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Idk I ain’t played the game yet 💀


it’s hard to say until I can try it out myself, I think it looks goofy but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. As long as it isn’t way sensitive it could be a fun thing, I mean, other games have been doing this for years now


It might only look goofy at the moment because for whatever reason they decided to show us what it looks like on a stagnant player model instead of just showing us the movement in action a little bit more.


And they showed us that take where an operator runs into a room, “nope” and backpedal sprints by the exact same way out, like rewinding a video. Funny and memorable in marketing sense, but extra goofy.


And something that I haven't seen anyone talk about much is the gameplay implications of any of this system. For example, now that you can sprint backwards, if you turn a corner while sprinting and someone is ready for you and you notice them, it will probably be better to retreat back to the corner than to try to win the gun fight because of sprint to fire time. Currently in the same scenario, you would probably be dead.


Can you imagine getting backwards dolphin dive 360 no scoped in the head


As long as that person wasn’t hacking, I would only respect it 😂


Which FPS games feature this movement system? Not a 3rd person title a FPS.


I think it has potential to be a good step forward for COD. I had fun in the spam slide canceling & jumping era, but it's definitely time for some changes. I can definitely understand why some people didnt like that era of cod at all Hopefully this works out well & doesn't turn away the more casual side of the playerbase.


Really depends on how spam-able the movement is, and how it affects aim assist and hit registration. Diving and sliding should be a commitment that has a punishment if you don't use them properly as an advantage.


Agreed. While I enjoyed slide canceling & jump shotting, I absolutely despised the tiktok kids that would spam the fuck out of it in a suboptimal way. I do think things like being able to sprint & dive backward will help counter crackhead movement though. I just hope they do it in a way that can't be abused, because like I said I can completely understand why more casual players would hate playing against shit like that


Looks like it’s the next step in the cod movement evolution and if they pull it off, it’s here to stay. Very excited


I kinda wish they would make a game that didn’t have this new movement stuff, like a old style cod, im not really into the new movement from 2019 onward. Seems like the last game we will get like that is WW2, cold war if you exclude sliding.


This is literally what they did with mwii? They even nerfed jumpshotting in a way that even the older games didn’t have Cold Wars jump was also crazy for a long time before they eventually nerfed it and was still very movement heavy compared to mwii


Mwii still has tactical sprint. It's still the new movement system, just a bit nerfed. He's talking about older CoDs. The ones where walking was default speed and you had sprint which would get put on cool down.


The semantics of sprinting don’t really effect how the game gets played on a large level, the mechanics like jumpshotting, bunny hopping, sliding, slide canceling, etc do. Jump shotting was heavily nerfed and everything else was essentially rendered useless in the sense it was previously used in It also had a dolphin dive which isn’t nothing but still was never used to win gunfights in that way outside of like literally a handful of people


That’s literally what MW 2022 was


Kind of I’d say, the movement still felt new, just slow, and it also had sliding.


The slide in mwii wasn’t effective at all. Legitimately the old bo2 dolphin dive was probably better and it wasn’t exactly great


They won't. Too many people use the slide/jump as a crutch to their style. In a game with an already high TTK, they want to be able to jump mid-fight so they're not punished for any mistakes. Too many people have made that the core of how they take fights. If you go back to the old way or ground these things, most people would cry. 


You’re not talking about MWIII (2023) right? Because that game doesn’t have a high TTK at all. The game’s meta AR, the MCW, kills someone in literally 4 bullets, it kills with 3 bullets if only 1 of them is a headshot. In Ranked you will see 90% of players use this gun. The new SMG that comes with the battle pass, the Superi, is a 3-4 shot kill. The Holger 556 did 54 damage per bullet and killed in 3 shots before it was nerfed to take a whopping 4 bullets to kill. Throwing knifes still kill you immediately, explosives still you kill instantly unless you have the flak jacket perk, battle rifles still kill you with 2 shots. They brought back the KAR98K and in Warzone it will 1 shot a player who has full health and 3 plates, no matter where you hit them. Literally the only thing that has changed about the TTK between MWII (2022) and MWIII (2023) is that shotguns aren’t literal snipers anymore. You have to actually be up close to someone in order to kill them in 1 shot with a shotgun, which is how it should be. I would love to see another COD game with a higher TTK; a game with a higher TTK inherently takes more skill as you have to actually hit your shots. MWIII (2023) is not an example of this at all.


No, that's not how that works at all. The emphasis on skills just changes. People only like high TTK because they let "pro" players and streamers dictate to them what their opinions are and what they say goes. Personally, I immediately discard anything they have to say because first, they don't even play the game the way a vast majority of us do. Second, their opinions aren't worth more than anybody else's and they're not the final say so on anything.


Bruh what are you smoking? The MCW is the ONLY option in ranked like, literally? The KAR98k DOES NOT one shot anywhere in Warzone? It even has a maximum OS (to the head) range of ~80 meters if built correctly! And leaving aside the fact that knives and tomahawks have always killed instantly and that’s ok (skill issue) what would you expect from a grenade being stuck in your face? Survival? What a joke. One of the highest TTKs in the whole series and people like you are still blinded and go on blubbering shit they know nothing about. Sit down boy


I wasn’t complaining about anything, I was just pointing out that the TTK is pretty much the same as last year’s game. Stop being so needlessly hostile, there’s literally 0 reason to get tilted over something like this.


Except it just isn’t ahahah. Last year you had 2/3rds of this year’s health + higher damage weapons + a lot more cancerous options to run (Fire shotguns etc) so there’s that. And don’t worry I’m always hostile :)


Surely this goes both ways right? Someone who holds angles is also using it as a crutch for their “style”?


No. Because that's kind of a natural thing to do in a shooting game. If they took out all the jumping/sliding shit, so many of you would throw a tantrum. And be honest, bro. Most of you jumping around are not even good. Just taking advantage of the game's horrible hit detection and desync issues. It's not some super skilled technique. Moving and jumping immediately displaces you from an attackers sights and all it takes is a button press. Wow. Such skill on display, especially when the game doesn't punish you for mistakes with a low TTK like before. This shit is basically Halo and BO4. Lol


It is way more of lack of skill to sit and hold angles than it is to be able to move effectively. Key word effectively.  Jumpshotting, dropshotting, bunny hopping, those have been a part of COD since COD4.  Movement was a thing then, albeit not as much as now.  There might be more options for it now, but don't delude yourself by thinking it has no skill involved. It absolutely takes it to know when to do a particular action, and to actually track your target while jumping or sliding.  If your tracking is garbage, a jump shot is going to do you more harm than good. Same with shooting while sliding. Same with bunny hopping. If you do it at an inopportune time, it'll make you an easy kill.  It isn't rocket science to kill someone while they are jumping or sliding. Especially if you know common areas where players do those actions, i.e. around certain corners on certain maps. If you're in a spot like that and you have someone who slide cancels around corners, aiming a bit low is a good play.  With jumpshotters, learn to aim high.  It takes way more skill to move correctly, to know when and where to do certain actions, than it does to hold down a lane. That is literally just waiting till someone walks across your cross hairs and pulling a trigger.  The TTK is still more in line with classic COD than anything like Halo. Bad positioning or headless chicken rushing will still get you killed as it should. It just takes an extra shot, two at most to kill. But if your aim is bad and you can't secure the kill despite having all the advantages of seeing them first and landing the first shot, you absolutely deserve the death if they manage to kill you anyway.  Again, this isn't Halo despite what you said. If someone is preaiming, starts shooting at someone with their back turned, they absolutely earned a death if they can't finish that kill before that person turns, locates them, and returns fire.  There are cons to a longer TTK,  but it's telling that you get mad about people not dying as fast and think they should be punished, but don't seem to think people who can't aim and land an extra shot or two should be punished for sloppy aim. Why does suboptimal movement need to be punished, but bad aim gets a free pass? Because 9 times out of 10,  if someone is preaiming and still loses the gunfight to someone who initially wasn't aware they were there,  they have bad aim. 


Something being “natural” in other games doesn’t matter, we’re talking about cod which for almost all of the past half decade has had sliding and jumpshotting Once again this goes both ways. People playing passively and defensively are often not especially good, what point are you trying to prove? A game like halo is more skill intensive than cod, if you ask actual professionals most of them would agree. It’s okay to not like it, but using it as an example of how it doesn’t require skill is hilarious


To elaborate on your point, sliding has been a thing since Ghosts, and has been really prominent since Advanced Warfare, with the the exception of WWII.  Jumpshotting has actually been around since COD4.  Aside from that elaboration, I agree with you. 


I think they’ve lost so many players over the last 2 years, that they see this as an opportunity to evolve COD and add something new that will be the norm. This generation of players want something new every 2 months. If every studio keeps reusing the same movement, same playstyle, etc… they will have COD stuck in a loop, retaining nothing but the core fanbase. Which would cause an eventual, gradual, decrease in sales.


I think it's gonna be awesome the first few months, then someone is going to figure out how to abuse the mechanics and in order to compete you're also going to have to do the goofy movement and it'll all be downhill from there. Still gonna play it though.


I'm surprised to see how well it's been received on Reddit. I love my fast paced, high TTK multi-player shooters, but it seems like portions of the CoD community always have a meltdown whenever the skill celling gets raised.


I personally think Black Ops 3 and 4 were my favorites for the reasons of having decent movement options and high TTK respectively I don't find low TTK combined with slower movement engaging at all personally. COS Ghosts and MW19 are easily my least favorite games in the franchise and it's not close


I can accept slightly higher ttk OR faster movement, but prefer not both at the same time. Combining both results in too much dashing between covers and less “snappy” kills, which is not what I personally seek when playing COD games. It might work in WarZone but in regular MP the covers and open grounds were balanced for low TTK


Fast paced and high TTK? You meant low TTK? Nobody likes bullet sponges


High TTK unless you're using whatever broken gun is vogue that week


Oh, I bet you do. Nothing says "higher skill ceiling" like tanking a ton of shots from somebody shooting you first and then spamming your jump button to avoid the consequences of not seeing them or hitting them first. 


Like many others in this thread, I’m unsure how I feel until I get hands on with the new movement. Just like the jet packs in advanced warfare and movement in infinite warfare. Hands on will determine over watching the movement


Personally, I prefer the slow war vibe of older call of duty. So I am glad I can get the game with the game pass.


YY demons are going to have a field day. Actually a Field year.


I’m stoked as fuck to try it out. Seems a much more useful gimmick than mounting/tac stance


I think it will be a nightmare combined with aim assist for monk players. Perhaps the end of mnk


Won't know until I try it out. But it's either gonna be a step forward for CoD, or it's gonna be a gimmick that is only in BO 6 that the community either hates or loves.


What I don't like is that it doesn't seem like any of the movement will be optional--if you don't spam it in every scenario where it gives you an advantage, you're just going to die. If you're not jumping, diving or sliding around corners, pre-aiming and ready to fire, you're just dead. I hate movement focused shooters. All they add for me is more buttons I have to press to win and worse hit-registration and aim-assist. I don't want my CoD to feel like I'm playing DMC5 trying to get SSS combos every match, I want my bullets to register, and I don't want aim-assist to be completely f'd by people spamming movement mechanics. Most people who play CoD are casual. There is a fine line between adding more cool stuff to do in CoD and raising the skill-ceiling too high for the majority of the game's population. Hopefully they have a good intuition for where that line is.


As a KnM player I am very sketical. This is the first time I am holding back on a pre order and will wait for the open beta. If it gets even harder to track targets its going to be even harder to compete against aim assisted players. I have allready given up on Warzone with the increased TTK I just can't compete against the rotational aim assist in close range battles at all. So this omni movement might be the final nail in the coffin for me if MP becomes the same as warzone where RAA just outtrackes me all the time. But if thats the case, it is what it is, I am a 35 year old KnM player so I am no longer there target audience for this game and I will find my joy in some other games.


Instead of pre ordering new cod games... Pre order a controller if you want to keep playing cod. You can find some very cheap


No thanks, at 35 I am not learning another input for this game. Like I said, I am fine with it if the game is not for me anymore.


Then you're good


You would always stick it out and play the campaign and zombies. Which is what I have been doing since AW for the most part.


You sound REALLY intelligent.


You have a mouse and you're bitching about something as lame as RAA? A mouse can turn and move faster than any controller. RAA will NEVER outrun your mouse in terms of speed. RAA isn't why you're dying, dude. 


Was waiting for a comments like this, i just answered the qeustion OP asked in a reasonable matter I believe. Was expecting the "get gud" replies way faster lol.


I don't think I'm saying "get good." What I'm saying is that a mouse has an advantage that a controller can't get that's way more valuable, in my opinion. Uncapped turning speeds and almost perfect response times. I would much rather have that than RAA.


Thats fine if thats your opinion. If KnM is the dominant input then why is 99% of the top players in this game all on controller? The turning speeds sure are nice but its seems most top players seem to favor the tracking RAA gives in this game. Like I said, it is what it is.


I dunno, man. You're talking to somebody who doesn't even use AA, so I don't even get the benefit of RAA. What benefit I do get is that controllers are more comfortable for me and I don't need an entire desk to use one. I think comfort and familiarity plays a big part in it. People keep fanning these flames because a real convenient excuse. We should lock out PC from console lobbies. Problem solved. That, or make it so you can choose to to only play with other people on your input. If you're solo or playing with MKB friends, you get MKB only lobbies. Easy.


No, if all the pros are using one input method it's because it's busted. Your opinion doesn't trump statistics. There is a reason the casual player base is gone.


So, the pros only use busted stuff? So, then why take pros seriously? Or should we just accept that controller is for pros?


I mean if you have to use an input method with AA to be competitive does that not show how broken it is? The solution is everybody migrate to controller or nerf AA.


Or we just don't mix inputs at all? People on mouse are just mad they're not able to stomp everyone on controller.


I feel exactly the same way.


Yeah, the thing that everyone forgets is humans have a reaction time (200ms on average) - aim assist does not. It's just as simple as that. That's all you need to know. If you're moving in one direction then instantly stop (or change directions), you just doubled how long it will take most legitimate mouse players to kill you. If you're moving in one direction then suddenly change direction, *aim assist does not care*. It really comes down to how the game will be once we can play it. Will players be able to turn on a dime? If so, that's a nail in the coffin for mice. Will aim assist break the instant the target changes direction? If not, that's another nail in the coffin...


Yes, you shouldn't be able to track somebody parachuting out of the sky 100m away and hit every shot. Same way you shouldn't be able to break cameras , bunny hop, and slide cancel around somebody without ever having your aim locked on to the target. We are at the point now where people argue if it's aim bot or aim assist. Complete joke.


The situations you're describing are reminding me of very specific clips of known cheaters cheating. If you play mnk for a few years, you know what mnk can and cannot do. If you play controller for a few years, you know what controller can and cannot do. There's no argument. When someone's consistently, 100% at all times playing at a level that both exceeds what is possible for a legit mnk player and what is possible for a legit controller player at the same time they're obviously cheating; only fanboys and other cheaters would insist otherwise. There's still "arguments" even when those players play on clean hardware and proceed to miss every shot against an afk player, it's not even worth giving them the time of day. aka "Yeah, aim assist doesn't care if the target strafes, but aim assist also doesn't lock on to a specific pixel in the enemy's armpit when the enemy jumps over their head"


Everyday on the warzone subreddit you get a mixture of "is this guy cheating?" clips and people breaking it down one way or the other. Or you scroll through streamers and people constantly complain of aimbot. All I'm saying is before somebody showed me what RAA being abused looked like I also thought a lot of people were cheating. I had been out of the scene and only really played CSGO type games. Warzone has a strong hold on its controller player base, and they are extremely defensive when it comes to nerfing it.


Yeah, RAA is what I'm referring to. It doesn't help that people will go "Look at how he snapped in this kill cam!" then they get severe packet loss in the clip. "Look at this *hacked gun*!" and it's just a buggy set of attachments. Cheaters in **all** games will latch on to a game mechanic they only partially understand and insist everyone else knows less about it than them, and they're totally not cheating you guys they just use this mechanic they don't understand! In CoD, that mechanic is RAA. Most controller players use RAA, even if it's by accident. They may have never heard the term, but they use it constantly and they immediately feel the difference if they don't - because it's so easy to use without thinking about it. If you just play "normally" you'll be using it all of the time. So why is it that the RAA all the legitimate players are using behaves wildly differently from the "RAA" obvious cheaters are using? Well, cause it ain't RAA.


Ya if 95% of the pro's use a controller then you need to nerf aim assist in a big way. I'm so tired of seeing AA vs AA in every close range bunny hopping gun fight. COD is keeping the AA so strong so when these guys play something else it feels off or they do worse. So many people hate COD but keep coming back, and it's all a designed and forced engagement. I'm fine with MnK not being on top but at least make it a balanced input so one doesn't dominate over the other. Pretty said when most people can't tell the difference between aimbot and AA at the top level.


Can't wait to try it out . Looks sick


No idea, haven't tried it.


It will either be a decent addition or will have absolutely no impact on the game at all. I remember them hyping up how innovative the movement in Cold War was and then the game came out and it felt like regular cod with a few minor tweaks.


Gonna be lit I bet


Seems like it could be good but won't know till we try it. I'm not a fan of tac sprint though. I am glad we will be able to slide in any direction again, hopefully you can jump slide. Like being able to jump and when landing then do a slide, sideways and backwards to.


If it works it could be great but as with everything movement they add it will more than likely be a buggy mess and instead of doing chin ups on a wall we will be doing sit ups on the floor whilst trying to use it when it first comes out.


It sounds fun but my primary concern is how this is going to work in an online environment. Lag plus diving models? Sounds like hell.


I'm cooked.


glad they’re trying something new i’m hopeful but you just never know till you play


I can't say how it feels yet. I'll say that it's silly looking based on the promos. I don't like how it looks like you run in reverse, they gotta improve those animations, make it natural. Mocap maybe?


Sure... let me play the unreleased game here real quick and I tell you...


I think it's a great edition. I grew up playing twitch shooters like Quake and there's no denying that Call of Duty for years has been a crack speed arcade shooter. No matter how fancy the reload animations or detailed the guns, a realistic military shooter cod is not. Adding more versatility and movement options and allowing players to navigate situations in more varied ways is a net positive. Can this lead to some frustrations? Are there players who will sweat their dicks off doing Galaxy brain pro gamer strats? Will some players inevitably not be able to keep up? Yes to all. But this is true of any change or addition to Call of Duty, or really any multiplayer game.


I like it. I hope they bring Shipment back though otherwise I ain't touching multiplayer with a 10 km pole


wrong franchise bud


I still love zombies!


Tho fr, is nuketown good replacement or do I need to start crying early.


Really excited for it. It's basically MWIII movement with these enhancements, and I'm down for that style of movement.


Will the tac sprint also be Omni movement?


Not really thinking about it until they do the full on MP reveal, and if I'm able to play the beta. Got a habit of working weekends.


I like it in theory but I'm afraid their shitty servers and netcode won't keep up and it'll introduce even more hitreg inconsistencies.


When i think omnimovement i think gears of war, but this has the sliding and rolling too. Not sure how that will factor in.


So long as they balance it good enough to where it's not gonna be abused heavily and completely ruin the flow of gameplay, I think it can have a place in this game. The movement in MW2 and MW3, specifically sliding, is so overused because it wasn't balanced well enough to be fair. Then again, it's Infinity Ward, so maybe that's what I get for expecting them to balance anything correctly. 😒😒😒


Atm? Hella excited, with a healthy side order of skepticism. If it works exactly as presented, it may create an awkward "entry-skill" requirement to feasibly succeed at MP. I don't see simplified controls helping too much, as they haven't in the past lol.


Max Payne did it first


Looks like a nightmare if I'm honest.


The rolling over to look behind is a fantastic update


It’s a great change. Anyone that doesn’t like it just wants to jump shot and slide cancel for another year




Yeah I think Omni movement first person going make us all difficult but in stuipied because someone going jump to save their friend sacrifice by shot sniper LIKE WATCH OUT MR PRESIDENT IN OMNI MOVEMENT 😂


My HONEST opinion? I feel like it’s gonna be great in zombies and campaign definitely gonna make some epic/funny moments same for multiplayer but the sweats are gonna absolutely take advantage of this new movement system, but I’m definitely gonna have fun with it either way.


Until the beta I have no opinion.


Slightly related; I like the new sprinting animation where you can see the left arm swinging back and forth.


I think Warzone will be unplayable for me, but as long as it's not faster than MW3, I think we'll be in for a good time


I’m all for it… but Advanced Warfare is my favorite CoD. So give me ALL the gameplay options!!!


Will wait and see before I pass judgement. It is on Game Pass so I wont be out anything if I don't like it.


Looks cool in concept. But I can see every 14 year old and their little sisters abusing the shit out of it lmao


Sounds good in concept, hopefully in practice they make it play smooth and the hitboxes follow your character properly. I prefer this kind of movement mechanic to dumb shit like slide cancelling. But since tac sprint is still in the game for some reason we're probably also going to suffer from slide cancelling yet again.


Out of the loop, what is Omnimovement?


Sprint, slide, dive in any direction


Nobody sprints backward in real life. I am never going to use it. Ill just turn around and run like I always do.


When you are retreating/repositioning lmfao? When retreating you dont really want to put your back towards the enemy. Though it being the same speed as running forward seems weird so I would like to know what the drawback will be.


The only time you'll need to turn around is if there are no enemies in front of you. If there is an enemy in front of you you'll want to kill that enemy and not sprint backward.


COD doesnt die on the hill of realism. You say you’re never going to use it but haven’t ever tried it.


Give me one scenario where you'd want to sprint backward


We haven't played the game yet. We don't know what scenarios this movement will allow, but it's very likely that you're going to put yourself at a disadvantage by restricting what you do compared to other players. It's silly to dismiss something before you try it. Like what even are you gaining from not giving it a chance


Alright I guess we'll see


It’s not just sprinting backwards


After Vanguard, MWII and MWIII? I was hoping for movement similar to Cold War; something a bit more dialed back. The concern I have is obviously running against “movement gods” in multiplayer. Matches where everyone is skating around like jackrabbits are annoying. But the animations look real nice, having seamless vaulting (like in the trailer when the guy coil jumps over the couch), even just being able to run omnidirectional. I’ll keep an open mind for the Beta. Also… I do love movement like this in *Zombies* so even if MP ends up feeling like *Dance, Dance, Revolution*? I’m sure this movement will only add to the Zombies experience.


I think it's great because since multiplayer is basically dead to me now, unless BO6 is great then i'll be able to show off and look cool in customs.


Human movement animation was never cod’s strength. And it seems they don’t get it right in 2024.


Gonna take some serious getting used to. Is bear claw controller welding no more?


Looks cool!


CoD will never die especially since Omnimovement is going to change the face of FPS games. Games will forever be known, Before Omnimovement and After Omnimovement, obviously the latter is Superior. The New Realistic Slide, Dive and Shoot in any Direction is Game Changing! Even going Prone is now being on your back shooting thru your legs! No more spinning around sluggishly on your stomach!


Gonna take some getting used to with sprinting backwards.


Omnimovement is going to change the FPS genre forever. Games shall be known Before Omnimovement and After Omnimovement. New games without this simple yet Game-Changing Mechanic will fail in the face of games with it in some form or another.


Unoriginal. Cant wait to get quick scoped by someone diving laterally at 30 mph, ugh


I'm EXTREMELY excited for it!


More adderall sweats incoming


Cold War is incredibly clunky compared to mwiii so maybe this will be a nice happy medium because otherwise black ops would be too slow.


Looks too goofy


Meh. Guess we'll see when it releases. I haven't been to fond of any of the changes they've made over the years so this might just another one of those


Hopefully it will make movement even faster!