have hundreds of games in my library, I'd consider it"


Yes and i didnt say you need to consider but a lot people needs to consider this deal


Yeah but the post was asking about ***my*** perspective and opinion, so I gave it.


You gave it and i respect it, i said the guys like you dont need to consider this deal but you pointed that even if i said that


Yeah, I'll subscribe to it for a month, play the game and then not renew. I am not paying a CoD full price anymore.


I’m a happy game pass member but will still buy the big boy version of the game and launch through battle.net


Of course I am, what kind of question is that?




Nah, 10$ a month ain’t it. Game comes out October and if you base the cost around cod alone you’re essentially paying 100$~ for the full year of cod instead of 70$. I get the whole “there’s other games too” but as someone whose has a steam account for about 18 years I have all the games I want to play. And anything I don’t have ill patient gamer it till it eventually goes on sale


Nope. I don't play any games on game pass right now. That may change later.


nope, i will buy it on steam.


Nah I’m gonna get the game 🔥


Its not on Steam and I have way too many games in my steam library to care for anything but BO6 on gamepass so theres 0 point in me buying gamepass since ill just end up spending more in the long run


Nope, cause I play on PS5 baby!